"He's not dead. The police officer told me this morning." The relief I feel almost makes me forget what he did. Almost. I'm not happy about Max coming after Carmen like he did, but I would hate myself if I took him from his parents. I can't be the man responsible for taking both of their children from them. I lay my head back against the pillow, letting out a deep breath. She slides her hand into mine. I look to her and smile. "How are you?" She blinks a couple times trying to keep tears from falling. "I'm fine. I've just been so worried about you." I reach out touching her face. She closes her eyes. "I'm fine babe. Nothin a little blood transfusion couldn't cure." My wounds from the knife were deep but clean. Somehow nothing important was hit, and all I needed was some stitches and blood. I lost so much that Carmen said the seat in her car had a puddle under it. She presses her cheek into my hand, then turns her lips to my palm kissing it. "Hey." I whisper as she looks back to me. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, sweetheart." She gets a huge smile on her face whispering, "Thank god." The relief in her voice makes me feel even better. This beautiful woman loves me more than even I can fathom, and thank god Max didn't even leave a scratch on her. I can't seem to get the vision of him holding the knife to neck her from my head. It's all I see when I close my eyes. "So you feel ok? I mean considering?" I nod then shift a bit on the bed. The pain that shoots through my side and back makes me involuntarily gasp. She stands abruptly pressing her hand to my stomach with worry written all over her face. "Shit are you ok? Should I get someone?" She looks to the door, then back to me. I shake my head no as I tell her, "It just still hurts." She searches my face, looking at me like I'm about to break into pieces in front of her. "Carmen sit. I'm fine. I'm the master of pain remember?" The look of worry turns to a devious smirk as she whispers, "Oh I know." I chuckle, then regret it as more pain shoots through me. "Damn it." She hisses then sits down in the chair next to my bed, dropping her head into her hands. I reach out touching her hair. She looks to me. "Stop worrying, Car. I'm gonna be fine." She lets out a deep breath as she takes my hand into both of hers and presses it to her cheek. "I .... uh..... had Dave help me move your things into the apartment." I smile. "Good. I'm not sure I would've been feeling up to doing that myself for a bit." She smiles then gets serious as she gazes off past me. I clench my hand around hers tighter. "Babe, stop thinking about it. I won't let him near you again." She looks back to me with a weak smile. "I'm not scared of him. I just can't stop seeing you, pale, bleeding, passing out in the car next to me. I was so scared, Dalton." I shush her, then motion for her to sit with me on the bed. She doesn't hesitate even a second, but takes care in moving next to me. I wrap my arms around her, ignoring the pain of her body pressing into my side. Making her feel better trumps any pain I feel. "I love you, Carmen." She presses her face into my neck as she whispers, "I love you so much."
"I don't even know what to say." She whispers as she just stands there staring at me from just inside the door. I hold my hand out to her. I never expected her to come see me. I mean, I killed her daughter and took a knife to her son. There's only so much a person can take. I can't believe she's here looking at me like..... she owes me something. She walks over, then takes my hand as a tear escapes down her cheek. "Mrs. Marks I'm so sorr..." She holds her hand up cutting me off. "Dalton, I didn't come here for an apology from you. I came to see that you're ok. Max.... he..... I have no excuse. We got him help. Or at least I thought we did. I'm the one who's sorry." I move to the edge of the bed so that I'm sitting upright in front of her. I try not to let her see the pain it causes. That won't help me right now. "Mrs. Mark's please don't apologize to me. I just want Max to get better. I don't ever expect him to forgive me, but I hope he can get past it. Have a life of his own." I can't believe I'm saying it. After the last couple days of being in this hospital in pain, and Carmen telling me about the nightmares she's having because of all this, I'm fucking pissed at him. But looking into his mother's sad eyes knowing I took her daughter from her, and could have taken her son, makes my anger at him fade a bit. She leans down and hugs me. Without another word she turns and walks from the room. All she leaves me with is a sob as she passes through the door. I let out a breath. I just want this shit to all be over. The cops came to see me yesterday, wanting me to press charges on Max. I wanted to, but he's not right. Throwing him in jail won't do him any good. I guess he's getting sent off to some kind of center for people with mental illness. I know I'm the cause for that, and I own that, but when he came after Carmen like he did, and said the things he said.......... I won't ever feel bad for him. He broke my give a fuck when he came after her. I sit back getting myself comfortable again. Well as comfortable as I can be in this hard ass fucking hospital bed. I just wanna go home, but the nurse told me the doctor wants me to stay a few more days. No one will tell me if a few is two, or more like ten. They wanna make sure the knife wounds are stitched up completely and there's no more internal bleeding going on. I sigh as I close my eyes. I hate thinking of all my clients that had to reschedule, or are being tattooed by Dave, or one of the other guys while I lay here. I've never called off a day, or had to reschedule, in all the years I've tattooed. Not once. That's impressive with how much I drank before Carmen came along. I know people will understand, but I feel like I'm letting them down. I shake my head. I took a damn knife to my back and side. I guess I could cut myself a little break. I chuckle at the pun, then stop as my side feels like it's being ripped back open. Fuck. I press my hand to my side, as if it will help the pain subside faster. I'd take this and more if I had to. I'll do anything to keep Carmen safe. I saved the woman I love this time. It doesn't take away the pain of not being able to save Gretchen, but I know she's damn proud of me for who I've become. I'm finally the kind of man who she always knew I could be.
Helen bursts through the door like a mad woman. She pulls me into her arms before dad can even get through the door. I try like hell not to let her know how much she's hurting me, but a grunt of pain sneaks out. She releases me looking apologetic as she blurts, "Dalton, I was so worried." I smile at her as I press my hand to my side. I feel like I need to make her feel better. This must be what it feels like to have a mom. "I'm ok, Helen." She searches my face for a minute with a look of uncertainty, then whispers, "You were stabbed. That's not alright. I mean you're alive thank god, but I was so worried when Carmen called." I smile as dad steps up behind her. A rush of emotion causes me to clear my throat, pushing back the tears that threaten to fall. "Hey kid. You look good considering." I chuckle as I tell him, "Gee thanks dad." He holds his hand out to me. I take it. He lets out a slow breath. "Damn that was scary. I mean, I just got you back and all this shit keeps happening that makes me think our time is gonna be cut short." Helen slaps his chest as she tells us, "Yeah that will be enough now boys. Carmen and I need you both." I smile as I think of my beautiful Carmen. I would have died that day to save her, but I'm glad I didn't. I need to show her how much she really means to me from here on out. She never gave up on me. She deserves to be loved like I know I can love her. Like only I can love her. I belong to that woman. "I know that smile. Where is Carmen?" I look to Helen as I let out a chuckle. I guess I'm more obvious than I thought. "She uh went home to shower and stuff. It wasn't easy getting her to go. I just want her to take a break, calm down." Helen chuckles. "Try telling her that." I shake my head no. "I will not." As if on que Carmen walks through the door with a take out bag in her hand. "Keith, Helen." She exclaims then walks to them. They pull her into a little group hug. "How ya holding up, sweetheart?" Dad asks over her shoulder. She glances to me then back to him. "I'm great now that I know Dalton is fine." I wink at her as Helen asks her, "You weren't hurt right?" She shakes her head no. "Only because Dalton was there
." She looks at me like I'm her hero or something. And damn it, I wanna be. I wanna be everything she thinks I can be for her and then some. She comes over to me and kisses my cheek. "Hungry?" I give her a smirk only she would understand then tell her, "Sure am." She giggles a bit then pulls a sandwich from the bag. "Now I made sure this was ok before I did it." I chuckle as I tell her, "Because I'm such a rule follower?" She raises her eye brow with a smirk. "You are now." I salute her as she pulls the food tray over to me and sits the sandwich on it. "That's right. Know your place." She says barely holding back a smirk. We both bust up laughing, which I immediately regret as I call out, "Fuck." She slams her hands to her mouth whispering, "I'm so sorry." I shake my head as I press my hand to my aching side. "No baby it's ok." She takes my face into her hands, pressing her lips to mine. It doesn't take the pain away, but it certainly takes my focus from it. I press my hand to her face as I slip my tongue into her mouth. Dad clears his throat loudly. I smile against her lips, kiss them once more, then take mine from hers. Helen slaps his chest again. "Honey, let them be. They've been through a lot. Plus we're not dead." I plug my ears shaking my head back and forth. She busts up laughing as I take my fingers out. "Sorry honey I know you don't wanna hear about your parents sex life." I shoot her a look, but smile on the inside. She's the best step mom ever.
I let out a breath as I look at the steps to the apartment. I feel a lot better than I did a week ago, but I'm not looking forward to climbing those bad boys. Carmen opens her car door telling me, "I'll be right over." I start to open my door as she comes around to my side. I smile up at her as she bends down getting her arm around my waist helping me get out. I groan as I get to my feet. She moves her arm lower down to rest on my hip, trying not to applying pressure to my side. I rest my weight on her for just a bit, taking a breath. "Ok we ready?" The determination in her voice makes me smile. I nod, and we start for the steps. "I'm so happy to have you home." She tells me as we take slow steps around the front of the car. I feel like a total loser. My girl's having to basically carry me to the front door. But if she let me go, I'm pretty sure my ass would be on the pavement. I kiss her temple as we step on the first step. I half groan as I tell her, "I'm happy to be home too." She presses her hand to my chest as she looks up at me asking, "You ok?" I swallow hard, then nod as I take on the next step. After what feels like five years time to handle five steps, we enter the front door awkwardly with Carmen trying to continue to hold me up, but us both not being able to fit through the door at once. I actually have a home for the first time in years. But it has nothing to do with the building. It's in the form of this tiny powerhouse helping her broke ass boyfriend plant his ass on the couch. She kisses my cheek quickly before she releases me. It was too brief, but she's half out the door as she tells me, "I'll get your things and be right back." I smile as she leaves the door hanging open. That is a view I could never get tired of. God she's perfect. I lay my head back and close my eyes.
_"Carmen?" I look around and can't find her. "Carmen?" I yell a bit louder. She was JUST here. "CARMEN?" I hear her scream. It cuts through me, forcing my body to freeze where I stand. "DALTON!" I look in the direction her voice came from. I try to move. My feet are stuck to the floor. "CARMEN? FUCK. BABY, I'M COMING." I reach down grabbing my leg trying to force it to move. She screams again this time so loud it makes my ears ring. "CARMEN!" _
My eyes jerk open as she shakes me hard telling me, "I'm right here, Dalton. I'M RIGHT FUCKING HERE." She has tears in her eyes as she slides her hands to my face. I look around and realize I was just dreaming. I pull her into my lap, sliding my hand into her hair as she rests her cheek on my shoulder. I don't know why I'm having these dreams where I can't get to her. I saved her. I stopped the bad. She sits up looking into my eyes. "What were you dreaming?" I swallow hard not wanting to upset her. But I always tell her everything. "I just heard you screaming. Screaming for me. And I couldn't get to you. My legs wouldn't move." I let out a slow breath then admit, "I'd been having the same kind of dreams in the hospital too." She slides her hand to my face. "You did get to me though. You saved my life, Dalton. I'm sorry you're having dreams like this." I smile then slide my hand to her nape, applying pressure so she knows what I want. She moves her lips to mine. I slide my other hand to rest on her ass. She chuckles against my lips then tells me, "Nuh uh mister the doctor said six weeks." I wish she hadn't been in the room for that part of the conversation. My side and back got fucked up, but my damn dick ain't broke. I smirk then reposition her so that she's straddling me. I buck beneath her. She groans, but presses her hands to my chest half whispering, "I won't do it." The determination in her eyes lacks conviction after the groan she just let out. "Is that so?" I whisper against her neck, then trail kisses up to behind her ear. She likes sex more than I do. She has to be wanting it bad by now. I've been in the hospital for five days, and even with the pain, I've been dying to be inside her. She moans, grinding herself against me. Yes I'm winning. I slide my hands under her shirt. She flinches, then pushes on my chest hard. "Ow." I hiss as she moves from my lap. She drops to her knees in front of me, running her hands up my thighs. "I'm sorry babe. I just... I want you, but I can't take the risk that it could hurt you." I sigh then sit back shaking my head. She chuckles then stands asking, "What do you want for dinner? I'll make you anything you want." I huff annoyed that she won't give me what I want. She raises her eye brow waiting for my response. "Uh.....tacos sound good." She walks over to the kitchen and opens the fridge door, then a cupboard door. "I'll have to go get stuff." She announces, then I hear her grab keys. She comes around in front of me. "I'll be right back." I hold my hand out to her. She looks at it funny then puts hers in mine. I give her hand a tug. She almost falls into my lap, but stops herself. "Damn babe help me." I tell her chuckling. "Why?" She hisses. I raise my eye brow at her. "So I can go." She shakes her head no. Here we go. "I will not. You need to stay and rest." I tug on her hand again, this time pulling her down into my lap. I slide my hand to her face. She tries to stay strong, but I press my lips to hers telling her in between kisses, "No. I. Need. To. Get. My. Broke. Ass. Up." She sighs then stands, helping me up. "Ok... but I don't want you pushing yourself too hard, Dalton." I chuckle as she starts for the door. "Yes mom." I give her ass a pat as she opens the door. She chuckles shaking her head, then wraps her arm around my waist.
So Carmen may have been right. Just going to the store has whooped my ass. I feel like I ran a god damn marathon. I close my eyes and just enjoy the sound of her humming as she makes dinner. I feel myself about to fall asleep when my phone rings, jerking me awake. "Jesus." I hiss then look to see who it is. Steve. I answer saying, "Hey man what's up?" He tells me there are a lot of people asking when I'll be back. He's not trying to rush me, and everyone is being really cool about it, but he was curious if I have an idea when I would be back. "Well man, the doctor said probably six weeks. If I didn't have to move like I do, or hunch like I do for work, it could have been sooner." He sighs. I know without me he's not making the kind of money he's used to. "Sorry man." I don't know what else to say to him at this point. I'm not happy about it either honestly. He tells me to make sure I'm fully healed and take all the time I need, but I know he wants me back as soon as possible. I hang up. "So Steve pressuring you to come back already? You just fucking got home." I look over my shoulder at her. "He's not pressuring me, but he wanted to know when I'd be back. Of course, he told me to take the time I need, but we all know I'm the money maker." She pfft's at me. "Yeah babe you're the greatest." She tells me dryly. I bust up laughing. She knows damn well I am, but she has to pretend I don't know she really thinks that. "Well if I'm so shitty, why'd you let me tattoo you?" She comes from the kitchen holding a plate of tacos. "Because I wanted to fuck the great Dalton Hartwell." I take the plate she hands me unable to not chuckle a bit. "Thank you." I tell her shaking my head. She nods with a wink, then walks back into the kitchen. God I love this woman. She turns me on, busts my chops, and makes me damn good food.
Her phone rings. "Hello." There's a pause. "I'm fine. Nope I'm good. Yep. Ok bye then." Guess we're both getting unwanted calls today. Her short, snippy responses with whoever that was peaks my interest. She comes and sits next to me a few minutes later with a plate of her own. "Everything ok?" She looks to me as she's about to take a bite of taco. "Yep. I'm good." She takes a bite. "That phone call sounded..." She shakes her head mumbling, "totally unimportant, babe," as she chews her bite. I nod a couple times then get back to eating my own tacos. I hope she's not lying to me. Not because I'm worried she's talking to someone who would affect us, but because she sounded pretty annoyed with whoever called. If someone is bothering her, I will put an end to it.
Fuck me, it feels good to be back to work. I haven't had a tattoo machine in my hand for almost two months. That's too long for someone like me. I'm booked up for the next six months already. Apparently being stabbed makes you a better tattoo artist. I won't complain about having work. Carmen wants to decorate the apartment to make it feel more like a home. I would love to just buy her a house, but I'm still new to this whole relationship business, and I don't wanna get ahead of myself. I can't imagine my life without her, but that kind of feeling has bit me in the ass before. I smile as Sunny comes over. "How's it feel to be back?" I sit in my chair. "So fucking good dude." She pats my shoulder as she tells me, "Glad to have you back. No one yelled at me while you were gone. Your appointment is here by the way." Her comment was meant to be funny, I'm sure of it, but it's really not. I was such an ass to most of, well actually all of, the people around me. She starts to walk away, but I call out, "hey Sunny," stopping her. She looks to me. "I'm sorry for always being such a douche bag." She shrugs telling me, "I like that about you." I chuckle as she makes her way back out front. I had a lot of time to draw while I was off, so I'm totally ready for this. All my line work is in a book and organized. I was bored. VERY bored. I stand and walk to the front. My girl, Kaitlin, is standing there waiting for me. I've been tattooing her for years. She's the perfect person to get my tattoo legs back with. Her husband isn't with her today like he usually is. She walks to me and gives me a big hug. My side and back still ache a bit, but the pain is tolerable now. "I'm so glad you're ok." She tells me as we part. "Yeah thanks. I would've died for her, but I'm glad I made it through." She pats my chest. "Look at you all in love and willing to give your life." I chuckle then motion for her to head to my station. "Where's Ken?" I ask as we make our way. She turns to face me once we're there. "He is uh..." She looks around for a few seconds, then with her eyes on the floor whispers, "he left me." I can't believe my ears. "What the fuck?" I hiss loudly. She huffs looking pretty unsure herself. "I wish I could tell you why, Dalton. I don't have a fucking clue." She's an amazing woman. I can't imagine SHE did anything to make him wanna leave. Plus she's a damn knockout. If he cheated, he'll regret that sooner rather than later. I'm not sure what to say now so I tell her, "Well let's give you some new ink, eh?" She smiles as she sits on the table telling me, "I would love that." I pull out her line work. I didn't really think much of this piece until now. It's a woman screaming at the sky. Is that her letting out her anger at Ken? Maybe her pain? I show it to her. She tears up instantly, then whispers, "that's perfect." I search her face wanting to ask her if she's sure she's up for this, but I'm not any better with emotions now than I was before, unless it's with Carmen. I'd rather avoid this shit, but it's Kaitlin. I take a breath and step a bit closer as I whisper, "you ok?" She swipes under her eyes. "Yes. I'm sorry. I just....it's still hard to believe." She looks off to the side. "Ok well let me go get this copied?" I need to know she's ok to go forward. She nods then swipes under her eyes again. I'm grateful for needing to walk away. It was getting pretty uncomfortable. I take my time getting her tattoo copied and cut to size. When I walk back to her, she looks like she has herself pulled together. "So where you want it?" She slaps the outside of her thigh. I nod. "Ok lay on your side for me." I get the line work positioned right, then press it to her thigh. I hold my hand out to her. "Check it out." She walks over to the mirror, and stands there for quite a bit looking it over, then comes back over and lays down without saying a word. I take her position as an ok to continue. It takes me a couple minutes to get set up. I pull a pair of fresh gloves on and grab my machine. I feel like I need to make sure one last time that she's ok to do this. "Ready Kait?" She gives me a, "Mmmhmm." I get started. It's like riding a bike. As soon as I press down on her skin, hear the buzz of the machine, I feel at home.
Black Ink (Hart Book 2) Page 1