Two Knights of Indulgence

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Two Knights of Indulgence Page 6

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  Another thirty minutes passed, and his arms began to feel like rubber. Firewood was stacked high. They’d stay warm for a while. One last round lay in the rubble, and he lifted it to the block before wiping sweat from his brow. He dropped the axe into the wood, and the splinters flew, driving a large shard into his leg. He bellowed a curse and yanked the wood out. Blood flowed freely, as he must have cut into a vein. Wrenching off his shirt, he wrapped it around the cut to prevent it from littering the floor once he went in. He then hobbled back to the house to clean it up.

  He rushed in and quickly moved to the bathroom, propping himself on the edge of the bath. Nicolas kicked off his shoe and pulled off his sock before dropping his foot in the tub. He turned on the warm water and cleaned the mess.

  “What happened?”

  Nicolas turned to see Britt hovering over his shoulder and looking at his wound. “A wood splinter pierced my leg.”

  “Let me look at it.”

  “It’s nothing. It’ll heal in no time. I just need to wash it.” If she touched him, he would forget that he was supposed to be forgetting his attraction.

  “I’m a nurse. Let me look at it.”

  He wanted her touch so desperately, but something inside him wanted to push her away. Confusion warred in his mind. “I don’t need medical attention. It’ll heal.”

  “Let me see.”

  He shook his head, wanting to stay clear of the woman as much as possible until he’d sorted out his feelings. His control was only now leashed because of his pure exhaustion, but if she touched him, he would demand more. He knew it. She settled onto the edge beside him and pulled up his pants leg. As soon as her fingers brushed him, he felt the energy swamp him. Lust sliced into the core of him, and he felt his cock thicken and lengthen. He wanted more.

  She was a drug.

  Britt leaned down to get a closer look, dragging the edges of his too big sweater up her arms. “The skin is knitting together.”

  The incredulity in her tone made him chuckle. She was seeing the truth firsthand. Now, perhaps she would believe his story.

  She lifted and looked at him, her eyes large and round.

  “Do you believe me now?”

  Britt looked back to his rebuilding wound. “I saw your skin healing some in the emergency room, but it was much slower. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like you.”

  She turned at his soft tone. Her gaze met his, and he felt the building storm within. “The two of you overwhelm me. It’s unfair to gang up on me like this. Is this how you subdue your women? You take turns in seducing her?”

  “Our women? Matthias hasn’t had a woman in over a decade, if not longer.”

  “Oh.” Her face reddened. “But you haven’t been so controlled?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m not controlled, but a man can only wait so long.”

  “Patience is a virtue.”

  “Are we going to start trading maxims? Good things come to those who wait; patience wins the race and all that?”

  “Patience will achieve more than force.”

  “Ah, so you’ve read Edmund Burke’s stodgy retelling of the French Revolution, hmm? I was there for the French Revolution, and it was much more interesting a tale than he published, believe me. I prefer John Dryden. Beware the fury of a patient man.”

  “Should I be wary of you?”

  Yes! “No.” He moved closer and pressed his lips to hers before she could refuse him. She stiffened a moment, and he thought he was lost. He surged forward, drawing her closer. He swallowed her moan as she softened in his embrace. Slowly, she moved her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. She responded to his kisses, giving back as equally as he was giving. After a few moments, she froze and began pushing him away.

  A door banged shut, breaking the spell over him. Matthias had picked the exact wrong moment to come back. Inwardly, Nicolas cursed him. He clasped his jaw as he pulled away from Britt and stood.

  “At least Matthias tells me the truth. He told me I needed to be careful of him.” Britt rose from the tub and began to walk away.

  Anger whipped through him, and he caught her wrist. “What does that mean?”

  She tugged out of his hold and stared him down. “It means you’re the more dangerous of the two. I sense the darkness inside you. Can’t you see it?”

  “All men have a dark side.”

  She trembled as she looked at him. He reached out and tucked the loose sprig of hair behind her ear once more, and she reacted in the same way, shivering at his touch. Her eyes grew wide as she twisted on her heel and sped from the room. Nicolas followed her out, and the pair encountered Matthias standing in the kitchen, a slab of cleaned fresh meat on the counter. His all-knowing stare followed them as they approached. His head dipped as he noted Nicolas’ leg. “What happened?”

  “A stray piece of firewood. I just went to clean it up.”

  Matthias looked from one of them to the other, his emotions giving away nothing. Nicolas felt on edge, sure his friend knew he’d interrupted something between Nicolas and her.

  “Venison?” Nicolas looked over the large shank of meat.

  “Moose. I didn’t find any deer.”

  “Have you butchered the whole animal?”

  “No, it’s dressed and skinned. I only took this piece. You can help me finish it tomorrow.” Nicolas noted it wasn’t a request. Matthias had always been the one to give direction, and he’d almost always followed. A few times he’d put his two cents in and they’d gone nose to nose. Nicolas knew a battle was before them, it was all a matter of time.

  “Sure. Let me get out of these bloody clothes.”

  Nicolas needed to gather his thoughts, and he needed to be away from the both of them. His head was a swirl of thoughts and emotions, and he felt himself coming unglued. And it appeared to be all her damned fault. Women knew how to twist a man into a pretzel, and Britt seemed to be an expert at it.


  “Do you want him?”

  The question was so blunt Britt didn’t know how to answer it. Matthias didn’t look at her; he stared at the large piece of meat on the counter as he sliced it expertly into thick steaks. She watched him move gracefully around the kitchen as she settled into one of the stools at the bar across from him. “I don’t know what I want right now, besides to go home and back to my life.”

  “Is that really what you want?”

  “Yes.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she knew them to be the lie they were. There was some kind of connection she felt with these two men and to sever that tie and walk away was unthinkable. It was as if she were on vacation up here, and she already felt refreshed. The stresses of her everyday life made her nearly insane, but was she only trading one stress for another? Being around these two was almost as hectic, and fending off the strong emotions they threw her way was going to take a lot of energy.

  “We shouldn’t need to be here more than a couple of weeks to throw them off your scent. Then you should be able to go back to your life.”

  There seemed to be an unsaid “if you want” on the end of that sentence. It hung heavily in the air. “Two weeks?” She hadn’t expected to stay away quite so long.

  “Give or take.” Matthias threw three of the steaks on the indoor grill on the stovetop. The lean meat sizzled as it hit the surface, and the smell was wonderful. “How do you like your steak?”

  “Still moving.”

  “Bloody, hmm?” Matthias smiled. “One would think you saw enough blood on the job.”

  “One would think.”

  “Speaking of blood, how bad was Nicolas’ injury?”

  Nice segue, dude. She chuckled inwardly as Matthias turned his back on her, as if trying to hide his interest. A frisson of electricity amped up in the kitchen, and she knew it came from his direction. He wanted to know what had happened between her and Nicolas while he was gone. Jealousy wasn’t a good emotion; she’d seen what it could do f
irsthand in the ER. Men fought over women, women fought over men, and the sum of that explosion could be devastating. Yet she still couldn’t fight the tiny pinch of pride that he felt envious.

  “He rushed in very bloody, but I watched the skin knit back together before my eyes. He was fine within a few minutes.”

  “So you believe us now?”

  Did she? She was leaning toward yes, but trust wasn’t something to be handed over on a whim. “I think I need to see more before I make a decision.”

  Matthias smiled slowly. “Of course.”

  He turned the steaks over then moved them to a frying pan. Opening a bottle of wine, he poured some into a glass for her before pouring the rest over the meat. “Wild game tends to get very dry. We need to keep it moist.”

  She lifted her glass to her mouth and took a sip of the heady wine. A rich, deep red, it was deliciously earthy. Britt watched as Matthias danced around the kitchen. He threw in some sliced mushrooms and shallots after turning the steaks over once more. She was enamored with his kitchen expertise, as she had none. Long hours weren’t conducive to cooking at home often. Take out was her best friend. Matthias handed her a handful of silverware and napkins and pointed to the table.

  In a flash, a set of baked potatoes materialized from the oven, and the food was moved to the large scarred wood surface. He brought out three plates, all loaded with a huge steak covered in mushrooms and a creamy wine sauce, a loaded baked potato, and a pile of tender asparagus he’d pulled from the stove. Matthias opened another bottle of wine as Nicolas returned to the living space, clean and changed.

  Tension filled the air. It hadn’t been there prior to Nicolas returning. The men eyed one another, but nothing was said as they sat down to eat in silence. Her stomach gurgled in hunger, and both sets of eyes turned to her. Heat flooded her face as she shrugged her shoulders in embarrassment. Britt cut into her meat and brought the first bite to her mouth. It melted over her tongue, and she released a moan of delight.

  “This has to be the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

  She smiled at Matthias and was cut short when she saw the uncontrolled lust on his features. She turned to Nicolas and saw nearly the same look. She returned her gaze to her plate and began to cut into the next bite. As she raised the fork to her mouth, she saw both men pause to watch her. She plopped the bite between her lips and made sure she didn’t moan as she had on the first bite, no matter how much she wanted to.

  The rest of the meal sped by quickly with little conversation. The unease between them was palpable. It was also confusing considering how comfortable she felt with Matthias. She helped clear the plates, but they took everything from her and made her sit down. Nicolas refilled her glass and helped Matthias in the kitchen.

  She giggled to herself. Two hot, sexy men who both wanted her had served her a delicious meal, cleaned up, and made her sit through it all. Could it get better than that? As she took another sip, she knew the wine had to be going to her head. It could be the only explanation she had as to what was going through her head.

  Britt didn’t want Matthias or Nicolas. She wanted them both.

  They moved with efficiency through the kitchen and were cleaned up in no time. She was just finishing her glass when they turned out the lights. The warm glow from the fire in the living room cast a dancing light across the walls. She looked down at her attire and suddenly didn’t feel as sexy as she wanted to at the moment. Nicolas’ clothes hung from her body and made her look like an orphan.

  Something also told her neither would mind. She tugged the sweater over her head as she moved closer to the fireplace. Britt still wore her scrubs below, but they weren’t enough to keep her warm for long. The fire helped, but what she really wanted was the two of them warming her up. “I need help staying warm.”

  A light came to Matthias’ eye as he stalked closer. Nicolas stood at the fray, watching her intently. Matthias leaned down to capture the sweater and pulled it back over her. “You’ve had too much to drink.”

  “I only had three glasses.”

  “Do you drink often?”


  Matthias lifted her in his arms and began to carry her back to the room she’d slept in. Warmth filled her as he neared the bed. She captured his chin and kissed him firmly on the lips. He dropped her onto the bed and sat down beside her, deepening the kiss before breaking away. He pulled the covers up and over her, tucking her in tight. “Sleep it off.”


  Nicolas stood tensely as he awaited Matthias’ return from Britt’s room. His jaw hurt from the tight clench he held it with. A woman had never come between them over the long years, and they’d known each other much too long to let one now. But this woman was different.

  Matthias came out moments later, and Nicolas let out a rush of a breath. “She sleeps?”

  “She will soon.” The large man settled into a chair across from Nicolas and propped his feet up, relaxing. Anyone who knew Matthias knew he was never relaxed, even if his body appeared to be. The killer instinct never let him rest. He was a coiled snake, ready to strike.

  “Matthias, we need to talk.”

  Matthias brushed a hand down his face and rubbed his eyes before answering. “About?”

  “You well know what about.”

  Matthias was silent a few moments, chewing over the words he would soon spit out, as he often did. “You want her. I can see it in the way you look at her.”

  “As do you. I haven’t seen you take this much interest in a female.”

  “She is … unique.”

  Unique was an understatement. “Do you feel the ripple of power rush through you at her touch?”


  “Is that the attraction: not the female, but the rush?” Nicolas felt his hands and brow begin to sweat. He wanted to rush into her room and plaster her body against his even now. He needed her with a desperation he didn’t understand.

  “A rush? I wouldn’t go so far as to say I feel a rush. I feel stronger, but I’m sure it plays a part in it, but there is more to the attraction than that. I’m sure of it.”

  “We know nothing of this woman. She could be our enemy, and we’ve welcomed her into your home, setting an elaborate trap.”

  Matthias was quiet for a long moment, his brow wrinkling. “Do you want her so badly that you choose to turn my head?”

  “No. That isn’t it. I only fear she’s coming between us. The rush I feel when she touches me, I crave it now, like a drug. That worries me. She has the power to take a life; she has the power to give life. What else does she hold sway over?”

  Matthias frowned at him a moment as his gaze roamed over Nicolas’ face. “I trust my gut. She’s not Illuminati. She barely seems to know what she is, either.”

  “That’s my second concern. What is she? I think we need to involve Thierry. If he doesn’t know, he will know where to look. I think we need to take her to Monte Carlo. Let Thierry decide what needs to be done.”

  “We can’t leave without running the risk of our enemies finding our trail. The moment we descend this mountain, they could sense us if they’re out there searching. We would endanger everyone.”

  “So, we sit here and wait? What if she kills us before your two week window expires?”

  “I would say if she were going to kill us, she would have done it by now.”

  “I don’t like being a sitting duck.”

  “We don’t have much of a choice.”

  Nicolas didn’t much like that answer. He spun and stalked to his room, closing the door behind him. He pressed against the wood with his back and slid down the length until he hit the floor. Voices in his head told him to go to her, to take what he needed from her. His skin was aflame, the need strangling him. Sweat rolled down his back and face, the want he felt for her all-consuming.

  Madness rushed through him, the screaming voices growing louder until he clasped his hands over his ears, hoping to drown them out. Nothing helped, and the noise
only swelled louder and louder. His whole body vibrated from within. He rose, the desire to touch her glowing skin once more too much for him. As he exited the door, he began moving in the direction of her room.

  She would be his, in all ways.

  Chapter Five

  Matthias lay in bed unable to relax. Something was amiss, and he wasn’t able to put his finger on it. Since the woman had been in their midst, nothing had seemed right. His own thoughts had been wayward, and all he could think about was ending his long celibacy to find heaven between her thighs. Nicolas hadn’t been himself, either, the effects of the female seeming to overwhelm the male.

  A static charge filled the air, and his breathing stopped. He listened close, the hush of the winter’s night silent. He tried to determine if their enemy was upon them, but he heard nothing but beat of his own heart and the cold breezes blowing down the side of the mountain.

  Yet a cold chill swept over him. Something was definitely amiss. He doubted the Illuminati would be able to track them through the heavy snows that still covered the landscape, but he’d learned long ago to never say never. All was quiet, but he still felt unsettled. He rose from the bed and pulled on a pair of shorts to cover his nudity just prior to silently pulling his sword from its sheath.

  He opened the door and paused, listening again for movement in or outside of the house. He heard nothing, so he pressed forward, checking the hall for unexpected shadows. He slowly drifted down the hall to the stairs, his padding feet soundless over the cold wooden slats. As he looked over the edge of the open space, he thought he saw a silhouette just below, near the door to the room Britt slept in. He crept down the stairs unhurriedly, trying to rein in the fear that was already settling in his chest.

  Matthias knew then she’d already started to creep into his heart. She’d already become the weakness he’d vowed to never have.

  His gaze caught the shifting of the shadow again and he held it, following it until he was at the bottom of the stairs. He whipped around and thrust his sword out, nearly beheading Nicolas as he moved.


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