Blood and Sand

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Blood and Sand Page 19

by Matthew James

  I continue, “The others fought on pure animalistic instinct, not feeling the difference. But you’re smarter than that. You’re stronger than that. Aren’t you?”

  I’m guessing on the not having the ability part, but I believe I’m right. I think that’s why Ares never attacked. Plus, he being the first and best of Nannot’s Nightmares gives me the belief that he is stronger both physically and mentally, built with no weaknesses. I’m assuming that’s why his eyes aren’t bleeding like the rest and why I could approach him without losing my head.


  I open my eyes at the sound of a relaxing sigh coming from the obsidian bear.


  The ground around us buckles and bounces. Columns tip and busts topple to the ground. The only things not affected are Ares and I.

  “Is that all you’ve got!” Nannot bellows, still putting himself back together. He’s standing in an impact crater that’s about two feet deep, having just landed from the air above.

  I look at my friends and then back to Ares. We both turn as one and face our foe. Dad, Nicole, Kane and even Nannot, all give me understandably confused looks.

  Glancing back over at the rest of my team, who have since moved farther away, I shout, “Go, we’ve got this!”


  And I thought Kane was an absolute beast! Nope, not even close. Ares is in fact an absolute beast. Literally. The Mac-truck sized black polar bear fights exactly like you’d think. He’s very ferocious and extremely unrelenting in his assault. He starts by running and leaping straight into Nannot, who tries and miserably fails to protect himself with a strong gust of wind. Ares falls from the sky like a giant razor blade missile, tearing into the wannabe god.

  I guess finally having the ability to revolt against his creator without fear of reprisal is too much for Ares to handle. He does not stop, he just keeps clawing and slashing and biting Nannot, until there’s nothing left but a smear of gore on the stone floor. The broken pieces of Nannot are indiscernible and impossible to identify. Even the best CSI in the world would have no shot.


  I glance over at Ares who just grunted in what sounded like concern. I then turn my attention to the direction he is facing and see the impossible. The limp and disfigured form of Nannot is moving. Well, twitching would be a closer description. Still, it isn’t good either way.

  It’s then I see a leg start growing back where a bloody stump should be. I gag at the sight. Until now I’ve never actually seen what it looks like when one of us regenerates. It’s as putrid as you might think it would be.

  I see thigh muscle weave itself back together, along with bone and other tissue. I can actually hear the slurp as the knee joint reforms and the sound of it audibly popping back into place. The other leg is also re-growing at the same rate, as are the arms.

  Okay, this isn’t working. I need to change tactics. But what?


  Ares nudges my hand with his snout and forces his head under it.


  Huh, smart piece of rock. Then I remember that there’s human intelligence in there somewhere.

  Maybe I can use the same mental will I tried on Ares, but this time on Nannot. Kind of like the force in that movie from a galaxy that was really far away.

  I put my hand out and focus. I focus on all the good things in my life and the good things in the world. I visualize an invisible energy beam filled with these thoughts and feelings shooting out from my palm and hitting Nannot square in his ugly mug.

  I get slammed back by a gust of wind, knocked to the ground, hearing him cry out in anger.

  I sit up with a moan.

  “Well,” I say getting to my feet. “It seems like I hit a sore spot. Good, let’s do it again.”

  I try again, this time using both hands. I get into a more athletic position as well, digging my right foot into the ground, leaning on my left leg, but this time ready for the fight. I think of Dad and Kane and Nicole. I secretly wish they were here fighting alongside of me giving me strength, but I know deep down it was the right call to have them head back. Only one of us can come back from the dead.

  I snap out of my daze as I get hit with a heavy-duty surge of wind, but thankfully don’t lose focus or my footing. I project my will into every ounce of strength I have, which is to say a lot considering I’m basically immortal.

  “RRRAR get out of my head!” Nannot shrieks and curses at me all the while increasing the intensity of his maelstrom. It’s like I’m in the world’s most powerful wind tunnel.


  Ares moves in for the kill. I’m still in such awe by his morbid bloodlust. He honestly wants to slaughter his former master. He takes pleasure in it.


  A bolt of lightning—the blood-red kind—hits home and obliterates a chunk of earth just as Ares is about to reach Nannot. The big stone beast gets thrown to the side and skids to a halt, taking out four or five of the royal reliefs that circle the courtyard.

  I’m honestly in shock that anything could be powerful enough to take down Ares. The creature has seemed indestructible for the most part.

  I continue my attack of goodwill, but take a glance over and see the now smoldering giant slowly getting to his feet. I can see a half-dozen fist sized craters in his right flank, but I’m not sure he cares. He just roars again and charges his enemy for a third time.

  I can’t let Ares get destroyed. I need him as much as he needs me right now, I think. I push even harder this time holding my breath, thinking it might help.

  It does, but only a little. Another massive bolt of lightning screams down and sizzles past Ares, barely missing him and striking a column. It explodes in a shower of rock, leaving a three foot stump, the other nine feet are gone. Obliterated.

  “Dammit,” I yell and flinch. That bolt was A LOT bigger than the last.

  Let’s try something different. I hold my pose, keeping my left hand extended out and bring my right hand up so I can see it. I close my fist and again visualize the energy I’m using. There’s just one change. I will the energy to appear. A strong green aura wraps itself around my hand, making its way up to my elbow and stopping. It moves like water but sizzles like an electrical current.

  Just like the three priests used while trying to defend Atlantis from their brother. I think to myself. They fought and used a strange energy like this as their weapon.

  With speed that betrays his size, Ares moves in and grabs Nannot’s wrist, clamping down and yanking. Nannot screams in agony and is then thrown high in the air and lands 100 yards to my right. The mammoth beast roars and charges after him, the ground rumbling and protesting after every foot fall.

  I hold up my other hand and encase it in the same swirling energy. Feeling bold, I hold out my hand Iron Man-style and try to fire a burst. I send a stream of the energy spiraling out of control and almost decapitate the statue of Thoth. If he had a five o-clock shadow I would have given the big guy a shave.

  Okay, so I guess we will just stick with close combat fisticuffs.

  I tell the aura to stay put and not recede and it obeys. It actually stays put! I even start thinking of random stuff, purposely lapsing in concentration, seeing if it will disappear.

  Puppies. Harmonicas. Pizza. Toboggans.

  Nope, it’s still there and glowing with the same power as before. I then tell it to extinguish and it does. Flame on, flame off. Despite the danger, I can’t help but smile, thinking this is pretty damn cool.



  I spin and see Ares airborne again, this time landing hard and tumbling into the stone forest, smashing a dozen of the trees.



  Oh damn, he’s hurt. Nannot actually hurt the goliath! I can hear Ares whimpering and moaning in pain off in the distance. Nannot then lifts himself off the ground and slowly drifts over to where Ares stopped. Through the psychotic laughter of the real Nightmare of Atlantis, I hear the sparki
ng and popping of electricity. I can feel the static in the air, making the hair on my arms stand on end.

  I look up, towards the cavern’s ceiling, and see a swirling cloud start to form, getting bigger and more intense by the second. Miniature crimson lightning bolts crack and shoot out in all directions, threatening to strike anything and everything.

  It looks like he’s charging up for one more BIG blast.

  Not being able to do anything about the indoor hurricane, I look back down and see Nannot holding out his hands—one to the sky and the other in Ares’ direction.

  I do the only thing I can do…I run.

  I run and hope I get there quick enough to save my very unusual comrade.



  I collide with Nannot just as he unleashes his biggest thunder bolt yet. Fortunately for me, I ram him from behind, throwing off his aim, sending the bolt wide. The impact is amazingly strong and the destruction incredible. A blast crater ten feet deep and four times as wide is all that’s left of a section of the forest.

  We roll to a stop and I put myself in between Nannot and Ares. Nannot charges and swings, but I duck and roll out of the way. I come up and leap at him. He doesn’t so much as try to block my attack, so I give him a reason to. I will the flames back and they obey. I strike hard with a double fisted hammer blow. Nannot blocks with both his arms but screams in pain.

  We separate and I survey the damage. Nannot’s hands and forearms are burnt and scarred, not healing right away.

  Is that the secret to this power—this energy? Do I just need to lay into him enough so that he can’t heal? It’s worth a try I guess.

  He must come to the same conclusion because he takes a step back…and then another.

  Is he afraid? He must remember what his brothers did to him.

  He takes another step back. I follow, matching his stride so he is never more than ten feet away.

  “Where are you going? Did I hurt you?” I mockingly say with a very noticeable frowny face. I put my hands on my hips, continuing my pout. “Do you want a hug?” I reach out and increase the flames to a brighter, hotter glow.

  Nannot flinches and backs away, but I march along, keeping him close.

  “I see my treacherous brothers have given you their power, but did they teach you how to use it?”

  I shake my head, “Didn’t need to ask, I’m a quick learner anyway.”

  “Too bad because…” Nannot holds out his own arms and with a slight twitch sets them ablaze with a ghostly black fire. It’s almost like a living shadow has taken roost on each of his lower arms. “…You’re not the only one who can wield it.”

  Then as quick as scorpion strike, he reaches out to me and fires a blast of the flaming darkness straight at my chest. It’s like an inferno erupting out of a cannon, pointed directly at me. I react on pure instinct and cross my arms and will my own flames to burn hotter.

  His burst hits me square in the middle of my defense. The flames scream by, trying to engulf me, but my guard holds and I’m left unscathed by the near melting heat. And good thing too, because the area around me is beginning to char and burn.

  I look back at the scorched landscape, uncrossing my wrists as I do. It’s all the opening he needed. Nannot throws himself towards me, willing the wind to carry him. My own shield had blocked my line of sight just long enough for him to get the jump on me.

  He lands on me and drives his clawed fingers into my chest. The pain is that of acid and fire, mixed together. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It honestly feels like he’s trying to rip out my soul. My consciousness almost fades, but I get a word of encouragement from my very pissed off partner.


  As my vision fades again, I glance over too see Ares fully recovered, although he is still missing a section of his face. The left side of his head is completely gone, including his left ear and eye. I’m still not quite sure if it really matters if they lose an eye or an ear, but either way the beastly god of war is mad as hell and charging straight towards us. Straight at Nannot, I realize.

  The traitor looks over and tries to lift a hand to direct a blast of his firestorm at Ares, but I grab his wrists a squeeze, not letting go. He tries to pull them away again, but I hold on, clasping my hands tighter, closing my eyes. I plead to Thoth and his warrior priests, to give me the strength to hang on.

  Then, the world stops. The scene around me is in a permanent freeze-frame, like the pause button got pressed. Everything looks exactly the same, except nothing moves. All the sound is muted as well, adding to the eerie calmness.

  Nannot is frozen in mid-sneer, utter hatred spread across his face. He is looking to his right and I follow his gaze. Ares is also frozen in time, pounding across the courtyard, his razor-filled, bloodstained maw wide open, going for the kill. I don’t think either Nannot or I have ever seen canines that big.

  You are half way there my son. You mustn’t fail now.

  The voice startles me, but it’s not Nannot’s. It’s someone else’s, someone infinitely more pleasant.


  Yes, it is I young one. You must not fail here. This will be your only chance. I foresee you will not survive another of his attacks. He is saving his strongest for last.

  “Strongest?” I mentally ask. “What could be more powerful than this? It feels like he’s trying to burn me up from the inside-out.”

  You do not understand my son’s full potential. He controls the elements, better than any of us ever did. It’s where he focused most of his training.

  I’m waiting for him to get to the point. I don’t think this little break in the action will last forever.

  “Skip to the end, please. What is he about to do?”

  He is going to unleash his final judgement—his world ender.

  “World ender?” I ask. I sounds like a finishing move a professional wrestler might use.

  Yes, in his studies and practices, Nannot learned how to bring about immense seismic activity deep within the Earth’s core. These earthquakes have the ability to cause every volcano on the planet to ignite, bringing about the end of the world.

  I blank, having no thoughts of any kind.

  Then a mild heat reforms on my chest.

  Quickly, he is regaining control. We have little time left.

  “Wait, what?” I ask a little confused.

  I do not have the same power I once did. I cannot control him for long.

  I get back to the task at hand, “Is this what he tried to do on the night Atlantis fell?”

  The silence on the other end tells me I’m right. Nannot wasn’t just there to destroy Atlantis—he was there to wipe out the entire world. He wanted to do it right there, in his father’s kingdom. He wanted to see the look on his family’s faces when he did it, but obviously the world was saved. Atlantis was sacrificed to prevent Nannot’s weapon from coming to fruition.

  “What do I do?” I beg. “How can I stop him if you couldn’t? What can I do different?”

  As the last word slips out of my mouth, I feel the heat increase again in my chest, pushing deeper into my very being. The pain is excruciating. At this rate I’ll burn away unless I can stop him.

  Then I feel something new and unexpected. I feel a tingling in my arms and legs and a soothing sensation going up and down my spine. It’s the most comfortable and most relaxed I’ve ever felt.

  You must show him, Thoth explains. You must show him how much we care for him. He must know how much I regret not standing and facing him myself. He needs to feel that he is still cared about, even across time itself.

  And just like that, the cozy feeling that the ancient king provided is gone and all that’s left is an absolute suffering that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


  The shock of being thrown back into reality mixed with what must feel like two-dozen heart attacks at once nearly sends me into a coma. My eyes black out from the pain, but I don’t let go. I fight. I will myself to en

  I open my eyes revealing the swirling orichalcum and something else. I feel a resolve I’ve never experienced before. I think I know what I need to do. The problem is that it’s going to hurt. A lot.

  I use every little bit of willpower I have left and center my thoughts on my hands. I tell them to burn like a super nova would. I want the heat from the fires of Hell itself in the palms of my hands, boiling anything within them. Conveniently, Nannot’s wrists are there, in my grasp.

  This is payback.

  “This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it’s going to hurt me,” I grunt out. Momentarily perplexed, Nannot looks at me and suddenly understands my plan, but it’s too little too late.

  I clench my eyes shut, push and squeeze. Nannot wails in pain as I turn up the temperature. He squeals like someone dipped his arms in lava which is exactly what I want it to feel like.

  The combination of my resolve and the power within gives me the ability to out-burn Nannot’s heat. I fight for a more noble cause than just hate and malice. I fight for an entire kingdom and the world. My flames are so hot that the normal electric-green color they possess has turned an impossibly bright white. My experience fighting him tells me that this injury won’t heal very fast, if at all.

  Finally, almost losing consciousness from the effort, I let go. But the damage is done. Nannot climbs to his feet and holds up his arms, which are now nubs from the forearm down. The skin has liquefied and cauterized over the wounds preventing them from healing.

  The look on his face is total shock and terror. He has no idea how to respond or what to do next, but I do. I wrap my arms around the genocidal maniac, embracing him. I clutch Nannot like his father would have when he was little boy, before he turned his back on his homeland, choosing his own ambitions over his duties.

  I let the love and affection Thoth and his brothers had for him pour out of me. I engulf both of us in my green flames, setting us ablaze. We do not burn however. For within my fire is a different type of flame. My inferno is not one of pain and torture. It’s one of love and forgiveness.


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