Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Missy Lyons

  “Please! I am so close!” She moaned, and her head thrashed to the side as she bit into her knuckles. He was playing with her, damn it.

  “Say you’ll stay with us.”

  “No. Let’s just fuck and be friends,” she whined. Any other man would have accepted the blatantly sexual offer. Why wouldn’t he?

  “Say you’ll come with us, and I will be here to pleasure you every day of your life.”

  “You said it was only a year.” She wriggled beneath him.

  “Say it,” he urged.

  “Damn it, yes! Anything! Just give it to me. Please!”

  He chuckled, quite pleased with himself as if she had any control or could say no to this kind of sexual torture. His cock replaced his hand, and while he did not enter her, she rode him like an upside-down horse, using his hard flesh to assuage her aching clit and bring her to satisfaction. His tongue plundered her mouth, demanding her submission, and her body quivered, rising to the sky as she orgasmed. Her legs locked around his torso, and as the final waves of the orgasm wreaked their havoc, she lost the desire to fight, or to move.

  His long French kiss grew less demanding, and he finally withdrew to place lighter kisses on her cheeks and then the bridge of her nose before his weight rolled to the side. Somehow she felt he had never had his full weight on her, but in the final moment of her orgasm, she had stopped breathing. Now her breaths came slowly and more regularly.

  His hands touched her in far less intimate places with a sweet caress that was not meant to sate her lust but stay close to her.

  Damn it. What did she just agree to? One year would lead to having a baby, and that would lead to… She didn’t want to think about forever yet. No matter how good it felt to be touched by these two hunky aliens. Forever was just too long to ask.

  “Does your planet have birth control?”

  His fingers brushed her nipple softly flicking it back and forward between his fingers. “Our women’s fertility was devastated by a virus outbreak on our home planet. Birth control is illegal to use because we need every breeding female available. Don’t you want to have children?”

  “We don’t even know if it’s possible between us. I want children. Just not now.” Eventually she would love to have a family, but she never thought making a family would happen this quickly. She didn’t know if she was fertile yet. She had never been told otherwise, but this whole idea still frightened her. How could she ever go home? Her entire life was on the Earth world, and she was about to say good-bye to everything she had ever known, unless there was an out to her agreement made in the throes of lovemaking. “What if I can’t get pregnant?”

  “Then my brother and I shall have many long months to practice getting it right.” He kissed her lightly on the nose.

  She frowned, not liking his answer at all, but at least she would get screwed in the process.

  Hopefully, often.

  She was a lucky woman.

  * * * *

  It took a while to get out of the bedroom, but since Ryder was determined to hold out on her and not actually fuck her until his brother got on board, staying would only lead to more tongue fucking and more promises she didn’t want to give.

  She talked Ryder into a tour of the spaceship while they waited. Most of the walls were silver like the bedroom. The lighting was built into the glowing walls and seemed to be as natural as the sunlight outside.

  Yet, the most impressive room was the captain’s bridge. Multiple sized monitors and electrical equipment dominated the room. Out the front row of windows was an amazing view of Earth. The blue ocean contrasted starkly with the land, and she could see the clouds swirling around the continents. This wasn’t some video playback. It was the first time reality hit. She really was in space.

  Awestruck, she placed her hand on the cold window overlooking her home planet.

  Her tummy growled, distracting her, but Ryder looked concerned.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” Lily answered, but struck with a horrible thought, she panicked. What if she had to give up her favorite comfort foods when she left Earth? “Please tell me you have cheesecake.”

  “Okay, E.V.E. will be able to figure it out from your memories and synthesize it.”

  “Synthetic chocolate sounds wrong.”

  “It is, but the texture and taste is as close to the real thing as you can get, and it will have nutritional value designed for your body’s maximum energy and use.”

  “Chocolate that won’t get me fat?”

  “None of the food E.V.E. prepares should get you fat. It is all designed especially for your body.”

  Lily gagged. “I knew there was a catch. Chocolate that won’t get me fat translates to tastes like shit.”

  “Is that how you want it to taste?” Ryder’s nose pushed up in disgust. “I am sure E.V.E. can do it, but chocolate doesn’t sound good at all.”

  “Oh, chocolate is excellent. I usually have it as a treat at least once a week, but it is great over dessert, with cheesecake, over ice cream, and even in coffee with a little cream.”

  “E.V.E. can synthesize anything you want or remember from Earth.”

  “Then we’ll have to test out her cooking skills.” She spun in the black leather captain seat to face her lover.

  “E.V.E., can you synthesize chocolate for Lily?” Ryder spoke louder, and it dawned on Lily that the computer had been listening to their entire conversation just waiting to be needed for anything.

  “Yes, sir. Chocolate is a sweet treat developed from a bean originally found in the South American forest. It has been used for centuries with sugar and in baking. In its pure form it still has health benefits and antioxidants. It comes in many strengths and flavors.”

  “I didn’t ask for a history lesson, just if you could make it.” Ryder shook his head.

  “I can make any food,” E.V.E. said.

  “Okay. I want the kind that tastes good and has sugar in it and cream. We call it milk chocolate!”

  A tray popped out of the console with a yellow helmet on it. “What is that for? Are we crash landing?”

  E.V.E. sounded chiding, as if she were talking to a small child and had to speak slowly or Lily may not understand. “This is a TROPE helmet, and if you put it on, I can read your thoughts and your memories.”

  “You have to put it on for her to make the recipe just right.” Ryder smiled. “You can ask for anything you want, and E.V.E. can make it just like home. Just think about what it looks like and what it tastes like when it is fresh, and she will have it ready for you in a few seconds.”

  Lily had it off the tray and on her head in seconds. It was padded on the inside and seemed to change shape once she put it on to cling to her head tighter. The silver shelf it sat on disappeared back into the console.

  “Yay!” Lily squealed with excitement and began counting down on her fingers her favorite fast-food takeout. “Okay, I want a chocolate milk shake, curly fries, and a hamburger, just like the drive-in from around the corner at my home, and a box of chocolate covered strawberries to share with Ryder.” Lily licked her lips just thinking about lunch. She hadn’t eaten in some time, and eating a burger from Jack’s Burger would be just like going home. She didn’t mind trying new food, but having the ability to get her comfort food anytime she craved it was something that made her inexplicably happy.

  “Can you do that for her, E.V.E.?” Ryder’s voice had an amused edge to it.

  “Order up,” the sugary sweet voice of the computer answered.

  The silver shelf popped out again this time piled high with food. Lily gaped at the display. She couldn’t get food that fast from Jack’s Burger, and the packaging was exactly the same. It even had the orange sun insignia on the bag and matching cup. She gasped in delight and took a sip from the chocolate milk shake. It hit all the right spots on her taste buds, exploding in a sweet explosion of sugary sweetness.


  She moaned, and her eyelashes flutter
ed shut. It sure beat slaving away in the kitchen for hours. “That is the best stuff ever. E.V.E. you can cook anytime you want.”

  “Is that a compliment, human? If so—you’re welcome.”

  Lily grinned. “Give me an extra milkshake, a cheeseburger, and another large fries for my guy Ryder. You have to taste these, Ryder. They are better than the real thing.”

  A second shelf popped out loaded high with food. Ryder picked up the chocolate milk shake and grinned from ear to ear after he took a sip. “This drink is delicious. So this is what chocolate tastes like?”

  “Try this.” She laughed and took a chocolate covered strawberry from the box and held it out for him. He opened his mouth for her and bowed his head. She felt closer to him in that moment of intimacy, feeding him. It was a simple act, but it made her feel like she belonged with him even more when he trusted her enough to take a bite.

  He smiled wide after swallowing a drink of the milkshake. “Yes. I agree with you, Lily. Chocolate should be a food group. This is good.”

  She giggled and unwrapped her hamburger to take a bite when E.V.E.’s voice came over the intercom. “Prepare for visitors. Saber has just beamed aboard. He has been sent into decontamination and will be processed shortly.”

  Her heart lit up with happiness to see her hunk again. “That’s great news!”

  “I am sure Saber will be just as happy to see you,” Ryder said, but his yellow eyes screamed sex. It reminded her of what he said earlier. He waited for his brother to return to claim her. Now that he was aboard the ship, it wouldn’t be long before both men fucked her.

  A shiver traveled up her spine, and her pussy gushed in anticipation.

  * * * *

  Saber hurried through the process of decontamination and ensuring Girvan was locked away safely into his private cell. After that initial lockdown, everything would be easy. E.V.E. would be able to take care of his basic needs, and the door wouldn’t have to be opened again until the ship reached their homeport.

  He was anxious to see Lily again and slightly jealous of his brother getting to spend so much time with her alone. He knew the necessity of it, and logically he agreed when he let his brother go out on the ledge to take care of her. He was the one to rescue her initially and transport her to their home ship, and Ryder was also the man who got to hold her and comfort her afterward.

  Damn it.

  He could just imagine how they kept themselves busy while he was down on Earth cleaning up the giant mess they left him with. Alone. It wasn’t just about capturing the fugitive but undoing everything Girvan had done on Earth. He had to erase everyone’s memory who had ever come into contact with Girvan, and that wasn’t as easy as it would seem. The hardest thing about that little task was the time it took up was keeping him from seeing his woman, Lily.

  He ached to possess her, and the waiting was killing him, even if he understood it was necessary for many reasons. Lily was a delicate flower that needed time to understand her wants and desires. She was afraid of her body’s strong reaction to them both, and on Earth having two partners was highly unusual. It was only natural Lily was afraid at first, and if they didn’t give her some space, she might run before they could devote their full efforts to seducing her. Ryder and he both agreed there was a time and a place for everything, and they didn’t need a distraction of a lover on Earth while they were chasing Girvan, but once they had him in their ship’s prison, all bets were off. They both wanted her, and now that she was with them, it would only be a matter of time before she realized how much she wanted to belong to them.

  Saber felt this moment of submission was also most likely to happen when they could finally get her into their bed.

  He double-checked the locks on the door to Girvan’s cell and ignored the screams from within. Eventually the man would have to get used to closed quarters. He could complain all he wanted. Girvan wasn’t going anywhere.

  Saber ran up the stairs two at a time to look for his companions. He anxiously checked every area of the ship, opening every door. His blood pressure heightened when he saw the mussed sheets on the large bed. He let his mind wander, imagining how they got that way until E.V.E. interrupted his wayward thoughts. “If you’re looking for lover boy and his new woman, they are on the bridge.”

  “Thanks, E.V.E.,” Saber replied gruffly. It was probably better he didn’t find them in bed together with his temper. He may have broken a bone or two of his brother’s for tasting her pleasures first. When they shared her, feeling this sharp pain of jealousy could divide them. He knew he had to control himself and his wayward emotions, but as the door slid open, his anger exploded.

  He stood in the doorway for a second taking in the scene in front of him. He couldn’t believe his sight. He narrowed his eyes dangerously on the scene in front of him. Lily sat comfortably on Ryder’s lap, feeding him chocolate-covered strawberries. He had one hand resting on her breast and the other comfortably on her plump ass.

  “Brother! So happy you made it back.” Ryder’s broad smile indicated he had no idea how irritated Saber felt. Lily shifted on Ryder’s lap. Her legs comfortably straddled one of Ryder’s legs.

  His nostrils flared in response. “I single handedly clean up the mess back on Earth you left, and this is the thanks I get? I would have at least waited for you to join me before I fucked with our mate, Ryder.”

  Ryder shoved her from his lap when he saw Saber cross the room. Ryder must have seen the death wish in his eyes, but even in his anger, Saber would not dare lift a finger to hurt his woman. Ryder whined out, “But I didn’t do anything.”

  “Argh! Fuck you. I was the one who didn’t do anything.” His hard-as-stone dick hurt like the bite of a poisonous reptar, and he could prove it by wiping that smile off his brother’s face with a pair of fists. Saber grabbed his brother and threw him to the ground. He needed the physical outlet for his anger. It wasn’t an unusual way for them to work out their emotions, and Ryder knew how to defend himself when Saber scrambled on top of him. They wrestled without really hurting each other because Ryder defended Saber’s blows. They rolled across the room.

  “I didn’t touch her! I swear.”

  “Yeah! Then why do you have that pussy-licking grin on your face. I can smell her on you!”

  “But I didn’t fuck her.”

  “You said you didn’t touch her.”

  “Well, technically I didn’t think that counted.”

  “I would have waited.”

  “You weren’t here!”

  “Boys! Stop fighting over me. Please!” Lily screamed. “You’re scaring me.”

  “Tell the woman you’re sorry, Ryder,” Saber gritted out.

  “I didn’t start the fight,” Ryder refused.

  “Don’t hurt him, Saber! He didn’t fuck me. I begged him to, and he would barely touch me.”

  Saber suddenly scrambled off Ryder. If she had begged him, he wasn’t sure he’d have the self-control to say no. Damn, he never wanted a woman this much before. He was crazy to possess her, and she begged his brother to fuck her. He had never let a woman to come between them, before today.

  “Is that true?” He felt hurt knowing the answer, but he had to ask his brother to confirm it.

  Ryder sighed heavily. “Yes, but I did touch her only enough to help ease her tension. I waited for you to be here to claim her properly.”

  Saber suddenly felt like a third wheel. He was the one bringing tension to the room and the frown to Lily’s sweet face. He got up to his feet and walked toward the doorway.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” Ryder asked. His voice sounded shocked Saber gave up so easily.

  Saber closed his eyes and swallowed his pride. He recognized Lily was afraid of the physical confrontation, and he didn’t need to be there when the two lovebirds had been getting along so well before he came into the picture. “Don’t let me ruin your day when you were having such a great fucking time without me. I am going somewhere I am appreciated.”

“Wait, Saber. Don’t go.” He stopped midstride when he heard Lily plead sweetly. He wanted to listen, but he was just as angry as when he first stepped in the room.

  “Just let him go, Lily. Saber needs to cool off.” He hardened when he heard his brother and ground his teeth. Ryder was right, damn it. He needed alone time.

  “I don’t know,” her soft voice answered.

  “He’ll be all right,” Ryder assured her, and Saber felt his anger flare again because it wasn’t him she drew comfort from.

  * * * *

  “I have to make sure Saber is okay. He looked upset when he left, and I can’t leave it like this.” Lily worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was worried about him. He didn’t look happy when he left the captain’s quarters, and that wounded look in his eyes pierced her heart. She had never meant to hurt him.

  “I think you should let him be.” Ryder touched her shoulder softly but didn’t stop her.

  She easily pulled away and looked at him sadly. “I shouldn’t have let it come to this. I never wanted to come between you brothers, and I understand why he’s feeling this way. He had seen you with me, and we were happy. He was jealous he had not had any kind of personal time with me before this.”

  “I still think you should give him time to cool off. Let him get over it, and then we’ll go together to confront him,” Ryder pleaded softly.

  “Wouldn’t you be pissed if you found out he had been in bed with me first?” Lily watched him close his eyes and breathe in slowly. He had to understand how deeply his brother was probably affected to have that angry outburst.

  “That’s one of the reasons we have to claim you together as our mate. Jealousy could tear us apart. Our fathers were kind enough to warn about it when the time came to claim our mate. It has to be done together, and he wants you as much as I do. He’ll come around to his senses and be back,” Ryder explained.


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