Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Sloane Murphy

  “Goodbye Aeveen, my beautiful light. I will see you again daughter. In this life or the next,” she says to her daughter before looking up at me. “Make the oath to me Xander, swear that you will make sure that she is always cared for. That she is always safe, until the time in which she is needed by her people.”

  “I swear to you Lan. I will put my life in service of hers.” I nod at her and walk away with the child smiling up at me. I can’t help but smile back at her.

  “You need a new name, beautiful light,” I say to her, and she coos back at me.


  That’s when I first felt it. That’s when she stole a part of me. I’ve tried to distance myself as much as I can from her, her entire life. More for her, so that she can experience the life she deserves, before her other life is thrust upon her. But to allow her in the guard, would be putting her in the very danger I vowed to keep her from. She needs to learn the truth about herself, the truth about our world rather than the ‘truth’ she has been taught. The need to do what is best for her, battles against the vow I made inside me. She has already been exposed to them, and I fear Kaden’s true reason for entering the school. It has been many years since he faced me, and I thought that last time would truly be the last. My vengeance had not been swift, but it was exacted. If he knows the truth, then that means that… No, I can’t think like that. I need to think that it was merely a coincidence that they toyed with her. It’s not possible they know. Is it?

  “Come on Addie, let me get you out of here. We deserve a few hours of just us,” Tyler says from the table behind me.

  “Tyler, can we just get through this Eval first, and then I’ll let you know? You know how much I suck at History of the Races these days, and after the mess I made in Home Ec...”

  I cringe thinking about the oven I managed to blow up, so what if I left the gas on a little longer than I should’ve before igniting it. It’s not my fault that Stacy now has no eyebrows! It’s also not my fault I managed to either burn or undercook everything I made for the Eval. Home skills are so not my thing. “I need to do well on this one. Especially since there’s no chance of the Red Guard for me now,” I sigh, yes, I’m still sore about it. Considering they let Noah in, I have no idea why I didn’t get in, and I’m yet to get a decent answer from either of those bloody Vampyrs. Telling me that it’s for my own good, for my own safety is a big ol’ steaming pile of crap. I deserve that spot. I worked my ass off for that spot. And they gave it to that jerk off. Someone somewhere is making real great decisions.

  “That’s exactly why we need this Addie. You need to just relax, let some of it go. I’m not telling you to calm down, believe me, I’m not making that mistake again. My jaw still aches from last time,” he rubs his jaw, laughing quietly. “I just mean; it’ll be good for both of us to have some time, just us. Away from people. Human, Vampyr, Fae. All of them. I kinda miss you Ads, it feels like ages since we just hung out.”

  What’s a girl to say to that? I mean, really?! I turn around to face him, all big eyes and floppy hair. I’m trying not to pay attention to the bulging biceps, and to forget about the yummy abs, cause then I’ll forget that I was going to say. Wait. Nope, it’s gone. I look back into his eyes, and remember he asked me a question.

  “Okay, okay. We can hang out, just us. What did you have in mind?”

  “Well… I was thinking a picnic out in that clearing in the forest. You know where I mean?”

  “Yeah I know the spot, the wildflowers there are so pretty.”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. And you know, clothing is optional.” He wags his eyebrows and I burst out laughing at him. What an idiot. I slap his arm playfully so he knows I didn’t mean to laugh quite so much.

  “Uh-huh. Optional means I’m wearing them. You however, you can go topless.” I wink at him and turn back to my desk, as the Keeper who teaches this class walks in. The buzzer sounds to start class and I feel a prod in my back.

  “Ha, I’m totally going to rock your world,” I hear Ty whisper over my shoulder.

  The Keeper hands out the test for the Eval, and I can feel the cold sweat already, I really hate tests. Give me a battle any day.

  “You have three hours to complete the test in full. This test makes up one hundred percent of your result. Good Luck,” she announces across the room. It’s so quiet, other than the occasional tap of a pencil on a desk. Gah, I need to focus! I can hear the clock ticking across the room and it’s driving me nuts. Come on Addie, you can do this. I look down at the paper and the first question makes me want to bang my head on my desk. Why do I need to know the names of all of the Fae Royals from the Dark War, and their roles in the war? Or the Vampyrs? Gah! I hate this stuff!

  I knuckle down and work through the paper. By the time the buzzer signals time is up, my hand is cramping and I’m scribbling down my final answers. I lift my head and see the Keeper walking towards me to collect my paper and remember to scribble my name on the front, before I hand it over to her. I feel Ty wrap his arms around my waist and lift me up, as he sits underneath me. I try so hard not to squeak, but I freaking hate being picked up. Even if it is kind of sweet. Only kind of though.

  “Mr Knight, I didn’t realise your ambition in life was to be a stool for Miss Tate.”

  “Well you see, Miss Addie here is kind of delicate, and she’s been sat on your hard stool for three hours. I figured I’d give her cute ass a cushion,” he smirks. The laugh echoes around the room as people try to stifle their laughter. I can even see the Keeper try not to smile at him. His charm has no bounds, it emanates from him and drags you in, and once you’re in, that’s it. You’re a goner, there is no escape.

  “Well Mr Knight, that’s all well and good, but I’m sure Miss Tate could have survived a few more moments without you, as this is officially the end of your last History of the Races class. As long as you pass of course,” she smirks back at him. “Now then you rotten lot. Be gone, I don’t want to see your faces in here again, so you better have done well. Go enjoy your weekend!” The room erupts with sound and movement as people start gathering their things and leaving, happy to escape into the sunshine. I grab my bag and put in on my shoulder as I stand, letting Tyler get his stuff. He hooks his arm around my waist and we make our way out of the room, and out of the building.

  The sunshine feels beautiful on my skin, it’s been a little while since I’ve let myself enjoy the little things, but I know how angry Livvy would be if she could see how sad I’ve been. The last few days have gone by in a whirlwind. I’ve not spent a night away from Ty since the attack, and now he’s even more attentive than he was before. I’ve managed to avoid Dimitri and Xander for the most part since that day too. I’m trying not to focus on the negatives, but I now have exactly no idea what I’m going to do with myself. I feel a bit bad because Ty hasn’t really celebrated the fact that he’s now part of the guard, along with Benny and the guys, and I know that it’s because of me. We’re sat out on the green by the forest, in our spot for Livvy and Logan, just lying, just being, when a shadow takes away the brightness beating down on my eyelids.

  “Come on love birds, you’ve had enough time alone for now.” I open my eyes to see Benny looming above me, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at him gawping down at me.

  “You’re going to regret that short stack!” he says before he leans down and picks me up, and starts tickling me until I squeal for mercy. He drops down to the floor with me still over his shoulder, before pulling me down so I’m sat in his lap. “I don’t think your angry warrior is all that happy about your positioning Miss Tate. I wonder what he’d do if I…” he finishes his question by grabbing my face and kissing me. I try to push him off, but he’s just so bloody big. He pulls back and laughs a deep belly laugh at Ty who is now standing and growling at him, looking like he’s going to explode.

  “You’re going to regret that Benny boy,” he barks out while clenching his fists at his sides.

  “It’s ok Ty, he was just goofing off.
Calm down,” I say, trying to defuse the situation a little. I can see the veins in Ty’s forearms, as he builds himself up. Benny lifts me by the waist and plonks me on the ground next to where he’s sat. As soon as I’m clear, Ty is running at him and I hear the whoosh of breath as he hits Benny. They end up rolling around on the floor blowing off steam, until it ends in them both laughing as they separate. Boys! They get up of the floor and hug it out in that weird boyish way that they do, and swagger back over to where I’m sat.

  “All better?” I ask sarcastically. They both just grunt at me as they sit back on the floor, Ty sitting behind me and pulling me on his lap. Stupid territorial caveman.

  “You going to pee on me next Ty? I mean really!” I push up off of his lap and sit back on my own. “I am not your trophy to be won, to be shown off like a damn prize. Now swallow your stupid pride and handle your ego,” I snap at him. It’s only funny for a little while.

  I can hear Benny sniggering and I snap my eyes up to him. “Really Benny? You want some too?”

  “Oh, I had mine already babe.” He laughs and I roll my eyes again. I give up!

  “Anyway, the whole reason I came to find you guys is because I decided we need to celebrate! Our Evals are finally done. All that’s left is placements and we already know where we’re heading.” I must visibly cringe because guilt covers Benny’s face and Ty takes my hand in his. “Sorry Addie, I forgot, you know I’m an idiot.”

  “It’s fine Benny,” I say with a fake smile, “I don’t want you guys not to celebrate. You finally did it! What we’ve all worked for what seems like forever for. Of course you need to celebrate.”

  “Okay, well the idea is a mini prom. So that you know, we didn’t spend all that money for just one night. So all the guys are busting out their suits, and the girls are putting on their dresses. You guys will be there right? Nine tonight at mine?”

  “Sure thing,” Ty says casually, while squeezing my hand. I look over to the clock tower and notice it’s nearly five already, so we head back and grab some food from the mess hall.

  “I need to go do something,” Ty says to me as he stands up and kisses me. “I won’t be long, I’ll come grab you before we head over to Benny’s okay?” I nod at him, a little confused at his vagueness. This has happened a few times recently, but I’ve put it down to being stuff for the guard that he didn’t want to tell me about. But Benny didn’t say anything earlier. I don’t question him though; I don’t want to be that girl. So I watch him leave before I gather my things and head back up to my room.

  I keep forgetting how bare this room feels now that they took away almost every trace of Livvy. I sit on my bed and see my cluttered half of the room and decide enough is enough. I shrug off my jacket and put my hair up and gaze over the empty space. I might not have long left in this room, but for now it’s mine and I’m going to make it feel that way. I start moving the remaining furniture around, until the room looks less like it’s missing its other half. I’ve put the pictures of us up on the walls, all except the one of the four of us at prom. That’s in its frame on my bedside table. I look around and I swear I can feel Livvy here giving me her approval, and tears spring to my eyes.

  “I miss you Livvy. I have no idea what I’m going to do without you,” I say out loud, to nobody but myself.

  I pick myself up and grab my stuff for a shower, so I can start getting ready for tonight. I try not to think too much about how the hell I’m going to manage my hair and makeup myself, or where the hell Ty has gone, and just concentrate on getting through tonight. The happy face I’m going to have to put on all night. I take a deep breath and pull up my big girl pants and deal. I refuse to be the reason my friends hide their success. Will this totally suck for me? Hell yes it will, but I am not selfish enough to deny them their happiness.

  I shower, and get ready for the party, I slip my dress back on and think back to the last time I wore it. There’s a knock at my door and I assume it’s Ty. Why he doesn’t just walk in is beyond me.

  “Come in!” I yell as I pull the dress up over my hips.

  “Errrr, sorry Addie, I didn’t realise…” I hear Benny and spin around to discover he’s walked in, not Ty. I finish putting on my dress quickly, trying not to laugh too much.

  “It’s ok Benny, what’s up? You can turn back around, I’m not naked,” I laugh a little. He turns around and is the colour of a beet. Who would’ve thought!

  “Erm… right, yeah. Ty popped by a little while ago and asked me to come bring you over to the party because he’s going to be a little late. I’m going to go ahead and guess he didn’t tell you?”

  “That would be a no. Never mind I guess.”

  We head over to his dorm room, and I can hear the music before we even enter the building.

  “I wonder how long till this one gets shut down,” I say while nudging his arm with my shoulder.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that one darlin’, I told big D about this one. He said he’d help us out.” He winks at me.

  “You mean Dimitri? Seriously?” The shock must be evident on my face because he bursts out laughing.

  “Yeah Addie, he’s not always the hard ass. He likes to party too.” He chuckles at me some more as he opens the door to his building for me, before escorting me up the stairs. We get to the room, and there are so many people here!

  “So much for just a few people huh Benny?” I raise my eyebrows at him and he just smirks at me.

  “It’s not a party without a ton of people short stack,” he says, before pulling me along behind him to where his group of friends are standing by the drinks. I smile and say hi before grabbing myself a bottle. I stand and nurse it, hoping Ty gets here soon, I don’t really know anyone but Benny here, not really, and I feel so uncomfortable.

  I look around the room and spot a very drunk Peter across the room. I’ve not seen him since the memorial, he was a mess, especially after everything that happened at prom. He sees me and the transformation from sad drunk to angry drunk is instant. I flinch, just seeing the look on his face. He heads towards me, and I see Benny out the corner of my eye assessing the situation. I catch his eye and shake my head. I can handle Peter, but he crosses his arms across his chest and stays where he is watching him like a hawk anyway.

  “You filthy bitch! How dare you show your face over here after what you did!” Peter spits at me, and I’m shocked into silence. The venom in his voice is like poison, turning the blood in my veins to ice.

  “I don’t know what you mean Peter, I haven’t done anything.”

  “Exactly!” he roars so loud the music seems like background music, and more and more people are turning to watch us. “You fucking did nothing. You lay there and let them take her from me! It’s your fault that she’s dead. You killed her!” I feel the tears prick the corner of my eyes, but I refuse to let them come. I let my anger take hold, rather than my sadness.

  “I didn’t kill her you jerkoff. I fought for her! And she wasn’t yours anymore either.” I poke him in the chest as I speak to him in a lowered voice. “You threw her away by sticking it in that piece of trash at prom. You threw her away like she meant nothing to you. You threw her long before those assholes took her away from ME!” I scream at him. I don’t notice that I’m crying, until I feel my tears splash as they hit my hands. “You never deserved her. You’re the worthless one you sack of shit.”

  I see his fist coming towards my face, but it’s on me before I register it fully. He hits me square on the jaw and I fall backwards. He’s on me trying to hit me, when Benny roars as he picks Peter up and throws him across the room.

  “Someone get that dickstain out of here!” he yells to no one in particular as he bends down to help me up.

  “You’re going to need some ice on that beautiful. Luckily he hits like a girl, no offence, so it shouldn’t bruise too bad. Let’s go get you something for your face.” I nod before I look over to where he tossed Peter, to see him being escorted outside by Ty an
d another of Benny’s friends. I follow Benny to the kitchen area he’s got set up. He lifts me and places me on the table and goes to get some ice.

  “I’m not a china doll ya know Benny,” I smile at him.

  “Hush now little one, I happen to like being the hero, so let me do what I do.”

  “Uh-huh, the gentle giant.” I giggle at him, then hiss as he puts the bag of ice on my jaw. Son of a mothersucker. That stings like salt in a wound, I guess he cut me when he hit me. I sit here for a few minutes, when Ty comes back and heads in my direction. He walks straight up to me, standing between my legs so we’re at the same eye height, and looks at the bag of ice.

  “It’s nothing really. Just Benny mothering me. See…” I take the bag of ice off my face and his expression turns thunderous. I place my hand on his chest and I can feel it heaving.

  “I’m ok Ty, see, it’s nothing I’ve not had before.” I lean into him, kissing him gently and run my fingers through his hair. I feel him relax into me so I pull back and smile at him. He smiles back and kisses me gently again before going and getting me another drink. I jump down from the side, back to the floor.

  “I would’ve killed him if he hurt you Addie,” Ty says to me. He pulls me in close, squeezing me before handing me a drink.

  “I know. And that’s why I love you, you protect me even when I can protect myself.”

  “I love you too baby girl. Dance?” he asks me, leaning down to kiss me again. I nod against him and follow him to where everyone has started to dance. The music slows down as he circles his arms around me. I lean against him, my head over his heart and I get lost in the steady beat of it as he sways with me, arms tight around me. We stay this way for a while, even when the music gets faster we dance to our own beat. I feel so safe wrapped up in him, like nothing else can go wrong. The music fades away and I pull back and look up into his eyes. He smiles down at me before stepping back and heading back to Benny and the guys. He hands me my glass back, before grabbing another bottle for himself.


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