A Special 'Ops and Cops Christmas

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A Special 'Ops and Cops Christmas Page 3

by Taylor Lee

  Annika felt the tears well up burning the backs of her eyelids. She reached down and patted the barely emerging protrusion on her dear friend’s belly.

  “Erin, you’re so silly. You’ve never been more beautiful. You actually glow!”


  Glancing in the full-length mirror in the dressing room, Annika admitted that she did looked damn good. Sam loved this suit, said the miniscule straps of fabric matched her eyes. He always added with a salacious grin: ‘And of course, Princess, your eyes are the only things I’m looking at!’

  Hearing the familiar voice outside of the dressing room, Annika wondered if all ‘valley girls’ spoke in that annoying high-pitched sing song tone. She tugged on Erin’s arm to pull her back and mouthed the name: “Vanessa.”

  “C’mon, Hailey, buck up. Admit it. My sexy brother dated you twice in all the years you’ve been chasing after him. It’s hardly like he abandoned you and ran off to get married.”

  A simpering voice Annika didn’t recognize responded.

  “It would be better if he did. Why couldn’t Sam have eloped? Nothing like rubbing her in our faces.”

  Apparently not deterred by Vanessa’s derisive laugh, the other woman continued to spew venom that went straight to the heart of Annika’s fragile self-image.

  “I can’t believe it, Vanessa. The guy who tasted every exotic flavor of the month ends up choosing a blonde ice princess with big tits and a curvy ass. How predictable can you get? Talk about the black man’s kryptonite! And she’s a policeman? God, blue collar anyone? Somebody call Spike Lee, we’ve got a bad case of Jungle Fever. Give me a break. Jesus, her monthly salary is probably less than what Sam got for an allowance when he was ten years old. What do you think convinced him? Her big tits or did she handcuff him to the bed and threaten to cut off that world class dick of his if he didn’t promise to marry her?”

  “Sorry, nasty jealous friend of mine. From what Sam tells me he was the one who had to convince Annika. Hate to break it to you, Hailey, but he’s gaga over her. Oh and by the way, social climber that you are, do I have to remind you Sam is also a cop? And so is my dad.”

  “Yes, but at least they both have m-o-n-e-y. They can afford to ‘dabble’ in the big bad protector role. Besides on men, particularly that chocolate Adonis brother of yours, a uniform just adds to his ‘sex on a stick’ vibe.”

  “You better tone it down, Hailey. Sam doesn’t like catty women, and sweetheart, you are practically meowing!”

  “Humph. All I can say is that it’s a good thing your mother didn’t invite all of Sam’s former consorts or you guys would have had to rent out the Giants stadium.”

  “Well she did invite you, Hailey, green-eyed girlfriend of mine. And you better behave yourself. I’ve never seen my big bother so protective… OR frankly so damn happy.”

  Erin squeezed Annika’s hand and shook her head. Annika closed her eyes as if she could shut out the ugly words by not seeing the women whose retreating voices indicated that they thankfully were leaving the outer room. Vanessa’s parting warning to her spiteful companion helped a little, but the nasty words had done their damage. What courage Annika had mustered dissipated, like boiling water over an ice cream cone. Turning the once sweet treat to an inedible mush of soggy nuts and runny calorie-filled chocolate.

  Erin grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her in front of the mirror.

  “Look at you, Annika. You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. And the woman that Sam choose to marry. Now, c’mon, girlfriend. It’s time you claim your coveted role, the fiancé of that gorgeous hunk of a guy you’ll marry tomorrow. Let’s get out there and show these California chicks how Northern Minnesota women shake their booties.”

  Turning the corner, Annika spotted a woman sitting poolside. Her stomach churned sending spikes of bile into her throat. The long-haired blonde could have been a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. The dark-haired little girl prancing around her table only made the woman more appealing, if possible.

  Annika took out her anxiety on her friend.

  “And you were saying, Erin?”

  At Erin’s rueful shrug and sigh, Annika whispered, “Damn, Erin, can it get any worse? Please tell me she isn’t a former girlfriend of Sam’s!”

  Chapter 4

  At that moment, Sam bounded around the corner. Spotting the woman at the table, his handsome face lit with pleasure.

  “There you are, Lexie! Jake said I could find you out here. God, I’m glad you all could come. You make the most important occasion of my life more special. Annika will be down any moment.”

  Sam strode to the table, a tall lean man who truly was ‘sex on a stick.’ The hateful Hailey—as Annika had christened her—wasn’t off the mark on that one. Sam bent down and kissed the blonde’s cheeks in greeting, then turned as though shocked at the little girl who was staring up at him expectantly.

  “Good grief. Is it possible? Can this almost grown up person be none other than Miss Ana Banana, the most beautiful girl in the world?”

  The curly-black-haired sprite with astonishing bright blue eyes frowned and stuck out a pouty lip. Placing her hands on her hips, she frowned up at him.

  “Mr. Sam, you know I’m not a banana. I’m a little girl!”

  Sam scooped her up in his arms and swung her in a circle eliciting shrieks of excited laughter. He held her up high in front of him studying her. His voice was tinged with laughter.

  “Oh no, you’re not, Miss Ana. At three and a half years old, you’re already a heart breaker, that’s what you are.”

  The blonde woman Sam had called Lexie warned him.

  “Be careful, Sam, she’s extremely literal at this age. I wouldn’t be surprised if we suddenly have a rash of baby dolls with their chests cut open while she looks for broken hearts. Knowing her besotted father, he would find it endearing and further signs of her brilliance. Future cardiac surgeon and all that.”

  Coming through the doorway was a striking stranger, a dark-haired man whose flashing blue eyes confirmed he had fathered the lovely child. The man’s surfer-look gave Nate’s casual in your face vibe a run for its money. Bringing up the rear of the “Chippendale-could-bes” was Luke. As imposing as the two men who preceded him, unlike the others who all wore bright engaging smiles, Luke’s expression was dark, shadowed, his entrance slowed by the use of his cane. Annika ached for him. Not for the first time, she wished that she had a magic wand and could wave away the hard earned pain deepening the lines on her friend’s face.

  Seeing Erin and Annika in the doorway, Sam’s expression became positively beatific.

  In seconds he was at their sides. Pulling Erin into the room, he introduced her to the group who’d all turned at their entrance.

  “Jake, Lexie, this gorgeous creature has the distinct honor of turning the most arrogant man that ever threw his weight around into a pussy cat. Please meet Erin Stryker. Two minutes in her presence will confirm why my buddy Nate has met his match.”

  Sam led a smiling Erin across the patio to the table then turned to Annika. From across the patio she heard Sam suck in an audible breath. His smile when he gazed at her outshone a bright cloudless Minnesota sky. The pride and love in his voice chased away the ugly remnants of the morning. Even hateful Hailey’s bitter twaddle faded in her mind when Sam held out his hand and drew her toward him. Draping an arm around her, he turned her toward the group.

  “And this, my friends, is the woman who’s taught me more about life and love than I knew was possible. That she is as courageous as she is beautiful is confirmed by the fact that she agreed to come into this hornet’s nest of strangers and my lovable but overwhelming family. A challenge for any of us, but for my lovely reserved fiancée, a potential deal killer. I’m relying on all of you to help remind us both how important it was that we share these important moments with the people who matter most to us both.”

  Bowing slightly to Annika, Sam presented her to the group as though she were royalty.
br />   “May I introduce Annika Nilsson, the woman who tomorrow will do the impossible. Make me even happier than I am today by becoming my wife.”


  “How about it, Miss Ana? Would you like to press the magic button?”

  Sam knelt in front of the adorable little girl, gazing into her shining eyes. Only a slight tremor of her mouth gave away her nervousness. Sam offered the remote to her.

  “You promise, Mr. Sam, if I push the button, no witches will get me?”

  Managing to keep from smiling, Sam added solemnly, “Oh, we’ve taken all necessary precautions. Guaranteed. No witches, Ana. Just beautiful lights on all the trees.”

  Ana hesitated, then glanced behind her at her doting father. Jake Gardner called out softly, “You can do it, Sprite.”

  Turning back to Sam, Ana frowned.

  Reaching tentatively for the remote, Ana put one tiny finger on the button. Pressing her lips firmly together, she stiffened her shoulders. Unconsciously, she flounced her little bottom, causing her satin iridescent party dress to gleam in the light of the moon.

  Seeing the child’s continued hesitation, Sam whispered, “How about if I put my finger on top of yours and we do it together?”

  Ana nodded, the red velvet ribbon perched on the top of her curly mop bobbling in her excitement.

  “Okay then. That’s how we will do it. Are you ready, Ana?” When she bit her lip and nodded, Sam counted in a dramatic voice. “On the count of three. One… two… three! Go Ana!”

  Ana pressed the button and shrieked when thousands of tiny lights flared illuminating the myriad trees surrounding the festive patio. It was an astonishing sight. The appreciative crowd shouted and applauded in amazed delight at the spectacular array.

  Sam picked up the little girl who looked stunned, as though she truly had performed a miracle.

  Holding her closely, he whispered, “I think you are magic, Ana!”

  Turning to the audience he beamed.

  “How about it, folks? Who thinks this little sprite is magic?”

  At the chorus of cheers and laughter, Ana’s chubby cheeks flushed and her eyes danced with excitement.

  Just loudly enough to be heard, the precocious child agreed. “You’re right, Mr. Sam. I am magic! But I’m not a witch.”


  Annika clung to Sam’s arm. She wasn’t surprised at Ana’s excitement. She felt a little like a three-year-old herself. It was hard to believe that the evening wasn’t magic. Harder to believe that only hours ago, she’d dreaded the rehearsal dinner. As opposed to what she’d expected, the food was delicious and not at all pretentious. If anything, the night had been miraculous, everything was beautiful and as understated as the impressive estate could be. Even before Sam and Ana had lit the lights, the starlit patio had seemed like a Christmas fairy land. Like something out of a child’s favorite Christmas tale.

  Glancing at the gorgeous grounds, spectacular in their own right and now positively miraculous in the glow of thousands of lights, Annika smiled up at Sam. He was holding her hand as he had throughout the day. Never commenting on her obvious nervousness, he’d hovered next to her. As though being inches away from her was not permitted. Little by little Annika had relaxed and even begun to enjoy herself. Midway through the day she’d taken Erin’s advice to heart. Why not enjoy being the center of attention, particularly since she was sharing that center with the man she loved above all else?

  Annika tugged on Sam’s arm. When he looked down at her, she murmured, “You’re the one who is magic. You know that don’t you, Commander Carter?”

  Sam’s eyes twinkled. “Thanks, Princess. But the real magic is that you and I are together among the people who mean the most to us both AND that you are smiling. Damn, Princess, I think that look you’ve had most of the day—the one that implies you're being gently led to the guillotine—is almost gone.”

  Feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, Annika protested.

  “C’mon, Sam. That’s not fair. I haven’t tried to run away and hide, have I? Although I don’t know how that would have been possible with you hovering beside me like a guard dog protecting the crown jewels.”

  Sam laughed a boisterous sound. “Hell, Annika, a pile of shiny stones has nothing on you. You are the most precious thing in the world to me. You know that, don't you, Princess?”

  Annika bit her lip to keep the tears burning her eyes from falling. She nodded and squeezed his hand.

  “Yes, Sam, I do know that.”

  “Couldn’t help but overhear you praising your guy, Annika.”

  Annika looked up, way up, to see Jake Gardner approaching. Nate Stryker was on his tail. She shook her head in amazement. Wow, talk about beefcake. Between the dark haired hunk, Jake Gardner, and her boss, Nate Stryker—both of whom stood at least 6 feet 3 inches tall—it would be hard to decide who was sexier. Lucky for her the sexiest guy of the three was the one standing next to her, his arm protectively around her shoulder.

  Jake smiled at her. “I agree with you, Annika. This guy is a miracle worker if I’ve ever seen one.” Nodding appreciatively to Lexie and Erin who were in deep discussion, he added, “If those two women can come to an agreement, Sam just may be responsible for helping to change the lives of abused women across this country.”

  When Sam began to remonstrate, Nate interrupted.

  “No use denying it, Hollywood. In addition to being smart enough to capture my beautiful lieutenant’s heart, you may be changing my wife’s life as well as that of countless other women. From what I’ve heard about Lexie’s Strong Women Survive program, all it will take is an infusion of cash to take it national.” He arched a disbelieving brow. “Damn, hotshot, to think that piece of shit abuser Dylan Masterson’s ill-got fortune may be responsible for helping innumerable women is ironic at least—and miraculous at best.”

  At that moment, Sam’s father joined the group.

  “Hollywood, eh? That what you call my son, Nate?”

  Nate chuckled. “Yeah, it fits, doncha think? Let me put it this way, your son has become somewhat of a celebrity in our backwoods berg. It’s not like we don’t have some color. We’re used to Indians, and a lot of Hispanics are coming our way. Even Asians are learning how to survive 30 degree below zero weather. But Chicadia Falls has precious few black men. And none that give Denzel Washington a run for his money.”

  Sam harrumphed. “Right, dude. Spoken by a guy who could be Charlie Hunnam's twin brother. You got nerve callin’ me Hollywood, bro.”

  Callie sidled up to Sam and linked her arm through his. She grinned at the trio.

  “Yes, all three of you are gorgeous beyond belief—and, I might add, you know it. But you have one decided flaw: you are all married or in the case of my righteous brother, about to be.”

  Her voice dropped to a sultry level and she tossed a saucy wink at Luke who was engaged in conversation with Margaret. Standing off to the side pretending not to look at the tall lean man were Vanessa and her friend Hailey.

  “Now that’s what I call truly righteous.” Smiling up at Nate, she asked cheekily, “Tell me, ‘Charlie Hunnam look alike’, is that hunky cousin of yours taken? And if he isn't, why not? Finally, any chance he’s open to a threesome, or given the drool on Hailey’s chin, maybe a foursome?”

  Her father snapped caustically before Nate could answer. “Even if he was, daughter of mine, two young women out of that proposed foursome are NOT available. And don’t you forget it!”

  Nate grinned. “Your father is correct, Callie. Men like Luke, and I might add a few others I could mention before they found the right woman, are not to be messed with. Unless of course, the young woman in question is as daring as she is beautiful.”

  Callie grinned at Nate, then gave her father a resounding smack on the cheek.

  “Don’t worry, Daddy. I won’t take Detective Stryker up on his dare. At least not while you’re looking. But it is good to know that after all you ‘older’ folks toddle up to bed, we young
er more available ones have something to look forward to.”

  Laughing cheekily over her shoulder at her father’s grimace, the lithe beauty sauntered over to join in her mother’s and Luke’s conversation, much to the obvious dismay of her sister and her friend.

  Nate chuckled. “Don’t worry, Chief Carter. Luke… well, he’s the elusive target of every woman in six counties back home, but he limits himself to the kinds who understand one night is all they can hope for. AND he doesn’t go after jailbait.”

  Chief Carter snorted. “Well, that at least is good to know.” He added pensively, “How is your cousin doing outside of his apparently healthy amorous apparatus?”

  Nate glanced at Sam and shrugged.

  “Once again, thanks to your son’s and my unwillingness to let him wallow in his grief, Luke is beginning to recover. Frankly, his physical recovery is close to miraculous given the extent of his injuries. His emotional recovery has been less miraculous. He is consumed with guilt. To date, we haven’t been able to talk him down from that precipice.”

  Jake nodded in sympathy. “You’re going to have to give him time, Nate. Colonel Luke Lang is a legend in the force. At some point he is going to start believing that again.”

  Nate sighed. “Sure as hell hope so. But since we are on a bit of a down note, I have a question for you, Sir.” Looking at the elder Carter, Nate’s gaze narrowed. “I was going to ask your son about this, but since I have you in my crosshairs, Jake and I were wondering why most of your wait staff is packing? Anything we need to know?”

  Sam and his father shared a glance. Seeing his mother approaching, Sam answered for his father.

  “I was going to ask my pops about that very thing in private, Nate. Instead, how about the three of us strong arm him later?” Ignoring his father’s frown, Sam added, “Pops has an old fashioned habit that we can take advantage of. I hope you’ll forgive our chauvinism, Annika, when my father invites all the men into his study. In addition to ‘man talk’ he offers the most expensive cognac you are likely to drink and I hope some illegally ‘imported’ cigars.” He added with a grin, “My father has an interesting stash of booze and smokes—the spoils of long years in the law enforcement arena.”


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