The Sexperts: The Girl with the Pearl Necklace (The Sexperts Trilogy Book 2)

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The Sexperts: The Girl with the Pearl Necklace (The Sexperts Trilogy Book 2) Page 4

by Melinda DuChamp

  Not that Dwanna could possibly prefer anything about this place.

  “Fanny won’t be able to meet with you today. You were so late she had to go consult on another client. But Milo will be here soon.”

  “Who’s Milo?”

  “He’ll be your instructor.”

  Dwanna wondered if it was the same Milo she’s been with only days before. But that was highly unlikely. There were probably thousands of men named Milo in the city. For it to be the same Milo would have been an unbelievable coincidence. Something straight out of the plot of a cheap erotica ebook.

  No, this Milo wouldn’t be charming and tender and handsome. The Milo Dwanna had been assigned would be a hairy ape of a man, smelly and gross with no manners or decency.

  Dwanna’s stomach clenched. Would this Milo creature try to put his Man-Thing in her? Would she be able to pretend she didn’t like it?

  “You’ll love Milo. He is so fabulous.” Chastity got that same wistful faraway look in her blue eyes as she got contemplating the massive shlink on Mr. Siemann. No, not shlink. Schlang? Schling? “I’ve requested Milo for my official DP Class, which keeps getting pushed back, and which I am dying to take.”

  “DP Class?”

  Chastity put a slender hand to her throat and drew it down between her breasts. “Double penetration. It’s always been my dream, to have two men do me at once. Like a big, sexy sandwich. With two cocks in me.”

  Two!? At once? Dwanna could not contain her horror and fear. She’d never survive! There would be male projectiles coming at her Sacred Cave, and at her Brownie Oven, both at the same time!

  “Oh my gosh, you poor thing, are you okay?” Chastity put her arm around Dwanna and helped her to an iCliner much more luxurious and comfortable than the chairs they had at the Foundation, though it reminded her of the chair Mother used in her personal library for the dreaded Purification Rituals. “I’ll get you a robe you can change into.”

  A beautiful pink silk robe was deposited into Dwanna’s lap, about as different from the sackcloth undergarments approved by the Foundation as you could get.

  “Go ahead and change. I’ll turn around. Let me know when you’re ready.”

  Dwanna nodded and took off her clothes nervously, leaving her foundation-approved undergarments in place. Then she slipped on the robe, which was much too thin to cover her properly, but which felt incredibly soft and luxurious on the little bit of skin that wasn’t covered by prickly sackcloth and stiff wire. She made sure her pearl necklace, the one hiding the camera and microphone, was clear of the fabric, offering everyone back at the foundation a good view.


  Chastity was at her side so quickly Dwanna suspected she hadn’t turned around at all.

  “Would you like something to drink? A cup of tea? Hot chocolate? An iCanister of Flavo-air?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “We have chocolate sundae, lavender peach, and ball sweat.”

  “Ball sweat?”

  “Doesn’t the smell of a man’s balls just get your juices flowing?”


  “Yes, we also have female juices. Flavo-air includes all the pheromones, naturally. Give a hetero man an iCanister of female juices, and some of them start licking the face mask. We had a fellow in here who got erect so quickly, he fainted. All the blood went from his head to his cock.”

  “Oh… my.”

  “Natural odors are the ultimate aphrodisiac, Susie. But the chocolate sundae also smells pretty nice. I could do a mix, that and ball sweat, if you like?”

  Dwanna shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  “Really?” Chastity spoke doubtfully, laying her hand on Dwanna’s shoulder. “You know that feeling when you’re just barely asleep and you dream that you’re falling and then bang, you jerk awake with your whole body, in like a giant twitch of panic?”

  Dwanna did that sometimes. Mostly she had nightmares. About Mother. And Man-Things. And lately about A Sachs-Yule, although nothing about his Man-Thing. But maybe she’d now have nightmares about Hoyt Siemann’s… schwung. “Yes, I know what you mean.”

  “You look like you feel that way all the time.” Her face was close, her eyes warm with concern. She smelled really lovely, like roses. Her mouth was an inch from Dwanna’s cheek and her breast was brushing the back of Dwanna’s arm, and it was soft and round and warm.

  “I do?” Dwanna was completely flustered by her strange reaction to Chastity’s nearness, and even though she’d never felt warm and tingly around a woman before, to her horror, she was starting to now.

  “I want to tell you I know that feeling, and how gosh-awful hard it is, and I want to reassure you that you are completely safe here, and surrounded by people who really want to help you relax and feel good about yourself and about other people.”

  “Thank you.” Dwanna’s voice came out a weird whisper, and then her eyes got wet and runny, the way they did when she was crying, which she hadn’t done for years, because it made Mother furious at her weakness and lack of control.

  She was working so hard to keep the tears from spilling over onto her cheeks that she didn’t notice Chastity was about to kiss her until it was too late, and Chastity was kissing her. On the mouth! The way a true lover would kiss her! A male one!

  Outrageous! Sinful! The harlot! The tramp! The fornicator!

  This kiss was terrible and wrong. It must be, because Dwanna wanted it to go on and on, which only proved Mother was right and she was disgusting. And at some point, maybe in another minute, Dwanna was going to let this woman know exactly how contemptuous she felt, exactly how disgusting this was, exactly how appalling.

  Maybe in two minutes.

  Chastity’s sweet tongue parted Dwanna’s lips and touched Dwanna’s tongue, and the feeling of their tongues tangling together made the tingly heat center between her legs, like when she had those awful sinful dreams about Milo’s Man-Thing dipping into her Sacred Place.

  And to Dwanna’s horror, somewhere deep inside her, she sighed.

  Chastity drew back and stroked Dwanna’s hideous wavy hair away from her face. “That’s better. You look much happier now.”

  Happy? Happy? How could Dwanna be happy after something so disgusting? How could she be happy amidst such depravity?! She couldn’t be!

  She stared at the ceiling, trying to get her Sacred Place to calm down and stop being so melty and so warm and so strangely… empty.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Oh, that’s Milo!” Chastity scampered to open it.

  Dwanna folded her hands and pinned them between her knees. So far, she wasn’t doing well. Not well at all. But at least Chastity wouldn’t be teaching her. She wasn’t sure she could handle much more of that kissing. It was…disgusting. Yes, that was it. Whoever Milo was, he would certainly be easier to resist.

  “Milo, this is Susie Jones.” Chastity announced, pulling the door wide.

  “Hey there.”

  Dwanna turned around and looked into the meltingly intense gaze of Milo, the boy who’d recently put his hoo-ha into her ha-cha.

  What were the odds?

  The room spun. Her cheeks burned. Somewhere somebody screamed.

  Oh, that was her.


  His intense eyes grew even more intense, and hot, and wide, almost as wide as his smile. “I’m so glad to see you, D—”

  Dwanna held up her palm, stopping him. “I’m Susie.” She held out a shaking hand.

  He shook her hand, holding it a little too long.

  Dwanna looked into his eyes, his smile so genuine and warm and nice and interested that she couldn’t look away. She wondered if there was ever a better smile in all the people in all the world. No one at the Purity Foundation smiled like that. Or much at all. Yet they had such good work to do, they had such nobility of spirit, and intellect and Purity of soul…

  Could Milo be evil? He had engaged with her in the Most Repellant Act. And he was working at th
e Seimann Institute. So she supposed he must be. But try as she might, she couldn’t quite believe it.

  “I’ll leave you two to get to know each other a bit.” Chastity leaned in and kissed Dwanna’s cheek, then gave Milo a look that could probably melt lead.

  And yet, even with Chastity practically begging for the Most Repellant Act, Milo kept his attention on her. Dwanna.

  It made no sense.

  Chastity left, closing the door behind her.

  “Susie, eh?”

  Dwanna gave him a look she hoped said shut up.

  Or maybe, please be quiet, because giving a shut up look was rude.

  “I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re here.” Milo touched Dwanna’s arm gently, inspiring chills to skitter over her skin. “I feel like we’ve met before, and that I’ve been thinking about you non-stop ever since.”

  She thought he might have forgotten her and was about to blow her cover correcting him, when he lowered one lid in a wink that was so sexy, she had to clamp her knees together.

  “But I want you to focus on now. We’ll be doing good, healthy work together.”

  Oh help. “What kind of work?”

  Milo’s slow smile was even more spectacular this time. His eyes got kind of crinkly at the corners. “It means I’m gonna teach you to feel better. About yourself. About your body. About being a woman. About being alive. About being human, babe.”

  He’d shove his Man-Thing in her, and probably lots of other things too, over and over and over, and it would be awful.

  Then Mother would know how impure she was for sure!

  “Tell you what, Susie. Why don’tcha start by talking to me? Tell me about yourself, why you’re here, no big speech, just let it all hang out.”

  “Let what hang out?”

  “Shhh, hey, no pressure.” He lifted his hands in surrender. “Take some breaths, go somewhere special in your mind. And when you’re ready, tell me what you want from this place.”

  I want it to explode in a glorious and righteous fireball, its employees running around and screaming in the flaming agony of justice!

  Except that was Mother talking, not her.

  “I want to like to…” Her face was flaming thinking of the language she’d need to use. This was awful! Worse than the You’ll Never Be Good Enough class she took at the Foundation. “I want to enjoy doing… that.”

  “You didn’t enjoy it before?” Milo looked horribly injured. So injured, Dwanna wanted to reassure him and stroke his cheek, and kiss—

  She snatched her hand back to her lap. “I, uh, need to learn more. That’s why Mother sent me here.” She hunched her shoulders and caved in on herself. She wanted to disappear. She wanted to just, just, just die!

  “Sex is nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of, you know?”

  No, she didn’t know. Embarrassed and ashamed was exactly what she should feel.

  “We’ll take everything real slow, okay? Nothing is going to happen that will scare you or make you uncomfortable. It’s a beautiful journey to sexual fulfillment and trust me, when you get there, it’s a five-star resort. Beautiful view, all kinds of pleasure, fresh towels every day…”

  No! Dwanna should toil at all times to better herself, to rise above being the miserable ugly fat sinner she was. Life wasn’t about enjoying yourself.

  “Life is all about enjoying yourself, know what I’m saying? It’s about celebrating the most beautiful parts of being human. Love, pleasure, sharing, and respect. All people are inherently worthy and able to enjoy intimacy of whatever kind they want or need, whatever is right for them.”

  Milo touched her chin lightly with his fingertips and tilted her face up, forcing her to look into his intense and gorgeous eyes. “No worries here, Susie. Anything you say to me is private and okay, no matter what happened before. You can totally trust me, and everyone at the Institute for that matter. These are good people here wanting to help you, not judge you.”

  At his words and touch, she experienced more of the pleasant warming and release of tension that started with Chastity’s sympathy and support. Until she remembered the strand of pearls around her neck and the cameras hidden inside. Back at the foundation, everyone would be judging her.

  And she couldn’t fail.

  Chapter 4

  Fanny strode across the Control Room, the center of one of the two round buildings at the base of the Institute. Control was surrounded by a ring of monitoring rooms, which were in turn surrounded by a ring of corresponding evaluation/treatment rooms with one-way mirrors, so Institute executives could tune in, undetected, and watch patients and staff at various stages of their work together.

  The restructuring planning committee meeting plan whatever thing with Hoyt had been even more boring than Fanny had guessed, and she still hadn’t had time to relieve herself sexually.

  She waved to B.J., the Control Room Coordinator, who was sucking on a cherry popsicle. Above her on a tall, cylindrical pedestal, sat a life-sized bust of Chastity’s…well, bust, commissioned as a tribute by Hoyt Siemann. Unfortunately even the bust of her bust carried the gravitas of Chastity’s super power. The work of art had proved to be so distracting, it was now covered by a sheet.

  That was Chastity. She was a force.

  “Has Chester McChester called back yet?” Fanny asked.

  “Yes.” B.J. removed her popsicle, twirling her tongue around the circumference to catch the drips before she answered. “He’s already at the Community Center, and says he’s more than ready to take on Vera Badlei in the forum today, and to say hi to his daughter.”

  “Perfect, thank you.” Fanny slipped into Monitoring Room 21 where she’d assigned Chastity to watch Susie Jones watching the most innocent porn they had and gauge her responses. “Hey, Chastity. Your Dad sends a hello from the Community Center. How’s it going with Susie?”

  “Not at all good.” Chastity’s voice came from the other side of the iCliner, which in its current upright position hid her entirely. “I’ve gone through Beginner Nudity, then Mild Groping, followed by Missionary Position Fully Clothed. Now she’s watching Implied Cunnilingus. Still nothing.”

  Fanny studied Susie’s stone-like features as she sat in her robe, the most remarkable pair of breasts straining its pink silk. “She’s not responding to any of it?”

  “From what I can tell, she is getting turned on. We’ve had pupil dilation, skin flush and full nipple erection, but I’ve never seen anyone fight it so hard! It’s like she’s determined not to give up control. And she refuses to remove her underwear or pearls.”

  “Hmmmm.” Fanny tapped a finger against her chin. She reached for the iIntercom ibutton. “BJ?”

  A couple of slurps and the receptionist answered. “What can I do for you, Fanny?”

  “Could you tell Peter I need to see him? And Milo, too.”

  “Sure thing.”

  A few minutes later, Fanny, Chastity, Peter, and Milo gathered around the window, watching Susie. The poor thing sat ramrod stiff, as if she was in rigor mortis, her eyes wider than any eyes had ever been, fists clenched at her sides, the Institute robe wrapped tightly around her, sash knotted about fifty times.

  “She’s been like that the whole time?” Peter asked.

  Chastity nodded. “She’s aroused, but she won’t let herself enjoy it.”

  “She’s so controlled, so tightly wound. We need to find a way to let her relax.” Fanny glanced at Milo.

  Gaze locked on Susie, Milo looked bereft. “Oh, babe. How did it get this serious?”

  Fanny wasn’t sure if he was talking to them or to Susie through the glass, but he seemed extraordinarily upset about a client he’d just met today.

  “Peter, do you remember the business man we treated last week?” Fanny asked.

  Peter thought a moment. “CEO of Wound Too Tight Pocket Watches?”

  “That’s the one. He was so in charge in the office, the only way he could relax and enjoy himself in the bedroom—”

>   “Was to feel like he wasn’t in charge of anything.” Peter finished. “Perfect.”

  Chastity squealed. “Are you guys talking about what I think you’re talking about?”

  A slow smile spread over Milo’s lips. “There’s a hot-blooded woman in there, but she’s repressing her natural instincts. I’m sure of it.”

  “Agreed,” Fanny said. “And since she’s such an extreme case, we need to take it slow. I know you just started here, Milo. Do you feel up to it?”

  Milo glanced down at the bulge starting to strain against his fly. “I will do anything to help her out of this horrible state. In fact, it will be my pleasure.”

  Chapter 5

  Dwanna paced back and forth in her cage—because that was what this little pastel room had come to feel like. The things those people had been doing in the movies, the way they contorted their bodies and inserted and sucked and thrusted and spanked and… sweet Purity!

  Her body was… it was… just heated and, um, it was buzzing with this weird energy and strange restless… how dare those people traumatize her to that degree, how dare they make her feel so… she’d come so close to giving in to her filthy side… so close to letting down Mother’s crusade of Purity… so close to—

  Dwanna gritted her teeth. At the Foundation they were taught that outrage was one of the most powerful and beautiful elements of humanity and should be employed as frequently as possible. Especially when you weren’t quite sure what the other person was talking about. But try as she might, the warm, tingly feelings in her body prevented the self-righteous fervor from taking hold.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  Milo again. But this time he was no longer wearing his white lab coat. Instead, he was bare chested, wearing black leather pants.


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