Never Grow Up

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Never Grow Up Page 12

by Karen Kingsbury

  Kari loved that her parents knew what to say. They always helped. Why hadn’t she talked to them earlier? Her family didn’t just cheer for her at a swim meet. They cheered for her always, through the good days and the harder ones.

  Even now.

  “Thank you, Mom… Dad.” Kari hugged them both. “I needed this.”

  “Anytime.” Dad kissed her cheek. “It’s all going to work out. Don’t forget Mandy’s advice. Do the next thing.”

  “Yes.” Kari felt peace and excitement as she walked to her bedroom and slipped into bed. Whatever career she chose, she most wanted to be in a family like this one. Where people cared and cheered and took time for hugs. Kari yawned and settled into her pillow. It was time to do the next thing.

  And like that, she drifted off to sleep.

  18 A New Neverland


  The Friday night talent show was in two hours and Ashley could hardly breathe.

  She stood in the bathroom next to Kari, while Mom curled her hair. What was left of it, anyway, after Elliot and the gum disaster a month ago.

  “It’s grown out some.” Mom smiled at her in the mirror.

  Kari nodded. “She’s right. It looks longer, Ash. For sure.”

  Ashley studied herself. “You know what? I think it is longer.” She grinned. “Which is ideal, because Wendy has never had a gum disaster.” She gave her dress a gentle tug. “Thank you for making this dress, Mother. I actually am Wendy in this thing.”

  They had bought the pale blue dress at the store, but there had been no sash or ruffles or lace. So Mom added all those things. Ashley shot Kari a look. “You absolutely look like a mermaid. In case you wondered.”

  “Thank you.” Kari plugged her nose. She twisted to the floor and back up again. Liza’s mom had added sequins to all the Dancing Queens’ shirts and they each wore black jeans. “I feel like a mermaid.”

  Ashley turned her head so Mom could do another curl. “The sparkly sequins are altogether effervescent.” She gave Mom a thumbs-up. “P.S.… I still like that word.”

  Mom laughed. “Almost as effervescent as you, Ashley.”

  “That’s very kind, Mother.” Ashley took a long breath. “Good news, by the way. I’m not the only one who’s been running lines all week.” She stayed still. “I believe Mr. Garrett’s class is truly ready to visit Neverland tonight.”

  Ashley told Mom and Kari how her class had practiced every day. Over and over on the days when props didn’t work or Mr. Garrett had to keep Chris in line. “Also… a plus…” She flopped her hand around in front of her. “Landon’s hook isn’t flying across the room anymore.”

  “That’s good.” Mom held the curling iron in place. “Captain Hook isn’t very menacing without his hook.”

  Kari giggled. “I can’t wait to see it.” She studied Ashley’s hair. “You’re becoming Wendy before our eyes!”

  “Well…” Ashley gave her sister a look. “I already was Wendy. But now I’m more play-pared.”

  Mom set the curling iron down and picked up the hair spray. “Play-pared? What’s that?” She shook the can.

  “Prepared… but for a play.” Ashley tapped her head. “Get it?”

  “Hold your breath.” Mom sprayed Ashley’s hair. “You’re the perfect Wendy.”

  Kari turned around and faced Ashley. “But it’s just a little skit, right?”

  “To some people.” Ashley watched Mom fasten the blue ribbon in her hair. Ashley looked at her reflection. “To me it’s a lifetime, Kari. Neverland couldn’t ever be just a little skit.”

  “I see.” Kari smiled. “Are you nervous? About a lifetime in Neverland?”

  “Nervous?” Ashley’s look was complete. She stepped back and lifted her arms to her sides. “I can’t wait.”

  “Good.” Kari stood still as Mom began working on her makeup. Pink glitter for her eyelids and blush for her cheeks.

  “I’m glad”—their mother kept her focus on Kari—“that this lifetime happens in just one night. I’d miss you, Ashley.” Mom was good at playing along. “You know… if you moved to Neverland forever.”

  Ashley twirled round and round, her arms still out like she was flying. “You would come with us, Mom! You and Kari and Dad and the whole family!” The bathroom was spinning, so she stopped twirling. “Wouldn’t that be a great adventure? And we would all stay young forever.”

  “Yes.” Mom sighed a little. “That would be something.”

  Brooke popped her head into the bathroom. “Wow! You look so pretty, Ash.”

  “Thanks, Brooke.” Ashley smoothed her dress. “It’s a very twirly costume. Good for flying through Neverland.”

  “Okay.” Brooke laughed. “Anyway, Dad wanted me to get you two. We’re getting in the van.” She yelled as she ran off, “Hurry, people! I could be doing homework right now if we didn’t have this talent show.”

  When she was gone, Ashley looked at her mom and Kari. “Is it just me… or is Brooke acting very old these days?”

  “She’s fine.” Mom put a few finishing touches on Kari’s face. “She’s just going through some tough classes. It’s all part of growing up.” Mom unplugged the curling iron and shut off the light. She led the way down the hall to the stairs.

  Kari stayed close to Ashley’s side as they trailed behind. “I’m worried about her.” Kari sounded sad. “Brooke has to learn to do the next thing. The same way I did. Then she could enjoy the talent show instead of worrying about homework.”

  “Exactly!” Ashley could’ve stopped and hugged her sister. Finally someone agreed with her about staying young. She linked arms with Kari as they hurried to the van. “We all need to settle down and enjoy being kids.”

  In the van, most of the family was giddy with excitement about the talent show. Luke said he hoped someone did a basketball routine. “That’s what I’m going to do when I’m old enough. I have it all figured out!”

  Erin said she was going to sing a duet with one of her friends when she was old enough to be in the talent show.

  “As thrilled as I am to officially be Wendy and… as ready as I am to take flight in Neverland”—Ashley pointed at Kari—“I cannot wait to see you and the Dancing Queens tonight! Your dance will be the hit of the show!”

  Dad agreed, and Mom looked over her shoulder at them. “It’ll be a night to remember.”

  Ashley peeked at Brooke, who sat in the back row studying her science flash cards. Poor Brooke, Ashley thought. And poor Kari, too. Having so much homework and having to make so many decisions. Which reminded Ashley that she hadn’t written out the Never Grow Up pledge. As they pulled up to the school, she made a promise to herself. She would write it tonight.

  Before they got another day older!

  * * *

  Backstage was a zoo as Mr. Garrett wrangled everyone together for their portion of the night. Some of the students were at the snack table while a few made last-minute adjustments to their costumes.

  Ashley went over her lines with Natalie, Elliot and Amy, who were dressed in their Tinker Bell, Peter Pan and Tiger Lily costumes.

  One highlight was when Chris walked up in his baby blue footie pajamas. He had never looked younger. “Mr. Garrett!” Chris shouted and waved his hands. “I can’t find my teddy bear! It’s my only prop!”

  Just then Landon walked up to Ashley. “Ahoy, matey!” He used his best pirate growl and swished his hook in the air.

  Ashley tugged at his hook. “Make sure that doesn’t fly into the audience.”

  “My mom used duct tape.” Landon made a face. “Hopefully it comes off when I actually need it to.”

  “If not, we can call you Landon Hook.” Amy giggled. She took over the conversation. “Kinda sounds like your last name… Blake.”

  “Not really… not at all,” Ashley muttered under her breath. Rake or Break sounded more like Blake Hook did not.

  Amy needed to work on her humor.

  Even so, Landon’s face lit up at the joke. Like it was the fu
nniest thing he’d ever heard. “Good one, Amy.” Landon used his normal voice now. “Hey, you play four square, right?”

  “Yes, I do!” Amy beamed at Landon. “It’s the best. I’m not as good as you, but I love to play.”

  “Well you should join us sometime at recess.” Landon smiled at her. “If you want.”

  “That would be nice.” Amy’s cheeks turned red.

  Ashley rolled her eyes at that girl. Then she turned to Landon. “I play, too, Landon. And I’m really good.”

  Elliot was standing nearby in his Peter Pan costume. He looked confused. “You never play four square, Ashley.”

  “Yeah.” Landon patted her curly head. “Very funny, Ash. Maybe stick to the three-legged race.”

  Ashley’s mouth hung open. “I’m being confident here, okay?” She took a step closer to Landon. “I said I’m really good because that’s what I believe. Whenever I do choose to play, I’ll be very, very good.” She crossed her arms. “That’s called believing in yourself.”

  “Fine.” Amy pulled Landon closer to her. “We’ll let you play with us.”

  “Us?” Ashley noticed Landon was looking a little uncomfortable. “Amy… you can’t just be part of an ‘us.’ Landon is my friend, not yours.” She smiled at Amy. “Also, you may need Field Day practice before you can officially join in four square.”

  Natalie waved her wand this way and that. “Can we just move on? We have a show to do.”

  “Right. A show!” Ashley clapped. “Good, Natalie. Way to keep us in line.” She held up her hands and raised her voice. “Let’s go, people. We got a show to do. Places.”

  Mr. Garrett turned and stared at Ashley. “I’m the only one who can say ‘Places.’ ” He cleared his throat. Then he looked around at the class. “Fine. Places, people! Let’s circle up.”

  “I found it!” Chris ran up holding his teddy over his head. “I found the bear!”

  “Wonderful.” Mr. Garrett put his hands on his knees and caught his breath. He sounded a little worn out. “Boys and girls, here we are. After reading the book and… much rehearsal, I do believe we are ready to take the stage in two minutes!” He sighed. “Then come Monday we can put this whole thing behind us.”

  Put it behind them? Ashley studied their teacher. Maybe he needs a part in the play, she thought. No one should be in a hurry to leave Neverland.

  Theirs was the first act so the whole class lined up backstage. Out in the auditorium, they heard Miss Patty welcome family and friends to the talent show.

  Mr. Garrett dropped his voice to a whisper. “Okay, class. You can do this!” He looked at Ashley. “And stick to the script.”

  She saluted him. “I’ll certainly try.”

  Miss Patty paused. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Mr. Garrett’s fifth-grade class presenting for you… Peter Pan.”

  The audience clapped and cheered, and moments later Ashley took her spot near the cardboard cutout of a bed. The others took their places, too, as they waited for the curtain to rise. When it did, bright lights flooded the stage.

  It was happening! Ashley could barely breathe. They were in Neverland! Amy took her spot at the center. An extra-bright light shone on her. “All children grow up… except one. This is the story of Peter Pan!” She threw a handful of pixie dust in the air. Then she began to tell the story of the Darling children and how one night Peter came to their window and told Wendy about his home in Neverland.

  That was Elliot’s cue.

  He strutted onto the stage, fists on his hips. “Neverland is the best place. A fantastic place where you never grow up!” Elliot was the most convincing Peter Pan ever.

  Next it was Ashley’s turn. She had never felt more like Wendy. “Oh, Peter!” She clasped her hands together. “Do take us with you! How do we get there?” The audience faded away. What was happening here felt as real as her next breath.

  Elliot pointed out the window. “Second star to the right and straight on till morning.”

  “How amazing! I want to go!” Ashley ran to the window. Only her slippers slid on the wood floor and instead she lunged forward. Without warning, the window toppled to the ground, revealing a few pirates and Lost Boys, waiting their turn. Those students hurried out of sight.

  The audience released a quiet laugh.

  “Those pesky windows…” Ashley improvised. “Always being a pest. Falling over… and never opening when you need them to.”

  “I’ll help!” Chris rushed in, his teddy bear flopping as he ran. Then he helped Ashley set the window back in its place.

  “Thank you, Chris. That’s very kind of you.” Ashley patted Chris’s head and gave him a gentle push back to his spot near the bed.

  “I’m Michael.” Chris scowled at her. “Not Chris.”

  More quiet laughter from the audience.

  “True.” Ashley waved at Chris. “Hello, Michael. You’re very helpful with windows.” She could practically feel Mr. Garrett staring at them from the wings. She did a curtsy toward Elliot. “Peter… how shall we get to Neverland?”

  Elliot was frozen in place. He hadn’t moved or spoken since the window incident. He glanced at the audience, and then back at Ashley, but still he said nothing.

  Mr. Garrett’s whisper was loud from just offstage. “ ‘We fly, of course!’ That’s your line!”

  Elliot blinked a few times. “We… we fly, of course!”

  The scene got back on track and the window stayed in place. They continued, accident-free. Even as they flapped their arms and flew to Neverland to meet the Lost Boys. And when Hook threatened to defeat Pan, good news! His hook stayed on.

  In no time, it was the final scene. Ashley and the others were tied up to the pirate ship.

  Amy continued her narration. “So, Wendy, her brothers and the Lost Boys watched Hook and waited for their fate.”

  Landon paced around the stage, sword in hand, hook high in the air. “Join the pirates or walk the plank!”

  Elliot made the rooster crow sound and hopped onstage. “Peter Pan here, Hook. And I will defeat you!”

  The audience hooted and hollered as Elliot and Landon fought with their prop swords. And, in one final move, Elliot pushed Landon off the ship, defeating Hook once and for all. The crowd applauded Pan’s victory!

  Next, Ashley was supposed to ask Peter to take them all home.

  Only Ashley didn’t want to go home.

  She didn’t want Wendy to return to London. Because she knew how the story ended. She had read the book. If she went home with her siblings, Wendy would forget about Neverland and forget about her promise to stay young. Many years from now, Peter would return to the nursery window, crushed to see Wendy all grown up.

  And Ashley didn’t want any of that. She took a deep breath. What happened next was up to her!

  “Peter Pan shall cut you free!” Elliot held up his sword to cut the ropes. “Then I will take you home to London!”

  “No, you don’t!” Ashley wiggled out of the ropes before he had the chance. “I got this, Pete.” She threw the rope to the ground, freeing herself and the others.

  Ashley gathered the children and moved them upstage. “Well… we got out of that!” She grinned at them. “What’s next? Swim with the mermaids? Build another house?” She looked at the audience. “Fly around until we reach the end of the clouds?”

  The crowd was starting to mumble. Ashley could see people looking at each other, possibly baffled. From backstage she heard Mr. Garrett’s loud whisper. “Ashley! What are you doing! Stick with the script!”

  “You know what’s nice, Michael?” Ashley looked at Chris. “There’s no script in Neverland.”

  “True, Wendy!” Chris grinned. “I like that about this place!”

  Elliot walked up to Ashley. “Umm.” His sword hung at his side. “Wendy. What are you doing?”

  “We’re not going home!” Ashley loved this idea. The Lost Boys looked happy about it, too. “So many adventures yet to take, Peter! An
d guess what? You can stay with us!”

  The crowd chuckled.

  It didn’t take Elliot long to get on board. He shared a quick smile with Ashley and put his fists on his waist again. “Good! I didn’t want to take you home in the first place.” He looked at the other children. “And since I’m your leader, I will be in charge of a million adventures!”

  Ashley ran to the ship’s steering wheel. She surveyed the seas. “Peter, let’s take the ship somewhere we’ve never been before!”

  Chris pointed offstage. “That tall volcano, maybe!”

  “Or that distant lake!” Elliot pointed the other direction.

  “Wherever you want to take us, Peter.” Ashley raised her fist in the air. “Let’s never grow up.” Ashley faced the crowd. She looked right at Brooke. “Let’s stay this age forever!”

  In the wings, Ashley caught a glimpse of Mr. Garrett. He had his hand over his eyes.

  Amy, the narrator, looked unsure. But then she gave Ashley a happy look and took her spot again at the center of the stage.

  She looked at the audience and laughed. “And so…” She glanced back at Ashley and the others. “Wendy and her brothers and all the Lost Boys stayed in Neverland with Peter Pan… where they… swam with mermaids… and flew on the clouds, and took their pirate ship from cove to cove looking for treasure.” She was in her rhythm now. “And… they never, ever grew up.”

  Natalie fluttered from the wings to the spot where Ashley and the children stood. She sprinkled glitter over all of them and smiled at the crowd.

  Ashley wasn’t done yet. She put her arm around Natalie’s shoulders and pointed to the audience. “We, Mr. Garrett’s fifth-grade class, encourage you to do the same! Never grow up!”

  The closing music played and Ashley and her classmates took their bows. The crowd clearly loved the new twist, because they were on their feet, clapping and cheering and taking pictures. Dad gave Ashley a thumbs-up and Ashley gave it back.


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