The Hottie Billionaire Series: Romancing A Banking Magnate (The Billionaire Meets The Damsel In Distress)

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The Hottie Billionaire Series: Romancing A Banking Magnate (The Billionaire Meets The Damsel In Distress) Page 4

by Sharon Rose

  He actually understood his mother. Well, she was right. He was really getting older, and he needed to start raising a family of his own. Finally, he realized that. He was already thirty-five. Now was the perfect time for him to get married, father one or two kids, and be a doting family man.

  He already had enough of the bachelor life, had tasted countless of women, and engaged in adrenaline seeking adventures. It was now his time to slow down, to take life seriously, and be a devoted family man, just like his friend, Tristan. Naya, Tristan’s wife, just gave birth to a cute as a button little girl, and when he held the little angel in his arms during one of his visits, he suddenly longed to have his own.

  Alas, his take about life and things around him became mature. It was sudden and drastic, like a 180-degree turn, but it was for the better. If he could just fix his life in a snap of a finger, he definitely would. But his dreaded erectile problem continued to haunt him. And he was afraid, really afraid, that Nikolas might have hit the nail in the head by saying that he was already undergoing a mid-life crisis. Dang, but knock on wood!

  Well, Nikolas had been there for him in his awkward struggle. He had been a really good friend, a confidante, and a passionate supporter to find a cure to his epic, temporary impotence. Nikolas was quite positive at first that he could help him, but all of the hot, lovely women whom he recommended to get his groove back, did not do a thing to excite his still sleeping junior. His mind really wanted to fuck, yet his bloody dick wouldn’t cooperate. Even that hottie Megan Fox look-alike, who was better than a bitch in heat, simply wasn't enough to put him on fire.

  He was really smitten by her incredible beauty and hotness, and he thought that she was already what he was looking for - an elusive cure to his impotence. He had high hopes, but when they got to the bedroom, and the woman worked her ass out arousing him, seducing him, setting his mood for a hot sexual encounter, his bull-headed junior excruciatingly remained passive. And the hottie Megan Fox look-alike went bonkers.

  Damn! But he had never been embarrassed like hell in front of a woman that he wished for the earth to crack open and eat him alive. He didn’t even want to think about it, but since it's gotten inside his mind, he couldn’t help but painfully cringe.

  He still could hear how she cursed and crushed his masculinity in blatant insults. His ego was bruised like hell, his manhood was disparagingly shaken. And it was just so frustrating because he couldn’t do anything about it.

  He became the subject of his friends’ demeaning jokes when they learned about the incident. Until now.

  He was enjoying the title as the most womanizer among his friends, a sex god who was happily humping from one lap to another, and of all people, he was the unlucky one to suffer from the dreaded curse called impotence. It was indeed unfair!

  It wasn’t easy to stomach, yet he needed to deal with it. He had been in denial for a period of time, and it gave him more harm than good. So he really had to put up with this kind of shit, and address the root cause of the issue.

  Maybe that way, he could dig what was wrong with him, and find the mysterious solution to end his ordeal.

  Damn, but he just simply couldn’t accept that he was really having a mid-life crisis. Nikolas must be wrong. For Pete’s sake, he was just thirty-five, still on his prime, and not a fifty year old, filthy, old man!

  Sometimes, he couldn’t help but think that maybe karma was already smacking him hard in the ass. He had toyed with women, he wouldn’t deny that, and maybe that was why he was being punished now. He was a perennial playboy, and he would change girlfriends as often as he would change briefs. People around him would always point that out to him, especially his mom.

  But, oh well, despite him being a playboy and all, he treated his women well. He showered them with expensive, material things and indulging gifts. He was really not a complete asshole, if that was some sort of a consolation. It was just that his romantic streak was fleeting. No woman was able to hold his interest for a long time.

  He was a busy bee. He loved darting from one flower to another, and when it’s time to say goodbye, he would not buy his time to bid his farewell.

  Janine was his only girlfriend who lasted for a year. He thought that she was already the girl for him, the one who would stay with him through thick and thin, but they parted ways already. And that was all because he couldn’t give her big “O” anymore. Shame!

  His life was in great jeopardy, really, and he needed to find a solution fast. There was a ticking time bomb that he must beat, or else, he would be a dead meat, yet he was fucking helpless in finding ways on how to beat the odds.

  And then, one day, he was surfing the internet when he came along an article that says: CHINESE BILLIONAIRE SEEKS WIFE: ONLY VIRGINS NEED APPLY. He got curious, and he read the entire article. It was about a Chinese businessman who had aplenty of moolah at his disposal, and he was seeking for a wife, not just an ordinary wife, but still a virgin wife. It sounded absurd at this time and age, and he was actually amused as he read the article.

  But an idea struck in his mind. He, too, was looking for a wife, for that one particular woman who could turn him on big time, who would bring back his voracious appetite in bed, and someone who could give him an heir. He badly needed that kind of a woman. Until now, it was horrifying, but he still couldn’t screw a pussy just because his bloody dick wouldn’t do so.

  And he was already fucking frustrated with his boring, celibate life. He had never imagined himself to be deprived of sex. It was his food supplement since he learned the art of fuckery, yet he was now in a pervasive situation wherein he was living his most terrifying nightmare.

  Reluctantly, yet hoping, he decided to make a cathartic decision, something like what the Chinese businessman came up in the article he just read. Right there and then, he called the Daily Inquirer and placed a whole, one page advertisement.


  Hilarious, he knew that, but he was able to put up such a desperate ad in the Daily Inquirer as he was actually really desperate. There was no sense denying that anymore when his whole life was in jeopardy. He was doing this to find a cure to his dreaded illness and fix his already fucked up life.

  With his ad, he was actually hitting two birds with one stone. He could solve all of his problems with the help of one woman - THE ONE who could bail him out of his misery, save his goddamned future, and continue his next generation. He just needed one woman to do all of those amazing things for him. Once he could get back to banging a hot pussy, everything would fall in the right places. He could secure a wife, fuck till he drops, and produce an heir. His mother would be happy, and he would be singing a happy tune again.

  Just one woman. He needed just one woman to give him miracles. And he just couldn’t wait to meet her!

  Chapter 6

  Xavier colorfully cursed when he heard hysterical moans echoed on the line. His sharp radar instantly picked up what was going on before Nikolas’ perverted voice spoke on the other line. His bastard of a friend was having a great time with one of his fuck buddies. And suddenly, he envied Nik.

  Well, good for him. As usual, his friend’s sex life was astoundingly over the moon. Unlike him. He was still trapped in a bloody nightmare.

  “Hey, buddy!” Nikolas was panting heavily when he answered his call.

  The scandalous moaning of a woman who was with him did not stop. It continued to irritate his ears that he thought his ear drums might agonizingly explode any moment.

  He momentarily parted the phone away from his ear. He took a deep sigh, his brows were cocking as if he didn’t approve of his friend’s scandalous humping playmate. “Nik are you free tonight?” he asked after he put the phone back to his ear.

  “Obviously, not, Xave,” he answered crisply. “Can’t you see that, man? But in case not, hey, I’m busy!” His pantin
g became harder. The woman’s moans went more hysterical on the background.

  “Fuck you, Nik!” he snarled furiously and cancelled the call. Nikolas talked to him while having sex! What a bloody way to totally ruin his already terrible night!

  Pissed off, he carelessly threw his phone on his bed. The electronic gadget bounced on the soft mattress and spilled on the floor. The casing and the battery shattered apart, but he didn’t dare pick them up.

  He was fuming as he paced inside his luxurious room. The thought that Nikolas was having a great time humping a pussy, and here he was alone in his room, frustrated as ever as his problem continued to haunt him, made him want to cut his friend’s bloody dick so he could personally drag him to share his painful ordeal. If he could just do that.

  He called him to ask him if they could hang out tonight. He was damned pissed off and frustrated the whole day, and he needed to unwind. He had wasted another day in his office, interviewing a handful of women who responded to his ad in the Daily Inquirer. It had been two months since he ran the ad, and still, he hadn’t found anyone from the hundreds of applicants who could fill his purpose.

  There were actually a lot of decent women who went to see him. Some of them were models, actresses, and beauty queens, but his bull-headed junior wouldn’t even flinch a bit, much to his dismay and frustration.

  He had already invested a lot - time, money and patience, but his quest to find the elusive cure to his impotence seemed out of nowhere. He felt hopeless. He felt helpless. He was already very frustrated, and he was on the verge of giving up.

  He didn’t expect that the simple but crazy stint that he pulled off in the Daily Inquirer would give him a pounding headache. He had encountered pushy and desperate women who would run the mile just so he could pick them. It was hard to dismiss clingy and frantic applicants who would desperately kneel at his feet, begging to be his wife. The experience was exhausting, and it was consuming much of his energy.

  He was a private businessman, but he dared face a lot of women and expose his identity in a bid to find what he was looking for. He had just attracted desperate women who wanted his name and the luxury that comes with it, yet he hadn’t got his purpose in the first place.

  Well, who wouldn’t wish to be his wife? He was worth an ass whopping billions of pesos. Not to mention that aside from having a super fat bank accounts, he also got the looks to boot. A deadly combo women would go gaga over with, a woman’s ultimate fantasy. But he wondered at how women would treat him if they would know of his dirty, little secret. Would they still worship him like a pagan god if he couldn’t bang them in the bedroom anymore?

  He groaned aloud in exasperation. It was a painful truth, and a secret that he wanted to lock in his closet, then, lose the key so that no one could dare open it, and let the cat out of the bag. He, himself, couldn’t simply accept that he was suffering from impotence. And how about those women who were after him because of sex? They surely wouldn’t like it. He was pretty sure of that.

  What would happen to his notorious reputation among women, courtesy of his long list of exes, that he was good in bed?

  He cringed at the thought. His end was coming near. He dreaded that, but unless he could find ways to solve his erectile dilemma, he would surely be a dead meat. Whether he liked it or not.

  Oh, how miserable he felt!

  He rubbed his palms on his problematic face, hoping that by doing so, he could also rub his problem off him. But it wasn’t as easy as that. He could only wish.

  In the midst of his dilemma, he couldn’t help but think of his friends. Tristan, Kiehl, Nikolas and Benjamin seemed to have a really great time with their lives.

  Their sex lives were healthy. He was the only one who was stuck in this kind of nightmarish ordeal, and to think that he wasn’t the oldest in the group. Nikolas was actually older than him by a year, yet he was still at the prime of his life.

  He was so unlike him. It was already months since his life took a drastic turn, and he felt as if he was crucified on the cross. Having a zero sex life for months was not something that he aspired for. He wasn’t used to it. He would never get used to it.

  Should he now seek medical help, then? Should he go and ask one of the hottest doctors in town to help him treat his diminishing sex drive?

  Benjamin told him that he knew of a very good doctor with impotency as specialization. He wasn’t buying the idea yet.

  Nikolas suggested that he should try Viagra, or other sex stimulant drugs in the market. Which he actually did, but it wasn’t effective. Though he got some lousy erection, he still lacked the drive to fuck a girl, and that was kinda mind-blowing. He just couldn’t explain why.

  So Nikolas concluded that his impotency problem may be psychological in nature. And he told him about a rare case which he read somewhere where an impotent patient was cured by a girl who miraculously turned him on big time.

  Nikolas actually suggested that he should look for that particular woman, someone whom he would have lots of hots for, someone who could arouse his sexual drive like no other. The idea appealed to him. So his friends introduced him to a lot of hot, beautiful women within their circle. But unfortunately, it didn’t do the trick.

  He, too, did his best to help himself. He ran an ad in the Daily Inquirer so he could increase his chance of meeting a lot of hot, lovely women who could awaken his sexual appetite that was still in a deep slumber. That was his main purpose. But at the rate that his ad was going right now, he could excruciatingly say that it wasn’t working as well.

  He took a deep breath. Desperation was really creeping to every fiber of his being, dragging his confidence and peace of mind down the drain.

  So what would he do now with his plans working not the way he wanted? He was ready to shell out bucks of money just so he could solve his dreaded dilemma.

  Oh well, he was actually spending money already right now. He paid an expensive one whole page ad in the leading newspaper in the country. And he would splurge more once he found the right woman who could fill his purpose. She would be entitled to a whopping one million pesos upfront payment, and a hefty monthly allowance, aside from a big chunk of money from the shares of UNB. She would also be a billionaire in her own right.

  These were just some of the things that his future wife and baby momma would comfortably enjoy in her lifetime while being married to him. It was an irresistible offer that a lot of women might kill for.

  And he was not just throwing away money; he was wasting his precious time, too, by interviewing countless of women who poured at his doorstep graciously, instead of attending board meetings and business conferences.

  He was doing all of these, even risking his own wealth, just so he could find a cure to his epic erectile problem.

  But things weren’t looking good for him, no matter how much he really tried to do his best.

  He sighed miserably again.

  Was there still hope that he could drag his ass out of this fucking ordeal?

  He didn’t want to lose hope. He couldn’t afford that. But he really was becoming desperate.

  He really wished that his dreaded problem would come to an end… sooner. Not fucking later. Because, damn, he was really already running out of patience.

  Chapter 7

  Katrina's heart was pounding hard inside her chest. Her knees were softening. She felt as if she might trip to the granite floor that she was walking on any moment. She was having an anxiety attack, and she couldn't help it.

  Her breathing was restrained due to the effect of the overwhelming riot of emotions inside her. She was scared, really scared, that she wanted to turn her back and just run away, but she knew that she had to do this.

  She had plans, and she must do it by hook or by crook. This was the last option she had on her list. It was her only hope, her vulnerable lifeline, and she had to cling to it as hard as she could.

  Her legs became numb, and she stopped walking. With a hand gently pressed on her chest, she took a
deep, long breath.

  She was having a cold feet, but she toughened her resolve. She was already here. No more backing out. It wasn't even an option.

  She thought of her family, and suddenly, courage brimmed in her heart. She had to do this. This was her only hope left to help her family get out of their financial predicament. She had already exhausted all her luck and means for the last five months, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

  Her family's future depended on her, and she couldn't think of any better idea to raise a bigger amount of money in a short span of time than wanting to be a wife of a billionaire extraordinaire. She was running out of time, and she needed to act fast.

  She took a series of deep, long breaths. She could do this, she convinced herself. She only had to put up a brave front. After all, she was really desperate. She wouldn’t be putting her all in the line - her last ounce of money, dignity and future, if she still had other remaining choices.

  They only had a month left to fully settle their debt with the bank. The six-month allowance was fast approaching, and they still had around three million pesos as balance.

  Three million pesos! She didn’t know where the heck she would get that huge amount. She had already sold their cars, jewelries and other expensive items, had withdrawn the last dime of their savings from their bank accounts, and she had already borrowed money from all of her contacts, which she actually didn’t know how to pay at this point. Well, her only consolation was that, she could bid her time in paying for her family’s personal debt, but not the big loan from the bank.

  She murmured a prayer as she composed herself. She knew that she was a strong woman, a fighter in particular, but she needed all kinds of strength right now to back her up.

  She was already sporting a calm and composed demeanor when she started pacing. This was it! She was now ready to face this new challenge in her life. For her family.


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