Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance ) Page 6

by M. L. Briers

  Emily felt his lips touch hers and the need tore through her. Maybe because she had been suppressing it with loathing for what he was, or maybe because he hadn’t really physically touched her yet, it had been subdued within her. But now that she had opened herself up to allowing his touch it was a heady mixture of desire and need that rushed through her like wildfire.

  When he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking and being granted entry, she all but climbed up his body, curling around him like a cat around the human it owned, when it was after something more than affection. And she wanted more than friendly affection, so much more.

  Kirk felt her desire become need. The barriers between them shattered with a simple touch of his lips and she became fevered with a passion that he hadn’t been sure she possessed. But my god did she, and in abundance. Kirk lifted her against him, and her back was against the thick trunk of the nearest tree in a heartbeat. His hand ran down over the knee length skirt to her skin beneath, and ran back up the length of her naked thigh, as he turned the kiss into more of a devouring of her mouth.

  When she needed to breathe he moved down over her neck, nipping and soothing the skin with his tongue as he went. His own desire burned within him, he wanted to feel her sheath him more than he wanted her blood, and when her fingers trailed down over his chest and started to undo his fly, and he moved her hand away and pushed his hips against hers.

  “I said I wouldn’t take you here and I won’t.” He breathed into her ear, before running his tongue down over her neck and sucking hard against her pulse, until she moaned with need for him. His fingers played over the inside of her thigh and he nudged her legs further apart. The scent of her arousal making him heady with need. He ached for her. “But I never said anything about not giving you pleasure.” He breathed against her ear, as his fingers slipped under the lace of her panties and he found her more than ready for him, as he stroked over her folds.

  Emily clung onto his shoulders as he took her fast, his fingers slid into her channel as her muscles clenched around them, needing more and yet desperate for his touch, as his thumb pressed against her nub, swirling and exciting her. And when he rubbed his fingers over the little bunch of nerve endings inside her, she moaned into his shoulder. Her teeth nipped against his skin and drove him to the brink of insanity, as he brought her towards her release with fast powerful strokes, and then thrust her over the edge as she came undone around him.

  Silencing the sound of her cries with his mouth, he kissed her hard, and then released her mouth as he worked over her, keeping her orgasm flowing through her, until her inner muscles eased around his fingers and she rested against the length of him, as his strong arms held her up.

  “You cheated.” She breathed out, and heard his melodic chuckle against her cheek, her face still buried against his shoulder.

  “Yes sweetheart, but it was for a good cause. Now you know you can trust me to keep to my word.”

  “And only your word.” She tipped her head back and looked up at him. The passion in her eyes had diminished, but it was far from gone. He wanted to give her what she needed, but not like this, out here, and not without her being ready for him to feed on her.

  He brushed her skirt down over her legs and straightened her against him.

  “Do you need me to carry you back, or do you think your legs will hold you up?” When she didn’t answer, he swung her up into his arms and started back off across the woods.

  “Put me down.” She hissed and heard his chuckle again.

  “When we get to the edge of the picnic ground.” He assured her, liking the feel of his mate against him.

  “You can’t fight me…” Ben flicked the top off the beer bottle and put it down in front of her with a look of pure amusement.

  “I can fight you, what I’m not strong enough because I’m a girl, or is it the big alpha thing?” She sneered back, snatching the bottle from the table and drinking thirstily from it, until she slapped it back down on the wood with a hefty thud, and stared back at him.

  “You didn’t wait for my explanation.” He tossed back and she rolled her eyes and leaned her elbow on the table top. Trying to coordinate getting her chin to rest on the palm of her hand was problematic, because someone kept moving her arm. Or maybe she had too much to drink already, she wondered as she steadied her arm with her other hand.

  “Go on then, explain it to me.”

  “You can’t fight me, because I’m not going to fight you.” He offered and she narrowed her eyes at him, suddenly there were two of him and she blinked rapidly to make him one again.

  “I can still pick a fight with you…” She announced gleefully, but he shook his head.

  “Water off a ducks back.” He informed her and she scoffed.

  “I can make you angry to the point where you want to kill me and…” She rushed out, holding up her hand to stop him from answering, as her head slipped off her palm, and she bolted upright so as not to head butt the table. “Don’t say I can’t because you’ve been close a couple of times already.” She drummed her hands on the table top, pushing up to her feet, she found that her legs wouldn’t hold her weight, so she dropped down again.

  Ben got up and took a slow walk around beside her. Reaching down he scooped her up into his arms, and she felt the world spin around her.

  “Oh no, too fast.” She moaned out, resting her head against his chest and closing her eyes in the hope that it would stop. Ben didn’t wait for it to stop. He was already carrying her back towards her cabin.

  “Why are you carrying me?”

  “Do you really think you can walk?”

  “I think I could do a good impression of it.” She chuckled to herself, merry in her own little world, as she tried to shift her weight, but he held her tightly against him. The fact that her backside was bouncing against his erection caused him more grief that he would have liked, he didn’t need her shifting and making this any harder than it already was. His mate was drunk, and therefore off limits. But he wasn’t about to let her go roaming around alone in this condition.

  “I think you couldn’t stand up if you tried woman.” He growled down at her gently, and she frowned up at him.

  “I’m not woman, I have a name.”

  He kicked the front door open with his boot and strolled inside. Slowly sliding her down his body until her feet touched the floor. He scented the air and raised one brow.

  “See. I’m standing up.” His distraction with the scent of sex in the air meant he didn’t feel her pulling away from him until the last moment. She swayed slightly as she walked and started to fall with a loud shriek. But his hands were already lifting her back against him, before she hit the floor. The trouble was she was like liquid in his arms, and when she slipped and slid down his body, and he had to drag her back up, she was rubbing against his sanity.

  The bedroom door was yanked open and his beta appeared, naked and proud, and Silver double blinked and gasped in surprise, as Ashley poked her head and naked shoulders out after him.

  “Oh my god, you didn’t!” Silver shrieked again, chuckling with laughter as she pointed at Ashley and then at Vaughn’s erection. “He’s very impressive though…” She looked up to Ben and gushed. “Have you seen the size of his…?”

  “Many times.” He growled down at her. One arm now fixed around her waist to hold her back firmly against him.

  “You’re stinking drunk!” Ashley accused her.

  “And you didn’t even have a first date!” She shot back just as accusingly, as Ashley gasped and retreated, slamming the door behind her and leaving her mate standing out in the room.

  “Oh my god he’s naked!” Emily’s voice came from the front door, and Silver practically had to double herself over Ben’s arm, just to crane her body around his, to look at her friend.

  “I know right!” She chuckled, and then dropped her voice to a loud hiss, “Look at the size of his penis…” She opened her mouth and gave a silent chuckle, and watched as Emily’s ey
es were drawn back to Vaughn’s erection.

  “I really don’t want that imagine in my head…” Emily turned her eyes away and sighed, as she blushed three shades of red, before settling on deep crimson.

  “But you just can’t not look, right?” Silver chuckled, as Ben rolled his eyes at Vaughn and turned Silver in his arms. Reaching down he slung her up and over his shoulder, and she hung there for a long moment.

  “Hey why am I looking at your gluteus maximus?” Silver poked his backside with her index finger and he growled.

  “And you’re drunk!” Emily sighed, watching Silver repeatedly poking Ben’s backside. She put her palms against his lower back and lifted herself up as far as she could get, as she beamed at Emily.

  “Don’t you think he has a very tight arse?” She asked before her hands slipped down and she fell back over his shoulder. “There it is!” She grabbed a cheek in each hand and squeezed, as he growled his growing ache for her.

  “You’re not staying here.” Ben growled out and she chuckled.

  “The bedrooms occupied, but I can sleep in the bath.” She announced to his backside and Emily snorted.

  “She can too.”

  “And you’re coming home with me.” Kirk announced to his mate, who whirled around in place to look at him.

  “I am not.” She declared and he sighed.

  “I won’t touch you unless you ask me to. I promise.” He offered his word and she shrugged, biting her inner cheek.

  “I won’t ask you too.”

  “Then you really have nothing to worry about.” He teased down at her, as she motioned towards Silver.

  “What about her? She’s drunk and can’t make decisions…” Silver whooped as Ben spun around to look at Emily.

  “She’s my mate. I will make her decisions for her.” He declared and Emily scoffed.

  “Oh, you think?” Emily took a step towards him and put her hands on her hips.

  “Do you really think that my honour would allow me to take my mate like this?” He growled and Emily felt Kirk’s hands on her shoulders, pulling her back against his chest.

  “He’s right, Emily. He won’t touch her like that.” Kirk offered, soothing her worries, as his eyes met the alphas and an understanding passed between them.

  “He’d better not or…” Kirk spun her around to face him and took her cheeks in his hands.

  “He won’t. I promise.” He was offering his own word. Ben frowned as he regarded him. That had to be a first for the vampire…

  “Ashley stayed behind and she still got mated first. Ha!” Silver chuckled, slapping her mates behind in amusement, and feeling the sting on her hand. “Ouch, buns of steel.” She moaned, and then felt her world move around her again as she bounced up and down on his shoulders. Catching sight of Emily’s skirt as they sailed by, she tried to grab a handful, as Emily slapped her away.

  “Silver!” Emily heard her friend’s chuckle, as she bounced off the Lycans back and shook her head. Returning her gaze to the other Lycan. “As for you, get some damn clothes on.” She spat out before she turned on her heels and walking out of the door, leaving Kirk to shrug his shoulders, before pulling the front door closed behind him.

  “Can you put me the hell down now?” Silver didn’t know how far they’d gone, but she was feeling definitely dizzy.

  “Not yet.” He growled over his shoulder.

  “Then that gives me permission to throw up down your back, right?” She asked, and immediately felt her world spin again, as he turned her in his arms and carried her the old fashion way.

  “No.” He growled down at her and she nestled into his arms and rested her head against his chest.

  “Stop growling.” She moaned as she closed her eyes and sighed.

  “I’m Lycan, what would you like me to do?”

  “Try purring, see how that sounds.” She teased, a grin on her face as he looked down at her, snuggled against him. She looked so small and fragile in his arms, much better than the way she looked when she had used her magic to thrown him across the damn field.

  “Wolves don’t purr…” He offered, and stopped when she started to purr against his chest. The sound was unlike anything he’d ever heard, and damn it, it turned him on. He wondered if he could make her sound like that when he was making love to her.

  “Where are you taking me, my big strong wolf man?” She giggled to herself.

  “My house.”

  “Are you going to have your wicked way with me?” She ran her hand up over his chest and around his neck, and he couldn’t help the growl that escaped his lips.

  “Not tonight.”

  Her eyes snapped open and she practically jumped out of his arms, until he tightened his grip.

  “Why not? Am I so unattractive that you don’t want me anymore?”

  “You’re beautiful Silver.”

  “Then why wouldn’t you want to bury yourself inside me and…?” She heard the low rumble of what sounded like thunder within his chest, and felt as if they had speeded up.

  “God woman, but you’re killing me here.” He growled down at her and she pouted up at him.

  “Am I heavy?”


  “Then how am I killing you?” He looked down at her confusion and smiled to himself. He really wished he hadn’t of allowed her to get drunk, because he wanted nothing more than to claim her.

  “I want you.” He admitted and she grinned up at him.

  “Then you shall have me, my mate, my big strong Lycan…” She pressed her lips to his just as he booted open the front door, and he tried to resist the temptation of her lips, but that was never going to happen. He devoured her with the need that she ignited within him, when she nipped at his lower lip.

  “You said you wouldn’t.” She gasped, as she pulled away, and he growled out again. Against the ache in his jeans and the need to strangle her.

  “You kissed me.” He informed her, as he started up the stairs as fast as he could. He needed to deposit her in bed and get the hell away from her before he broke his word, and that of the damn vampire.

  Tossing her onto his bed, he turned on his heels and walked back to the bedroom door.

  “And I won’t.” He called out over his shoulder, as she stopped bouncing and sunk down into his mattress, purring her contentment.

  Twenty minutes later Ben walked back upstairs to find his younger brother standing outside his bedroom door starring in at his bed.

  “That’s your mate?” His brother asked with an air of amusement, and Ben frowned at him.

  “It is. What are you doing?” He growled as his brother chuckled.

  “Her snoring called to me, like a fog horn.” He teased, and Ben scowled at him, just as Silver snorted like a pig and then growled better than some Lycans he knew. He just stared in at her for a long moment.

  “Ok. Make that a pig…” Jason grinned, his eyes flicking from Silver to Ben and back again, as she let out another blast. This time sounding like the fog horn he’d described. “And back to warning ships.” Jason chuckled.

  Ben rolled his eyes and yanked the door closed, giving his brother a warning glare.

  “We’ll wait to see what kind of mate you bring home shall we?” Ben teased him, as Jason backed away towards his bedroom.

  “One that doesn’t give the local lighthouse a run for its money I’m betting.” Jason chuckled, as his brother stomped a foot at him to signal his annoyance with him, and Jason turned and waved a hand over his shoulder as a parting gesture. “I’ll start sleeping with my headphones on.” He called out, before he slammed the bedroom door shut behind him, and Ben growled as he pushed open the door to his room and his mate let out a belter of a snore.

  “God help me, but so will I.” Ben rolled his eyes and pulled the door closed again.


  “You live here?” Emily eyed the inside of the house with interest. With its pastel colours and modern design, it really didn’t look like a house he would own.
  “I rented it for the week. I find pack land has too many restrictions.” He informed her, casually leaning back against the long shelf which ran the length of the wall that housed a wealth of technology.

  “Like feeding?” Emily didn’t look at him, she didn’t need too, and she could feel his grin from clean across the room.

  “Being one of them, yes.” He was waiting for her to get a little more comfortable. Her posture was more than tense, it was damn right rigid, and had been since the moment they stepped out of his car.

  “How often do you feed?” Emily asked, shooting a look at him under her brows, stupid to think she wouldn’t get caught, she could feel his eyes following her around the room.

  “As often as I like.” This time she did meet his gaze. And he rolled his eyes and gave in. “I can go weeks without feeding, but I prefer daily, although in truth, it’s usually weekly.” He gave her a devilish smile, “want to give it a try?” he added, double raising his brows and leaving her in little doubt that there were duel intentions there, and she sighed.

  “Is everything a joke to you?” He was in front of her before she finished blinking, and she went to take a step back, but he slid an arm around her waist and held her close, but not touching.

  “When you get to my age, you have two choices, keep hold of a healthy sense of humour, or become bitter and twisted with the world. Would you prefer I was bitter and twisted, Emily?” She got the meaning behind the words. And she had heard what bitter and twisted vampires were capable of. Emily raised her hands to his chest and felt the muscles tense beneath his top. She knew he wanted her, blood or body, or both, it didn’t matter, what mattered was the self restraint that he was using to hold back from getting what he wanted.

  “I like your sense of humour…” She informed him, hiding under her lashes again. He smirked down at her.

  “Do you like me?” He teased, and she gave a small shrug off just one shoulder.

  “I’d like you better if you…”

  “Didn’t have fangs. Yes, but I can’t take them out like dentures…” He teased her again, and she found herself taking a small step closer to him, unable not too. That step brought her up against his body with just a breath of air between them. “But I can keep them sheathed around you, if that’s what you want.”


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