You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 19

by Jayne, Melanie

  “He won’t listen, he just doesn’t see.” Jasmine let out a loud sigh.

  “Jazz, if you move forward with this, are Izzy’s objections a deal breaker? You don’t have to answer me, but you need to think about it.” Hale was concerned for her friend.

  “It would be a deal breaker, for me.” Jasmine’s tone was sure, but tears spilled down her cheeks.

  That was a surprise. Since they were kids, Jasmine had wanted to be married and have a family. She wanted the role of wife and mother. “Professionally, this is where I tell you to think about your next moves very carefully. As your best friend, who loves you both very much, I would say that you know Izzy better than anyone. You live your marriage, you know what you can handle and what you can’t. Just think about everything very carefully.”

  “I need this, Hale. I can’t put it into words, but I know I want this.” Jasmine looked a little frightened.

  She hoped that Jasmine and Izzy would face these big changes or more importantly the yearning to make them, together. “OK, then you have my help.”

  “Thank you, that means so much to me.” Jasmine seemed to relax.

  “I’m starving, let’s order. I’m thinking that I want a big, juicy burger.” Hale caught the waiter’s attention.

  “I’m hungry too, and don’t you think for a minute, that we are done discussing your afternoon and what put that very satisfied look on your face.”

  “Baby steps, Jazz, baby steps.”

  Chapter Ten


  Hale turned into The Anderson Steakhouse parking lot and started looking for a space not in one of the darkened corners. It was six forty and already dark outside. She pulled into an open spot and turned off the engine; she was early for their reservation. To outsiders, this might appear to be a dinner with her friends. In reality this was the first time she and Finn had gone out together as a couple in public. Her insistence on taking things slowly had frustrated him, but for once, her schedule cooperated. Her trip to Tampa had taken two weeks and then Finn had attended a Mayors Conference in Cedar Rapids the next week.

  They had done the calling, texting, and FaceTime talks, but they had spent very little time physically together. She was trying to keep things moving slowly, not because she didn’t want to be with him, but because she wanted it so much. This was her second chance with the man she could never forget. She couldn’t screw anything up this time.

  In her life, the relationships that she had wanted never worked out. She blotted her lips with a tissue and put her keys away in her clutch. She leaned back in her seat to rest, closing her eyes for a moment. God, she was tired. She’d had trouble sleeping in the hotel in Florida, and that problem was still hanging on now that she was home. She’d caught up on the farm business and decisions to be finalized for the holidays and the New Year’s Eve party. She needed a few good nights’ sleep and then she would be on top of her game.

  She tried to relax for a few minutes; she could feel the threat of a headache coming on, probably because she was hungry and jittery. She’d had a late breakfast and skipped lunch, feeling too nervous about tonight to eat.

  There was a knock on her driver’s side window, she jumped and let out a little yelp. She immediately saw Jasmine’s face filled with concern looking through the window. “Hey, are you OK?”

  Hale opened her door and grabbed her clutch as she stepped to the ground and hugged the blonde. “Christ, you scared me. I was just resting.”

  Jasmine returned her hug and started to examine her face in the light of the parking lot lamps. “Still not sleeping?”

  “It’ll get better.” Hale tried to give a reassuring smile.

  “If you say so. Come on, the guys are on their way.” They were to meet Izzy and Finn inside the restaurant.

  They checked their coats and straightened their clothes. Jasmine was dressed in a navy blue V-neck dress that had small jet beads along the neckline, and she had awesome shoes with matching beading along the pointed toes. “Oh my God, I love those shoes.” Hale wished that they wore the same size.

  Jasmine looked down at her foot and pointed one like a ballet dancer. “They hurt like a bitch, but I had to have them.”

  “Just wait until you open your store, no more running around in high heels, Miss Fashionista,” Hale warned.

  “If it happens, I will gladly give up my heels,” Jasmine stated seriously.

  “No doubts allowed. You have a video conference scheduled in a couple of weeks. That’s a good start.” Hale could see that Jasmine was conflicted with feelings of excitement and doubt.

  Hale followed Jasmine to the hostess stand and they were shown to a table for four. The interior of Andersons’ was dark wood and deep maroon leather, with low lighting. In Whitleysburg, this was the place to go for business meetings or a romantic meal, and great steaks.

  Just as the server arrived to check in, the guys appeared. Hale stood so that Izzy could kiss her cheek and then Finn was there, pulling her into his arms. Their kiss was too short.

  As she pulled away, he whispered in her ear. “Every damn time, I forget how beautiful you are.” He pulled out her chair and helped her get seated.

  Hale could feel that she was blushing; he had a way of knocking her sideways, getting under her defenses. “Thank you.” She spoke softly as she bowed her head and repositioned her napkin across her lap. “I missed you,” she told him.

  “Glad to hear it.” She could hear the warmth in his voice.

  The server returned and asked for their drink preferences.

  Izzy discussed wine choices and finally made a decision. Hale wasn’t really paying attention, she was watching Finn out of the corner of her eye. He looked good.

  “So, you’re finally back, did you get everything taken care of in Tampa?” Izzy’s voice broke through her thoughts.

  “I had no idea it was going to take that long. I wish that somebody had clued me in that things were in such a clusterfuck, before I got on the plane. I was expecting maybe two or three days in the office to review, and when I got there, we basically had to start over.” Hale had been beyond frustrated with her former boss and the team leader.

  “Can you say what the problem was?” Izzy continued.

  “Since I left, they’ve lost another team leader, so the guy that was my replacement, who I hand-picked, is now in charge of another team. The woman that took over this project was hired about two months ago, so she didn’t have any background on the case and is still learning the job.”

  “So, you had to go in and save the day,” Finn declared as he placed his hand on hers.

  “If you mean that I was so frustrated by day two that I took over, then yeah, I saved the day.” Hale laughed as she squeezed his hand.

  “And now you’re totally done with Cantor Hart?” Jasmine asked.

  “Yes. If the two sides had not come to an agreement, I would’ve needed to go back in January for trial prep. Since an agreement was reached, I can now say that I am officially done.” Hale let out a sigh.

  The server appeared with the bottle of wine and Izzy went through the uncorking and tasting process. After all four had their glasses in their hands, Izzy proposed a toast. “To our Hale, back home with the ones who love her.”

  They all clinked glasses.

  She tried not to look at Finn, so she stared across as Jasmine who was giving her a huge grin. She fought back a giggle. This was easy, natural; it felt right to be here with Finn. She relaxed and slowly turned her head and caught Finn’s eye and he winked.

  The evening was a success, the food was fantastic and the conversation flowed effortlessly between the friends. “If I eat another bite, I will explode.” Jasmine told the server in answer to his question about dessert.

  “Well, I want to see the menu.” Izzy had the metabolism of a teenage boy and the appetite to match.

  Finn leaned closer to Hale. “Is everything OK, you’re quiet tonight?”

  “My head is hurting. I’m hoping the i
buprofen will kick in soon.” She confided.

  Finn and Izzy had just ordered desserts and coffee when Hale felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy, four of our town’s leading citizens out together.” Major stood beside their table.

  He was studying Hale, and she met his look, challenging him to continue. She had repeatedly told him that she did not want to see him anymore. He was still sending small gifts and calling. She had gone so far as to instruct Ashley to return the gifts and to handle his calls.

  After a noticeable pause, Izzy pushed his chair back to stand. “Major, are you here for dinner?” He shook his hand.

  “I just finished with a new client and happened to see you all sitting over here.” Major nodded at Finn.

  “We’ll have a good night.” Finn’s tone was cool and definitely dismissive.

  Major’s eyes roamed over Hale. “I see that you’ve returned from your little Florida trip.” He squeezed her shoulder again. “It doesn’t look like you got very much color while you were down there.”

  Hale turned in her chair, so that he had to stop touching her shoulder. “It wasn’t a pleasure trip.”

  “You haven’t returned any of my calls,” Major continued.

  “She’s been busy,” Finn’s tone was possessive and she could feel his controlled anger.

  A server arrived with their coffees. Major turned to the waiter. “I think I’ll join them. A cup of decaf, please.”

  The server looked to Izzy. He gave a slight nod and said, “Of course, we’ll have to find you a chair.”

  So Hale scooted closer to Finn and she felt his hand on her thigh. She spoke for his ears only. “My cross to bear.”

  The corners of his lips rose. “Apparently.”

  Major took his seat and continued chatting with the group.

  Hale’s head started to pound, and Major would not shut up and leave.

  He had just finished complimenting Jasmine on something when he grabbed Hale’s hand that was resting on her lap. “Darling, I had wanted to mention this earlier, but since I haven’t been able to speak with you, I guess I will have to do this now, in front of your friends.”

  What the fuck? “What?” Even she could hear the exasperation in her voice.

  “Well, I hope that you haven’t made any plans for Thanksgiving, because I’ve made arrangements for us to go to Aspen for the week.” He gave a very self-satisfied smile, in Finn’s direction.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Hale warned as she felt her hold on her frustrations weakening.

  “I know it is rather forward of me, however we have been seeing each other for some time.” He again flashed that smile as if he knew that he was pulling a fast one.

  Hale felt Finn stiffen, she hurried to speak. “Major, we aren’t seeing each other. I made that very clear. Plus, I already have plans for Thanksgiving.”

  “With us, her Thanksgiving plans are with us.” Jasmine explained while giving Major a measuring look, trying to figure out what his game was.

  “She can easily get out of those plans,” he told them. “I’m sure you’ll understand.” Again, he used that smug smile.

  Hale wanted to slap it from his face. “I don’t want to change my plans, I want to be with my friends, those are my plans.”

  “Well, I guess we can cut the trip short.” Major’s smile had become tight

  “I don’t want to go on a trip with you. I don’t know where you got that idea. I don’t want this, any of this.” It felt like an ice pick was turning in her brain, white dots floated in front of her eyes.

  Finn’s voice held a distinct edge. “Hale is not going on a trip with you. Stop calling her, stop sending her gifts, and for God’s sake, stop planning trips.”

  “I’m sure that you think that you can speak for Hale but…” Major didn’t get to finish.

  “I’m telling you to stop, or we are going to have a problem. No more, do you get me?” Finn stood and glared in Major’s direction.

  Major turned to her. “Hale? Do you approve of Finn speaking this way to me on your behalf?”

  Christ, now she was burning up and her stomach churned. She needed to go to the bathroom, now. She stood up and stepped away from the table. “Major, do what Finn says. Just stop.” She hurried to the ladies’ room.

  Hale didn’t know how much time had passed, when she heard the door open to the restroom. “Hale, honey, are you OK?” Jasmine sounded concerned.

  “Yeah, give me a sec.” She was still on her knees in front of the toilet. She had been resting her forehead against the cool tile on the wall in the large handicapped stall. She slowly rose to her feet, grasping the handrail, she was still a little dizzy. Once the room stopped spinning, she unlocked the stall door. “Hey.”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t look very good.” Jasmine put her cool hand on her forehead.

  Hale closed her eyes, the bright lights hurt and the dots were making their appearance, again. “Yeah, I have a migraine. I got sick and I’m still a little shaky.” She glanced down to make sure that nothing had spattered on her sweater.

  Jasmine checked her out. “You’re so pale, but don’t worry, your clothes are fine.”

  “I need to rinse my mouth out.” Hale held onto the edge of the sink.

  Jasmine had a handful of paper towels ready for her when she finished. “Better?”

  “No.” Hale frowned at her reflection.

  Jasmine took her arm and started walking to the door. “I thought you were done with the migraines. How long has it been since you’ve had one?” Jasmine moved slowly.

  “A couple of years. This one came on really fast.” Hale was trying not to stagger.

  “We got rid of Major, Finn’s going to take you home, or you can come to our place.” They entered the small hallway where Izzy and Finn were waiting.

  Finn moved quickly to her side. “Migraine?”

  “A bad one, she got sick and she’s dizzy,” Jasmine answered.

  Izzy moved forward with her coat and helped her into it. “We need to get you home.” He ran his hand down her back to comfort her.

  Finn made sure her coat was buttoned like she was a toddler. “Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?”

  “Like you could.” She snorted. “I can walk. I just need to take it slow.” She was mortified that Finn might attempt to lift her. “I hurt but I can still function as long as it doesn’t get any worse.”

  “Honey, I think that you are worse off than you realize. Are your keys in your purse?” Finn had a firm hold on her arm.

  “Yeah.” She looked around for her purse, remembering that she had left it on her chair. She spotted it under Finn’s arm.

  “I know where she parked, I’ll get her SUV and pull up at the door.” Jasmine took her clutch from Finn and hurried ahead of the group.

  When they cleared the hallway, Izzy gently grasped her other arm and helped her along.

  As they neared the front door, a man in a suit rushed to the group. “Is everything all right, should I call an ambulance?”

  Finn spoke up. “No, she’ll be fine.”

  “Well, if you are sure.” The man seemed uncertain as he held open the front door.

  “Thanks Jon, these things happen. I do appreciate your concern. Ms. Cameron gets terrible migraines. They come on fast and knock her out. It’s a shame that our lovely evening has to end this way.” Izzy shook the man’s hand.

  The manager followed the group onto the sidewalk, “That is unfortunate. Ms. Cameron, I hope that you feel better quickly and that you will come back for another dinner.”

  “Of course we will,” Izzy assured automatically.

  Jasmine had perfect timing, the SUV’s passenger door opened and Hale was deposited into the seat quickly and smoothly. Finn circled in front of the vehicle and climbed in. He leaned in close and pulled her seatbelt around her.

  “Get away, I must smell like puke.” Hale tried to push him away.

  “Shh, babe,
you’re fine. Just sit back and rest.”

  She let out a broken sigh, “I’m sorry, I hate this.” She leaned back into the seat.

  “Don’t worry. Just try to relax. Do you have prescription meds at home for the pain?”

  “I think so, in my bathroom, but they’ve probably expired. I haven’t had a migraine for two years. I thought I was over them.”

  “You just need to get home, take some medicine and sleep. No light, no noise.”

  “You remember.” When they were together, she’d had severe problems with the awful headaches. “I think it’s the combo of the headache, the getting sick and Major. On a scale of one to ten, tonight’s is a five. More of a thudding than the ice pick kind of pain.”

  “I’ve been around them my whole life, first my mom, then you.”

  She shifted in her seat, finding a more comfortable position. “I went to see her, your mom, I mean, you know, after we broke up.”

  “She never told me.”

  “I was in L.A. for work. I called and drove to La Jolla for a weekend. She was so kind, almost gentle with me.”

  Finn cleared his throat. “Why did you do that?”

  “I liked your mom. She was so nice to me when we were dating. I wanted to tell her what a good son she had. She was very kind to me, when she didn’t have to be.”

  “She always liked you.” He was quiet for a few minutes. “The white roses were beautiful. You remembered that they were her favorites.”

  Her dad had called, to tell her Finn’s mom had passed about five years ago. “I wanted to go. I knew that it would be an awful time for you, but I wasn’t sure that you would want me there. I wanted to be a comfort, not a painful distraction. Flowers were a poor substitute, but I had to do something.” It was right around that time, that she had realized that she would never find a replacement for Finn. She’d had her one shot at true love, and she blew it.

  “It was rough. The morning of her funeral, I realized that every woman that I had ever loved had left me, my gram, you, and my mom.” He continued looking straight ahead at the road.

  This glimpse into his pain hurt her heart. My God, was that what he’d really felt? She had to clear her throat before she could speak. “Finn, there are plenty of people who care about you. You know that, right?”


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