Luke (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 3)

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Luke (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 3) Page 44

by Becca Fanning


  “I do respect your work.”

  “Then why am I stuck performing oil changes when I could be making you guys money with restorations?”

  He looked up at her. His deep brown eyes had fire in them. “You’re stuck doing oil changes because every time I see you I want to jump you and I can’t exactly do that with the rest of the guys around.” His voice was husky and sent desire shooting through her core.

  “You want…”


  And then he was on her. He picked her up easily. As tall as she was, she felt so dainty in his arms. He sat her on the hood of the Impala he had been working on and leaned over her. He was so large that he practically eclipsed her view of everything else around her. Her heart pounded in her chest. Was she attracted to Brett? Hell yes. But what about Tyler? He was Brett’s friend and he obviously had a crush on her.

  But all thoughts of Tyler were swept from her mind when Brett pressed his lips to hers. He somehow tasted both sweet and masculine, and he was completely overwhelming. Her legs went around his waist as he ravaged her mouth. His tongue explored mercilessly. Her fingers gripped at his shirt, needing him closer. He rocked against her, placing just enough friction against her core to make her want more but certainly not enough to satisfy her in any way. “I’ve wanted you since the night in the bar when I took you around the parking lot on the motorcycle.” Her breath hitched at his words. “Every time I see you,” he took a labored breath, as if confessing something big. “I want to push you up against something and have my way with you.”

  His hand went to her breast and he kneaded it through her shirt. She arched into him, demanding more. She had never wanted a man so badly. The heated looks that they had been exchanging for weeks, the dance at the bar, it all culminated in this and she felt like she was going to explode with need. “Here I am, have your way,” she hissed as his tongue circled her nipple. He moved back up her body, giving her a searing kiss that made her insides boil.

  “Brett,” she whispered against his lips. He broke away for a moment. “Fuck me.”

  At her words, his eyes changed. He seemed darker almost, scary instead of the normal jovial Brett. His lips crashed down onto hers and one arm wrapped around her back, pulling her into him. She was amazed by his strength. He moved her around like she didn’t weigh anything. His fingers made quick work of the buttons on her shirt. He pushed it off her shoulders and she pulled it the rest of the way off, tossing it to the floor of the garage. She was wearing a bright red bra, and she silently thanked the powers that be for making her pick a matching bra and panty set that morning.

  He yanked her bra off too, and she cringed as she heard fabric rip. She had liked that bra, but somehow having Brett’s hands on her was more important. He leaned back slightly, observing her naked breasts. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re gorgeous.” She didn’t have a chance to thank him for the compliment or even wave it off. His tongue was back in her mouth in an instant and his hands gripped her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making her moan. Desire sped through her, pooling in the pit of her stomach.

  His lips left hers and he kissed her jaw, then her neck, and sucked on her pulse point. “Take your shirt off,” she muttered. He looked up at her from between her breasts, and pulled the shirt over his head. She clawed at his bare back as he captured one nipple in his mouth. As his tongue laved against the tender peak of her breast, his hand moved down her stomach and slowly unbuttoned her pants. She reached down and pushed them off her legs. One hand left her breast and moved between her legs.

  She gasped as his fingers spread her wet folds. The tips of his fingers explored her wetness before moving to the tiny nub of nerve at the top of her slit. She bucked wildly against him as he pressed down against her clit. It was almost too much. Pleasure mounted in her as he circled the tiny bundle.

  Her hands went to his wrist as if to slow him down, but he didn’t stop. “Brett, I’m going to—fuck!” The orgasm crashed over her. Her grip on his wrist tightened and he captured her lips with hers. Her eyes fluttered shut as he pulled her closer.

  As the orgasm died down, he slowly released her, lowering her back onto the hood of the car. She let go of his wrist and his hands went to her face. “Wow,” she whispered. Suddenly, he went stiff. The easy masculine pride that she saw in him after he made her orgasm was gone. “What’s wrong?”

  He looked away from her. “We shouldn’t be doing this. I’m your boss. If anyone else found out—“

  He took a step back from her. She reached out to grab hold of him. “It doesn’t matter. Let them talk. I don’t care.”

  He looked at her sadly. “It would hurt your career. No one would take you seriously.”

  He turned away from her and walked out of the garage before she could reply. She pulled up her pants and put her shirt back on. She wasn’t sure if she was more furious or flattered that he cared that much about the repercussions of their involvement. As she picked up her ripped bra she decided she was furious. Leave it to a guy like Brett to decide what was best for her career right after he had given her the most amazing orgasm of her life.

  She huffed and turned around. “Men.”

  The next morning was miserable. She almost called in sick to work, but she wouldn’t give Brett the satisfaction. She worked diligently but he never approached her. In fact it didn’t seem like he was at the garage.

  It was well past noon and she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her boss. Finally, she went into the office to ask about his whereabouts.

  “Where’s Brett?” she demanded almost immediately upon entering the small room.

  “I’m not sure. He just called this morning and said he wasn’t coming in. Must be sick or something. I’ve known him for years and he’s never been sick before, so it had to happen sometime.” Greg shrugged. April scowled. She wanted to know what the hell happened last night. After thinking about it all night, part of her was embarrassed, and the other part of her was angry.

  “Could you let me know if he calls?”

  “Why?” Greg looked at her suspiciously, as if he knew her intentions weren’t simply to make sure he was okay.

  “I just want to check in about ordering some parts and Brett always wants me to run those orders by him.”

  “Oh, okay. Sure thing. If he calls, I’ll get you on the phone.”

  “Thanks, Greg.” She walked away, scowling.

  She needed to talk to him. She wasn’t sure what she was going to say exactly, but she needed to speak to him. She wondered if Greg would give her Brett’s number, or if he would be at the bar tonight. She doubted he would be, especially if he was trying to avoid her.

  There was one option left, and even thinking about it made her feel insane. But she wanted answers, and she wanted closure. Mostly she wanted to yell at Brett for being a high handed idiot. She was a strong independent woman, damn it, and she could make her own decisions about fucking her boss.

  She waited until right around closing time, and then prayed that Greg had to use the bathroom. Finally, he left the office and she walked right in and went to the file cabinet. She flipped through the personnel files until she found Brett’s. She pulled out the forms and looked at the address. She repeated it a few times, trying to memorize it.

  She slid the file back in its place and quickly left the office. Instead of staying late like she usually did, she left right on time, and drove to the address on Brett’s file.

  She took a deep breath, steeled her nerves and got out of her car. She knocked on the door tentatively. It opened a moment later, and Brett stood there in a pair of sweatpants and a worn grey shirt.

  “April?” he looked incredibly surprised to see her. She hoped she could use that to her advantage.

  “We need to talk,” she said firmly.

  He scrubbed his face with his hands. “I suppose we do, yes.” He paused for a moment before stepping aside. “Come in.”


  His house was both very masculine and very warm. It was inviting but austere. She supposed it fit his odd personality to a tee. “Can I get you water or something to drink?”

  “No, thanks.” It was awkward, being in his house.

  He led her to the living room and he very deliberately, it seemed to her, picked the chair, leaving her the sofa. She sat and tried to relax slightly.

  “About last night…” she began.

  He interrupted her. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

  She stiffened. “Yeah, I suppose not.”

  “But it did,” he finished. He leaned forward. “Look, April. I honestly think you’re amazing, and sexy, and I was being very serious when I said that it was killing me to keep my hands off of you, but I’m your boss. You can see that anything between us,” he gestured between them. “Would be inappropriate.”

  “We’re adults.”

  He frowned and leaned back. “I’m trying to be the better man here and you are making it so hard.” She watched as he collected his thoughts. “If we started dating, everything you did would be under even more scrutiny than it is now, because you’re a woman in a predominantly male field.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

  “Well it’s a little late for that, Brett. You don’t almost fuck a girl on the hood of a car, and then leave her there without an explanation without her feelings getting hurt.”

  He groaned. “And I am so sorry about that. But us not acting on this would be best.”

  April felt like she was going to cry. But this wasn’t over. Clearly she and Brett had a thing. And they both admitted it. As long as they could figure out how to navigate the waters of him being her boss. “What if we don’t tell anyone just yet?” He raised an eyebrow. “Seriously. At work you treat me the same as normal, but we play through whatever this is. If it works, it works, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t and then we go on our merry way with no one the wiser.”

  He sighed. “You have no idea how much I want to do that, but—“

  April stood up. “But nothing.” She moved around the table and straddled him. His hands automatically went to her butt. “We should try this. Your issues are valid, but if we keep this between us and promise to not be assholes about it if things go south then it will be fine.”

  “I wish I shared your optimism.”

  “Shut up and kiss me, Brett.”

  His warm, brown eyes met hers and he pulled her flush against him. His lips crashed down onto hers and his big hands fisted in her hair, keeping her close. “Fuck. April. This needs to stop but I don’t think I have enough control to stop it.”

  “Just go with it Brett. Let it happen. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. You don’t need to always protect me.”

  He laughed against her skin. “Have you seen you? You’re adorable. You just scream ‘I need to be protected.’”

  She hit him gently on the shoulder. “You don’t call the girl sitting in your lap ‘adorable’ you call her ‘sexy.’”

  “How about I show you how sexy I think you are?”

  His lips captured hers in a kiss that made her toes curl. Her heart pounded against his chest as she moved to try to get closer to him. She wanted him to absorb her. She wanted to feel all of him.

  She slid her hands between them, and went for the button of his jeans but he stopped her. “No,” he growled. “Slowly.”

  She nodded and he put her hands on his shoulders. His tongue slid into her mouth, brushing softly against hers. She leaned in even more. His hands moved up and down her back, over her butt, squeezing gently before moving back up her back. She could feel him getting hard between them. She ground down slightly, putting pressure on his cock and her aching sex.

  “Minx,” he hissed. It was fun seeing him come undone like this. It was a slow loss of control, not like the night before where he couldn’t help himself. He was trying so desperately to show her that he was going to run things, and set the pace, and she was terribly busy trying to prove him wrong.

  Finally, when she reached for the hem of his shirt, he let her pull it off. She took a moment to take in his naked torso. It was glorious, ridged in hard muscle and covered by tattoos. She traced the bear claw tattoos that went up his side, and then pressed her fingers against his motorcycle club tattoo that was on his upper arm. As she touched it, she realized that it covered quite a bit of scarring.

  She brought her lips to the scars, loving the way they looked so rough but felt so smooth. “What happened here?” she asked, her voice muffled by his skin.

  “Motorcycle accident. A bunch of assholes from a rival club ran me off the road and I basically took the entire fall on this arm. It was a mess, blood everywhere. Hurt like a motherfucker.” He paused and looked down at her. “That was a perfect sexy story to tell the hot girl straddling me.”

  She kissed the scars again. “I asked.” She kissed down the rest of his arm, and picked up his enormous hand. She kissed up his palm, towards his fingers, and then, slowly, took one in her mouth. Her tongue moved around the digit as she sucked gently. She looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. His gaze was fixed on her. His pupils were blown with desire.

  She smiled around his finger and slowly pulled it out of her mouth, letting her teeth brush the soft underside of it as she went. “Damn.” He sounded like he was choking on the words.

  She unzipped the top of her mechanics jumpsuit, displaying the black tank top that she wore underneath it. His fingers brushed the top of her cleavage as she pushed the rest of it off, letting it pool around her waist. “You’re gorgeous,” he said, his lips gently caressing the soft skin that was exposed to him.

  She let her head fall back, as she enjoyed the way his warm tongue preceded the coolness of the air on her wet skin. The duality of the sensation was making her crazy. “Bed?” he asked.

  “Bed,” she agreed.

  He stood up, bringing her with him. He pushed the rest of her jumpsuit down, leaving her in the tank top and leggings. He wrapped his strong arms around her and carried her, over his shoulder, to his bedroom. As he walked, she tried to get a good look at the rest of his place. He had a few pictures of him and his friends on the wall, and an image of him and a younger girl that looked so much like him.

  “Your sister?” she said as they passed the image.

  He looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, she’s grown up now. Just started college.”

  “It’s a cute picture,” she said.

  “There are cuter things in this house right now.” He patted her butt and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes a little.

  He dropped her into his enormous, king-sized bed. It was so soft that she practically sank into it. She pulled the sheets up around her, basking in their warmth and surrounded by the smell of him.

  He watched her with a smile on his face. He crawled over her and ran his hands to the edge of her leggings and peeled them off of her. He pushed her legs apart, and she blushed, knowing that he could see the wet spot on her panties. He took a deep breath, smelling her arousal and her blush deepened.

  He lifted her right leg and kissed the side of her knee. He kissed and nibbled until he was halfway up her right thigh, and then he switched sides. He kissed and nibbled half way up her left thigh and then stopped. He switched back to the right thigh and moved three-quarters of the way up. He only used his hands to keep her hips held down.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “What do you want?” The sight of him between her legs was so erotic that she almost couldn’t form words.

  “I—I want…”

  “Say it, April,” he ordered softly.

  “I want you to lick me.”

  “Here?” he asked as he drew a line up her thigh with his tongue.

  She squirmed. “You know where!”

  “I do. But I want you to tell me.”

  She closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing. “My pussy,” she
said, finally. “I want you to lick my pussy.”

  “Was that so hard?” he asked.

  She could feel his breath on her most private places, through her underwear. “Yes,” she said.

  He pressed his mouth to her cloth-covered sex. Her hips bucked up; she was desperate for more, but he easily held her down. “I set the pace,” he reminded her.

  “But you’re going too slowly.”

  He laughed and kissed her again before he slowly pushed the fabric to the side. His finger dipped against her lower lips, testing her wetness. He ran it up and down her slit, just barely touching her. “Please,” she begged. He acquiesced.

  He lowered his mouth to her warmth, drinking in her smell. His tongue slid into her, shallowly fucking her. One finger went to her clit, rubbing it in leisurely circles. It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough to get her off. She needed more. He didn’t seem to care about the pleading noises she was making. He slowly licked her from top to bottom. His warm tongue circled her clit, learning her topography.


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