You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 24

by Jayne, Melanie

  “Put those on the sideboard,” May ordered. Then she looked at Jasmine. “You tell us what all needs to go out, and you sit. We can take care of this.” Two other ladies stood to help.

  That left Jasmine, Hale, and Poppy at the table.

  “So Hale, what do you think of my daughter’s idea, about buying her daddy’s pharmacy?” Poppy turned her attention back to Hale.

  Jasmine looked nervous and started playing with a napkin.

  “I support it,” Hale answered. “It’s a viable concept and a needed service.”

  “I think that Jasmine wants to be more like you. You’ve got your big business degree, and helping Wes out. I worry that Jasmine feels like she needs to turn herself into a businesswoman.”

  Jasmine started to defend herself, but Hale got there first.

  “Miss Poppy, I think Jazz has been a great businesswoman for years, much like you.”

  “What? Me? I never worked a day in my life.” Poppy looked shocked.

  Hale leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. “I meant that for years, you’ve planned events that have been profitable for many charities. You know the work that goes into those. You’ve been a great example for Jasmine.”

  She shot Jasmine a look to keep her silenced. Hale knew how to handle her mother, praise first, followed with a little logic.

  “Well, that’s what married women of my generation did. We ran charities and did volunteer work.” Poppy answered slowly.

  “It seems to me that since Jasmine graduated college, she has run some very financially profitable events and now she’s looking for something long term. The store is her family’s legacy. I think it is very admirable that she would like to carry on the business.” Hale smiled in Jasmine’s direction. “Caleb seems to be interested in science, maybe he will follow in his grandpa’s footsteps instead of his father’s.”

  Jasmine mouthed, “Love you.”

  Hale grinned in her direction and turned her focus back onto Poppy. “I don’t know how much Jasmine has told you, but I’m investing. If I can do anything to help her make this dream come true, I will. She knows that.”

  “Well, what does Finn have to say about this?” Poppy probed.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t discussed it.” Hale stated calmly.

  “Well, don’t you think that you should? He might not agree with your decision to give away your money.” Poppy sounded like she was pointing out a mistake.

  “Miss Poppy, it’s my money.” Hale told her sweetly.

  “My advice is that you discuss this with him and soon.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Hale gave Poppy a very serene smile.

  “Mama, please don’t bring this topic up at the table. It’s still early and I don’t want everyone to know.” Jasmine looked stressed and her words were rushed. Hale could tell that she was tense.

  “All right, I won’t. I don’t think your father would like all of the questions.” Poppy didn’t seem to notice how affected her daughter was.

  Hale pushed her chair back and asked, “Miss Poppy can I fix you a plate, I’m getting a little hungry.” She wanted to give Jasmine a minute to compose herself.

  Poppy stood. “No, I need to check on Harrison. I want to make sure that he isn’t filling up before dinner.”

  Hale and Jasmine hung back to allow Poppy to go first.

  Hale made her eyes big and exclaimed, “Wow.”

  “You were amazing. I think you just told my mama in a very polite way to shove it.” Jasmine broke into giggles.

  “You have a good idea, Jazz. She should be supporting you, not downplaying it. It’s disrespectful.”

  “They just don’t think that I have any business sense.” Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and frowned.

  “Well, you are going to have to prove them all wrong.” Hale took her hand and led her to the sideboard.

  The majority of the guests had left, and the remaining group was spread out in the family room. The Benton children had gone home with their cousins, Finn had his arm wrapped around Hale’s shoulders on the loveseat, Ashley was sitting on the floor by the coffee table, Matt and Moe were in the wing chairs, and Izzy and Jasmine were on the large sofa.

  “That was one helluva nice dinner, Jasmine.” Moe patted his belly.

  “There are two pies that haven’t been cut into, do you want another piece?” Ashley asked.

  “Not now, but I might be persuaded to take a piece or two home with me.” Moe winked at the pretty blonde.

  “I might be able to eat another piece,” Matt said. “Especially, if you’re offering to serve me.”

  Ashley shot him an exasperated look. “I was offering Mr. Benton, not you. You can get your own pie.”

  A chuckle escaped from Hale. “Matt, if you want more pie, I can get you a piece.” She had been trying to make an effort to be civil to the man. Finn thought a lot of him so she was determined to like him.

  “No, I just wanted to have Ashley do it.” Matt smiled at Ashley.

  What was that about? Currently Ashley was glaring in Matt’s direction, but her cheeks were pink.

  “Matt, you are going about it all wrong. In my day, if I wanted to catch a pretty girl’s attention, I would offer to bring the pie to her,” Moe chastised.

  “No way do I want him to bring me anything,” Ashley said with some heat.

  Matt’s smile just got bigger as he continued to look at Ashley.

  Hale made a mental note to ask Jasmine about those two. It seemed that Ashley was protesting too much and Matt was teasing her a little too often. Finn had suggested that they try to run all communication about Finn’s mayoral duties through Ashley and Matt.

  “So, you three ladies have to be at the Community Center at one. Are you going to stay up or nap and set your alarms?” Izzy looked around the room.

  “I’m going to try to take a quick nap,” Jasmine answered.

  Ashley stretched and said, “Well, since I’m hanging at Finn’s place, I’m doing whatever they tell me.”

  Finn smiled at Hale with a hungry look, then he glanced at Ashley. “You could stay here, and Hale and I could go home and do whatever, for a couple of hours.” Finn had the good sense to laugh after he finished that outrageous sentence.

  Hale knew that she was blushing. “Hmph. Just for that, I’m going to climb into bed with Jasmine and nap, too.”

  Izzy looked at Finn, and said, “This is getting better and better.”

  “Izzy, stop that, you don’t want to give Moe a heart attack.” Jasmine tried to sound irritated but the burst of giggles at the end ruined the effect.

  Moe stood and stretched his back. “And on that note, I’m going to collect my pie and head home. I think I’m too old for these types of shenanigans.”

  Matt got the hint and followed. “I’ll help you with that pie. Are you walking or can I give you a ride?”

  Jasmine started to slip her shoes on. “I’ll help them get their things. Do any of you need anything?”

  Hale started to stand. “We should go, so you can get some rest.”

  “I’m in charge of making sure everybody is up, so I’ll call you.” Ashley moved to the loveseat making it clear that she was going to give Hale and Finn some alone time.

  “I’ll drive you all over. I might even stay for a while, if they need any extra help.” Finn let Hale pull him to his feet.

  “Well damn, now I’m going to have to get up, too. I can’t have you looking like the good guy and me the lazy one.” Izzy yawned.

  “Well, go upstairs to bed, so I’ll be able to get you up.” Jasmine smiled at Izzy.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The first day of December dawned with two inches of glistening snow on the ground. It was just enough to cover the lawns and make the landscape outside of her windows look like fairyland. Hale was driving into town this morning, she watched the road, but was using the time to make a mental list of things that she needed to do. First up was the meeting at
Wes’s office, he wanted to discuss tax time. There was no question that she would agree to help, however she wanted to hear more about the volume of work. Secondly, she was going to meet with Jasmine to go over a few investment strategies and have lunch. If there was time, maybe she could get some Christmas shopping done, and finally head home to make dinner for Finn.

  She’d made sure that her day was filled. If she stayed busy then she wouldn’t worry about what was happening today regarding the arrest of Vernon Phelps. After turning over their findings to the district attorney regarding the missing funds, an arrest warrant had been issued.

  Her phone rang and she touched the hands-free button.

  Moe’s voice filled her SUV. “Hale, how are you today?”

  “I’m up and on the road, heading into town. How about you?”

  “Any day that I wake up is a good day at my age.” He chuckled.

  “I’m heading to Wes’s office for a meeting.”

  “I’m calling because I heard that they left to execute the warrant.” Moe’s tone was serious.

  “Finn’s taking this very hard,” she confided.

  “I want to remind you that until this is over, be extra careful.”

  “Why? Have you heard something?” Hale’s heart rate picked up as a prickle of fear traveled down her spine.

  “Dan Stokes has talked with Mr. Phelps and his attorney. Phelps has two sons and they stopped by Dan’s office this morning and got mouthy. The district attorney is used to that, but I’m reminding everyone involved to pay attention. People have been known to act out, and make bad decisions when something like this happens.”

  “I’ve been extra careful ever since the night of Jasmine’s party.” Hale made sure to park on the street instead of the alley behind Finn’s.

  “You haven’t had any more trouble, have you?”

  “No. I think that was a one-time thing. I’m not even sure that it was directed at me.”

  “The best thing that you can do is to be a little more careful, pay attention to your surroundings,” Moe lectured.

  “I’m trying, Moe. Finn reminds me every morning.” She heard the warmth in her voice. Finn had no problem giving his opinion on how she ran her life.

  “Finn’s good about safety. He has to be.”

  “Did they threaten Finn?” Hale could feel her heart rate increase.

  “Mr. Stokes gave Phelps twenty-four hours to turn himself in and he chose not to. I didn’t hear about any definite threats to anyone involved.”

  “I’m worried that he is going to run.” Hale confided.

  “Vernon can try to run, but I don’t think he will have much luck. The sons made general threats. Let’s hope that it was just the reaction to the shock of learning that their father was going to be arrested.”

  “Finn told me that when they searched his property they found two new pick-ups, an ATV, and other things.”

  “Vernon has acquired a few items, yet he chose to keep them hidden under tarps, and in a ramshackle barn.”

  “I think he felt guilty having them, so he couldn’t enjoy them.” She knew that for some people it was the thrill of cheating the system and not necessarily the monetary gain.

  “I hope that he’ll listen to his attorney, and pay back what he can. I really don’t want to see him stand trial.”

  “Do you want to stay at the farm with me until this blows over?” Hale didn’t like the idea of Moe all alone in his large house.

  “Oh, sweetheart, that is so thoughtful, but I’ll be fine.” She could hear the warmth in his tone.

  “Well, thanks for the update and if you hear anything else can you let me know?”

  “Will do and take care, darlin’.” Moe hung up.

  Another thing to worry about. She sent up a silent prayer that everyone involved with the case would stay safe.

  Wes’s office was on the first floor of their huge home on Market Street. It was just down from Poppy and Harrison’s. She nabbed a prime parking spot on the street in front of the three story home and walked up the drive, noting that the snow was melting in the morning sun. The business entrance was on the far side of the driveway and the office ran the length of the garage.

  That’s weird. The main door was standing open. Sure, the metal storm door was a barrier, but it was much too cold to leave the main door open. Walking in and shutting the main door behind her, Hale was blinded by the sudden shade after the bright sun reflecting off the white snow. She shoved her sunglasses into her jacket’s pocket and waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the office’s reception area.

  Where was Ina? It was odd that she wasn’t at her desk, ready to greet any visitor as soon as they walked through the door. As Hale walked forward, she heard a groan. She rushed around the desk and saw Ina curled up on the floor, holding her side.

  Hale pushed the chair out of the way and dropped to her knees. “Oh my God, Ina, what happened?” She ran her hand down the woman’s side.

  The elderly woman tried to sit up, but yelped in pain. Ina was not in the best of health and Hale felt panic rise as she helped the woman lie back onto the floor.

  “No, stay still. I’m calling for the medics.” She pulled out her phone and hit the number one, for emergency.

  Ina was panting. “Vernon, Vernon.”

  The emergency operator answered. “9-1-1, what is your emergency?”

  “Hold on,” she told the dispatcher. Suddenly, Ina’s words made sense and it terrified her. “Ina, did he do this to you?” Hale demanded an answer.

  Ina nodded her head vigorously. “Hello, do you have an emergency?” The voice sounded very calm in her ear.

  Hale felt her heart stutter. “Yes, yes I do. I need an ambulance to Wes Swinford’s house on Market, to the office on the side, they live on Market Street, just east of second, the entrance is on the west side.” She was repeating herself as her thoughts wove many threads together.

  “Can you tell me your name?” The voice was calm, almost detached.

  “It’s Hale Cameron. Ina…Mrs. Swinford, has been attacked, I think some ribs are broken and she’s having trouble breathing.”

  “Are you in danger?”

  “I’m not sure. She says that Vernon Phelps did this.” Hale glanced at Ina, and she nodded.

  Ina whispered, “Wes, help Wes.”

  Hale didn’t realize that she kept the phone to her ear as she asked, “Ina, where is Wes?” She dreaded the answer.

  “Office. Vernon went into the office with Wes.” Ina panted as she closed her eyes and grimaced.

  Oh, Christ. Hale felt a tremor shake her body. “She says that Vernon Phelps is in Wes’s office with him. You need to get the police here now. They were supposed to arrest him this morning.”

  “Ma’am, stay on the line. Don’t hang up. I’m sending help now.”

  Hale wanted to laugh hysterically. The town had three cruisers, she pictured them all rushing to this address if they weren’t out on other calls. Every neighbor that listened to the police scanner would be lining the street. This would be big news in their little town.

  There was a thud on the other side of the wall, and then an anguished cry.

  She didn’t know what was going on behind the closed door, but someone was in pain and that wasn’t good. She looked at Ina who was so frightened she was shaking. “Shh, Ina, you stay here, don’t move.” Hale handed her the phone. “Talk to the dispatcher, answer any questions that you can.” Hale glanced at the office door and could hear raised voices. She started to stand.

  “Don’t leave me, Hale.” Ina started to cry. “He had a gun.”

  “Tell the dispatcher,” she ordered the older woman.

  Standing tall, Hale glanced at the closed door and the world stood still. “I need to get in there, to help Wes,” she whispered. Pushing the office chair on its side to block Ina from sight, she scanned the room for a weapon. Her gaze returned to the fire extinguisher on the wall by the copier. It was her best option, and if she swung
it and made contact, she could do some damage.

  Shrugging out of her jacket, she let it fall to the floor in a heap and she moved to the weapon. The thudding in her chest was all that she could hear as she unhooked the cool metal cylinder from the wall. Focusing on the weight of the extinguisher, she took two swings, feeling the strain in her shoulders and arms. She took in a breath and slowly exhaled. No time to reason, the decision was made. She moved toward the desk. “Tell them to hurry.”

  “Hale, you can’t go in there. He’ll shoot you.” Ina tried to sit up again.

  “Stay down,” Hale ordered harshly. “I’ve gotta help Wes.” She looked at the office door, maybe ten steps away. Thoughts of Finn flashed into her head, she took in a harsh breath as a jolt of pain hit her heart. This is so wrong. I have no clue what I’m doing. She could hear raised voices again. She couldn’t wait out here and do nothing. She had to try to save Wes. “God, Finn, I’m so sorry, but I have to help my friend,” she whispered and she gathered her courage.

  She forced herself to take that first step, counting to herself, one, two, three. She slowly turned the knob and threw it open with all her might. It swung open with so much force that it rebounded into her. She blocked it with her shoulder as she stalked through. Just like a motherfucking badass.

  Wes was sitting in his desk chair and Phelps was standing to the side. The accountant had blood running from his nose. Phelps’s head spun in her direction.

  “Hello, gentlemen, I’m here for my meeting.” What the hell? She sounded so confident. It was like she was watching this play out like a movie. She acted like she was totally in control of the situation, and not some poor dumbass, who brought a chunk of metal to a gunfight. She continued striding into the room.

  “Who are you?” Phelps turned from Wes and pointed the gun at her.

  Good, she told herself, get him away from Wes. She laughed and it was a harsh sound in the small room. “I’m the bitch who caught you.” Where was this coming from? She should be terrified, but instead she was furious.


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