Too Wilde to Tame

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Too Wilde to Tame Page 9

by Janelle Denison

  Because, as she'd discovered last Friday night, Cameron Sinclair and his sexual expertise were worth waiting for.

  CAMERON'S surveillance on Irish Shelton was turning out to be a complete bust, not to mention it was putting a major crimp in his Friday evening plans to meet up with Mia at The Electric Blue.

  After a solid five days with no action, Trish had placed a last-minute call to her husband claiming she'd forgotten about a dinner meeting she had with a client. It was definitely cause for suspicion, and Doug Shelton had immediately called Cameron to let him know his wife's plans had abruptly changed.

  Seeing it as a prime opportunity to catch the woman in action, so to speak, and put an end to the case, Cameron had grabbed the keys to the company's unmarked Ford Excursion, which was fully stocked with surveillance equipment, and had followed Trish from her office to a nearby restaurant where she was supposed to meet up with her "client."

  After parking across the street, Cameron had entered the restaurant, scanned the dining area for Trish, and was lucky enough to find a seat at the bar that afforded him a view of her table. He nursed a bottle of beer and waited for a man to arrive to contradict what she'd told her husband. He was sorely disappointed when a woman showed up instead, shook Trish's hand in a professional manner, and sat down to discuss what appeared to be business over dinner.

  So much for wrapping up this case, Cameron thought irritably. Once he'd finished his beer, he'd headed back out to the truck to wait for Trish to leave the restaurant so he could take a few pictures of her with the other woman, to show to Doug Shelton that his wife's business dinner had been completely legitimate.

  He could have just taken off for the night when the other woman had arrived and written up a report for his client, but Cameron prided himself on being thorough in his surveillance and his investigations. Especially because there was no telling where Trish might be heading once her current business was concluded for the evening.

  So in the meantime, he made some calls on his cell phone that he needed to return and set up the camera with the zoom lense so he could capture the evidence on film when the opportunity arose. Time slowly dragged on, and he grew restless and eager to be on his way.

  Finally, Trish and the other woman walked out of the restaurant together, enabling Cameron to get the shots he needed. The two ladies went their separate ways, and he tailed Trish from a discreet distance all the way to her house, while placing a call to Doug Shelton to give him a quick update. Once Cameron was assured she was home for the night, he turned around and made his way back into the city.

  By then it was nearly eight p.m., a good hour later than when he'd promised Mia he'd be at The Electric Blue. He'd called her earlier to let her know he'd be running late, but he didn't like the thought of Mia being alone at the bar, where someone was possibly watching her and waiting for an opportunity to do something more nefarious than just taking a photograph of her. And he definitely didn't like the thought of other guys hitting on her, dancing with her, or touching her in any way whatsoever.

  He stepped on the gas and increased the speed of the Excursion, wishing he was in his power-charged Porsche instead. God, he was getting so sucked in by Mia, and even though she'd managed to manipulate him into helping her, he had to admit he'd agreed for purely selfish reasons, too. Having sex with her again was certainly an incentive, but the woman intrigued him on too many levels to count, and the two mixed together proved to be a dangerous combination not only to his unruly libido, but emotionally as well.

  Beyond the scorching heat and attraction the two of them generated, he was drawn to her and all the different facets of her personality: the good qualities, her vulnerable side, and even her way of goading and annoying him. He'd always enjoyed unraveling mysteries, and Mia was one big giant puzzle he was determined to solve. It was all a matter of peeling away the different facades she hid behind and discovering the real woman beneath. Having her and all that fire, energy, and passion in his bed was merely a bonus he had every intention of enjoying to the fullest.

  And hopefully, once he figured out her allure, he could get her out of his head and system and move on. Just another case closed.

  The ringing of his cell phone pulled him from his thoughts of Mia. He glanced at the hands-free unit display, saw that the call was from his mother, and hit the connect button.

  "Hi, Mom."

  "Hi, Cameron," she said, her soft, cultured tone filling the cab of the vehicle. "How have you been?"

  He winced, knowing his mother's question held a deeper meaning, but she was too polite to outright say he'd been remiss in calling or stopping by lately. "I've been good, Mom." And then he wondered if maybe something was wrong. "Are you and Dad okay?"

  "We're fine, honey, though your father has mentioned he sure has missed having a golf outing with his son the past few months."

  Another sting of guilt he couldn't avoid. "Yeah, I know. Work's been crazy. I'll have to set aside a Sunday morning for a game."

  "Your father would absolutely love spending the time with you," she said, and he could hear the satisfied smile in her voice. "But I didn't call you for that. Your sister, Claudia, is turning forty next week, and I'm having her birthday dinner at the house next Sunday for her and the family. I want to be sure you keep the evening free."

  Claudia was the oldest of his three sisters, and as each kid had left home and started lives of their own, his mother had made it a ritual to have birthday dinners for each one of them to be sure there were at least a few family gatherings that brought them together throughout the year. Over the years, their birthday dinners had grown in size, because each one of his sisters was married with children of her own.

  "I wouldn't miss it, Mom," he promised and made a mental note to add the date to his PDA so there was no way he could forget, since his schedule had been so hectic the past few weeks.

  "I also wanted to let you know, you're welcome to bring a friend."

  His mother's subtle comment made Cameron smirk. "So I can bring Rick, then?" He knew damn well that's not what she meant, but he hadn't been able to resist contradicting her just to see how she'd respond.

  "Well, I was hoping you'd bring a friend of the female gender. You know, someone you might be dating?"

  Cam turned into The Electric Blue's parking lot as images of Mia immediately filled his mind, with her innate sensuality, wild ways, and smart mouth. She was so different from any woman he'd ever brought home to meet his family, and it had been a long time since he'd even done that. He could only imagine what Mia would say or do to shock his refined mother and equally straitlaced sisters and found himself smiling at the thought.

  Finding an open space a few slots away from Mia's flashy red Celica, he parked the truck and turned off the engine. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm not dating anyone right now."

  Her disappointed sigh drifted through the intercom. "And that's such a shame, too."

  Cameron rolled his eyes, having heard the "you need to settle down like your sisters have" lecture many times before. He would, when the right woman finally came along.

  "I hate to cut you short, Mom, but I need to go," he said before she could launch into her speech. "I promise to be there next Sunday for Claude's dinner."

  After a quick good-bye he ended the call, clipped the cell phone onto the waistband of his jeans, and got out of the truck. A minute later he was entering The Electric Blue, and it was just as loud and jam-packed as it had been the previous Friday night. At the moment, the waiters and waitresses were dancing up on the bar and tabletops, which had the riled-up crowd whistling and cheering them on. He half expected to find Mia up there doing a few shimmies and shakes of her own, but much to his relief, she wasn't part of the evening's entertainment.

  His gaze scanned the establishment, and just when he caught sight of Mia standing at the bar with a group of men, he felt a large hand clamp down firmly on his shoulder. He turned around with his fists clenched tight, instinctively in defense mode, until he came f
ace to face with Mia's brother Joel, who was flanked by two of his business partners and Marine buddies, Kevin and Ben. As security specialists, all three were big, muscular, intimidating-looking guys-the kind women looked twice at and men didn't mess with.

  Cameron had never considered the possibility of running into anyone from Mia's family here. Her three cousins were married, along with her brothers Scott and Alex, and they were no longer into the bar scene. But Joel was a consummate playboy who enjoyed having a good time, especially when there were single women involved, and The Electric Blue certainly provided that.

  He swore beneath his breath. This was a scenario he hadn't anticipated, and now he had to tread carefully because not only had Cameron promised Mia he wouldn't apprise her brothers about her situation, but there was no way in hell he wanted anyone in her family to find out about their relationship. He didn't need the grief, the headache, or any of the Wilde brood beating the crap out of him for having a hot and heavy, no-strings-attached fling with Mia.

  It seemed like an hour had passed between them, when in fact it had only been a handful of seconds. "Joel!" he said, unable to keep his genuine shock and surprise from his tone.

  "Hey, Cam!" Joel replied in an enthusiastic voice loud enough to be heard above the music and noise. "You hang out here?"

  "I've been here a few times," he said evasively and gestured toward the waitresses dancing up on the bar for the customers, and for better tips. "The place is quite lively and entertaining."

  "So we heard." Joel grinned up at one of the women who blew him a kiss while gyrating her hips to the seductive beat of the music. "We thought we'd check it out for ourselves, and it appears we aren't going to be disappointed. Want to grab a beer with us?"

  Despite having other plans, which had included finding an inconspicuous place to sit alone and keep an eye on Mia, Cameron knew he couldn't turn down Joel's invitation without him wondering why… and eventually pinpointing the reason as Mia once Joel discovered his sister was there. Besides, sitting with the trio didn't mean Cam had to reveal his true reasons for being there, and he could still keep an inconspicuous eye on Mia.

  "A beer sounds great," he finally said.

  It took some time on such a crowded, busy night, but they eventually managed to claim a table up on the second level as a small group vacated it. It was a perfect spot for Cameron, because it gave him a decent view of the bar and dance area. And that's all he cared about.

  As he sat down, his gaze found Mia once again. She was still talking to the same group of guys at the bar. Just as a waitress came up to their table to take their order, he watched as Mia tucked her hair behind her left ear, a signal they'd decided upon earlier to let him know she was speaking to her neighbor, Will, if he happened to show up.

  He studied the guy, who was more of a pretty boy than a man's man, with short hair that looked like it actually had blond highlights woven through the strands-and not the kind from the sun, but the artificial kind from a salon. At a distance, his features appeared more effeminate than masculine, and he looked barely old enough to drink-as did his three friends.

  Just as Mia had told him, there were definitely no sparks between her and Will. They were conversing like old friends, when most of the other men at the bar were openly eyeing Mia with appreciative interest. There was something different about Will other than his appearance, but for the moment Cameron couldn't quite put his finger on what was bothering him.

  Mia smoothed her hair back once again as she laughed at something one of the other guys said. Most likely, she hadn't seen him arrive. Under normal circumstances, he would have called her on her cell phone to let her know he was at The Electric Blue and where he was sitting, but meeting up with Joel had nixed that idea. He figured in time she'd locate him, and he couldn't help but wonder how she'd act once she discovered her brother Joel was there.

  Cameron waited for the waitress to finish taking their drink orders and move on to the next table before striking up a conversation. "So how's business been?"

  "It's been great," Joel said as he leaned back in his seat. "Getting busier by the week."

  "I hear ya," Cam replied with a shake of his head. "Steve and I are swamped. We've been interviewing potential assistants, but we haven't found anyone we both like yet." He glanced at Kevin and Ben once more. "Where's Jon?" he asked of their other friend and partner.

  "He's on an assignment that took him to California for the next week." Abruptly, Joel stopped speaking, and his body tensed as he stared just beyond Cameron's shoulder.

  Cameron was very familiar with that intense kind of look. Certain that Joel had finally spied Mia, Cameron's own personal radar went on alert. "Everything okay?"

  "That waitress looks familiar," Joel said with a confused frown. "Like I've seen her before."

  Cameron, along with Ben and Kevin, glanced in the same direction to appease their own curiosity. The woman who had caught Joel's attention wasn't the waitress who had taken their order. This one was curvy and very pretty, with shoulder-length brown hair and an alluring smile. As attractive as she was, she seemed much too reserved and sweet compared to the more outgoing women Joel normally chose to date.

  "Yeah, you've seen her before," Ben said with a snicker. "In your dreams, man."

  "I'm being serious," Joel said, a frustrated edge to his tone. "But I'll be damned if I can place where I've seen her."

  Kevin slapped Joel on the back. "I'm sure she's just another face in the long string of women you've seduced with that Wilde charm of yours, then left behind."

  Joel's scowl deepened as he combed his fingers through his pitch black hair. "I've never slept with her. That I would have remembered," he said adamantly.

  As if the woman had sensed Joel's stare, she turned from the table she was clearing and looked his way. Their gazes seemed to connect, and something intangible passed between them for the briefest of seconds before their waitress arrived with their beers and the other woman headed back to the bar area.

  It was the oddest, most bizarre thing Cameron had ever witnessed, as if the two did know one another but had never met in person before.

  For the next half hour, while Joel watched the woman who'd captured his attention and Cameron kept up a steady stream of conversation with Ben and Kevin, who were also flirting with the women around them, Cameron managed to keep a close watch on Mia. She left Will with his friends at the bar to mingle with other people, and Cameron noticed that her neighbor didn't appear interested in the other women who came up to him, and neither did he accept any invitations to dance.

  Interestingly enough, Mia's girlfriend Carrie was nowhere to be seen, and he figured she'd had other plans for the night, which helped narrow down Cameron's list of potential suspects. He'd caught sight of Ray and Gina a while ago, but now as Mia made her way through the crowd to her roommate, Ray wasn't by Gina's side as he normally was, which led Cameron to believe he was off getting drinks at the bar or had gone to the restroom.

  About ten minutes later Ray reappeared, fresh drinks in hand. Mia talked to the two of them for a bit longer and then moved through the crowd once again. She headed in Cameron's direction, a sultry smile on her glossy lips.

  As she climbed the stairs to the second level, Joel finally spotted her. "Jeezus," he muttered in annoyance. "What the hell is Mia doing here?"

  Cameron wanted to laugh at Joel's brotherly reaction, not to mention his double standards where his sister was concerned. Instead, he kept his amusement to himself.

  Kevin, however, had no problem stating the obvious. "I suppose she's here for the same reason you are."

  Joel didn't care for that insinuation and shot his friend a dark look. "Don't be a smart-ass."

  "Well, she sure does look like she's here to have a good time," Ben chimed in.

  Cameron had to agree. From a distance, he'd only been able to see glimpses of what she was wearing. But now, up close, his mouth went dry as the full effect of her outfit hit him. Her beige, halter-top-st
yle mini-dress bared a helluva lot of skin and cleavage and left no room for her to wear a bra. The stretchy fabric molded to her perfect breasts, as well as the rest of her curves, all the way down to her mid-thigh. A belt designed of chunky gold links draped low on her hips with the end piece bouncing loosely against her thigh as she walked. If the image of using that strand of belt as a leash wasn't enough to make Cameron hard as stone, her shoes most certainly did the trick.

  She was wearing the hottest, sexiest, most arousing pair of dress boots he'd ever seen on a woman. Made of supple beige leather, they reached just below her knee, and it wasn't just the spiked heel that had his temperature, and other parts of his anatomy, rising. No, it was the way they laced up the side of her leg and showed glimpses of skin between the criss-crossing of ties, prompting erotic images of her being a bit of a dominatrix in the bedroom-which suited Mia's personality very well.

  He groaned and shoved those images right out of his head as she came to a stop at the side of the table between himself and Kevin. She slid her hip to one side, the one nearest him, and the chain on her belt jingled temptingly.

  "Hi there, boys," she greeted them with a sexy smile that encompassed them all. "Fancy running into the four of you here."

  Ben grinned at her, and it was obvious to Cameron that the other man could be very interested in Mia, given the chance and Joel's approval. "We were just saying the same thing about you, Mia."

  She shrugged, and Cameron hoped to God he was the only one who noticed how her firm breasts bounced oh-so-provocatively with the gesture. Unfortunately, Ben and Kevin were all male, and their gazes strayed accordingly.

  "It's a fun place," she said, fingering the end of her chain belt. "And where's there's fun, I'm there."

  Joel crossed his arms over his massive chest. "You shouldn't be here alone," he said gruffly.

  "Don't go and get your feathers all ruffled, Joel," she said and rolled her eyes at her brother's protective statement. "Gina is here, too, so I'm not alone."


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