Dancing with the fallen

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Dancing with the fallen Page 11

by Daenerys Snow

  Emma began to panic, she hugged her arms, frightened around looking around, despite the empty surrounding is still so boundless as black and white is the whole world, but she always felt that there are countless pairs of eyes from all over, pointing, just around the corner.

  Suddenly Emma felt a hand along his feet a little bit to climb up, slowly touched her calf, still in their own body to catch up! Under the horror, Emma bounced into the sky. This is where to find their own where there is nothing on the ground, only to see the countless pairs of white hand layer covered with open, has been spread to see the end of the place. A closer look, the white hands are small, the arms are thick and thin, from the shape of the hand and the skin can also see their age is different, we can see that they come from different objects. And the broken cross section of these arms are cut by the knife, some of the broken cross-section looks like a pair of cut a few knives, and the cross-section are quite smooth, can see the muscles, bones and nerve tissue, But they are all white. With this awareness, Emma where dare to stand down the foot! Even if she dared to stand on the only pale and pale white arm, those arms do not want to let her step on it!

  Emma forced heart not to panic, this station is not, go is not, run is not, can only bite the bullet and stand in place. Only to feel the only one at the foot of the arm is slowly waking up like creeping up, suddenly the body of the goose bumps all the storm, the heart panic head numbness. Her heart bitterly cries!

  Soon afterwards, the white arm seemed to be awakening, and the distant arm began to show a strange gesture one by one standing at the place where Emma stood and scrambling to climb, one by one, at first glance Like countless white giant spider in the crawl, and gradually, they began endless set off a layer of different gorgeous waves, hit her direction. And from her near, especially the hands of her feet, began to use a joking gesture to Emma's feet touch. Confused Emma body hair all erected. She wanted to jump, but left to see the front look to see, she was surrounded by those white arm, there is no place under the foot.

  Now also cannot manage so much, Emma a bite, lift the foot is to touch her arm of an arm to fly out!

  She saw that pale arm showing a strange angle in the air to draw a beautiful parabola, fell far away. At this moment, strange things happened. Those arms seem to have eyes like to watch one of them by the girl fiercely kicked far and far away, and those distant mountains are facing the direction of Emma to the arm also stopped the action, all everything is Quiet down.

  No, not so much quiet, it is better to say that those arms are curious, playful, angry eyes staring at Emma. A silent confrontation officially kicked off.

  Emma noticed this strange situation, it is not dare to tamper with, she has a faint feeling uneasy from the bottom of my heart sprang, at the moment the air is also filled with explosive atmosphere of danger! And she is now the environment cannot tolerate her reckless to make any action, what is the fists four hands, not to mention what the next four hands? It is afraid a hundred hands, thousands of hands, million hands have it, if they together, I am afraid they will be pulled powder crushed, with 100 glue are sticky up!

  Time is such a minute of the past, I do not move, the enemy does not move. Emma only feel that they stand hard, because just put the cheap hand kicked his own posture a little tangled, two feet before and after a mistake, the body a little twist, waist a little bend. Short time to keep this posture is nothing, can be a long time to do and do yoga, especially the thigh and waist muscles burst of soreness. But she did not dare to tamper with, for fear of anger that only eyeing their own naked nine white claws.

  However, really fast hold on! Her forehead is exudes a layer of fine sweat, even the palm of the hand also sweat. No way, can only try to point a little bit of the posture to the normal state. Perhaps as long as the action range is small, a little bit change posture, those white claws should not be found it Say they do not have long eyes, ah, should not see.

  Emma holding the slightest chances, a little bit of the first vertical bending of the back, the action is very slow. See those white claws no movement. Emma's mouth brought back a touch of sneer, and slowly around the wrong foot a little bit to recover.

  But let Emma did not think that is not only one of her there slowly changing position! Those white claws also slowly quietly to her, and on the side of her behind a white claw, has been from behind her by a few other white claws one by one raised, erected like white hands of the sticks in the back of Emma. And then slowly stretched out a finger, gently point the point of Emma's shoulder.

  Emma did not care about her own slowly behind the standing of a long manpower to pick up the dragon stick, and also gently with his fingers on his shoulder.

  At this time Emma is enjoying a very slow action to restore the standing of the process, only to feel his shoulder was a little point, but did not care, but slightly shaking the shoulder, as if in the Akira stop the same as the flies on their shoulders.

  Behind the ghosts see Emma unmoved, and added a little effort to point the point of her back.

  But Emma still did not respond, still gently shook.

  The white ghost paused, it is estimated that they are also very helpless in the lady's nerves, so simply patted Emma's shoulder.

  "Who is it!

  Emma was stunned! She said the voice of this sentence is not big, but these words since her mouth slipped out, like the loudspeaker infinite amplification in general, spread in all directions, but no echo, it seems true as seen in front of the general no end!

  Emma's heart is more hair, where is not only her a person, that shoot her back... ...

  She did not dare to look back, but she was well aware that the root of the touch of tight strings have been crisp and broken! She seems to hear the sound of this chord. And then in her words after the sound is not the time, those ghosts can no longer bear, have quickly come to Emma!

  For a time jittery! All the white ghost claws to brush the brush toward her body, like a large group of flies to see the raw meat as mad bite from. The claws climbed onto Emma's feet and began to climb over her.

  "Ah!" Emma big horror, hurriedly hand to shoot a few have been touched his legs of the ghost claws. Which would like to be a few together with a few like a baton like a ghost claw clamped her hands! Those claws like iron pliers as cold and powerful, abruptly put Emma pulled to the ground! Suddenly countless ghost claws have to fall to the ground of Emma hit, began to tear her clothes, hair, limbs!

  Emma heart screams, feeling that they will be the hundreds of ghosts hand stripped of corpse, and she even heard his skin is being torn, his bones are being torn off the sound. But she was stubborn to leave the tears back to the stomach, but she really does not understand why they want to suffer such a crime!

  Emma frightened to see more and more around her side of the hand, has been high around their layers, like these hands to set up a grave in general, he was lying there. And a few slowly climb to her hand, but not urgent not slow up the legislation, showing claws, as if looking at her proudly. And that ghost hand nail slips in the moment to grow five long and sharp white nails, it seems to face their own heart fiercely cut out!

  22 Lies and bait

  Emma close her eyes, unable to struggle again, she is afraid they will be withered, and she can feel their body more and more transparent, more and more light. Those ghost hands are unceremoniously tearing her body! And her body every inch of the skin is heard waves of intense pain, each piece of bones is issued crisp sound of the broken sound. She hurts! Her limbs are all sore! Pain feeling even the soul should be shredded into a piece of film. If the ghost claw finally falls, all her estimates are really gone.

  But the imagination of the pain did not come, after a long wait, hesitated to open her eyes opened a gap, would like to see why the ghosts did not delay their killers, see it is The Fed is close to the face. And this distance is a bit too close, and why is the mouth to mouth? Emma surprised a moment, the spirit of a tight, did not expect the current situation but more difficu
lt to deal with those who face the ghosts, do not know the jump up, or pretend to faint in the past. However, his lips are so soft, if the tongue is also stretched more perfect ... ...

  Emma, what is your death girl! Not shy! She scolded herself in her heart. But also a little bit of love for his lips, simply do not do endless play it!

  Emma narrowed her eyes and looked at the face. Heart could not help but sigh, looks really is good-looking, long eyelashes and eyeliner, British gas pressing dog's eyebrows, high nose, delicate skin, how even a acne are not, hey, really want to touch ah.

  She felt the Fed blowing a few shares of gas poured into her throat, followed by raising his hand regularly in her chest a few times. Suddenly understand the original people just give her to do heart resuscitation and artificial breathing only, her heart cannot help but a little bit of loss, but it does not matter, how to say that the mouth of the mouth of the artificial breathing Well, also count on the second base!

  Fed raised his head, relieved, and prepared to shock Emma for emergency, but to see this girl is squinting at him secretly, and my heart is so good and funny. His eyebrows a pick, stop the action, changed his hands fist high lift, deliberately said: "It seems to add strength, in order to let you restore consciousness.

  Seeing the hands of both sides of the fist, the move, but the doctor in the absence of cardiac resuscitation in the case of manual heart resuscitation of the last resort, is to knock the patient's chest to activate the heart beating. If the Fed to her so all of a sudden, she cannot stand this small body.

  Emma sits straight and sits like a corpse, and quickly waved and said, "I woke up, I woke up!

  The Fed 's black line, helpless smile, "anyway, finally saved you."

  "Did you live alone in the hell it was not just a dream when she was in a coma?" Recalled just their own experience of the scene, and listen to the meaning of the Fed is to go to the door he was a ghost. It seems that the dream of a dream of their own really go to hell shaking a circle, and those ghosts may also really exist, the thought of those tens of thousands of dense white nine white bones claw Emma could not help but shuddered.

  "Yes ah, you have not breathe heartbeat." Fed saw her face cold sweat, hand stroked her forehead messy hair, "Are you okay?"

  "Ah, nothing, okay."

  Said that nothing is false, if she is really Fed from the ghost gate pull back, why in their own "dream", she is not standing in the door but the door in the door? And why those ghosts to catch yourself? Is it a penalty in hell? Emma is not known. But now they live again, although do not know this is not lucky, may have a saying is not to say "good death is not like living," Moreover, just the dream, how do you feel that she is not a good death. So, since the living will hold hope to live! Since alive she will live out of here!

  Emma secretly determined, clenched her fist, suddenly remembered just to set his death to the two snake scorpion heart of the woman, the heart of the fire to jump up, "how much time now? The two women do?

  She subconsciously looked up to the top of the room timer, there are still 7 minutes! And turned around to see the small four still sleeping in their own side.

  Really strange, that "dream" is long, long seems to spend several hours of time, but in reality it only took a few minutes, it seems that the world day, hell year old is not nonsense.

  The Fed whispers, "where they are."

  Looked in the direction of his direction, Linda and Ann were just used to strangle their own rope tied to his hands, honestly sitting in the corner of the room. Two people see Emma wake up, do not speak. She stared at the two women, see Linda completely a look does not matter, and Ann's eyes are still a little guilty look, my heart slightly sigh. It is more sure that the plan: Linda is the mastermind, and Ann is just an accomplice, maybe she struggled in the heart, but the face of survival, I am afraid that everyone will sacrifice the cost of other people's lives to protect themselves.

  The thought of here, had anger Emma suddenly like a leaked ball, how can she blame them? If empathy think about it, is not it will do such a thing? This question, of course, stuck herself. She felt that she did not have the kind of hard, there is no way because in such a metamorphosis game, because these terrible rules of the game and others to the guillotine, personally capture the lives of others. will not? She was not sure, if their own really to the moment of life and death,

  or in this game because of bloody killing and make the sense of morality has been worn out until the demise of the time, they will not make some of the same devoid of conscience? So now she will use what kind of position to blame the two but a selfish point of the woman?

  "Yes, thank you for saving me." Emma turned to look at the Fed.

  "I study medicine, save people should not be the Well, why thank you?"

  "Because you could not have saved me, that's it ..."

  "That’s the end of the game," said the Fed frowned, his mouth clinging to her ear and whispered: "I think you are so interesting that you do not want to die so early.

  Emma felt his lips leaning too close to her ears, and she could feel his soft lips as if he had intentionally or unintentionally rubbed his hair on his ear, could not help but shame and furiously glared at the Fed. And suddenly remembered Linda attack their own before that rhetoric, cannot help but ask: "In the end you have not to Betty's death scene? Betty's body really gone? If you go then how to come back to save me of?"

  In the face of Emma a series of questions, the Fed reluctantly smile, "you let me first answer which?"

  "Then one by one."

  "Of course not to go, I just pretend to leave for some time only, or if really go, I am afraid that when I come back, no matter how your artificial breathing is also a matter of time." When this sentence, the Fed deliberately increased "Artificial breathing" words. Confused Emma's face suddenly red up.

  "Why do not you go?" Emma was shy to look elsewhere. "Did you ever notice something wrong?"

  "Well, I believe you should have noticed, especially when they say that the time to hear the chewing body and the time we encountered the conflict, plus I carefully observe the expression of their time, always frowning, when speaking , The muscles of the mouth are not very natural, two eyes staring at you tightly, as if there is a strong desire to hope you can believe what they say, so I think they are likely to lie, as the set of rhetoric, I think Is really mixed, maybe they are really attacked by Paul, perhaps really hiding in the vicinity of Betty's death scene, and as to whether there is really heard the so-called chewing body sound, I think this part is very May be lying. "Having said these words, the Fed looked back at the two girls, see they are not willing to go over the side, really was he said!

  Emma is not anxious to ask why, she felt the Fed will slowly answer. Although she knew the rhetoric of the two women was wrong, but only reluctantly aware of the time a little problem before they have doubts, until later they work together to attack her, more sit their lies. And the Fed is how to see it?

  "First of all, the two women in the 'hear the sound' deliberately delayed, pretend not to go, for that is to let us have a strong curiosity, and then wait for us to ask after the issue of the so-called heard A person issued a chewing sound, and specifically pointed out that the sound is from Betty's death scene came, its purpose is to make us shocked and have a certain association, and this so-called association is simply a certainty Because they want us to hear these words and be able to believe them, and have a strong curiosity to take further action to confirm whether their remarks are reliable, so it is in line with this appalling news and the ability to make such a thing It’s only Rob, so it all looks logical!

  Speaking of which, Emma recalled the situation at the time, Ann hesitant, timid look, and then Linda could not see her out. This is a match with the past is really a tacit understanding, two of

  the superb acting can be awarded a small gold to them.

  Emma nodded, "think of Rob, we will be curiosity, will want to see the scene! But they do not know Rob attacked us, so
his" chewing behavior "and the actual Rob attack us the time had a contradiction.


  "This lie is simply a tiger, but how can they be expected, only you will go to the scene? Maybe I will be with you ... ..." When it comes to half, Emma's mind suddenly flashed a light.

  Fed see Emma's expression, smile nodded, do not intervene, so she said it.

  "That is to say their killing object is not necessarily me, there may be a small four!"


  "Or they just want to kill is simply a small four! Just later because I did not show the meaning of action to be with you, plus you also feel a few girls stay together more secure, so I stay to become right. They started to kill the small four of the biggest threat! However, when the small four in a coma, if they kill the small four, I will try to stop, so they put the target to my body! "Emma paused, Think, "or that they are casual to kill anyone else, especially me and the small four, because we are all the weakest inside, there is not much attack and resistance, if I and the fourth is a separate action , It is estimated that there is no less than this lie. We are one of them by their encounter and then two people together, just like that, I directly game over, so replaced by a small four is the same. If encountered a few people together, As they encounter the three of us together, this lie can come in handy, and why they moved the murder, it is likely to Paul and their killings have a direct They are certainly also due to life and death, fear not work. Finally, they are in the environment and the head of the countless hours of the show to stimulate and catalyze the birth of such an idea. Then two people a consultation, decided They have to take action, cannot sit still, cannot always wait for others to kill them, at least to protect their lives, so it will decide to make such a lie to create a tiger from the mountains of the plan to prevent from time to time!


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