Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance ) Page 2

by M. L. Briers

  Ashley tossed her the car keys and eyed the cupboard on the far wall of the little kitchenette. “Wonder what passes for food in Lycan land.” She mused as she wandered away.

  “Fae.” The deep growl that came from her side and somewhere above her made Silver jump slightly as she mingled with the crowd on route back to the car.

  Silver had to tip her head back to catch sight of those bright blue eyes that were attached to the large Lycan that had sniffed Ashley not thirty minutes earlier.

  “I have a name.” She shot back on a deep frown and he gave her a bored look.

  “And I’m not a mind reader.” He growled down at her again, looking more than impatient with her as she sped up her steps, although she wasn’t sure why. The length of this guys legs meant she wasn’t getting away from him no matter how fast she could move.

  “You also have no manners.” She offered back, more than slightly perturbed by his manner. And when he growled at her she stopped and turned towards him. Her hands went to her hips and she glared up at him. “My point exactly. Go and growl at someone who cares.”

  “Speaking of manners…” He growled down and she balked at him.

  “Perhaps you’d like me to teach you some?” She lifted her hand and pointed her index finger towards his chest. Just a little shock should do the trick, she told herself as he growled down at her again.

  The sudden grasp of tight fingers wrapped around her wrist startled her, but not as much as when she was spun around in place and yanked towards the hard, broad and muscled chest of her captor. Her other hand landed palm first against the heat of his body and she snapped her head back to glare up at him. Her green eyes shooting fire as her red hair caught on the sudden breeze and blew into her face.

  She got a fleeting glance of those dark chocolate eyes that she thought she recognised as belonging to the large alpha she had seen when she first arrived. When her hair fell away from her face she found he was leaning down over her, his face next to hers and his warm breath against her neck. The shiver that ran through her body almost took her breath away.

  “No Fae shall use magic at the gathering without permission.” He growled against her ear and then she thought that he scented her.

  Silver tried to pull back from the hold he had on her but it was like struggling against quicksand, the more she yanked and twisted the firmer his hold on her tightened. And then she felt his hand on the small of her back and when she heard his intake of breath against her neck she knew he was scenting her. Damn Lycan mutt!

  “Let go of me or I’ll make sure that’s the last time your able to sniff anything.” She ground out between clenched teeth and he gave a growl of disapproval.


  Ben’s hot breath travelled down her neck and she could almost swear it fanned out under her top and over her skin.

  “I told you no magic…” His deep tone wasn’t designed to sooth her right now and she didn’t feel soothed, she felt as mad as hell.

  “I don’t need magic when I have my fists.” She snapped back at him and was pressed closer to his warm body for her effort. The feel of his arousal against her stomach was the last straw, and she lifted her foot and stomped down on his toes, grounding her heel into his foot with as much pressure as she could manage.

  Ben growled out against the pain that shot through his foot and up his leg, and he released the female and glared down at her with dark eyes. Silver put her hands back on her hips in a show of defiance and smiled sweetly up at him.

  “Told you. And if I can’t use my magic, you certainly can’t become wolf.” She thumbed her nose at him, turned on her heels and strolled off feeling decidedly chuffed.

  “Why did you let her do that?” Vaughn asked, puzzled by his alpha’s lack of action. Ben eyed the little witch as she swayed her hips and bounced in her step as she made her way through the crowd.

  “What was I supposed to do?” He growled out, not taking his eyes from the redhead as she walked away from him.

  “You could easily have tamed her fire with your persuasion before she got to that point.”

  “No I couldn’t.” Ben growled, feeling the ache in his loins at the sight of her hips swaying enticingly.

  “She’s certainly feisty.” Vaughn chuckled and Ben rolled his eyes.

  “Wonderful. Just what I need, a feisty Fae for a mate.” Ben spat out and Vaughn’s jaw dropped open as he stared from his alpha back to the Fae and then back again. Throwing his head back he howled with laughter.

  Silver’s happy bounce to her step didn’t last as long as it took her to get back to the car. By the time she had the boot open she was scowling. Something didn’t sit right within her and it had to do with those two Lycans that had accosted her on her way to the car. Silver played the conversation over and back within her mind, as she reached for as many bags as she thought she could carry.

  Tossing two over her shoulder and reaching in for a third, she felt the weight lifted from her hand and turned on a look of surprise as Vaughn grinning down at her.

  “What do you want?” She demanded as she pulled on the bags he was already pulling towards him, and she had no choice but to let go or end up splayed against his chest.

  “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” He offered and she scowled, unimpressed by the handsome face that now held a smile for her.

  “Well as you have four paws and I only have two feet, I think we’ll run out of mine first before we get to an understanding, so don’t bother…” Silver reached for the bags that she could see he had no intention of handing back, and just to add salt to the wounds he reached into the back of the car and scooped out the other three that resided there.

  “Perhaps you’d like to listen to an explanation before you rush to judgement and condemn me for my impatience.”

  “Oh, lots of big words. Does someone have word of the day toilet paper?” She shot back, not feeling in a charitable mood after her run in with them earlier.

  Vaughn couldn’t help but chuckle. “Actually I was given some as a birthday present. But what I really need, is your help.” He gave her puppy dog eyes and she couldn’t help but roll her own. Turning towards the boot she slammed it down a little harder than she needed too.

  “I know I’m going to regret this.” She muttered under her breath as she turned back towards him on a shrug.

  “I’m listening.”

  Vaughn talked her ear off all the way back to the cabin and she was still shell shocked by the time she gave him a half hearted wave good bye and stared down at the bags he had left outside the cabin door.

  Throwing open the door she started to launch the bags inside. Almost taking out Ashley’s feet, as her friend jumped for her life when a bag skidded across the floor beneath her and she somehow managed to jump out of the way whilst saving the plated sandwich in her hand as she glared back at her friend.

  “Are you insane?” Ashley spat out and watched as Silver stalked into the cabin, slammed the door behind her, and threw herself back against the door. Taking long deep breaths to get her breathing back in check as she gave Ashley a wide eyed stared of disbelief.

  “We have a problem!” She spat out as Ashley snorted her contempt.

  “Well playing ten pin bowling with my damn legs isn’t going to solve it.” She snapped back, as she placed her plate down on the coffee table in front of the sofa and went to sit down.

  “I’ve just met your mate!” Silver knew from the look on Ashley face that she probably should have handled that announcement better. Shock turned to an almost ashen pallor as Ashley dropped down onto the sofa and didn’t so much as blink. Her jaw sagged open and she stared, wide eyed and transfixed on Silver’s face.

  “Ash?” Silver moved quickly, covering the space between them in an instant, just as the door opened and Emily shot inside.

  “Vampire!” She squealed out, all wide eyed terror as Silver’s head twisted on her neck to look at her.

  “Yes. Many. Ashley just had a shock.” Silve
r announced as she motioned towards their unblinking, non breathing friend on the sofa and Emily tipped her head and regarded her. Lost from her own thoughts for a moment as she stared at Ashley.

  “What the hell happened to her?” She demanded and Silver shrugged on a grimace.

  “I probably could have eased her into the fact that she has a mate…” Silver admitted and Emily groaned.

  “That makes two of us…” She spat out in disgust and Silver raised her brows in surprise as she dropped down onto the sofa beside Ashley, who snapped her jaw shut and blinked her eyes, sucking in a breath of surprise.

  “Vampire.” Emily motioned absently back at the door, hugging her arms around her chest and looking despondently at her friends.

  “Oops.” Ashley offered as she bit her lip and sympathised with her friend. “And you with a fear of fangs.” Ashley reminded Silver who gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth, before the grin spread across her face.

  “I’d forgotten about that.” Silver admitted.

  “I bloody well hadn’t.” Emily muttered as she hugged herself tighter, before she motioned towards Ashley with her head.

  “Who’s your mate?”

  Ashley went to open her mouth and then stopped as she turned to look at Silver. “Good question. Who’s my mate?” Ashley wasn’t sure she wanted the answer, and yet, it was better to be forewarned.

  “That big mutt that sniffed you.” Silver offered with an apologetic look as Ashley’s jaw fell open again.

  “Damn, he was…” Ashley stared off into the distance.

  “Big!” Silver offered as she widened her eyes, grinning with amusement before Ashley elbowed her in the ribs again and she groaned against the pain.

  “What do we do?” Emily asked, starting to pace back and forwards across the wooden floor, her heels sounding like a woodpecker as she speeded up.

  “Nothing you can do.” Silver informed them evenly as she reached for one half on Ashley’s sandwich and leaned back into the sofa. She opened her mouth to take a bite and found her hand empty as Ashley yanked it out of her hand.

  “Thanks. That’s helpful, Silver.” Ashley ground out as she sat back and bit into the sandwich.

  “Hey it’s not my fault, don’t shoot the messenger. If you want to point the finger of blame, Emily brought you here to your fate.” Silver snapped and Emily balked.

  “That’s even less helpful, don’t you think?” Emily snapped, looking decidedly sheepish as she flicked a look at Ashley who had turned her accusing look on her. “Hey I got a vampire out of this deal, do you think I’m happy?” Emily protested and Ashley sighed as she munched her sandwich.

  “Serves you right. I kind of hope he’s the very hungry kind.” Ashley snorted and Emily gave a small whine at the thought of his fangs. Her hand went to her neck and she shivered.

  “So what does your mate look like?” Silver asked leaning forward and snagging the second half of the sandwich, making sure to bite into it before she sat back so she couldn’t lose it again.

  “Vampirish.” Emily offered with a slight shrug off her shoulders.

  “Wow. Descriptive Emi, remind me never to get mugged around you.” Ashley chuckled as Emily gave up pacing and dropped straight down onto her backside on the floor. Dazed and bewildered.

  “Tall. Dark and menacingly handsome. Fangs and attitude to boot.” She mumbled, and Ashley and Silver both grinned, just as the door was pushed open and a tall, dark and menacingly handsome man stood there with a devilishly amused smirk on his lips.

  “Were you talking about me my love?” His deep melodic tone left everyone in no doubt that a vampire had come calling.

  Emily shrieked as she scooted across the floor towards the sofa, her back still too the door and a look of shock on her face, as she practically forced herself between the other two on the sofa , sandwiched in.

  “Relax, Emi, he’s not been invited in.” Silver grinned at the him with a teasing raise of her brows and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “She has to come out at some point. The mutts are going to want their kennel back.” He offered and Ashley chuckled as Silver beamed him a smile of appreciation.

  Kirk took in the sight of the three pretty witches sitting squashed together on the sofa, although right now he only really had eyes for one the them, and it pained him to see she was cowering from him.

  “She has a problem with fangs.” Silver announced and got an elbow for her troubles. “What is it with you two and elbows.” She ground out between clenched teeth as his grin widened.

  “I can assure you. You are going to love them by the end of our mating…” He heard the gargled shriek that rolled through her and wanted to go to his mate and comfort her. Maybe she was a little too new at this to be teased so readily, he told himself as he tried a different approach. “Do I get to find out your name?”

  His mate just frowned back at him, but her friends were far too amused to stay silent.

  “Emily.” One of the human bookends offered and he nodded.

  “I’m Kirk…” He was stopped in his introduction by a snort from the one on the other end of the sofa.

  “James T ?” Silver tried to reign in her amusement and he just raised one brow at her blankly. “Oh please, don’t try telling me it was before your time, old man.”

  He rolled his eyes and leaned a shoulder into the door frame, unimpressed by her teasing. “Hardly.”

  “So how old are you?” Ashley asked and he narrowed his eyes.

  “Why don’t you girls invite me in and we can have a chat…?”

  “Get the hell away from that door.” The deep growl had Kirk turning sharply towards the voice. All three of the girls looked at each other in confusion.

  “Don’t you have a backside to sniff, mutt.” Kirk offered and the sound of the deep growl lasted as long as it took for Vaughn to take the vampire off his feet and away from the door as he hit him full force.

  It took a long moment for the girls to realise just what had happened, and another as they tried to push off from each other to get to their feet and get to the door, a mass of arms and legs as they all pushed and shoved against each other.

  The three of them finally spilled out of the cabin as the two male mates were knocking bells out of each other.

  “Odds on the vampire…” Silver hissed out and then frowned. “Sorry Ashley.” She added on a wince a moment before she saw the tall Lycan, who had accosted her, stalk across in front of them heading into the fray.

  “Enough!” He bellowed out on a roar, as his beta and the vampire pulled apart to stare at him. Both men were panting out their aggression as they eyed him and each other with fierce glares. “Vaughn, stand down. Kirk, what the hell are you doing?”

  Kirk spread his hands as a grin roamed over his bloodied face. “Don’t look at me, Ben. You’re beta attacked me. I was just chatting to…”

  “He was sniffing around our mates.” Vaughn spat out accusingly and Kirk frowned.

  “I don’t sniff, I’m not a mutt…” Then he stopped on a look of confusion. “Wait, your mates?” He asked turning his eyes on the girls as they realised what he had said.

  “Mates as in plural?” Ashley asked as she eyed Silver in confusion and saw her friend swallow hard as the realisation hit her even harder.

  “Oh no!” Silver gasped as Ben turned to her with a look of amusement and desire. “Oh, no, no, no, no.” She took a long step back towards the cabin door as Ashley and Emily turned to stare open mouthed at her. “No!” Silver backed inside and slammed the door closed on her mate. Staring unblinking in shock at the back of the door, as the reality hit her full in the gut and she groaned.

  “I’m going to kill Emily!” She spat out just as Emily reached for the door to open it and hesitated on a grimaced. Turning to look at Ashley she motioned to the door.

  “You go in.” She offered and Ashley balked.

  “Are you nuts, she’ll kill me just for not being you?” Ashley balked as Ben stepped between t

  “How about I go in?” He offered in his deep drawl as his hand reached for the handle and both girls took a long step back.

  “Good luck with that.” Ashley whispered as he pushed the door open and saw his mate standing there madder than hell, with a glare of a demon on her face. His arousal twitched in his jeans. Fiery little Fae didn’t scare him one bit, and this one was especially fiery, fitting for his mate, he told himself as he took a step inside the cabin.

  “Oh crap!” Ashley bit out as the alpha sailed backwards through the air, a look of pain mixed with disbelief on his face as he landed butt first in the mud. A second later the loud sound of Kirk’s laughter had him twisting his head on his neck and growling hard, as he caught his second wind and dragged himself to his feet.

  His chin was down almost to his chest, as he turned back towards the open door of the cabin and growled low and hard, as he stalked back towards it.

  “I wouldn’t yet…” Emily offered quickly as he glared at her and then dismissed her as he stomped back inside.

  Ashley groaned as he flew back out again. Butt first and landed hard in almost the same place as last time.

  “Woman!” He growled out, dragging himself to his feet. He clenched his large fists at his sides, and stalked right back towards the cabin, as he grinded his teeth in anger, and growled out each and every word. “I told you not to use magic at this gathering.”

  “Third time’s a charm.” Ashley said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest as she sniggered her disbelief that he would dare to go back for more.

  The air was practically cackling with the unreleased magic that Silver had called upon, and she heard the snap of electric in the air a second before he came shooting back out of the cabin and ended up on his back in the mud.

  This time he wasn’t so quick to get back up. “And stay out!” Silver shouted after him as she slammed the door closed.


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