The Tiger Within

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by Amanda Anderson

  The Tiger Within

  Amanda Anderson

  Copyright © 2012 by Amanda Anderson

  All rights reserved, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

  This book is a work of fiction and any similarities to persons living or dead is completely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  ISBN-13: 978-1470136550

  ISBM-10: 1470136554

  I dedicate this book to all the wonderful ladies at the JUMC Preschool. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. You are the best!


  The beast paced as he watched the beautiful women lying beside him. He’d known what she was the moment he’d laid eyes on her, the day she was born. His mate. Her scent reached out to him and he inhaled deeply. It was rich and spicy with the slightest hint of something he could not identify. The warmth that spread through his body only made him more sure that she was his.

  She was the most magnificent creature he had ever seen. Her silver hair was spred about her as pale as the moon beams dancing on her skin. He closed his eyes. Her eyes rivaled the summer sky for brilliance. She was the one bright star in his life.

  She was ready now. She was feeling the changes in her body. She would soon understand them. He would teach her the ways of their people. He would have to get around her father first, but there was no denying her awakening was near. Her father would sense it upon his return. The beast sighed, he would have to work fast before her father discovered his intentions. Others would smell her too and flock to her in hopes that they might win her and deny him an heir. She would have no other. He was her only mate. He’d watched the others sniff around her tonight until he thought he’d burst. He hadn’t marked her, but he’d left enough scent to warn the others. If any were fool enough to test him? He would kill them. If any were stupid enough to try to claim her? He would destroy their entire family. His kind only had one mate and she was his only chance at happiness. She was his only chance to help save his dying race. He would not fail.

  She lay still naked and exhausted. They had explored one another thoroughly. He regretted having to take those memories from her, the freedom he had given her would only strengthen her for the trials she would soon face, but, he knew, it was for the best. He would keep them for her and return them when she was ready.

  He nuzzled her breasts and ran his rough tongue across one pink tip. He then rubbed his body against hers. She arched toward him even in slumber. He allowed himself one final scent of her feminine heat. He nuzzled his nose into the crisp curls between her legs and inhaled deeply, savoring her sweetness. He would taste her soon, but not yet.

  He leapt from her balcony and crouched low in the shadows of her garden as he watched her awaken, his amber-green eyes focusing through the darkness to take in her form. He could smell her confusion and her fear. He could also smell her hunger.

  “Soon,” he thought. “Soon I will reveal everything to you, sweet Amelia, but not yet. I will wait a short while longer, but not forever my love. Prepare yourself for me,” and with that he slipped soundlessly away.

  Chapter One

  Lady Amelia Talbot shivers in the darkness. She pulled herself from sleep only to find that she was lying naked on the balcony of her bedroom in Talbot house. How had she gotten here and where were her clothes? She remembered dancing at the ball last evening at the house of Lord and Lady Mowbray. She remembered dancing with several gentlemen and later walking with the Scottish Laird, Henry Stewart, on the terrace. The rest was a blur. She recalled dancing with the other gentlemen and feeling ill at their touch and begging to be brought home. She knew she had arrived home even though she did not remember the ride. She vaguely recalled dressing for bed and opening the balcony doors, but the rest was completely gone. She had no memory of the night at all, only feelings. She remembered feeling free. She remembered the rush of air through her hair. She remembered heat. Her body shivered as she remembered the soul searing heat as it surrounded her and consumed her.

  She stood on aching legs and made her way into her bedroom. Perhaps no one had seen her. As she stepped through the door she found her night dress. It was shredded. What could have happened? It made no sense at all.

  She made her way to the large mirror that stood in her room. She was not the least bit missish as most girls were. She was fascinated with her body. She looked at her reflection carefully to make sure she was not injured. She looked no different. She lifted her long silver blonde hair and inspected her back, nothing unusual, other than the small dark stripe that bisected her back at the base of her spine, and even that was normal for her. She ran her hands along her own body and felt her muscles tighten. She was sore from exertion she did not recall. Her breasts felt heavy and appeared fuller. The rosy tips were rigid and erect. She felt as though she had not only awakened from sleep, but that she had awakened in an altogether different way as well, but the feeling was familiar somehow too.

  Confused and utterly exhausted she fell into bed without dressing. She tossed for an hour before her exhausted mind drifted off in a fitful sleep. Sleep filled with dreams of wild animals chasing her, no not animals, only one, only him.

  She was awakened by the sound of a bustling Mrs. Chambers, her abigail.

  “Good heavens child, get out of bed. You need to eat a bit of something and get dressed. You have a gentleman caller who will be here in an hour.”

  Amelia pulled the blankets closer around herself, knowing Mrs. Chambers disapproved of her sleeping unclothed. “It’s too early to accept visitors. I don’t wish to see anyone today.”

  “No, ‘tis not too early. You my lady have slept the day clean away. You cannay send this one away either. Your mother is all in a dither.” She lowered her voice and spoke again. “Apparently your father does nay approve of this gentleman, but since he is away until this evening…” She trailed off with a shrug and began preparing Amelia’s clothing.

  “So Mother has decided to go against Father’s wishes?” Amelia asked wearing a scandalized expression they both knew was feigned. “That seems drastic, even for Mother. Who is he? And why such a fuss over him?”

  “He is Laird of Stewart clan and a very powerful man here in London as well. Henry Stewart, you danced with him last evening, and you must look your best. It would be a good match for you, youngling,” she said and smiled at Amelia. “He would be a man worthy of ye, lass, if there is such a man.”

  Amelia had turned pale at the mention of his name. She felt that heat sizzle over her skin again and she almost moaned at the sensation. She was able to hold back all but the smallest sigh, but it was enough. Her maid was giving her peculiar looks so she decided to get up and do as she was told. As soon as the bed clothes fell away she was met with the disapproving stare of her lady’s maid.

  “You should not sleep without your night dress, my Lady. I cannay understand why no one in this house can see the perils of such behavior. Your own father says ‘e cannay see the harm in it. God’s bones child!” She said flinging her arms out from her sides. “I will wager not another lass in London sleeps in naught but her skin!”

  Amelia ignored the, now familiar, lecture and pulled on her dressing gown. She sat down to her breakfast not knowing what she ate. Why did that man make her feel so odd? She felt as if she knew him. She was so familiar.
Perhaps it was only the ambiance of last evening. She would see him today only to test out her theory. If he still made her feel odd after their encounter today, then she would refuse to see him again.

  With her mind made up, she finished her breakfast and began the endless tortures of getting dressed and allowing Mrs. Chambers to arrange her hair.

  Chapter Two

  Laird Henry Stewart approached the door of Talbot House and it was swung open before he was able to knock. He smiled to himself when he was shown into the front salon and announced to Lady Richard Talbot, Countess of Euston. She was behind the ready acceptance of his calling card this morning. She understood his need, somehow more so than her husband. She was completely human although it was different than any he’d encountered before. Her scent was human, he was sure of it, but it was so close to that of his kind others might mistake it. Her scent was mingled with that of her husband, but he sensed nothing but human blood flowed through her veins, though something else was there, subtle but there. He could never place the scent. There were rumors, of course, of a blessing upon her family, but no facts were known. He wondered though.

  Lady Euston looked up, when the door opened to find Laird Henry Stewart staring at her with an odd look on his face. She had seen it many times before. For some peculiar reason his kind never understood her. She found it gave her an edge. “Laird Stewart, would you please stop sniffing me and have a seat.”

  “I am dreadfully sorry, Lady Euston,” he said with a twinkle in his amber-green eyes. “I find your scent most refreshing.” He gave her his best beguiling smile. She was a shrewd woman and extremely out spoken and bold, if rumors could be believed. She was not a blue stocking though, she was highly respected for her wisdom and fortitude, but she cared little for politics. Her focus was on the well being of those she loved and she loved her daughter and she had once highly respected him as well. She cared little for his titles or money, so he knew it would be an insult to act as though they were important. She wanted to see those close to her as happy in life as she was. She insisted upon complete honesty. He found her company freeing in a society full of double talk and subterfuge. He would enjoy this visit a great deal.

  “I know why you are here,” Lady Euston went on without preamble. “I wish to speak with you about this in detail before I will permit you to see my daughter again,” she said as she took her seat and invited him to do the same.

  “Of course, what would you like to know?” He said as he carefully studied her. She was a fragile looking woman, but he knew she held an inner strength matching his own. She practically glowed with an ethereal beauty unmatched in any other woman, except perhaps her daughter. He could feel her affecting him and knew she would discern immediately if he tried to be less that truthful. It was another aspect of the lady that confused him. She was human and should have no power over his mind, but he always felt it in her presence. It was a warm assurance of trust that made those around her desire to be honest with her. He frowned as he thought. She broke into his thoughts suddenly before he could discern further the qualities that intrigued him.

  “Is she like you?” She watched him closely.

  He felt her encouraging him to remain completely honest and he tried to gather his now scattered thoughts.

  She looked into his amber-green eyes and found honesty. She could see the signs of his breeding in his countenance. His cheek bones were high, nose strait with slightly flared nostrils that spoke of his highland ancestors. His handsome jaw had a sharp, almost squared angle making him appear stern while the smile that continually played on his wide mouth made it known he was quick to smile. His hair was very black with an odd sheen that shown golden orange in the light. He had a small streak of white at each temple that she knew would move to the back of his ear when he changed. He was in his mid thirties, she would guess, although she knew him to be much older. It was hard to discern in their kind because they tended to live longer than regular humans. She turned her attention back to his words.

  “We soon shall see for sure, but I am almost certain she is,” he said as he stood and began to pace the room.

  “What then?” She impaled him with a narrow eyed expression. “I will not have her dishonored. She is the most sought after young lady of the season so far. There have been several offers for her this morning alone. I fear her father may be over run when he returns,” she said with pride. “I have allowed your attentions over the years, but things have shifted now, have they not?”

  He was astonished. How could she possibly have known?

  At his look of total astonishment she nodded and continued. “This is the reason for our reluctance to see you in recent years. We feared you would simply take her from us without giving her the choice. If your interests are less than honorable then you can leave immediately. I will not have my daughter become nothing more than one of your ladybirds to be discarded when it suits you. There will be no more midnight frolics in the gardens. She is a respectable young woman now, not a child. She had better remain so, unless you are prepared to cock up your toes,” she smiled at the last and used her best London accent, when her voice was usually completely void of distinction, as was his.

  “You insult me, my Lady,” he turned to smile down at this fragile looking woman who dared to threaten him so sweetly. “My interests are indeed noble. As you know, it is rare for one of us to ever find our true mate. I have found mine. I knew this the day of her birth. You know it to be true. I have protected her and cared for her all of her life. You would not allow her to know me as I stand here now, but she knows my animal. I have stayed hidden for the last few years as you requested, but she will know me. She still wears my gifts. She has not forgotten me,” he said as a low rumble escaped his throat.

  Lady Euston ignored the sound and said, “Have you awakened her?”

  Henry took a deep breath and tried to calm himself before he spoke; “Only partially, last evening. I can not risk changing her in London. I beseech you to allow her to travel with me to my home. There are many of us there. It will be easier for her there with those who understand her.”

  “They will not accept her,” she sighed and Henry felt her reluctance. “She isn’t fully of your kind. That is why we are here.”

  “It is most unusual, my Lady, but her scent says she is. Our kind can only produce children with their mate. The only reason that you were able to is if you were of our blood, which you are not. I do not claim to understand any of it, but it is the way of it. Her scent is that of our kind. It has never been heard of, but by some power I do not understand fully, you are Lord Euston’s mate.”

  “I am,” she said with assurance but no explanation. “Perhaps we are evolving,” she smiled serenely.

  “Perhaps he wished it so desperately that he simply made it so, sitting with you now, I can understand why.” A small smile tilted her lips, telling him she knew more than she was willing to divulge. “Regardless, she is my mate. I must beg your approval to help her. It has been put off far too long as it is. We are in desperate need of females and children. There are so few who are allowed to find their mates before they are defiled and become unable to bare our children. She should have been brought to me for her own protection years ago. The only reason I did not take her was the uncertainty of her abilities.”

  “We shall see.” As she said it she rose from her chair and moved to the door. “I will get my daughter. I will chaperone this visit and decide what is to be done afterward.” Then she smiled and added in a kinder tone, “I am sure everything will be done as it is meant to be done. Her father dotes on her. He will decide what is best for everyone involved. I will strive to aide him in any decisions he will make. Now, if you will excuse me, my Laird.” With that she left the room to get Amelia, giving instructions for tea to be brought for their visit.

  “Of course.” Henry said to the closed door.

  He sat, more nervous than he could ever remember being, and waited.

  He’d never planned to marr
y. He had enjoyed a doxy from time to time, but women rarely held his attention and since the day of Lady Amelia’s birth he had simply lost all interest in women. This little chit had awakened him. He could feel his body responding to her as she drew closer. He shifted in his seat and tried to compose himself. He would not allow her to find him in this disgraceful state. He must control himself. He clenched his fists and tried to breathe through his agony. He felt the sharp prick of his claws in his palms told him he was quickly losing the battle.

  Chapter Three

  Amelia entered the room, wearing her favorite, light blue morning dress. With it she wore a simple jewel on a long gold chain, it was called a tiger’s eye and had been left for her years ago from a protector of whom she could no longer remember. The jewel wasn’t costly, but it had always made her feel comforted and safe. She wore it only when her feelings were in turmoil because she feared losing it. For some reason it was her most prized possession.

  Mrs. Chambers had piled her silver blonde hair on her head and pinned it loosely. She had forgone head adornment, because her head still ached from her illness of last evening.

  She was startled to find a highly agitated Laird Stewart pacing like a caged animal. Vague memories rushed through her mind with a force that made her stumble back against her mother.

  “Are you well, daughter?” Her mother whispered with a knowing smile.

  “Yes, Mother, it was only a misstep.” Amelia tried to smile and reassure her mother, but it was far from sincere. Lady Euston saw the awareness in her daughter’s eyes and she wanted desperately to leave them for a few moments to see where it led them. She also noticed her daughter’s choice of jewels and how she clutched it in her hand. She smiled to herself.


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