Killer Love

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Killer Love Page 6

by Goode, Ella

I think it’s rather perfect, actually. I try to keep a smile off of my face. “Why would Dering have a reason to kill his own clients?”

  The intern shrugs before bending her head again. “I don’t know. Motive isn’t really my thing. I never studied that in school. It was mostly bones, tendons, and nerves, you know?”

  “That is what doctors ordinarily focus on.”

  “Right. Anyway, I thought I’d go over the rest of the files tonight if that’s all right with you. I’ll write up a report tomorrow or the next day.”

  “That’s fine. You can go study the files now, if you like. I can finish up here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. The cause of death is fairly clear by the blue around his lips. The alveoli has collapsed and there is swelling in the lungs.”

  “Yeah, I figured it was cardiac arrest caused by lack of oxygen, too, but I wasn’t sure if that happened before or after he got dumped in the water.”

  “After, likely, but we’ll see by the blood samples and how much salt is in his blood.”

  “Cool. Okay, let me get back to the files.” The intern strips off her gloves and scurries over to the corner where the files are laid out. I take out the lungs and weigh them, take a blood sample to be sent to toxicology, and then finish up the physical examination. Once the report is completed, I step out to call Angel.

  “How is your day?” I ask.

  “It’s going. This trial is so boring. It’s a slip and fall on ice and I’ve heard way too much about salt on the sidewalks.”

  “Should I come and declare a state of emergency and steal you away?”

  She sighs. “I wish, but at least we’re having a long lunch. I don’t have to be back for forty-five minutes and the judge has to leave early.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll pick you up from the courthouse. Just text me when you’re ready to go.”

  “But I drove this morning.”

  “I know, but I’d like to pick you up. I’ll take you back in the morning or we can have someone from the police department drive the car home for you. Now, tell me what you’re having for lunch.”

  “Ham and Swiss on a bagel from Bev’s Cafe. What are you having?”

  “I’d like to say you, but, unfortunately, a protein bar. I have to do another autopsy. Has Dering been around you today?”

  “No. I haven’t seen him.”

  “Stay away, if you do. Or call me if he is near.”

  “Why?” She’s alarmed. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “Nothing specific.” I don’t want to scare her. “And nothing that would indicate that you are in danger. I just don’t like him.”

  “I don’t like him either. He does give me the creeps.”

  And I have the perfect solution for that. “I’d say you have very good instincts but you married me, so your judgment is somewhat flawed,” I tease.

  “Ha! Marrying you shows that I have superior judgment. You marrying me also shows how smart you are.”

  “I’m glad we’ve established that we’re both brilliant.”

  “I know, right? I guess I should go because I have to eat this sandwich or my stomach will growl in the middle of questioning.”

  “Text me when you’re finished,” I remind her. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, babe.” After I hang up, I dial Lee. “My intern has discovered something that you should come and see.”

  “Oh? Tell me,” he orders.

  “Come and see.”

  Lee and Sanchez burst into the examining room five minutes later. They’re both out of breath.

  “What is it?” they chorus.

  The intern swings around and glares. “What are you doing here?”

  “I invited them,” I say before the detectives reprimand the young woman for her irritation.

  “But I’m not done,” she wails. “I’ve got at least fifteen more cases to go through.”

  I take another look at the stack of folders. Have I really killed that many? I don’t remember them all.

  “You’re not done?” Lee echoes. “You called us down here and you’re not done?” His thick brows beetle together to form one long hairy caterpillar. His dark eyes glower.

  I step away from the body I’m examining and strip off my gloves. “Flora has discovered a connection between twelve of the cases. That’s almost a third of all of the files you have here. I thought you may want to be aware of them so you can adequately protect the citizens of our city.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sanchez says sharply. She puts her hands on her hips and joins Lee in glaring at me.

  I scoop up the files that the intern had set aside and carry them over to the detectives. “Tell them what you shared with me earlier,” I say.

  Flora licks her lips nervously. “Okay, but like I said, I haven’t gone through all the cases yet, but those files and these two”--she nods her head toward a small pile to the left of her--”all share one similarity.”

  “Which is?” Sanchez says impatiently.

  “They all had the same defense attorney. Dering. Chad Dering.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  My mind drifts off to last night and all the things Lucas did to my body. Over the past few days we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We’ve always had a very active sex life but this is a whole new level. My body has a sweet ache from it. I love that when I shift or move around I can still feel my husband from the night before. I’d been worried at first that Lucas hadn’t enjoyed showing me his rougher side but the past few days have put those worries to bed.

  I fish out my phone and send Lucas a text that I’m all done. He’s so excited to see me that he can’t even wait until we both get home. He sends back a text instantly letting me know he’s on his way.

  I take the side door out of the courthouse wanting to grab my coat that I left inside my car. It was warm today but the weather changed quickly. There is a chill in the air already and with the wind picking up, I’m guessing that it could be freezing by tomorrow morning. I pause when a funny feeling slips up my spine. My skin prickles, causing the hair on my arms to stand up. I glance around the full parking lot. Almost every parking spot is taken but no people linger about. Still, I feel as though someone is watching me. I shake off the feeling, making my way over to my car and pocketing my phone as I find my key to unlock the door.

  Opening the back door, I grab my coat from where I’d tossed it along the seat.

  “Angel.” I let out a small scream as I jump back, turning around to see Chad standing right there. He’s so close that I bump into him. He grabs my shoulders, making sure that I don’t fall. My body stiffens from the contact with his hands. He tries to pull me into him but I back up, almost falling back into my car. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He gives me that smile that makes my skin crawl. I still don’t get how he’s a ladies’ man.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on women like that.” I scold him the best I can, watching him like a hawk. Even though we are in an open parking lot, there's no one around and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous on the inside. I keep my body language relaxed but I’m anything but. I know it was him that I felt watching me. Him approaching me is no coincidence, no matter what he says. He planned this.

  “I didn't sneak. There a reason you’re so jumpy?” he asks. “Are things okay at home?”

  My mouth falls open. I’m not one to curse but this asshole is getting on my last nerve. The fact that he would even insinuate that has me wanting to smack his face.

  “Are you implying that-”

  “I’m not implying anything, Angel.” I hate the way he says my name. He always makes it sound like he’s calling me a term of endearment and not actually my real name. “You’re just jumpy, so it worried me is all.”

  “You’re worried about me?” I can’t keep the sarcasm out of my tone. He should be worried about all the people he’s gotten off over the years. The criminals who are like
ly out in the world doing bad things when they should be in prison. I’m not even sure prison would be enough for some of the things Chad’s clients have done.

  I know this is how the law works but sometimes it seems really freaking unfair. He’s wasted enough of my time with his stupid games. I move to get past him but he doesn’t budge. He’s not touching me but he is blocking my path. I try again but he shifts his body to block me in.

  “You can tell me anything, Angel.” That cocky smile appears on his lips and worry settles in my stomach.

  “I want you to move.” I get my voice under control, making sure it sounds firm. I try to keep the fear out of it. For some reason I think he’ll enjoy that he’s frightened me. That he holds some kind of power over me and I don’t want to give that to him.

  “I know your husband can fly off the handle if provoked.” He puts his hand down on top of my car, fully caging me in now. “He likes to live up to his name Dr. Death.”

  I’m guessing Lucas paid Chad a visit after I told him that he was making me feel uncomfortable. I should be shocked but I am finding that my husband can be provoked. I’d been doing my own provoking and I’m enjoying it.

  “If you truly believed that you wouldn’t be here right now,” I throw back at him.

  “I told you. I was worried about you.” He keeps that fake smirk planted on his face. I’ve never in my life wanted to smack someone before. Right now I’d give anything to do it.

  “I think you should worry about yourself. My husband-” I let out a gasp when Chad goes flying away from me. His body slams into the car next to mine before falling to the ground.

  “Angel. Are you okay?” Lucas cups my face. His eyes are filled with worry but there is something else lurking behind them. Anger. He’s trying to hide it but I see it.

  “I’m okay. He just scared me is all.” Lucas turns, I’m sure to go after Chad, but I grab him by the arm to stop him.

  “I’ll have your job!” Chad sputters, rubbing the back of his head. It’s then I realize that Lucas threw Chad into his fancy sports car that is now rocking a giant dent in the side.

  “Cameras,” I whisper under my breath. They are all over most of the parking lots. I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that I would enjoy watching my husband nail Chad right in the face but where would that get us? Lucas would really be out of a job then.

  “Stay down,” Lucas tells Chad, who is trying to get to his feet. Lucas takes a step toward him. Chad tries to back away but falls on his ass again with his head hitting the car. I have to fight not to laugh.

  “Come on, Angel.” Lucas takes my hand, leading me over to his car, which is parked behind mine, the driver’s side still open. He pulls my door open for me to get in. Chad starts to shout again. Lucas shuts my door before turning toward Chad, who has finally made it to his feet. He stops talking as he puts his hands up and takes a step back. I know it has to be the look on Lucas’ face that has scared him quiet. He comes around the car, getting in and driving away.

  “Lucas.” I say his name softly.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me again.

  “I’m fine,” I reassure him. How can I not be fine when Lucas is right here with me? He looks over at me.

  “I need to fuck you.” I clench my thighs together, instantly getting turned on.

  “Then drive faster.” I smile. Chad was right. Lucas is a different man when he is provoked. I rather enjoy both sides of my husband.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Take off your clothes,” I order.

  “I’m too tired.” Angel throws herself down on the bed, flinging an arm over her head.

  “Bullshit. I know your panties have been wet since we got into the car. I’m putting away my shoes and when I get back, you better be wearing nothing but your pretty smile.” I stomp over to the closet and start stripping.

  There are no sounds of any kind of movement behind me. I guess someone needs a heavy hand tonight and that’s perfectly fine with me, because seeing Chad breathing the same air as Angel has my blood boiling.

  When I leave the walk-in, my suspicions are confirmed. Angel hasn’t moved—not even a fucking inch. I reach back in and grab my belt. I’m going to lay a pretty stripe down her spectacular ass for this outright disobedience.

  I fold the leather onto itself and then slap it against my hand. The sound makes her flinch, but she doesn’t reach even a finger to pull her clothes off.

  I walk over to the bed and yank open the drawer. Some people keep guns by their nightstands, but I’m a doctor. We use knives.

  Inside is a hunting knife with a very sharp blade. It takes one quick movement to flay open her sweater.

  Her eyes fly open. “Did you just cut my sweater?”

  I slide the knife underneath the waistband of her pants. “Be very careful and don’t move. I don’t want you to be nicked by the blade. You know it’s very sharp.”

  She sucks in a breath—and I slice through the waistband as if it was butter.

  “The pants have a zipper,” she says.

  “And you have fingers but neither of them work.” I place a knee on the mattress next to her and pull the ruined pieces of clothing off. My hard cock bobs eagerly in the cool night air.

  “Oh, look, he’s happy to see me,” Angel coos.

  I knock her hand away. “Nope. You don’t get to touch.”

  “Why not?” She pouts.

  “Because you’ve been a bad girl and need to take your punishment first.” I pinch a bare nipple.

  She squirms under my grip, squeezing her legs together as a jolt of excitement travels from that hard nub directly to her sex. I reach over her to set the blade back inside the drawer and feel a pair of soft hands grasp my dick. I shove the drawer shut and pull away. “I told you no touching.”

  The lower lip juts out even farther. “But it was right there and you’ve got some cum on it. Don’t you want me to lick it off?”

  My cock throbs in anticipation, but she needs to be punished so I can’t give in. Not just yet. “You can either suck me off or I get to control your orgasms, which means you don’t come until I tell you to come. If you disobey me, I’m striping your ass with this.” I point to the belt lying beside her.

  She sucks in her lower lip. It’s a real dilemma because she’s super sensitive and enjoys coming multiple times a night. If she chooses this as punishment she knows I’ll drive her to the brink again and again without giving her any relief. I push her legs apart and shove my fingers inside her wet pussy.

  “Uhhh,” she gasps at the intrusion. Her cunt grips me hard. The walls flutter around me as I jack my hand against her. Her eyes flutter shut and her hips rise up as she starts to ride me. An orgasm is already knocking at her door. It shows in the tense line of her body, the way her skin is tight across her cheekbones, the flush spreading across her fine tits. I wrench my fingers out of her.

  Her eyes snap open and she glares. “I was about to come!”

  ”You haven't told me your decision. Do you want my cock in your throat or do you want me to control your orgasms?”

  “I want both,” she whines.

  “Guess I’m going to make myself come.” I wrap my cum-soaked fingers around my shaft and work my cock from base to tip, using her cunt juice as lube. The thwapping sound of my hand against my cock fills the room. Her eyes are riveted. She licks her lips. A moan escapes. She wants the dick bad but she doesn’t know if she wants it in her mouth or in her pussy. She also isn’t sure how long she can last without orgasming. I keep rubbing myself. In a few seconds, I’ll be painting her tits with my cum.

  “Mouth. I’ll take you in my mouth.”

  I stop and motion with my chin for her to get on her knees. “Hands behind your back,” I order. “Since this is a punishment you don’t get to touch me.”

  “This isn’t fair,” she complains, but she does as I order. I want to come so bad I’m dizzy. My vision blurs for a second as she kneels. She flattens her tongue and
opens her mouth, a naked supplicant waiting for her offering.

  “Wider,” I order in a hoarse voice. I pinch the base of my dick to drive the orgasm away. If I don’t get some control, I won’t last but three seconds.

  She stretches her mouth open wide but even then it’s hard to get my thick shaft past her lips. She gasps and then gags slightly as my head hits the back of her throat. “Easy, girl,” I soothe. “Open up for me.”

  She swallows and my head goes down into that tight, narrow space. She won’t be able to talk much tomorrow. Her throat will be sore. So will her ass and her cunt when I’m done with her.

  “You belong to me, Angel. No one else gets to touch you. No one else gets to smile at you. No one else breathes near you. Do you hear me? Nod if you understand.”

  She bops her head slightly, the move making my dick slide even further down the restricted channel.

  “That’s right. You belong to me. I own you.” I start to move, slowly, because she’s vulnerable here. My dick scrapes against her throat, filling her up. I place my hand around her neck and feel myself moving inside of her. This is possession. She’s mine. Mine. “When you pledged yourself to me, you gave me the right to destroy anything or anyone that threatens our bond. I’m going to come down your throat and then I’m going to fuck your pussy until you can’t stand straight. Do you hear me?”

  She nods again. I throw my head back and thrust, letting the orgasm barrel out of me, letting the cum spill down her throat. I pull out and cover her throat and tits with my seed. Grabbing her by her chin, I raise her up until her mouth is level with mine. “There is nothing I won’t do—nothing—to keep you safe.”

  “I know.” The admission comes out on a shaky breath.

  I seal my mouth to hers, seal our promise to each other. I was born for one reason and that is to protect Angel. I will not fail in this.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I stare out the window watching the snowfall. Lucas has already been gone a few hours. He got called into work. I am hoping that it is nothing major that will have him gone for too long. My body still aches from our lovemaking.


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