Earth to Centauri: The First Journey (Captain Anara - Antariksh Book 1)

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Earth to Centauri: The First Journey (Captain Anara - Antariksh Book 1) Page 11

by Kumar L

  ‘Still transmitting one and zeros.’ said Madhavan.

  ‘There is some response, I’m sure, but I don’t know what it means. Matching with earlier response received on Earth.’ There was a short pause while the computer rapidly executed the command. The output came up on the display as a long line of binary data. ‘Looks like we are getting somewhere. This is also zero and ones.’

  ‘Good work, guys. Let’s go a bit more complex and send ‘Hello’ in binary.’

  The transmission display changed to show the new signal. The incoming also changed almost immediately to the same digits.

  ‘So, we have a working link.’ observed Anara. ‘Hand over transmission to my pad please?’ She rapidly entered a series of predetermined phrases indicating their origin, location and peaceful intentions. She however had no clue if the beings on the other ship even understood standard English or they were merely mirroring whatever they received. Even though it had been decided that this was the language to be used, the Earth ship was at a disadvantage. The aliens may have picked up Earth’s common language but she had not even an iota of idea about their means of communications. She just had to plod on and hope for the best.

  A new set of binaries appeared on the display and its translation to English appeared alongside.

  ‘These are instructions on tuning our transceivers so we can make video contact,’ said Madhavan.

  ‘Can you make the adjustments?’ asked Anara.

  ‘This will need some time Captain, a few hours at least. Our systems seem to be broadly compatible, don’t ask me how - I guess the principles of physics work on Proxima as well. But I will have to set up a parallel set of transceivers else our primary systems might get affected. I’ll also need to set up a parallel computing node isolated from our primary network in case they try something funny.’ He remembered his lesson from the classic movie ‘Independence Day’, where Earth scientists inserted a virus in the ships of the alien attackers. His computer system had enough checks and balances but no reason to take unnecessary risks.

  ‘Get on it then. Ryan will help you. Keep me informed. Major take over the comm station. Transmit ‘Please wait while we make changes to our systems’ and let’s hope they understand. Manisha, keep an eye on their power outputs just in case.’

  The crew acknowledged their instructions and moved to their respective tasks.

  A new stream of data appeared on the display to show the reply. It said ‘OK’.

  Anara smiled. Either this was a very good attempt by the aliens to understand English or they knew enough about Earth. She hoped this was not another way to lull them and get them into one more trap.

  For now it was back to waiting. In the meantime, the rest of her team would continue to study the alien ship and understanding its structure.

  ‘Any inputs on the design, Major?’

  ‘I’ve been plotting the data collected so far. It’s been visual and passive only so far. I’ve avoided more intrusive gamma, X-ray and other scans. The ship’s volume seems to indicate space at least three-fourths of ours. The same would be the estimate on its weight but we do not know the composition of the material of construction. Same on their method of propulsion. However, there is some radioactivity decay in their wake so I would suppose their core power source is also atomic or anti-matter based similar to ours.’

  ‘That’s interesting. Go on.’

  ‘We have the velocity chart from the two runs they’ve made and their ship seems somewhat more manoeuvrable than ours but I cannot establish their max speed or if they have FTL capability. I just don’t have enough data,’ finished Rawat.

  ‘Sounds good. Please continue the analysis and let’s get some more conclusions drawn. Any idea if there are people aboard or is it automated?’

  ‘Again, I have no idea Captain. Would you like me to try the more aggressive scans now?’ asked Rawat.

  ‘No. We wait. I don’t want to do anything which may seem provocative. If they have nuclear drives then they will understand the rays we send toward them but until we know more I cannot risk exposing them to radiation. Passive only. Manisha, take a dump of the transmissions and data logs on the ship and transmit to Earth.’ instructed Anara as she settled back in her seat.

  Ryan and Madhavan had a team of engineers working on converting the transceivers to the specifications given.

  ‘Too bad these did not come with a step by step guide as well,’ joked Madhavan. ‘That would have saved us a lot of time.’

  The progress so far had been good. They had started off by isolating a set for this particular use. One team worked on creating a separate computer node dedicated to transmissions to the alien vessel while the second team worked on adjustments to tune the equipment to specific frequency. After that the standard convertors would let Antariksh’s displays handle the output. While the changes themselves were not too complex, it took them some time to carry out the modifications and check the calibrations.

  ‘Okay,’ reported Madhavan, once his final engineering modifications were done. ‘I think this is all in line. We are good to go.’

  ‘I think so too, but let’s carry out some test runs to be sure and I hope you have added a filter to ensure the system does not get overloaded if the signal is too strong?’

  ‘I added a filter and overload protection. Diagnostics are being run now but I guess we can test it only in the field. The controls have been routed through Ops. I’ve also connected our bridge cameras to work with the transceiver. That will allow us to transmit our visuals as well.’’

  ‘Okay. Let’s grab a quick bite to eat and report to Ops. I’ll inform the Captain in the meantime,’ said Ryan as he sent a message to Ankara.

  The Captain was waiting for them when they reached Ops. They briefed her on the work carried out.

  ‘That was good work both of you. Ryan, let’s do this,’ she said. She was anxious to make the next move after all the waiting around.

  ‘Bringing the transceiver online,’ said Madhavan. ‘Ready to transmit and receive on your mark, Captain.’

  ‘Send ‘Hello’ again, Ryan,’ said Anara and the proper signal was sent across. The reply took a few seconds to come back.

  ‘System working Captain,’ as the display showed two screens, the ship’s original transceiver and the modified one both showed the same answer ‘Hello’.

  The modified system output changed on the display and first filled up with static.

  ‘What’s happening, Madhavan?’ asked Anara.

  ‘We are receiving the signal but the filter is taking some to relay it. Give it a moment Captain.’

  The static on the image on the display slowly resolved in a vague silhouette.

  ‘Clearing up now, Captain.’

  The image slowly resolved itself and the Captain stared. She was expecting many things but not this.

  ‘They’re human!’ she exclaimed.

  21st June 2117


  There could be no mistake, the figure on the display was human. Sure, the clothing was different but distinctly a human male, about 20 years old was Anara’s guess. The male moved a little and was joined by a female human, blonde hair and all.

  The Captain finally found her voice, ‘Greetings from Earth. Can you understand me?’ She was glad to be speaking finally and not relying on binary.

  ‘Yes, I can understand,’ replied the male.

  ‘My name is Captain Anara from the planet Earth. We have come a long way to meet you.’

  ‘My name is Joe, Captain Anara and this is Lucy. We are happy to meet you,’ said the male.

  ‘Joe and Lucy, Wow! I .. we are very happy to be here but.. I am confused. What are you two humans doing so far away from Earth and speaking English?’ said Anara, her voice betrayed her confusion.

  ‘Humans? Yes we are humans. We will tell, Captain Anara,’ replied Joe,’ but first we need to go from here. Not safe. The Others will notice and return.’

  ‘Who are these Other’s, Joe?
’ asked Anara.

  ‘We will tell,’ repeated Lucy. ‘Trust us. We must go.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I cannot trust you blindly. Where are we going? What are you afraid of?’

  ‘We must go Captain Anara. Now!’ Lucy urged her again.

  ‘Captain, another contact! Similar to the ship in front but some distance off. Coming from outside the system,’ reported Ryan.

  ‘Time to reach us?’ asked Anara.

  ‘Thirty minutes at current speed and distance,’ answered Ryan. ‘They are headed this way.’

  ‘Options, people?’ asked Anara.

  ‘We can stay and fight Captain. But my instinct tells me to we go with Joe here,’ said Ryan. ‘We need some answers to how these people reached this far away from home. They look trustworthy enough.’ Was it just him or was the entire crew overwhelmed by finding humans so far from home?


  ‘I don’t agree Captain. I am intrigued with Joe but we can defend ourselves if required,’ replied Rawat. ‘We know nothing about these people. The ships are the same, this will be another trap for sure. Joe may be trying to get us to a place from where we cannot escape.’

  ‘You may be right Ryan but I will go with Rawat’s suggestion. We have a few minutes, let’s see what we can learn.’

  ‘Joe,’ she addressed the other ship. ‘I ask again where are we going and why?’

  On the display, Joe and Lucy exchanged looks. ‘Captain Anara, we ask you again to trust us and not be afraid? We will go to safe place and we will explain everything.’

  ‘That’s not enough Joe. Some time back one of your ships attacked us and nearly crippled us. What can you tell me about it? It may not have been people connected to you but someone has the same ship and they are not friendly,’ she emphasized.

  Joe and Lucy looked alarmed at this piece of news. ‘It was not us Captain Anara,’ said Lucy. She glanced at Joe who nodded. ‘We have only this ship. It must be Others.’

  This was getting tiresome. ‘Who are the ‘Others’, Lucy?’ asked Anara again a bit more firmly.

  This time it was Joe who answered. ‘They are the other people - how you say - group. They don’t want us to make contact. We are here to bring you safe. Please trust us,’ he implored.

  ‘They look genuine, Captain,’ observed Ryan,’ and the ship is different. We have already demonstrated our power, maybe another small show to stress our preparedness?’

  ‘Joe and Lucy, you have seen what our ship can do to attack and defend. I want to show you again,’ said Anara. She gestured to the Major who let loose another shot from the cannon. They could see Joe and Lucy wince as the blue bolt passed close to their ship.

  ‘We don’t understand Captain. Why do you attack us?’ Joe almost screamed.

  ‘I did not attack you but you can see we are prepared for a fight whether we like it or not.’

  ‘No fight Captain. We come in peace,’ he was almost begging.

  ‘Who else is on your ship?’ Anara asked. ‘The two of you cannot be flying it alone.’

  ‘We have crew Captain Anara and you will see. We have no weapons on this ship. We want peace.’

  Anara looked at her crew who seemed as perplexed as her. The people on the alien ship seemed genuinely frightened. It was finally going to her call.

  ‘Fifteen minutes for the other ship to reach us Captain,’ reported Ryan.

  She reached her decision. ‘Okay Joe, we will go with you. Lead the way. Send us the coordinates.’

  ‘Coordinates?’ Joe looked confused, then he glanced down. ‘Oh, you mean location. I send now.’

  ‘Then let’s go. Manisha, follow the ship.’ ordered Anara. ‘Joe,’ she addressed the other ship, ‘I will be keeping my guns ready. Don’t try anything funny?’

  ‘Funny?’ again Joe and Lucy looked bemused and relieved. ‘Not funny. Peace. Come.’

  They ship turned in space and headed back the way it had come at low speed.

  ‘Match speed and course, Manisha,’ ordered Anara. ‘Major, hands on the trigger, Ryan, keep an eye on the other ship and scan ahead. Any idea where we are headed?’

  ‘Deeper into the system Captain, general direction towards Proxima B,’ answered Ryan.

  ‘Looks like we'll finally see Proxima B,’ said Anara as Antariksh started moving. ‘What have your readings of the planet shown you so far?’

  ‘Not much. I do not have enough data but visuals indicate limited amount of no of water and plant life. Overall, the planet looks desolate, features somewhat similar to Mars. However, there is an atmosphere and surprisingly the spectra shows mix of gases similar to Earth with somewhat higher levels of noble gases. I can give you more data once we clear the asteroid belt. The Sun is considerably weaker as we expected but since the planet is closer to it than Earth to our Sun, the temperature range seems to be in the CHM. Looks like there are more Goldilocks zones than just Earth.’

  ‘Any signs of life or civilization as we know it?’

  ‘I cannot scan for life this far out, Captain, but I have not seen any large artificial structures to indicate a large civilization. I can safely conclude that the findings so far are not consistent with a species that is capable of building and flying the ship in front of us.’

  ‘Let’s see some of the visuals on the screen,’ asked Anara and a brown green planet resolved on the screen. It was a wondrous sight for the crew to see a planet different than Earth which was actually capable of supporting life. There were spots of blue surrounded by green and reds but most of the planet looked barren in a dust brown colour. There were some white caps on the extremities.

  ‘I hope you are recording this for posterity, Ryan. This is beautiful and it’s habitable for humans.’ She leaned back in her chair her eyes fixed on the screen, the planet revolving slowly with a weak Sun shining behind it.

  21st June 2117

  Proxima B

  The two ships headed deep into the system. The Sun, Proxima Centauri was not bright like Earth’s Sun, a fact determined long ago by astronomers on Earth. It was a brown dwarf and so it was much cooler and this impacted the temperature and overall features of Proxima B. The crew of Antariksh would be able to find out very soon.

  ‘Anything on the scanners?’ asked Anara.

  ‘No change. The Ship B is not visible on scanners. Ship Joe is still heading into the system. We are 5 million kms from Proxima B. Should be reaching in 20 mins,’ answered Ryan.

  ‘Dr. Khan, did you find anything in the database on humans travelling this far including rumours? How the hell did these guys get here?’

  ‘I checked everything Captain. I only have speculation and rumours and downright lies. You know there have been many reported sightings of UFOs on Earth over the last two centuries but none of them were validated. Alien abductions were commonly reported in the popular press but again investigations debunked most of the them. Late in 2060, as you know, most records were also declassified when ‘8’ decided to move deeper into search for extra-terrestrial life. But nothing was found in the archives by the groups of scientists who studied the records. I don’t have anything substantial to report.’

  ‘Okay. What about the physiological structures of Joe and Lucy?’

  ‘I have only their physical appearances to go with, Captain, but everything corresponds to two healthy human beings of Caucasian descent. Without details analysis plus tissue and blood samples I will not be able to do anything more,’ said Dr. Khan.

  ‘Hmm.. you must have observed this too, they are both approximately the same age and very young.’

  ‘Yes, then there is another thing, where do you think they picked up English? They were not fluent but still pretty good,’ said Ryan.

  ‘And what do you make of the fact that they have names like Joe and Lucy?’ wondered Manisha, then realizing she may have interrupted something, ‘Sorry Captain.’

  ‘No need, Manisha. You’re right. Looks like something people would have picked up from a movie or a book. Especiall
y if they have been eavesdropping on Earth signals.’ Anara was worried. If they indeed knew more about Earth then clearly she and her ship were at a disadvantage. Anyway, they had taken the next step, might as well see it through.

  The planet was growing larger in their display and Ship Joe was slowing. Everyone across the ship was at a viewport or display. The planet was a dull brown with few pockets of blue and green, unlike their Earth. It looked inhospitable and bleak. Is this what they had come so far for?

  ‘What’re the surface conditions like, Manisha?’

  ‘Temperature ranging from 15 deg to 35 deg Celsius. Humidity 15%, cloud cover minimal, winds 30 to 40 kmph. Nothing remarkable Captain. Its rocky rather than desert but precipitation is low. There are a couple of big seas, a few lakes which may have fresh water but most of the water seems to be underground. Some vegetation but not many large trees or forests.’

  ‘The temperature looks suitable for human life and there is water. The atmospheric gases correct as we’d seen earlier? Any animal life?’

  ‘Atmospheric composition is similar to Earth. Thermal and infrared scans do not indicate anything alive on the land this side Captain. The seas are empty too.’

  Ship Joe was meantime describing a long arc heading towards the other side of the planet. Antariksh followed the same path.

  ‘New readings,’ reported Ryan as the ship followed the planets curve. ‘There is another a lake on this side. Also, a small settlement.’

  The blue of the lake and the green of the settlement though miniscule from this height were nevertheless clearly visible from orbit against the stark brown of the land around.

  Ship Joe started losing altitude and seemed to be headed for the surface.

  ‘Looks like they are getting ready to land,’ said Ryan.

  ‘Looks that way. Manisha, get the ship ready for landing. Heat shields up. Announce to the crew. Get buckled in for atmospheric turbulence,’ ordered Anara.

  Antariksh started its own descent behind the other ship towards the settlement. The hull temperature rose steadily as it came in contact with the atmosphere. The ship’s speed started dropping and Manisha deployed the thruster engines to help them land.


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