My Dragon, My Dom

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My Dragon, My Dom Page 1

by Dulce Dennison

  My Dragon, My Dom

  By Dulce Dennison

  Copyright © 2014 Coastal Escape Publishing, LLC

  All rights reserved.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hearafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Coastal Escape Publishing

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter One

  Corbin Richters watched the sexy-as-hell man walking through the door of the precinct, his blue uniform fitting snugly to his shoulders and chest, the silver badge gleaming under the florescent lights, his stride powerful and purposeful as he approached Captain Meeker. The dark hair on his head stood out in disarray, but it was artfully done, the waves beckoning to be touched in an intimate caress. His eyes looked green from this distance, and they took everything in, in a swift assessment that said he was ready for whatever danger that might be lurking within the precinct walls. Whoever he was, he wasn’t a rookie. No one got that hard-edged look, the look of a predator, the first day on the job. Corbin’s heart kicked in his chest and his hands clenched on top of the desk. What he wouldn’t give to peel away that uniform and see what lay beneath the crisp, blue material. He unconsciously licked his lips as he thought about trailing kisses along those broad shoulders. Corbin’s skin heated and his cock twitched in his pants. He felt his scales ripple under his skin and fought for control. Hell, here he was fantasizing over the man, and he wasn’t even sure if the cop was into men or women. Or both. It had been a long time since he’d had such a reaction to someone on first sight, and he wanted to explore the feelings a bit more.


  He cast a quick glance around. Had he said that out loud?

  Corbin watched as the officer shook hands with the captain and then Captain Meeker pointed at Corbin. Why on earth was the captain sending tall, dark and sexy his way? Not that he was going to complain! He had to admit to being curious. What did the man’s voice sound like? Would he offer to shake hands? Would that little bit of contact arouse Corbin’s dragon even more? The beast was already more than a little intrigued.

  The object of his desire strode across the room with panther-like grace, his movements fluid and beautiful, stopping at the edge of Corbin’s desk. The officer flashed him a smile, one that had his dragon—lusty beast—perking up considerably, and held out his hand. Corbin stood and shook it, an electrical current shooting up his arm, swirling down through his chest, and settling in his balls, making them draw up tight. His cock gave another jerk, but if the officer noticed —and something told Corbin that he had—he wasn’t commenting on it. Corbin had thought the man would pack a punch, but it still took him by surprise, this visceral reaction. He couldn’t remember the last time his dragon and he had been in total agreement on their choice of bed partners.

  The man’s voice was crisp and clipped as he introduced himself. “Josh Myers.”

  “Corbin Richters.” Corbin released Josh’s hand somewhat reluctantly, before he did something stupid, like jerk him closer for a different sort of embrace. As it was, he wanted to bury his nose against the man’s neck and inhale that incredible scent that was teasing him.

  “It seems I’m your new partner,” Josh said.

  Partner? Corbin shot the captain a look. No one had said anything about a new partner. Corbin had only been part of the Blueberry Hill Police Department for a little over a month, having been lucky enough to land the job within a week of hitting town. Already he’d gone through two partners. The men had claimed that Corbin was too rough and rude, but he knew the truth. They hadn’t wanted to work with a gay officer. Probably afraid it would rub off on them or some stupid shit like that.

  “I take it this is news to you,” Josh said, that gorgeous smile flirting around his lips again. Lips that looked full and soft, the kind of lips a man could kiss forever.

  Corbin cleared his throat, hoping to get better control of himself. “Yeah, I hadn’t heard that I was getting a new partner today.” He met Josh’s gaze. “But I’m glad you’re here.”

  Too direct?

  Josh’s smile broadened and there was something in his eyes, a warmth that told Corbin his advances might be welcome. He supposed time would tell. It was possible the guy was just being friendly and he was reading into things.

  Corbin pointed to the desk butting up to his. “That will be your space. There should be some pens and paper in the drawer, but if not, we can hit up the receptionist on our way out.”

  “Hitting the streets early?”

  “I thought we’d swing by Espress Yourself and grab some coffee. There’s no charge to officers for a regular cup of coffee, and they usually have a few different kinds brewed. You have to pay for those fancy drinks though.”

  Josh smiled again. “Sounds good. I can check out the desk when we get back.”

  “The black SUV near the rear entrance is ours.”

  Josh scanned him from head to toe. “I’m guessing your size has something to do with us getting the biggest vehicle. What are you? Six foot four?”

  Corbin grinned. “Six-six.” Not that Josh was short. He had to be at least six-two.

  They strolled out of the rear precinct door and headed to the SUV. Corbin popped the locks with the key fob and slid in.

  “So...” Josh glanced his way as he snapped his seatbelt into place. “Your place or mine?”

  Corbin swallowed the wrong way and coughed so hard he couldn’t breathe. “Pardon?” he croaked.

  “For dinner tonight.” Josh held his gaze. “I thought it would give us a chance to get to know one another better. A couple of pizzas, some beer. Maybe put on a football game.”


  Josh smirked.

  “Why don’t we start with that cup of coffee?” Corbin suggested. “You may discover I have bad habits and run the other way. I’ve never lost a partner in just one day and I don’t want to start now.”

  Josh shrugged those powerful shoulders of his. “Suit yourself. I’m not the running type though.”

  Corbin’s cock was throbbing behind his zipper. He wanted to unzip and tell Josh to suck him off, test the waters a bit and see how well he followed instructions. A glance around the parking lot showed they were alone. The little devil on his shoulder whispered that no one would be the wiser if they were to play a little. The car hadn’t been started so the camera built into the mirror wouldn’t be recording yet. Looking back over at Josh, he noticed his new partner’s gaze had zeroed in on the bulge in Corbin’s pants.

  “Well, I guess we both know what’s on your mind right now. You always ready to blow right after meeting someone?” Josh asked.

  For once, Corbin’s tongue was tied. Just because Josh had noticed Corbin’s
state of arousal, didn’t mean they batted for the same team. It could just be those observant cop skills of his. On the plus side, the man wasn’t diving out of the SUV and running to the captain for a new partner. Even if Josh was straight, maybe he wouldn’t have an issue with Corbin being gay. Now he just had to keep his scales to himself and not go dragon on the guy. Something told Corbin that Josh wasn’t ready for the paranormal world just yet. If ever. Most people couldn’t handle it.

  Corbin cleared his throat. “Let’s grab that cup of coffee.”

  “Maybe you should drive with the window down. Might cool you off,” Josh said with a smirk.

  Corbin snorted. He was a dragon. The chilly December air was nothing his beast couldn’t handle. About the only thing that would get his wayward cock under control, would be to think of something other than the hot-as-hell man sitting next to him. Maybe the more time they spent together, the less potent Josh would be. He could only hope.

  Corbin pulled into a parking space in front of Espress Yourself and got out. Josh followed him to the entrance and Corbin forced himself to walk through the door first and not hold it open like the gentleman he was raised to be. The line was fairly long, which wasn’t surprising at this time of morning. Shopkeepers, who were just opening their doors, were trying to get their caffeine fix; college students loitered around tables trying to survive their hangovers from the party the night before, and harried looking mothers gulped coffee like it was their drug of choice, just so they could keep up with their little rugrats and the hectic schedule of school, sports, ballet, or whatever else was on the agenda for the day.

  When it was their turn, Corbin ordered a large cup of the house special, a nice, fragrant dark roast that would have put hair on his chest, if dragons grew body hair. Josh ordered some fancy sounding latte and paid a ridiculous amount for the cup of coffee. Six dollars for a shot of caffeine? Corbin knew people were addicted to the mochas, frappes, and whatever else they brewed behind the counter, but just give him plain, black coffee any day of the week and he’d be one happy dragon.

  Corbin accepted his cup from the barista and took a big gulp, holding the piping hot liquid in his mouth long enough to savor the taste, before letting it slide down his throat. A tendril of smoke curled from his nostrils and he hoped it blended in with the steam rising from his cup. A quick glance around showed no one had seen anything out of the ordinary and he went back to enjoying his cup of java while they waited on Josh’s fancy drink.

  “So, what’s a typical day like around here?” Josh asked. “In the town I just moved from, we were trying to catch a serial kidnapper. No bodies had been found when I left, but some of those kids have been missing for months. In my gut, I know they’re probably dead, but I still hope for the best.”

  Corbin shoved his free hand into his pants pocket before taking another sip of his drink. “We don’t have anything high profile, like that, going on right now. There have been a rash of burglaries, but those always pick up this time of year. People, desperate to give their kids a Christmas, will do anything, or so I’ve discovered since becoming a cop.”

  “Does the department do any sort of toy drive or anything for the families who can’t afford Christmas this year? If not, maybe we could head up that project. It’s a great way to give back to the community, and it might help with the crime rate.”

  “Not a bad idea. We have a canned goods drive to feed the poor, but nothing for the kids. The fire department is taking donations of winter coats for the kids, but I don’t think anyone thought to gather toys for Christmas. I bet some of the kids have never had a present from Santa before. Hell, they probably have never had a Christmas tree.”

  Josh accepted his drink from the barista and followed Corbin back out to the SUV. “So,” he said, sliding into the passenger seat. “Think we could get away with taking donations of trees from some of the big box stores and with starting up a toy drive? The parents could pick out a tree and a gift at the same time. I realize it’s the second week of December, but surely we could do some good between now and Christmas Eve.”

  “I don’t see why we can’t mention it to the captain. He’s always up for a way to reach out to the community.” Corbin took a sip of his coffee. “And if we don’t get a huge turnout this year, we can always try again next year. Maybe start around Thanksgiving to get in on those Black Friday sales.”

  “Do you have a favorite spot to sit and drink your coffee in the morning? Or do you just drive around until you get a call?”

  Corbin pointed to the park ahead on the right. “I sit in that parking lot and drink my coffee. If I haven’t received a call by the time I’m finished, I patrol the shopping district.”

  He found a space near the entrance to the park and parked facing the street. Just because he was still clearing the cobwebs from his brain, didn’t mean he couldn’t do his job at the same time. He put the car in park and reached for his coffee again. His gaze surveyed the area, watching people bustle up and down the sidewalk, while keeping an eye on the traffic as it crawled by. He set up the radar gun to make sure everyone adhered to the school zone speed limit and leaned back in his seat to enjoy his coffee.

  “You don’t really need a partner, do you?” Josh asked, as he watched Corbin go through the motions of his day to day job. “You look like you’ve done this enough times solo that my being here is merely a formality.”

  “Trust me, I’ll be thankful to have you when I have to chase someone on foot, or go to a domestic disturbance. I’ve seen one too many of those go wrong. A friend of mine, at my last job, was shot when he tried to help a woman. And the woman is the one who shot him!”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind a partner? I figured you were chasing them off, since the captain said you’d had several since joining the force a few weeks ago. I know some guys prefer a solo gig.”

  Corbin smirked. “Let’s just say, they wouldn’t have taken my little problem this morning in stride.”

  Josh’s eyebrow rose as his gaze dropped to Corbin’s crotch and quickly moved back up to his eyes. “Little? Remind me not to shower around you.”

  “They didn’t want to work with a gay officer and made that abundantly clear once they found out I preferred men. I suppose I could have hidden that part of myself, but I’ve never seen the point. If they can’t accept me the way I am, fuck them.”

  “Just not literally, right?” Josh smiled.

  Corbin snorted. “Not hardly. They weren’t my type, not that they cared. I think they were worried it would rub off on them or something.”

  “Morons,” Josh muttered.

  The radio crackled. “43, please 10-19. The captain wants to see you.”

  Corbin picked up the radio. “10-4, dispatch. 43 is 10-19.”

  “It can’t be good, the captain is asking us to return to the station,” Josh said. “I haven’t been on shift long enough to have fucked up already.”

  “Might not be anything serious. Maybe he just wanted to speak to us before we began our shift. We did kind of slip out when he wasn’t looking.” Corbin took a sip of his coffee before placing it back in the cup holder. “Trust me. If the captain was pissed about something, he would have gotten on the radio himself. And there would have been some choice words spoken.”

  “Sounds like you’ve already been on his bad side.”

  Corbin shrugged. “He didn’t like the fact I was going through partners so fast, even if it wasn’t my fault they were judgmental assholes.”

  Corbin whipped the SUV back into the station parking lot and pulled up near the rear entrance. Josh bailed out of the vehicle and Corbin followed. After punching in his code to unlock the door, Josh hurried down the hall ahead of him. It seemed his partner really was worried about what the captain wanted. Corbin knew it couldn’t be anything major and made his way to the captain’s office at a more leisurely pace.

  Captain Meeker scowled at him as he strolled through his door.

  “Took your sweet time getting here,

  “Sorry, Captain. You know I only run if it’s to chase a suspect.”

  The captain snorted and motioned for him to have a seat next to Josh. “I wanted to speak with the two of you for a moment. Richters, this is the last partner you’re getting for a while. You either get along with Myers or I’ll bust you down to school crossing guard until you can learn to play well with others.”

  Corbin felt his temper flare and his skin heat, his scales pulsing just below the surface. “I didn’t do anything to those other officers except not hide the fact I’m gay. They were narrow-minded assholes.”

  “That may be, but I meant what I said.” The captain looked at Josh. “Do you have a problem with him being gay?”

  “Not at all, Sir.”

  “Good. As you know, this is our busiest time of year, and I don’t have time to play referee between the two of you. I need the both of you to hit the ground running and be able to focus on the job and not personal shit.”

  Corbin’s dragon grumbled, but he kept his lips sealed.

  “This might not be the right time to bring this up,” Josh said, “but my partner and I were just discussing ways to get the department involved with the community. Particularly, those who are in need during this time of year. He mentioned that you have a food drive going already, but we thought about seeing if we could get some trees donated and maybe some toys for the kids.”

  The captain leaned back in his chair. “You mean like that Toys for Tots program the Marines run?”

  “Sort of. Except in this case, they would receive a Christmas tree along with a gift for their child. We were thinking that some of these kids may have never had a tree before. If the department can bring a little Christmas cheer to some children in need, it will reflect well on the station and the officers out on the streets. Every time we put away some guy who’s robbed a store to feed his family, the public boos and hisses at us, painting us as the bad guys.” Josh leaned forward. “This would be a really great way to give back to the community and remind them that we’re here for them.”


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