Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 3

by Sloane Murphy

  “Yes I’m fine. Please just, let’s get this over with,” I grate out between clenched teeth. Did I mention I really hated this? I can feel her put the tourniquet around my arm, and I clench my fist like I’m expected to do.

  “Just a small scratch love,” she says to me in that sickly, sweet voice. She looks old for a Fae, like a grandma should look, but I know she’s evil really. She confirms this when she jabs me with the needle, and it takes everything in me not to punch her in the throat. Fecking Fae. “There you go, just lie still for a few minutes and we’ll be done,” she says to me before wandering over to her next victim, sorry, patient. I can feel the blood leaving my vein, and can’t help but watch as the once clear tube turns red, my blood flowing freely from my body, filling the bag. It’s weirdly fascinating. Just as it fills she comes back and unhooks me, making me hiss as she pulls the needle from my skin, before she puts a Band-Aid over the crater she just made in my arm.

  “The cookies and orange juice are over there dear, you go get some and sit for ten minutes before you go anywhere okay? See you next month!” she says cheerily before prepping the bed for the next person.

  I go and grab my cookie and juice feeling like I’m back in Nursery, and sit while I wait for the others. One by one they all donate, and I hear the occasional screech where the butchers, sorry nurses stab people.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like making the most of this sun. Who’s up for some football?” Benny asks the group. Everyone’s starting to look a little better, and they all nod in agreement. I will never understand guys and football. How much fun can it really be, running a ball up and down a field? I roll my eyes, but I know Livvy will be happy to sit out on the grass and soak up the sun, plus this way, she’ll be distracted. She’s not said anything, but I can see the pain in her eyes. She’s hiding it well though, she beams a smile across the room as Peter walks over to us.

  “Hey baby, you okay?” he asks her, wrapping his arms around her. I see her sink into him and nod against him. He leans down and whispers something in her ear, before tightening his grip on her a little, then releasing her so she can look back to us.

  “The guys are going to play football; do you want to come?” she asks, looking up at him, her back flush to his front. I flick my eyes over to Logan, who looks like the last thing he wants to do is hang out with the chunderpirate that is Peter, but he’ll never deny Livvy a thing. Peter agrees and everyone heads out to the field. Oh joys, this is going to be fun.

  “Hey Addie!” I turn around to see Tyler running towards me, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

  “Hey Ty, what’s up?” I ask. He rarely chases me through a corridor, so I figure it might be important.

  “Well, Benny is throwing a party tonight, and I wondered if you wanted to go?” He rubs the back of his neck as he asks me, looking sheepish. No idea what that’s about.

  “Erm, yeah sure, I’m sure Livvy is about.”

  He blushes a little and coughs. Anyone would think he was asking me out. Ha! Yeah right, he’s never thought about me in that way.

  “Oh, yeah, erm yeah, the four of us can roll down there together. So we’ll come get you at like nine? That cool?”

  “Works for me. At least Livvy can’t pretend she has homework this way. You know Peter will probably be there though right? Is Logan going to be ok with that?” I still feel bad for him. Poor guy has had a crush on Livvy since we were like, ten.

  “Yeah he’ll be fine. He’ll have a few drinks and deal. Thank god it’s Friday!” He woops, then nods at me as his boys walk by. I wave to Logan, he’s surrounded by Lukas, Nik and Marc. I swear, outside of our dorm, those lot are just attached at the hip. Tyler hugs me and bounces over to his friends, and I start walking back to the dorm.

  I catch Livvy in the dorm, headphones in, writing some essay; probably for our History of the Races Eval. I mean, how much do we need to know about how the world crashed and burned six hundred years ago? I get it, the humans messed up. The Demon King wanted to take the world, and the Fae didn’t want him to destroy it, so fought back, and so goes the story of the Dark War. The Vampyrs divided, those houses that joined the Fae are the ones who now enforce the new world, and those who joined the Demon King, well they’re now the soulless Shades that are a disease, trying to decimate life as we know it. No-one seems to know how the Vampyrs came to be, just that the Fae were here first. It used to be my favourite class, then I discovered my need to join the Guard, to be part of something bigger, and Defence soon took over. I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder, resulting in an ear piercing scream.

  “Jeez Addie, you scared the pants off of me! My poor heart!”

  I fall onto my bed laughing at her, I can’t help it!

  “Stop it Addie! You know I scare easy,” she sighs and I sober.

  “Sorry Livvy. I didn’t mean to.” I get up and hug her.

  “It’s okay Addie, I know you didn’t mean it. What’s up anyway?”

  “Oh yeah. Ty invited us to Benny’s party tonight, you want to go?” She looks at me with her eyebrow raised. “What?” I ask.

  “He invited us both?”

  “Yeah of course, he said all four of us could go over together.”

  “So you already said yes then?” she laughs at me, and I know she won’t say no. “Of course you did. I don’t know why I bothered asking, but I don’t think he invited us for one second. I think he invited you.”

  “What? Of course he didn’t. Why would he do that?” She’s losing her mind.

  “Because he’s been in love with you like, forever you dummy! I don’t know how you don’t know this!” she squeals at me.

  “Don’t be stupid. He’s Ty. He’s not into me like that,” I say, fobbing her off. I might have liked him like that once upon a time, and Liv knows that, but that’s water under the bridge, isn’t it? I’m so confused, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to show it!

  “Uh-huh, if you say so. Anyway, yes I’ll go, Peter already asked me this morning, so he can come down with us. What time are the guys meeting us?”

  “Ty said he’d be here with Logan for nine,” I reply. “You know Logan’s in love you right? I mean you say I can’t see it with Ty, but that’s just outrageous. With Logan, everyone but you can see it. He’d be so much better for you than Peter, Liv.” Dammit. I know I should leave it alone, but I don’t like Peter, he’s an arrogant dick, and she deserves better. Her and Logan would be perfect together!

  “Don’t start on this again Addie, we’ve been through this. Peter is not a bad guy. He treats me right,” she sighs and I snort. Yeah right! “I know what you think Addie, but he’s different when it’s just us. You’ll see it one day, and as for Logan, he’s like my brother, I couldn’t imagine him any other way. Same with Ty, it’d just be weird.”

  I shrug my shoulders. It’s a losing battle, so I don’t know why I bother. That’s a lie. Of course I do. Peter’s a total player, and a total d-bag. I just don’t want her getting hurt, but of course, she doesn’t see it that way. I swear I’ll tear him a new one if he hurts her.

  “But you really should give Ty a chance, you know? He’d be good to you, and he’s like your best friend, other than me. I mean, he already puts up with all your crazy,” she laughs, and flops down next to me. “He’s not like Thomas.”

  I shudder at the thought. Thomas. Ugh, he is the worst kind of slime ball there is. We weren’t together for long, but that sleaze deserved what he got.

  “Come on Liv, don’t bring up Thomas, are you trying to ruin my night?” I laugh, he’s such a prick. “Anyway, I know Ty isn’t him, but I’ve just never thought of Ty like that. Well I mean, not in a long time anyway. Even if I did, you’re wrong,” I shrug, and stand up and walk over to my wardrobe. “Anyway, what are we wearing to this thing?”

  “I’m not sure who you’re trying to convince Addie, me or yourself. I’ll let it go for now, but you’ll see.”

  She bounds up next to me, and delves into my
closet. My Defence gear is moved over to one side, those black jumpsuits are practical, but that’s about it. Luckily, over the years we’ve accumulated a big selection of clothes. We get stalls here in the summer, when we have time off from classes and have so many credits to spend. Most people get theirs from their parents, so they get more than we do. I just get a basic allowance from the Valoire fund, and Livvy gets hers from the savings her parents had. We normally pool ours with the guys, who usually end up giving us more than they spend. Their parents are really generous, and I think they know that the guys share with us. Our styles are totally different, but it works for us, and Livvy just has an eye for these things. She comes out of my closet with a pair of leather pants, and a red crop halter. I start to shake my head until I realise it’s pointless, and this isn’t a fight I’ll win with her. I guess I’ll be wearing my hair down tonight. I look at the clock and it’s nearly six already.

  “Liv, I’m going to grab us some food and bring it up here so we can get ready. What do you fancy?” I ask.

  “Just grab me a sandwich, you know what I like.”

  I’m stopped by a knock on the door. I open it to find Logan on the other side, with a bag of something that smells delicious, and two bottles of water. I smile at him.

  “Logan, you’re kind of my hero right now. Come in,” I say grabbing the bag from him. I pull out a chicken salad sandwich for Livvy, because we all know that’s for her, and hand it and an orange over to her with a bottle of water. I see a cheeseburger in the bottom and worship it with my eyes. Yum. I look up and Logan’s still stood in the doorway. I smile at him and he shrugs back at me.

  “No, it’s fine bright eyes. I just figured you guys would want some food if we’re going out, and I didn’t see you down in the mess hall, so I decided I’d bring you something up. I’m going to go and meet up with Ty and the guys now. I think we’re helping Benny set up.”

  “Logan, you’re the best, and if you’re already going to be over there, don’t worry about coming back to get us, I’m sure we can manage the walk without getting lost.” We both laugh knowing that out of the four of us, I’m normally the one that gets lost. I might be able to kick ass, but navigation is not my strong suit.

  “Don’t be silly Ads, Ty would have my ass if I agreed to that.” Then he looks at me all wide eyed, like he probably shouldn’t have said anything, nervously trying to laugh it off. I’ll let him off the hook, if what Livvy says is true, it’s not Logan’s fault he slipped.

  “Yeah, yeah. Him and his macho bull. Fine, we’ll see you at nine yeah?” I roll my eyes at him, and the relief in his is evident.

  “Yeah, see you later.” He smiles over to Livvy, who waves back at him and then he turns and leaves.

  “What was that about Liv? You’re never that quiet.”

  “I don’t know, I just, I didn’t feel like I needed to say anything. I’m sure he’s fine anyway. Now come on, eat your burger and get ready.” I laugh at her because she knows he got me a burger, without me even taking it out of the bag. Apparently I’m a little predictable, but hey, who cares. I like what I like. Those girls that just nibble on salad drive me insane. I run and work out every damn day, if anyone thinks I’m not going to eat what the hell I like, well they can say hello to my finger. I eat my food and grab my shower bag, then we dash next door to the showers to start the next few hours of hell, that will be Livvy primping and preening, then deciding to torture me with her genius.


  Livvy and I are finally ready, and with the music from our CD player up loud, I’m finally in the mood to head out. Music is one of the things I’m most thankful for, from the old world. The Fae and the Vampyrs really nailed it when they decided to remake the technology, to play music from the old world. The old world may have been destructive, but they knew how to party. Music from now just isn’t as good.

  We’re dancing around the room while we wait for Tyler and Logan to show their faces. I might not have been happy with Liv’s choices for my wardrobe when she picked them, but I have to admit, I feel good. The leather pants are like a second skin, but they’re worn, so they’re easy enough to move about in, and the crop top stops just under my boobs showing off my flat stomach. I have a silver chain running around my neck that travels down my torso, attached to an identical chain wrapped around my hips. I have almost no makeup on, just some eyeliner and mascara to show off my long lashes. My long dark hair is down in giant curls, with some twisted gem pins run through it. She added a small braid with some purple ribbon, which goes all the way around my head, and over my forehead. Livvy really knows what she’s doing with this stuff. I don’t even feel like I look like me.

  I spin around to the music when I see Tyler and Logan just inside the door, I hadn’t even heard them come in. I guess Livvy hadn’t either cause her eyes are still closed, as she sways to the music. The looks on their faces are hilarious, and I can’t help but burst out laughing. I walk over to the CD player and turn the music down. Livvy opens her eyes, and I can see her surprise at the boys faces. She starts laughing too.

  “Hey,” I wave to the guys. “You enjoying the show?” They both start to blush and that makes me laugh a little harder.

  “You two look amazing! Like, really amazing,” Tyler says, his gaze roaming my body, then bouncing to Livvy, then back. “Like, maybe we shouldn’t go out? We could just watch a movie or something?” He’s rubbing the back of his neck and looking to Logan for some back up. Screw that. I want to party.

  “Don’t be an idiot Tyler, it’s just clothes. Anyway, I want to dance, so you guys can stay here if you want, but we’re going. Right Liv?”

  “Well yeah. I didn’t spend this long making us beautiful to stay in and sit on the sofa!”

  She runs around grabbing her stuff and putting the last touches on her face, and I use the time to look Ty over. He looks good tonight. His jeans ride low on his hips, and I see that ‘V’ that makes smart girls stupid peeking out in-between them and his black t-shirt, which is loose at his hips, but tight on his chest, shoulders and arms. He’s wearing his beanie, which is pulled down, making his dirty blonde hair cover bits of his eyes. I’ve never really noticed it before, but Tyler really did grow up and become a man. He’s the eldest of us all, and realistically, I knew he was a man now, not a boy, but I guess I just never paid attention. He’s always just been Ty. I wonder if what Liv says is true. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

  “Ok, well let’s head out then,” Logan says. They’re both still stood in the doorway, almost like sentries stood at our door.

  We head over to the Red dorm, and I hear the party before I see it. The loud, low beat of the bass from the music, the flashing lights. I have no idea how they manage to pull this off, or how they managed to get alcohol in here. The fact that the Keepers haven’t shut it down yet is amazing, but I’m going to enjoy myself while I can.

  I see Livvy branch off from us, and head for Peter as soon as she sees him in the corner. I kinda expected it, but it still smarts to be abandoned so quickly. Fuck it, I’m going to drink and have fun, even if I do it on my own.

  I push through the tightly packed writhing bodies on the dance floor. There’s so many people in here, it’s like the whole Academy came to party. Tyler and Logan follow close behind as I make my way to the kitchen, which is just a makeshift bar right now. I see Ben and smile, he struts over to me and envelopes me in a bear hug, lifting me off the floor and spinning me around.

  “Hey short stuff. You look amazing! You’re going to save a dance for Benny right?” he winks at me, and I can’t help but laugh at him, he’s such a clown.

  “If you don’t put me down, the only thing you’ll get from me is an ass kicking.” I can’t stop laughing, so he knows I’m not serious, but I hate being called short stuff. He’s done it for years. The fact that he’s a seven-foot-tall beast is irrelevant. “You’re giving me vertigo being up this high Benny.”

  “Sorry short stuff.” He puts me down and I hug him back. H
e hands me a bottle of something, I have no idea what it is, but I take a swig anyway. It tastes fruity but bitter; it’s nice though so I keep drinking.

  I don’t even realise Benny still has his hands on me, until Tyler steps up to us and takes my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor. The song is hypnotizing and I start moving to the beat, losing myself in it. I feel Tyler move behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. We move together and it’s like we meld together. I can’t tell where I end and he begins. I feel his face drop to my shoulder; his breath is so hot against my skin. I open my eyes and look up at him. Our eyes lock, and it’s then I think that Livvy might be right. Ty makes me feel safer than any other person I know, and he’s always there for me. I tilt my head up to him and he leans down to me, but I pull away from him and smile. I don’t want things to be weird with us, so I take his hand and head back to the bar. I need a drink! He follows me, knowing me like he always does, and grabs me another bottle of what Benny gave me earlier, and a different one for himself. I think mines a lemon and lime vodka. It tastes so good. I guess he’s drinking beer, I don’t understand guys and beer. It’s gross. He sits down and pulls me down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me again. I feel safe, cocooned inside his arms, he’s so much bigger than I am. I see Livvy dancing with Peter, and I notice the second she sees me. Her squeal is almost visual. She’s smiling like a damn cat that caught a canary. My smile matches hers, and I laugh as I lean back into Tyler.

  That’s when I see him.

  Xander Bane is standing across the room looking right at me, his blue eyes hypnotise me and for a moment everything stops, I don’t see anything but him. He pulls his gaze from me, and man does he look angry. I sober and sit up straight, just as the music cuts and I hear someone groan.

  I look over to where the groans come from and see Dimitri facing off with Benny about the party. We knew it would happen, Benny’s parties always get crashed but I sure as hell didn’t expect it to be those two. Normally a Keeper would shut it down and send everyone home. Why would a member of the Eight and another Vampyr come here?


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