Playing Passion's Game

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Playing Passion's Game Page 11

by Lesley Davis

  Juliet chuckled softly at Trent’s wry comment. “I’m sorry, Trent.”

  Trent just shrugged. “No apology necessary. We’re both adults. We know how sex works.” She rocked back on her heels. “I may be considered a geek in some circles, but I’m no virgin.”

  “That’s all a myth, then?”

  “You might want to double-check with Eddie, who is the stereotypical gamer geek who still lives with his mother, but as for the rest of us, we all manage to reasonably function in polite society.”

  Juliet was once again drawn to the photographs on the shelves. “These are wonderful pictures of you and Elton.”

  “He’s the only guy you’ll ever find in my bedroom and only then in photos.” Trent moved closer to lean over Juliet’s shoulder. “Look at him without all that facial fuzz he sports now. He looks like a baby.”

  Juliet leaned back just a fraction and touched Trent’s chest. She was warmed by the way Trent immediately wrapped her arms about her and held her gently. Juliet was drawn closer. Trent’s chin brushed against her hair and her breath caught in her throat when Trent pulled her even closer. For a moment they were silent.

  “I have your meal waiting for you. I hope salad is okay. It’s too hot for anything else lately.”

  “Salad is fine.” Juliet was loath to have Trent move from her hold. She caressed Trent’s hands where they lay laced across her stomach. She traced the long fingers and solid palm. Trent’s chest hitched behind her.

  “Would you believe me if I said you’re the first woman who’s stepped foot in my bedroom?” Trent began to rub Juliet’s stomach in tiny circles through the material of the sweatshirt.

  “I’d be surprised. You don’t strike me as a woman who would lack for feminine company.” Juliet felt Trent shift behind her. “You’re way too gorgeous to be celibate.”

  Trent sighed against her hair. “To be honest, it’s been a while.”

  Juliet hugged Trent’s arms around her. “No pretty girls to turn your head lately?”

  “No inclination to play the games the women I usually come across want me to play.”

  “So, you’re not that much of a player?” Juliet twisted in Trent’s arms to look over her shoulder at her, intrigued despite herself at what Trent would answer.

  “Only in the games I want to play.” Trent nuzzled her lips against Juliet’s neck.

  Juliet shivered as Trent’s warm lips trailed up and down her skin. The warmth of her tongue skimmed over Juliet’s pulse point. Juliet bit her lip as Trent’s sharp teeth tugged gently at her sensitized skin. After each nip the sting was soothed away by a swipe of her tongue, and Juliet was conscious of her breath sounding shakier with every exhalation.

  “I don’t know what it is about you that makes all my good intentions fly out the window the minute I get too near.” Trent buried her forehead into Juliet’s shoulder and sighed softly. “You do strange things to me, Juliet.”

  Juliet ruffled Trent’s dark hair. “Good strange things, though?” Trent nodded.

  “We need to go downstairs before I break another first.”

  Juliet all but moaned at the loss of warmth as Trent stepped away from her and headed toward the door.

  “I never bed women in my own bed,” Trent said as she started down the stairs.

  Juliet remained still for a moment, her eyes inexplicably drawn toward the large bed in the room. “First time for everything,” she whispered and smoothed a hand over the sheets before leaving, quietly shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter Eleven

  The table was laid out as best as Trent could manage, the food looking bright against the stark white of the kitchen table and plain white plates. Even to Trent’s eyes the room looked lifeless and empty. She was frowning when Juliet came down the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Trent’s head shot up at being caught evaluating her living space, and she shrugged as she gestured around her kitchen. “I was thinking I could do this room up next, maybe add a little color.” She took the towels from Juliet and stuffed them into the washing machine. “Your clothes will be ready for you tomorrow. I won’t put the washer on while we’re talking.”

  “You don’t have to wash them. I could have taken them home and done it.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” Trent pulled back a chair and directed Juliet to sit. She padded back to the fridge. “What would you like to drink?” She pulled open the door and displayed the contents to Juliet.

  “Beer will be great, thank you.” Juliet’s eyes widened as she looked at the meal laid out before her. “Are you seriously expecting us to eat all this?”

  Trent sat down opposite and looked a little embarrassed. “I may have overestimated the portions for two eating, but I figure what we don’t eat tonight I can use as leftovers for work tomorrow.” She busied herself reaching for the tomatoes. “It will stop me from heading to the food court and buying food that isn’t healthy for me.”

  “It’s a pity salad doesn’t last. You’d have enough for a week here.” Juliet forked some of the food onto her plate.

  “We’ll eat enough. I haven’t eaten properly today anyway. I worked through my breaks.” Trent began to grate cheese over her meal with a heavy hand. “I love cheese.”

  Juliet obviously couldn’t help the smile that formed as she watched Trent liberally spread the cheese out. “You’re entitled to your breaks at work.”

  “I know, but it’s Zoe’s birthday soon and her mom wanted to take her to look at suitable gifts for a twenty-one-year-old. Today was the only day her mom could get free from her work. They needed longer than an hour to choose a new laptop for Zoe, so I gave her my hour too so they wouldn’t be rushed.”

  “You really are too good to be true sometimes.”

  Trent blinked in surprise. “I am anything but good.”

  “Every time I see you, you’re looking out for your friends, putting them first, making sure their needs are met.”

  “That’s what friends do; they look out for each other. Besides, I get to use the time I worked to leave early one of the days so it all works out.”

  “Who looks after you, Trent?” Juliet’s voice was gentle.

  “Elton always has had my back. We’ve looked out for each other for years.”

  “How long have you known each other?”

  “We met when we were both ten years old, so that was an amazing twenty-two years ago.” Trent lost herself in the memory of a tall and skinny Elton starting at her school, the new boy who invariably stood out. “It seems like just yesterday. How did you and Monica meet? I mean, you’re not exactly like drawn to like.”

  “We met at college. We had a few filler courses together, and we just hit it off really well, despite the fact we have very few things in common. We shared an apartment for a year or so before I graduated. We stayed in touch all the time I was posted from one division to another until I finally settled in Chicago for the past few years. When I was being transferred back here Monica told me she had a free room with my name on it, and she welcomed me in just like we’d never been apart. It’s exactly like it used to be, except she’s even more certain now that landscaping is her vocation. She’s very driven, knows exactly what she wants, and goes for it without deviation. She knows her path in life.” Juliet popped a small piece of cucumber into her mouth. “I want to support her in that. It’s nice to know someone who knows what she wants to do with her life and is willing to work hard for it. She’s always asked me to consider working with her. Before I moved back here, what she was saying really began to strike a chord in me, and I started to give it serious thought. I’ve had so much fun today with it too. I didn’t realize how involving it could be.”

  “Can you afford to switch careers?”

  “I’ve been savvy enough to invest and save while working. Although how much there will be left once the dust settles on the problems the world economy is facing is another matter.” Juliet let out a sigh, pushing back her hair fro
m her face.

  Trent was charmed by Juliet’s nervous habit. It was so at odds with the confident face that Juliet usually projected.

  “I just know I’m disillusioned every time I have to sit behind my desk and face another ‘make us rich at the expense of our customers’ round of meetings.”

  Trent could tell Juliet was unhappy; it was written clearly on her face. “I’ve loved my job from the start. Surrounded by games every day, working with like-minded colleagues, and I get to recommend what folks should buy and watch them leave happy.”

  “It’s perfect for you,” Juliet said. “In fact, I’ve never seen anyone so well suited to a job. Although, I’d better warn you, Kayleigh has her sights set on working with you all when she’s older, so you might want to start creating a position for her.”

  “Maybe we can get her a Saturday job when she’s a little older.” Trent rubbed her hands together gleefully. “We can’t let true gamers slip off to another branch. Baby Reapers grow into Baydale Reapers.”

  Juliet pushed her empty plate away and picked up her beer. “Changing the subject a little, I have to admit I’m slightly curious.”

  “Curious about what?”

  “There’s no sign of your games anywhere in this house. I expected to find them in your bedroom, but there was nothing.”

  Trent reached for their plates and began putting them in the sink. “Well, you haven’t seen all that this house has hidden behind its closed doors.” She moved over at the sink when Juliet came to wash her hands beside her. Juliet’s hip nudged hers, and it was comfortable sharing the space with her. Trent marveled at the fact she didn’t feel threatened by that.

  “So do you aim on being here all week to give Monica a hand?”

  Juliet retook her seat. “I hope to be. I really enjoyed this evening. It’s nice to see some progress being made and know that I’m the one that did it. Although I have to admit, I’m looking forward more to the planting of your new flowers. De-weeding and digging up roots is all well and good, but I like the pretty flowers better. The blisters I’m feeling from using the fork might take some getting used to too.”

  Trent snorted. “You are such a girl.”

  Juliet narrowed here eyes at her playfully. “But still butch enough to do more digging in that yard than you have tackled.”

  Trent clutched at her chest playfully. “Madam, you wound me!”

  Juliet just laughed. She looked at her watch and sighed. “Can I mention that sometimes I really hate my work?”

  Trent was disappointed to realize that the evening was ending. “You have things to do?”

  Juliet nodded. “I’m still working on that proposal, gathering all the information I can from other companies.” She stood and stretched and her sweatshirt molded to her figure. Trent longed to run her tongue along the edge of flesh that had just been exposed. “So I need to call it a night.”

  Trent walked her to the door. “Your laundry will be here ready for you tomorrow. I’ll be sure to fold your undies just right.” Trent couldn’t help the devilish grin that escaped at the thought of handling Juliet’s lace panties.

  Juliet’s cheeks turned a delicate pink. “I’ll have you know I don’t leave my underwear just anywhere.”

  Trent’s heart sped up at the coyness Juliet displayed. She could barely temper the rush that burst through her, wanting to devour, wanting to claim. Instead, Trent gently brushed her lips against Juliet’s. Her tongue explored and traced, committing to memory the shape and feel of Juliet’s mouth beneath hers. She backed Juliet against the door, resting her hands on Juliet’s hips then sliding them around to cup her rear through the sweatpants to all but lift her closer. Juliet’s hands slid to Trent’s shirt front and rose to touch her breasts, but Trent swiftly pinned her hands in place. Juliet pulled back from their kiss to stare at her in confusion.

  “You don’t want me touching you?”

  Trent kept her eyes lowered to where their hands were stilled on her chest. She didn’t know how to answer. I’m not used to being touched, I haven’t been touched intimately since… Trent couldn’t find the words to quell the confused look in Juliet’s eyes.

  “You’re not stone butch, are you? All give and no take?” Juliet asked with a disappointed tone. “I’ve had enough of those, and frankly, it’s no fun not being able to reciprocate.”

  Trent burned with a flare of jealousy that lanced through her gut at the thought of someone else touching Juliet. “I’m not stone,” she said gruffly. “I’m just…more used to doing the touching, taking the lead…” She groaned silently at how pathetic that sounded when voiced aloud.

  “If we’re going to see each other, Trent, I’m going to want to do more than lie back and let you fuck me.” Juliet slipped her hands from under Trent’s and placed them on Trent’s shoulders. “I want to know that I can give you pleasure too.”

  The answering shudder to those words shook Trent’s body visibly and Juliet’s hands tightened in reaction. “I think you’ve been hanging out with the wrong girls if all they’ve wanted was for you to do your thing, then they left you high and dry.” Juliet paused at her own words and a saucy glint lit in her eye. “Or not so dry if your porn collection is anything to go by.”

  Face flaming, Trent’s breath came out in short pants as Juliet scrutinized her.

  “It’s a pity I have to go home,” Juliet said softly and brushed her fingers down Trent’s cheek. “Otherwise, I’d show you exactly where I intend to touch you.”

  Trent pressed a kiss in Juliet’s palm, her voice silent, her body trembling. She was so unsure what to say or do. No one moved her like Juliet did.

  I am in so much trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  When the nightmare returned, it wrenched Trent from her sleep, her ears ringing with the sound of her own screams. Shaking, she looked in every corner of her bedroom until she realized she was safe. She ran a trembling hand through her hair and searched her fingertips for any blood visible in the pale dawn light. Her fingers were clean.

  “Fuck” slipped from her lips as she willed her heart to calm its frantic pace. Swallowing hard against the rise of bile in her throat, Trent resigned herself to getting up. Unsteady feet carried her into the bathroom, where she waited until the wave of nausea eased. She searched her face in the mirror, seeing only strained features instead of the battered visage that had been in her nightmare.

  “I don’t care what time it is, I need a beer,” Trent told her reflection and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She caught the time on her kitchen clock: 4:33 a.m. “This is getting old fast.” She popped the tab on her can and drank half of it down in one swallow. Hands still shaking, Trent ran her fingers over the scar that lay partially hidden under her hair. She paced the length of the kitchen and back, draining her beer can. Seventeen years ago, and I’m still ruled by that day, terrified by his anger and bearing the scars. Trent slammed the can into the sink. “You have no control over my life now, Dad, so stay the fuck out of my dreams!” She flung open the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Taking the stairs two at a time, she ran back up to her bedroom where she hastily dressed in workout clothes. “Time to hit the Wii Fit, and if yoga doesn’t help me relax, then I am switching to boxing so I can beat the shit out of someone.”


  It was still too early for the mall to be open to the public when Trent flashed her pass at the security guard manning the door. She walked the length of the mall to where Gamerz Paradise resided. At her banging on the shutters, Elton raised them to allow her to slip under and get in the shop.

  “Christ, Trent, you look like shit,” he said. “You pull an all-nighter with the guys?”

  Trent headed toward the back of the shop. “I wish. Damn nightmares are back.”

  Elton let out an angry sigh. “Dammit. What brought those on again?”

  Trent shrugged. “Guess I was long overdue a visit from the ghosts of a lifetime past. It’s been a while since the last bout.” She tapped on th
e keypad to go back into the staff quarters, Elton hard on her heels. Stowing her messenger bag in her locker and taking off her jacket, Trent was all too aware that Elton was watching her like a hawk.

  “Do you think it’s because of Juliet?” he finally asked, putting Trent’s fears into words.

  She leaned against the lockers and sighed. “Which is why I choose never to get close. Women are a nightmare in more ways than one.”

  “You like this one, though. Maybe your subconscious is fighting while your heart is trying to draw you closer.”

  “You are way too profound for this ungodly hour of the morning.” She moved to walk past, but Elton deftly stepped in her path.

  “You look like crap, little sister. I’ll go get you some coffee and a doughnut from the food court, but first…” He put his arms around her shoulders and just held her close. Trent relaxed into the hug and willed herself not to cry. After a long moment, Elton let her go. “There, all better now.”

  Trent coughed at the emotional lump that had lodged in her throat. “Thank you, Uncle Elton.”

  “Hey, my hugs have healing powers, and all my nieces and nephews think I’m the coolest thing on the planet.”

  “Second only to me.” Trent slipped past him back to the shop floor while he blustered. “I’d like a frosted doughnut, please. Heavy on the sprinkles.”

  Elton bowed at her request and raised the door shutters again. Leaning back against the counter, Trent closed her eyes briefly. I can’t live my life like this, haunted by the past and not getting beyond it. Always being in control so I’m not caught off guard again. Yet Juliet’s touch makes me want so much more. Can I really let my guard down now? Can I let go of it all with Juliet? Trent was still considering this when Elton returned.

  “I could hear your mind working overtime from out there. What are you plotting and planning?”


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