Black Ink (Hart Book 2)

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Black Ink (Hart Book 2) Page 7

by Swartz, L. J.

  I take a deep breath as she holds the door for me. I have never in my life pictured myself going to a cake tasting. I know I asked her to marry me, but why the hell do I have to taste cake? A conservatively dressed woman, with way too much makeup, comes over to us. "Carmen, Dalton how are we today?" I'm ready to gag on this uppity bullshit. Carmen starts to talk to her, so I step over and look into a case holding cake cut into tiny bite size pieces. I hope Carmen likes the first one she tries. I shake my head. I'm not made for this shit. "Dalton?" I take a breath and turn to face them. "You ready?" I nod a couple times then walk over and wrap my arm around her waist. I should have made the wedding planning a condition of our engagement. I'll show up on whatever day she picks, wearing whatever she wants. But this is just crazy. "Follow me." Miss stick up her ass tells us. I motion for Carmen to go first. She gives me an excited smile then starts off. I need to find a way to tolerate this. She's happy. I'm happy. I need to remind myself that every time she asks me to do something I don't wanna do. "Have a seat, and I'll be right back with the five preselected cake samples." I almost cheer out loud. I can handle five. Five bites, and I'll agree to whatever one Carmen picks. Then we can go back home. Dad and Helen are watching Blake. I trust them completely, but I haven't spent much time with her lately. My shop is doing better than I could have ever expected. I having bookings as far as nine months out from now. "Ok here we go." Uptight says, as she sits a plate between us. Carmen reaches out and picks up one of the pieces of cake. She takes a bite, then offers me the rest. I open my mouth and let her place it in my mouth. I nip her finger tip as she pulls her hand away. She giggles then turns her attention to Uptight as she tells us, "That one is Chocolate Dream." Tastes like good 'ol chocolate cake to me. Not sure what's so dreamy about it. Carmen picks up another piece. I watch her perfect lips wrap around the bite. This cake tasting deal isn't so bad after all. She holds my bite out to me. I take it. "That is Chocolate dream with raspberry swirl." Carmen wrinkles her nose. I like it, but if she wants to eliminate one already I'm good with that. "I think it's a no on that one huh?" I tell Uptight. Carmen nods her agreement as she seems to choke the bite she has in her mouth down. She looks at the other ones, seeming a bit hesitant now. I pick up one that looks to be vanilla with a pink icing. I take a bite. "I think this one has raspberry icing." Carmen wrinkles her nose as Uptight confirms it. "Yes that is." I sit Carmen's half back on the plate. "What's left?" She asks. Uptight points to a red piece. "That's red velvet. If you liked the chocolate you will probably like that one." Carmen picks it up. She takes a bite then looks to it as she let's out a satisfied, "Mmmmmm." I watch her place the other bite in her mouth closing her eyes. "Hey." I scold but can't keep from chuckling. She looks to me half ashamed. "Oops sorry babe." I look to Uptight. "I think we have our cake flavor." Uptight smiles at me, then holds out a book to us. "Ok pick a style." Dammit. I knew that seemed too easy.

  "So will your mom be coming to our wedding?" Carmen stops dead as she's about to sit her plate on the coffee table in front of her. I've yet to meet Mrs. LeSage and honestly come to think of it, it's kind of strange she's never come here to see Blake, or our home. Carmen has taken her there a couple times. She takes a deep breath. "She doesn't um... " Tears are forming in her eyes. She shakes her hands out. She's really struggling with this. She stands and walks a few steps away, giving me her back. I stand and walk over to her, resting my hands on her shoulders. "Babe, what's up?" She turns and looks me dead in the eyes, then tells me, "She doesn't know about the wedding." I give her a funny look. She talks to her once a week. How does she not know about our wedding? She let's out a slow breath, then adds, "She doesn't actually even know we're engaged." I take one breath, then another. Did I just hear her right? I open my mouth but nothing comes out. She starts to cry as she confesses, "She doesn't know about you at all." How can her mom not know about me? We have a daughter together. She has met my daughter. "She doesn't know about Blake." Her words sting like a knife cutting my skin. And I know how that feels. I take a step back. She lied to me. She kept her life with me from her mother. I can only think of one reason why she would do that. "So when you talk to her...." She blinks a couple times as tears stream down her face. She reaches for me, but I step back as I hiss, "You're ashamed of me. Of our life?" She bursts into tears shaking her head no. "WHAT THEN?" I yell so loud she jumps. She opens her mouth, but more sobs are all that come out. I stare at her waiting for her to answer me. She just shakes her heading. She can't tell me I'm wrong, because I'm not. "WOW. FUCKING WOW, Carmen." I turn and start for the door. "Dalton." She calls out through sobs. I shake my head as I open the door, then slam it behind me. I need a damn drink.

  "Another one." I hiss as I slam the empty glass to the bar top. I know this is the last place I need to be, but I can't seem to care right now. The bartender fills my glass. I give him a nod of thanks, then pick it up and chug the contents. How could she do this? I get keeping me a secret in the beginning, I was a god damn train wreck. But now.... and not even telling her about Blake. I shake my head. What else has she lied about? Was it all a lie? I don't wanna believe that. Maybe all along I've been being played. FUCK. The money. The inheritance money my mom blurted about. She had to have stayed for the money, but of course she had to make it seem like that wasn't it. God I'm such an idiot. "Hey man can I get my tab?" I yell loud enough that he can hear me from the other end of the bar where he's flirting with a woman way out of his league. He shoots me an annoyed look, but gets my slip and comes over and hands it to me. I throw money to the bar top. This shit will not go on any longer. She almost had me. I head for the door, but someone grabs my arm as I move around the outside of the room to avoid the dancing crowd. "Hey there. Leaving so soon? I've been watching you all night." I look to the tiny hand on my arm, then to the woman who's speaking. She's a knock out. Long bluish purple hair. Dark brown eyes. Tattoos everywhere. "I have to get home to my...." I don't know what Carmen is anymore. She steps closer. "Well I'm here. Right here in front of you. And I would love to get to know you better." I look down her body. She's got on a tight black crop top, a red and black flannel printed skirt with chains hanging from it, and thigh high black boots. She is exactly the kind of woman who I would normally use to get my mind off the shit show my life has become, but I'm not that guy anymore. I have a daughter who needs a father worth looking up to. "Thanks, but I need to get going." She takes her hand from my arm with a wink. I continue to the door promising myself that if this all goes to shit, I will come back here and find her another time.

  I walk through the door. Carmen's on the couch in a ball, asleep. "HEY." I yell making her jump awake. She looks to me and half stumbles as she gets to her feet. "Thank god you came home." She sounds sincere. I smirk a bit. She's a damn good actress. "You have one week to get out of my house. I want a paternity test. Not that it really matters. I love that little girl, and I will take care of her regardless. You almost had me. ALMOST." I start back the hall. "Are you fucking crazy?" She yells annoyed. Wow. She's got a lot of balls to call me crazy. I turn to face her yelling, "ONE WEEK." I turn and walk into the bedroom. I hear something crash against the wall, then she stomps back the hall. "YOU'RE AN IDIOT." She screams as she enters the room. I have had enough of her. I walk to her getting right in her face. "I WAS an idiot. I'm on to your game. You're good. I'll give ya that. But it's over now." Tears spring to her eyes, but there is no sadness in them. She's pissed. I would be too if my plan fell through. "You are so far off right now." She sounds strong, but her voice shakes a bit. I can't help but chuckle. "Yeah ok, Carmen. Look.... cut the shit. I figured you out. It's over." She grabs my face, getting her lips right next to mine. My heart jumps, but I know it's fake. Nothing I feel was real. Well.... for a real person. I try to pull my face away, but she doesn't let me. I close my eyes. I will not allow her to do this. "You listen to me. I LOVE you. I don't know what game you think I'm playing, but you're wrong. My mother doesn't know about you two because... I didn't want her to ruin i
t." Now I open my eyes to roll them, then grab her hands taking them from my face. I will NOT let her bullshit me any longer. I start for the bathroom door wanting her to go, and hoping she takes the hint. "Dalton please let me explain." I shake my head as I stop.... I look to her, that was a mistake. She looks so desperate. Tears are streaming down her cheeks, and she's shaking. She's ripping my heart from my chest. I let out a sigh, then sit on the bed, giving her my attention. "Thank you." She whispers as she swipes under her eyes. Tears escape down her cheeks. I hate to see her cry, so I look to the floor. "My mom left my dad after he got sick. She ran off with, Thomas." I snap my head up. What the fuck? Her distaste for whoever Thomas is, is unmistakable in the way she says his name. "When dad died she didn't even come home. She let me bury him alone." My heart literally sinks to my shoes. I close my eyes shaking my head. She comes over and stands in front of me. "I can't seem to forgive her. So when I found you... when we had Blake... I didn't think she deserved to know." She drops to her knees in front of me, resting her hands on my thighs. I feel like we should be switching places. I AM an idiot. I should have known better than to think she would use me for money. I open my mouth to tell her how sorry I am, but she starts talking. "Dalton, I did lie to you, and I'm so sorry for that. I don't talk her. We haven't hardly spoken since dad passed. And when she does call I keep it short." More tears slide down her cheeks. My poor beautiful girl. I slide my hands to her face, wiping them away with my thumbs as I tell her, "I'm so sorry. I thought you.... It doesn't matter." She shakes her head as a few more tears drop down her cheeks. "I'm the one who's sorry. I can only imagine what you were thinking. I should have been totally honest with you." I wipe her tears from her cheeks with my thumbs once more as she flexes her fingers into my thighs. I pull her lips to mine as I lean down to her. The love we have rockets through me. How did I think she could fake this? She takes her lips from mine. "Were you drinking?" The concern in her tone makes me feel like an even bigger dick. I nod as I tell her, "I only had two." She searches my face waiting to see if I have anything else to tell her. "That's all, baby. I had two drinks and left." The relief that spreads across her face punches me in the stomach. She believed me without doubt. She starts to smile then presses her lips back to mine, pushing my thighs apart, so she can move between them. I kiss her slowly, moving my hands into her hair. I need to let her know how much I love her, let her know I'm sorry. She moves to my lap, pushing on my chest. I lay back taking her with me. She takes her lips from mine, looking right into my eyes. "NEVER again doubt my love for you. I would live in a cardboard box with you." I smile then pull her lips back to mine. She pushes my shirt up, resting her hands on my stomach. I slide my hands to her ass, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She groans into my mouth. I sit up a bit, sliding my hands under her shirt. I take my lips away just long enough to push it off. She grabs my face as soon as her arms are free, pressing her lips back to mine. I press my body to hers needing to forget my stupidity. She grinds against me. I jam my hands into her hair, deepening my kisses. She meets my fierce movements with her own, tugging on my shirt ripping it at the neck. I start to chuckle, but she is all business. She moves back enough to pull my shirt off, then slams her mouth back to mine. I grab her ass, lifting her up as I stand, then turn laying her back on our bed. I stand over her as she looks up at me. "You're so beautiful. I love you SO much." She gives me a sexy smirk as she undoes her pants telling me, "Show me." I reach down helping her out of her pants. She sits up and kisses my stomach then undoes my jeans. I swallow hard as she pushes them to my thighs. She trails kisses from one of my hips to the other. I slide my hand to her face, tilting it up. I bend down kissing her as I slide my feet from my boots. She pulls my pants down more, letting them drop to my feet. I step from them, then move her to her back once again. She opens her legs to me. I lay on her as I trial kisses down her neck. She tugs on my hair as I nibble her ear lobe. She grinds herself against me. I keep nibbling and kissing on her neck and ears. I don't want this to be over too soon. I wanna get lost in her for hours. She doesn't seem to have the same idea. She pushes hard on my chest, sitting up. I move to my knees. She starts to push her panties down, then gives me a look. I have to move for her to get them off. I grab her shoulders and lower her back down. She bucks off the bed hissing, "Dalton you're killing me." I press my lips to her collar bone, then slowly trail kisses down between her breasts. She moves beneath me, breathing heavily. I keep on going until I get to her belly button. I dip my tongue in, then move down even further. She slams her hands to the bed moaning as I kiss down further, then slip my tongue through her. "DALTON." I reach up pressing my hand to her mouth. She'll wake up Blake if I don't shut her up. She bites down on my palm as I do it again. I move down further. She groans against my hand. I slip my tongue inside her, then sit up. She looks to me like I committed a crime. I chuckle as I move from the bed to push my boxers off. I grab her knees pushing them open as I move back between her legs. She grabs my hair as I put my mouth between her legs. I could stay right here all night. But it's not long before she tugs on my hair, pulling my head up. I smile up at her as she pants telling me, "I need you inside me." I move up her body placing kisses to her stomach, collar bone, and lips, then slide easily inside her. She grabs my hips moving against me as I pump into her. She is the sexiest woman on the planet. I look to the wall trying to keep myself in check. She grabs my face pulling my lips to hers. This is not helping. I move inside her trying not to feel how amazing she feels. I concentrate on her mouth moving around mine. She forces me to pick up the pace. I take my lips from hers, burying my face into her neck. She yells out, "OH GOD YES." I feel like yelling the same thing. I pump into her harder, then let myself go. She wraps her arms around my neck, holding me to her.

  She presses her hand to my thigh, stopping it from bouncing. "Babe calm down. I think you're more nervous than I am." I'm not so much nervous, as I'm worried I'll lose my shit on the woman who disrespected my mentor and soon to be wife. I take her hand into mine telling her, "I'm good." She looks to Blake, sitting in a high chair playing with a spoon off the table. I can feel her change as she looks back toward the door. A woman who is unmistakably her mother steps up to the hostess podium. I know there are some women who look like their mother but this woman could be Carmen's twin.... well 30 years ago. A douchey looking dude comes through the door and steps up behind her. I presume that's Thomas. I look to Carmen. "You ok?" She gives my hand a squeeze as she nods once. Carmen's mom looks around the room, then spots our table. She points toward us, then reaches back taking douchebag's hand. They walk toward us. I should stand. That's the respectful thing to do, but I have no respect for her. Carmen stays sitting next to me. Her mom looks instantly to Blake as they reach our table. "Hello sweetheart." She coos at her. Blake just looks at her. The guy holds his hand out to me. Now I feel like I should stand, so I do as I take his hand. "Hey man, I'm Jude." He even has a douche name, but is not Thomas, so I hate him a tad less. He continues, "I've seen a lot of your work. You're incredibly talented. It's an honor to meet you." He has good taste in art, but not women, it would seem. I nod once telling him, "Thanks man." Carmen's mom trails her eyes slowly down my body, then back to my face. "You're the great Dalton Hartwell huh? My husband told me many stories of the overly talented, yet damaged boy in his class. Yet here you are, a very successful man. Handsome too." She looks to Carmen. "Well you look happy and I see why. I mean I was on team Luke, but I see you made a better choice." She holds her hand out to me. "Monique LeSage." I take her hand quickly, but say nothing. Her approach is rubbing me wrong. She's not better than me, but she's sure acting like she is. She looks to Carmen. "I'm not happy you waited so long to tell me about all this." Carmen shakes her head as she crosses her arms. "Well I'm not happy with how you handled my fathers death." Monique and Carmen just stare at each other, neither saying anything with their mouths. Venom is dripping from Carmen's intense gaze. Blake starts to fuss, and I welcome the break in tension. I move to her, takin
g her from the high chair. She clings to me, resting her head on my shoulder. Monique reaches out toward her asking me, "Can I hold her?" I look to Carmen for approval. I'm not a fan of handing my daughter to a stranger even if she is her biological grandmother. Carmen shakes her head no, then looks to her mom telling her, "Sorry Monique she doesn't even know you." Monique looks pissed now. "And who's fault is that? You never even told me about her." Carmen grabs my arm telling me, "Let's go. She'll never get it." I grab the diaper bag from the back of Carmen's chair and lead her toward the door. Her grip on my arms tells me she regrets this meeting. Monique follows us out with Jude lingering behind. I'm sure he feels even more uncomfortable than I do. "What the hell do you want from me, Car?" She calls out as we get outside. Carmen spins to face her. "An apology. You let me bury my father alone. You were off being a SLUT, while I buried my father, your husband. You loved him at one time. How could you NOT be there?" I watch as Monique's anger fades from her. Pain spreads across her face. I actually feel bad for her just a tiny bit. It obvious she's fighting back tears. The pain in her voice is unmistakable as she tells us just above a whisper, "I never stopped loving your father. He stopped loving me. I didn't run off with Thomas. He helped me escape the pain. We were just friends, Carmen." I'm not sure if she's telling the truth or not, but I know Carmen isn't buying it. The tension is just flowing from her. I need to get her out of here, but before I can suggest just that she hisses, "WHAT EVER. We're leaving." She tugs on my arm. I start to follow her as she mother calls out, "Why call me if you're not going to listen to my side of what happened?" We keep walking. I don't for sure know how Carmen is feeling right now, but she obviously needs to leave, so we're leaving.


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