The Drake Restrained Collection: Part 1 and 2 (The Drake Series Book 3)

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The Drake Restrained Collection: Part 1 and 2 (The Drake Series Book 3) Page 6

by Lund, S. E.

"I don't know why I'd be of much interest to you," she said, as if trying to change the subject. "I'm looking for donations. Care to donate to Nigel's foundation?"

  Dave smiled at her and they locked eyes for a moment as if in battle.

  She was shy, but she wasn't a pushover. She was just as witty as Dave and wasn't intimidated by him.

  "Kate was with Nigel in West Africa during the famine," Dave said to me.

  "I'm well aware of her work in Africa," I said, not taking my eyes off her. "The Judge talks about you a lot."

  "He does?" Katherine frowned as if she was surprised.

  "It was always, Katherine this and Katherine that. He's very proud but he's kept you pretty well hidden."

  "I've been really busy with school and work…"

  I nodded, aware of how she'd had a breakdown after returning from Africa. How concerned Ethan was about his beloved daughter. How fragile she had been for a while, but how she was coming back slowly.

  "Your father told me you got a job with Geist. What are you writing about now?" I said, wanting to focus on her as a person rather than as a woman, the way Dave was.

  "Philanthropy in the age of social media."

  Dave turned to her when he heard that. "Drake's foundation funds a number of hospital projects in West Africa if you're interested in philanthropy. I'm his manager of fundraising."

  "Yes, that's what my father told me." Kate smiled at Dave. "I'm doing an article for Geist," she said. "Maybe I could do an interview?"

  Dave stepped closer to her and leaned in, not getting her obvious cues.

  "I'd be only too happy to do an interview, Ms. McDermott. Your place or mine?"

  She laughed but I could tell she was embarrassed at his suggestion.

  "I think she meant she wanted to interview me," I said, irritation with Dave’s cluelessness filling me.

  Dave wouldn't let up, waving me off.

  "You're far too busy with all your important breakthroughs in robotic brain surgery, your band and humanitarian projects, Drake. I'd be more than happy to oblige, take Ms. McDermott off your hands."

  "Either one of you would do fine," Kate said and smiled. Just then, Peter came back and put a hand on her shoulder, scooping her up and away from us. Dave made a telephone sign with his hand and mouthed call me.

  "Nice to meet you Dr. Morgan," she said and smiled at me, and it sent a little jolt to my groin. I wanted that smile all to myself. I wanted to see it in the morning when she woke up naked in the bed beside me, her hair all mussed, her cheeks warm.

  "Please, call me Drake, considering," I said, pointing to her knees.

  She gave me another quick smile and left, limping off with Peter to the next group of wealthy suits.

  I felt an actual physical reaction to her leaving. Regret. Loss.

  I rarely felt this way about a vanilla woman, but she… She wasn't just any women. She was different.

  She was Katherine.

  "So that's Ethan's daughter," I said, a bit breathless, my heart beating faster. "He calls her Katherine. I didn't connect the dots at first."

  "Oh, I forgot," Dave says. "You and the Judge are on a first name basis. I'm surprised you haven't already met her."

  "Other than at the health club or at a Doctors Without Borders event, I never see Ethan socially."

  "Too bad she's his daughter. I'd like a piece of that," Dave said, wagging his eyebrows.

  "Wouldn't we all," I said, bothered by his suggestive tone.

  Dave laughed. "I offered but she's not biting."

  I raised my eyebrows. "You actually hit on the Ethan's daughter?"

  "Hey, she needs some dick, too," Dave said and laughed again. "Poor girl." He took a sip of his beer. "Must be hard to have a man like him as a father."

  "I wish I'd had someone like him," I said and frowned, my irritation with Dave mounting.

  Usually, I was amused by his antics. We met and became friends during several drunken parties in our undergrad years, and had seen each other at our worst, but just then, I wanted to tell him to get serious. Kate wasn't just some easy hookup. I could tell that just by meeting her. She was smart, talented, and fragile emotionally. Someone like Dave would use her and throw her away when someone new spread her legs.

  I sipped my drink and watched as she was introduced around the room to various movers and shakers.

  Judge McDermott's daughter wore black retro hose and garters? I felt a real affection for the old man, which fought with my desire for his daughter. He had been quick to befriend me when my father died and for that kindness he showed when he didn't have to, I was loyal to him for life.

  I watched Kate as she limped beside Nigel Benson, leaning on his arm for support. She knew what it was like to have a famous and powerful father. To live in his shadow.

  "So, how do you know Katherine?" I said, wanting to know more about her social life.

  "I tried to get her drunk at a fundraiser a couple of years ago but she played hard to get.”

  “Maybe she wasn’t attracted to you," I said, hoping Dave would get the hint.

  "What? Not attracted to me? Never,” Dave said, laughing. “She’s no innocent. She dated some former Marine pilot who flies for Doctors Without Borders. I know because I checked up on her.”

  “She’s not your type, Dave,” I said, irritated at him.

  “Every pretty woman is my type,” Dave said and slapped me on the back. “Daughters of preachers, senators and judges are probably wilder underneath the formal exterior. You know, pretending to be a good girl, but underneath, nymphos. I bet she’s hot.”

  I had to hold myself back. “She's doing her Masters of Journalism at Columbia and was in Africa with Nigel when he did his documentary on Mangaize. She’s not a nympho." I was growing more angered with Dave by the moment, feeling more and more protective towards her the more he pushed. "She's a serious writer. You should read her work on the Mangaize camps. Really heartbreaking."

  "She's got a nice rack," Dave said, grinning. "I had hopes she'd come home with me some night and ride me like a stallion."

  I frowned, angry that he was being so carnal about her.

  "She's not like that," I said, gritting my teeth. Of course, I had already thought of tying her up, blindfolding her, and eating her like an ice cream.

  Dave held his beer up to his mouth for a sip. He grinned, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. "I haven’t found a way between her thighs just yet, but I'm working on it. One of these days."

  "She's not your usual type, Dave. She’s smart," I said, trying to keep my anger in check. "Full scholarship at Columbia. She's really driven."

  "Obviously too busy for men. Must be a lesbian," Dave said with a grin.

  That really pissed me. "Maybe she's just picky."

  "Must be if she turned me down," Dave said and laughed out loud.

  "Maybe she’s just not into you," I said, wanting him to get the hint.

  "You're just jealous because she was having eye sex with me and not you. Apparently Ms. McDermott isn't impressed by your neurosurgical skills or the size of your wallet…"

  No, she didn't appear to be, showing no particular interest in me at all other than to note that her father had spoken of me.

  I had to admit I'd go vanilla for her, at least, for a while. But to thine own self be true was my motto. I'd want her on her knees to me and soon.

  Then she was spirited away to another room and I stood there and watched her leave. I hadn't wanted to get to know a woman like that for some time. Know her. In every sense. Usually, I didn't want to know anything about women except their kinks around submission.

  She was different. Unfortunately, she was Judge McDermott's daughter and so completely off limits. He was my father's oldest friend and she was not the kind of woman I needed.

  Finally, someone joined Dave and me and the conversation turned to new regulations governing tax shelters. I couldn’t pay any attention, my mind occupied thinking of Kate and how our fathers were best friends bef
ore my father’s death. I was certain my father would be happy to know the two of us were together. But I was getting ahead of myself. I hadn’t even asked her out for coffee.

  A while later, I came upon a group containing Katherine and stood on the periphery to hear her talk about West Africa. She turned and spoke directly to me.

  "People with influence have to step up to the plate and use their power to do good. Like Dr. Morgan, using his father's foundation to provide hospital equipment to Africa. Those who have the means should use them."

  I was completely surprised that she referred to me and bowed my head, touching my chest to show her words had affected me deeply.

  "My father was committed to Africa," I said. "I'm just trying to fill his big shoes using whatever influence I have."

  As that conversation ended, Nigel pulled Katherine away and once more, I felt a mix of emotions – pleased that she acknowledged me, and frustrated that I wanted her and knew I couldn’t have her. I could never have her because of Ethan. He'd die if he ever learned of my lifestyle. I knew I'd lose his friendship if he found out. I felt such affection for him and such respect for Katherine that I couldn't do it despite how much I desired her at that moment.

  I hated myself for being so principled and for once in my life, I wished I were more like Dave Mills, lacking any scruples when it came to women.

  If I were, I wouldn’t let her out of my sight.

  But I wasn’t like Dave and so for the next half-hour, I tagged along behind Dave as he made his way around the room, glad-handing the other big rollers who were here from Wall Street, thoughts of the delicious Ms. Bennet in her stockings and garters plaguing me. When I next saw her, she was standing surrounded by a herd of men who were all eagerly listening to her talk. I kept to the periphery of the group to see what they were discussing.

  "So, I read your article last month in the newsletter on the need for direct action, and civil disobedience on the famine in West Africa," one of the Wall Street suits said.

  She nodded, totally absorbed in the issue, unaware that most of her audience were barely listening, too busy imagining her naked, her limbs restrained with soft leather ties, her body in various lewd poses, an expression of pure ecstasy on her pretty face.

  Or maybe that was just me.

  Ethan was late arriving at the fundraiser, showing up just a few moments before it was over. I was getting ready to leave, having agreed to give Dave a ride home, when Ethan came over to me, pulling Katherine behind him.

  "Drake, did you get a chance to meet my daughter, Katherine? I don't believe the two of you have met."

  I held out my hand and Ethan and I shook as we usually did.

  "Judge McDermott," I said. "Glad to see you. Yes, I did meet Katherine. Finally. You've kept her pretty well-hidden."

  Katherine turned to Ethan. "Dr. Morgan used his medical skills on me, father. I fell in the alley and he patched me up." She pointed to her knees and Ethan made a show of inspecting her wounds. He turned and smiled at me.

  "Well, that's just great," he said and shook my hand once more. "I knew you’d come in handy one day. Thank you for looking after my very tomboyish daughter, Drake. She has a tendency to take a bigger bite out of life than she can always chew." Ethan winked at Katherine. "Can't call her timid, at least. Maybe foolishly brave."

  Katherine frowned. "How am I foolishly brave, Daddy?"

  "All your life, you've been trying to keep up with the older kids, like your brother. Going to Africa with Nigel and staying in one of the camps is a perfect example. How many of your friends can say that?"

  She shrugged. "Lots of us volunteer, Dad. We have to in order to stand out on college applications and for scholarships. Dawn went to India."

  Ethan nodded. "Still, you have to admit it was pretty brave." Ethan turned to me. "Thanks for looking after my baby girl," he said to me.

  "No, my pleasure," I said, happy that Ethan was finally willing to introduce me to his daughter. "Thank you for inviting me. I was pleased to finally meet the mysterious Katherine you’ve spoken so much about but kept well-hidden." I smiled at her.

  "Not hidden," Ethan said. "Katherine's been very busy with school and the student paper, haven’t you, sweetheart?" Katherine smiled, flushing a bit as if embarrassed at the attention.

  "Of course," I said.

  Ethan left with Peter and Dave, Katherine and I were alone by the front closet where our coats were hung. Katherine took her coat out and was just about to put it on when I stopped her.

  "Here," I said. "Let me get that."

  I took the coat and held it up for her.

  "I can do that," she said, trying to take it from me as if she didn’t want any help.

  "Please, allow me."

  I helped her on with the coat, and when she pulled her hair out from underneath the collar, I leaned forward and inhaled, enjoying the scent of shampoo and her perfume. I adjusted her collar and the shoulders. She turned around and smiled at me, a quizzical expression on her face.

  "Thank you," she said and gathered up her bag before limping to where Ethan stood, speaking with Nigel. As I watched, she kissed him when he offered his cheek.

  "Good night Daddy," she said.

  "Good night, sweetheart." He glanced over at the door where Dave and I were standing. Then I went over and said goodbye to him. We shook hands once more and then Ethan turned to Katherine.

  "Do you need to use the limo service?"

  She shook her head. "I'll catch a cab."

  I frowned, wondering why she’d turn down the use of the limo, not wanting her to have to take a cab. "Nonsense," I said. "Let me drop you off. Where do you live?"

  Ethan rolled his eyes. "In a hovel of a rent-controlled apartment building in Harlem," he said, obviously in disapproval. I turned to Ethan for an explanation.

  "Don't ask," he said. "She could live somewhere nice, but that's my Kate. Independent to a fault."

  "Daddy," Katherine said, frowning. "I have a perfectly fine apartment." She turned to me. "I'm sure it's out of your way. I can catch a cab. But thank you."

  "I insist," I said. "I won't take no for an answer."

  She and Ethan said a final goodbye, this time Ethan kissed her cheek, and I felt a momentary twinge of envy for their relationship. My father and I weren’t close in the last years of his life and I regretted it so much. It was nice to see that Ethan and Katherine were so close.

  I opened the door and Dave escorted Katherine into the elevator. Dave offered her his arm at the same time I did and instead of taking one or the other, she leaned on both our shoulders.

  "So, Katherine," I said, as the elevator went down to the garage level. "You should watch those cuts, make sure they don't become infected. If they do, you can go to a clinic to have them cleaned."

  "Thank you," she said. "My best friend is a nurse, so I'll get her to check."

  "Where does she work?"

  "Harlem," she replied. "She's doing her Master's right now and only works part-time."

  I nodded. That must be the friend I saw her with at the pub. The blonde nursing student I’d seen before.

  When the elevator opened, I took her arm to help her walk. I felt her initial resistance but finally, she gave in when I kept hold of her. I held the door to my car open for her and helped her inside.

  "Where do you live?" I asked once I got in the driver’s seat.

  She gave directions and I drove through the streets north and west to Harlem. Dave turned and glanced back at her from the front seat.

  "So Kate, do you feel like going out for a drink? I'm still up for some fun tonight."

  When Katherine replied, her voice was hesitant. "I don't think so…"

  "Come on, live a little,” Dave said, pushing things as usual. “I've been trying to get you to go out with me for a long time. Why not tonight? Muse is just around the corner from your place. We could have a drink and something to eat."

  I watched her in the rear view mirror. She shook her head and cau
ght my eye.

  "I don't think so," she said. "I have class tomorrow early…"

  "Kate, you are just such a mean woman," Dave said, laughing. He turned to me. "See what I mean? Turned down again!"

  "Maybe you should take a strong hint," I said, trying to give him the message that she didn’t want his attention.

  Dave made a face at me and turned back to her. "No offense meant, Kate."

  She shook her head, and in the darkness, I could see her face was flushed. "No offense taken." She smiled but I could see it was forced.

  Dave was never one to give up easily. "One of these days, you will have to go out with me, Kate. Live a little. Nigel told me you've been practically a hermit for the last two years."

  "Final year of classes before I write my thesis," she said. "I've been working hard trying to keep my grades up."

  We arrived at her apartment block and Dave hopped out as soon as the car stopped. He opened the door for Katherine before I could even get out of my door.

  I watched helplessly as Dave walked Katherine up the stairs to the front entrance of the building.

  "Good night, Kate," Dave said when they reached the door. "Call me about that interview."

  "I will," she said, and then she turned back to the car where I stood watching. She smiled at me and in that smile, I saw appreciation as if she was glad that at least I had shown her more respect. "Thank you for the ride. Nice to meet you."

  "Nice to finally meet you," I said and smiled back. "Take care of those knees. If you have any problems, feel free to call me."

  She turned and went inside.

  Dave returned to the car and sat in the front beside me.

  “You know,” I said, trying to choose my words carefully. “I can tell from her response to you that you make her uncomfortable.”

  “You think so?” he said as if genuinely unaware of how he affected Katherine. “I thought she was flirting with me.”

  “No,” I said firmly. “She was trying to be nice. She was not flirting.”

  Dave turned to me and frowned. “What makes you an expert? I barely ever see you with a woman. In fact, I never see you with anyone beside that lawyer woman, Lara.”

  “I can tell by watching her with you that you make her feel uncomfortable. You might want to dial the attempt at seduction back just a bit.”


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