Love Will Find You

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Love Will Find You Page 15

by Iris Blobel

  “Is there enough space for you and me in your parents’ house?”

  That question made her think, and she smiled. “Yes. There’s upstairs. It hasn’t been used since Paige passed, but it’s big enough for both of us.”

  “And a small one?” he asked, barely audible.

  “Small what?”

  He grinned and left a trail of kisses along her throat.


  Chapter Eleven

  Katie and Teagan had bought the nicest dresses they could order in Sydney. Tyson’s mother had organised all the appointments for hair and beauty for the day in Melbourne. The women arrived in Melbourne the Wednesday before the Brownlow Medal ceremony, and Katie was almost beside herself with nerves. If she could have, she would have cancelled the whole thing. She’d lost a few kilos due to worries, and Teagan kept telling her to relax, assuring her everything was under control. All she had to do was to let everyone work on her and hold Tyson’s hand at the event.

  Easier said than done, Katie thought. She would fall into a heap afterwards and sleep for days.

  She parked in front of Tyson’s house and for the first time, her friend was speechless.


  For a long moment, she simply stared at the house intently.

  Katie got out of the car and opened the door for her friend. Taking Teagan’s hand, she pulled her out of the car. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Holy shit,” Teagan whispered.

  After entering, Teagan explored each room as she came to it. “And he’s selling this?”

  Katie nodded.

  “For something equally nice and big, right?”

  Katie shook her head.

  “You two are crazy. Absolutely crazy.” Teagan went upstairs and shouted. “Insane.”

  Katie laughed and followed her upstairs.

  “Where am I’m going to sleep?” her friend asked.

  “There’s a small room at the end of the hall with an ensuite which has a spa in it.”

  Teagan walked in the direction Katie was pointing. Walked? She was nearly running. Once she was in the room, Katie heard her saying, “Deal. This is mine.”

  “It’s just a house,” Katie said when she stepped into the room as well.

  “One beautiful house I might add.” Teagan threw herself onto the bed. “Is the new one anything like this?”


  “You two are crazy.” Her friend sighed.

  As much as Katie had to smile about her friend’s grilling about the house, it was coming to a point where it annoyed her. Teagan knew she felt uncomfortable in the house and didn’t like it. She preferred a homey, lived-in look. She wanted comfort instead of style, and she preferred a house with a garden, perfect for a family.

  “The new place is beautiful and has a nice big garden.”

  Katie’s phone rang, and she answered it. Tyson’s mum.

  “Did you arrive all right?”

  Although she knew Caroline couldn’t see her, she still nodded. “Yes, all okay.”

  “Are we still meeting for lunch tomorrow?”

  “Most certainly. We’ll be there. I think Ty’s left me a little note how to get there.”

  “Wonderful. I can’t wait to meet your friend. And Hazel will be there as well.”

  “Great. We look forward to it.”

  Soon after, they freshened up and went for a little walk, including Tyson. He’d come home just before dinner from his training. Teagan was nearly beside herself regarding the location. Tyson had to listen for over an hour to reasons why he shouldn’t sell the place, but he only chuckled. His mind was already made up.

  Katie knew he was tense about the subject. It was busy for him so close to the finals and two more games ahead of them. Tyson was excited, and Katie noticed he tried as hard as he could to relax, but with little luck. She’d warned Teagan to expect him to be edgy and not to take every word seriously. That is so cute of you to acknowledge, Teagan had replied. Katie simply rolled her eyes.

  “I thought Declan was coming as well?” Tyson asked.

  “Oh, he’s coming enough, all right,” Teagan said with a grin. “He’s having a rest for a couple of days.”

  Ty chuckled and looked at Katie. It took her a while to understand, but once she did, she blushed like a cherry. The heat she felt was a good indication for it.

  Katie shook her head. “Jeez, Teagan.”


  “I suppose you’ll be busy for the next few days?” Ty turned to Katie, changing the subject.

  Katie nodded. “I feel like a doll handed over for a makeover.”

  Ty leaned in and kissed her on her cheek. “A cute little doll.”

  “We’re meeting your mum and Hazel, and I’ll show Teagan around Melbourne. Sarah’s coming as well. I need to do something to take my mind off things.” She sighed.

  “I can take your mind off them,” he whispered in her ear.

  Teagan stood, hands up. “I’m outta here.”

  Katie knew she had no hope to get distracted. She was so tense that instead of enjoying his every touch, she actually startled. He understood. Thank goodness. They were both on edge, but it would only be a few more days. Katie was glad they both knew each other well enough to realise the issue and not get mad. Every day she was even more grateful for having him in his life. She promised herself she’d cruise through this medal evening and make him as proud as she possibly could.


  After lunch, Caroline and Hazel left, and Teagan, Sarah, and Katie sat down in a small café on one of the main streets in Melbourne.

  Katie had come to like Sarah and enjoyed her company. Sarah had a good knowledge of where to go in Victoria’s capital when it came to shopping and dining. And entertainment as well.

  “So how do you know Tyson?” Teagan asked Sarah.

  She shrugged. “We played footy as kids. Him, Markus, and Oliver.”

  “Oliver?” Teagan asked.

  “You played footy?” Was Katie’s question.

  Sarah laughed and turned to Katie. “Yes. Mark and I were neighbours. We were in the same year at school as well. I liked hanging out with the boys.” She lifted her shoulder. “It was kind of fun.”

  “Oliver?” Teagan reminded the other two.

  With the biggest grin on her face, Sarah replied, “You have not met Oliver, yet?”

  “Oh my God, who is this guy?”

  Katie placed a hand on Teagan’s. “Relax. I’ve told you about Tyson’s friends. Possibly at a time you were too focused on Declan, though. Remember, you called them Mr. Sexy and Mr. Über-sexy. Oliver is number three in the boys’ club.”

  “I have a feeling he’d rather be called number one.” Sarah snorted.

  Katie couldn’t agree more. She remembered the day they had all come to Ty’s place for a lunch, when she had to meet everyone. She’d been so overwhelmed by all the testosterone and sex appeal, yet she’d relished in how much they cared for each other and how envious she’d been of their friendship.

  They paused for a moment as the waitress placed their order on the table.

  “He thinks he’s God’s gift to women. Really nice. Extremely sexy.” Sarah took a sip of her coffee.

  Teagan gently slapped Katie on her arm. “Why haven’t I met this Superman, yet?”

  Katie shrugged. “It’s your first time in Melbourne. Remember?”

  Her friend pouted and sighed.

  “Oh, right,” Katie added. “There’s also a really sexy and charming guy called Declan in your life.”

  Teagan’s face spread into a smile that told Katie everything. Her friend was smitten with her new partner.

  For a few moments, they sipped their drinks and took in their environment. Katie liked the café. It was a buzz and a rush all around them, so similar yet so different in many ways to her hometown. The coastal town usually had tourists sitting along the main street. People here seemed to come from all walks of life, business people, students, touri
sts, and grandparents with their little ones. She looked past Sarah to have a peek inside the place. It was simple, but effective. Rustic furniture and the coolest lights hanging from the ceiling—big upside-down teacups. She liked it. There was also the overwhelming coffee aroma, which she couldn’t get enough of. At the back, she was able to see the counter with cakes. The choices were vast, and she was tempted to have a piece of chocolate cake, but reminded herself that she had to fit into the darn dress the next day.

  “So are you and Markus a thing?” she heard Teagan ask Sarah.

  “A thing?” Sarah shook her head. “No way. I mean, jeez no. We’re very good friends. Like, we’ve always been—”

  Katie looked at Teagan, who had turned to look at her. “In denial,” they said in a chorus.

  Mouth open, Sarah stared at them, her face flushed. “I’m not.”

  Katie let out a little laugh. “Why not?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Why aren’t you two a thing?” she clarified.

  Sarah sat back in her chair and let out a heavy breath. “Long story.”

  “You’d like to be a thing though, right?” Teagan asked quietly.

  Sarah looked around and waved the waitress for the invoice. “Long story,” she repeated and Katie knew not to push it. She’d try to remember to ask Ty the following week.

  They paid, and Sarah went her own way home. Katie and Teagan decided, or rather Teagan insisted, to stop by one more shop before making their way back to Tyson’s house.

  Until Katie felt a hand on her arm. “You must be Tyson’s new girl,” a woman said.

  Katie shuddered at the sound of the American accent, yet the face looked eerily familiar. She didn’t reply, but moved one step back to put distance between them.

  “I’m Anita. Tyson’s—” She hesitated, a phony smile crossing her face. “Let’s just say the love of Tyson’s life before I moved to the USA. I thought I’d recognise your face when I saw you with Sarah. You are his current girl, right?”

  No wonder the face seemed familiar. Katie met her gaze and suddenly felt like someone had pulled her feet from underneath her. Her own personal nightmare had caught up with her. Staring at Tyson’s ex-girlfriend, she swallowed the bile rising in her throat.

  “Amazing what Photoshop can do nowadays,” Teagan whispered into Katie’s ear. It was exactly what Katie needed, something to smile about, to lighten the situation.

  She had needed so much more lightening up, though.


  When Tyson came home in the late afternoon, he found Katie upstairs in their bedroom. He looked at Katie, hearing the words, but not comprehending the whole conversation they were having.

  He’d known something wasn’t right as soon as he’d stepped into the house. In fact, the packed bag should have been a big clue. Once he saw her bags, his heart sunk, and a dull feeling spread through his chest. He closed his mind to ignore the invasive sensation.

  “So did you or didn’t you sleep with her?” she asked.

  Not only taken aback by her words, he was stunned by her glare. He shook his head not wanting to have this conversation. “Sweetheart, would you mind starting from the beginning? You’re not making sense.”

  Hands on hips, she met his gaze. “This is the beginning. It’s a simple question. Have you or have you not slept with Anita recently?”

  Tyson blew out a deep breath and with a tense jaw and gritted teeth, he shook his head. His mind was in chaos. He knew they’d both been tense regarding the Brownlow Medal night, and he knew it’d be a big thing for Katie, but he had no idea how on earth she had come up with the accusation he’d slept with Anita. Not wanting to have a discussion or a fight, not wanting to lose or upset her, he gently placed his hand on her arm, but she stepped back.

  “Sweetheart. I’m begging you to tell me the whole story.”

  Tears filled Katie’s eyes, and it took him an enormous amount of strength not to move closer to take her into his arms.

  Shoulders sagging, she explained, “We ran into Anita today.”

  Although surprised, he patiently waited while she chose her words. He heard her inhale deeply as she tugged a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her voice sounded weak, and the urge to take her into his arms became stronger by the second.

  “She told me that after your dad died you went to her and—” Her voice broke.

  He frowned. “And what?”

  Apparently, that was not the right question to ask. Fury crossed her sharp eyes, and Tyson felt helpless. He’d never seen her like that. Not even close to it. He looked around and wondered about Teagan’s whereabouts. Perhaps she’d be able to shed light on the situation. He was certainly at a loss.

  She was still staring at him when he asked, “Where’s Teagan?”

  “Who cares?”

  Boy, she was really pissed off. He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried again. “Sweetheart, where’s Teagan?”

  “She left earlier this afternoon.”

  He nodded, although he had no idea why, but at least she was answering.

  “Katie, what exactly is it you assume I did with Anita?” he asked as calmly as he was able to.

  Her face paled with anger. “Don’t you dare play with me, Ty!”

  “I am not playing,” he seethed.

  Anger lit up in her eyes. “I can’t believe you slept with her. Good grief, I can’t believe how naïve I’ve been.”

  Letting out a long breath, she placed her hand on his chest. “I know we’re both tense. It’s been one hell of a week. And I know what’s at stake for you. Tomorrow at the medal thingy, as well as the upcoming finals.” She tilted her head and stared at his chest. “I told you, I’m not sure whether I’m up to living in the public limelight, but I’ve been working on it. I honestly have. But I wasn’t ready for this.”

  Still working on understanding what she’d said, Tyson watched her as she grabbed her bags and went downstairs.


  No reply.

  He ran after her and grabbed her arm.

  “Please, Ty, just let me go.”


  She shot around, her breath ragged. He had no idea what had happened. No idea how this had exploded into something so big. His whole body shook as he tried to comprehend the situation.

  “You cheated on me,” she snapped sharply.

  His eyebrows shot up.

  “You sought comfort with Anita after your dad had died. You’ve lied to me.”

  He felt his temper rise. “For Christ’s sake, you and I weren’t even together. So what if I had?”

  Her whole body sagged and tears were running over her cheeks. As he looked at her, his whole world fell apart. Everything he’d worked for over the last few months. He reached out for her, but she pulled away, turned, and left.

  What had he done? For crying out loud, what had happened? How did this supposedly great weekend turn into such a disaster?

  Tyson sat on the top of the steps and rubbed his face. He might have lost the person he loved most. The one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  He stared into the distance, recalling what she had said, trying to make sense of the words she’d spoken.

  You cheated on me.

  The phrase spun around and around in his head as he tried to figure out the gist of their confrontation. Then it dawned on him.


  He’d begun to hate this woman.

  Tyson went downstairs, grabbed the phone, and dialled.

  “Mum? I need help. I’m in trouble.”


  With the help of the GPS on her phone, Katie made it to the other side of Melbourne. Traffic was horrendous, and having to constantly wipe her nose as well as her eyes didn’t help. When she finally got to the address she’d been given by Hazel, she stopped, but hesitated. All of a sudden, the idea didn’t seem all that brilliant anymore. She looked at the small house in front of her and noticed the door open. With the keys in her h
and, she was about to start the car when Sarah came out of the house and walked towards her. Katie slowly lowered the window.

  “Want to come in?” Sarah asked when she reached the car.

  Katie stared at her, not really understanding.

  “Hazel rang me a little while ago, telling me about Ty’s frantic phone call. She asked whether I knew anything about it.” Sarah paused and leaned against the car. “Wanna come in?”

  “Do you mind?” Katie asked in a whisper.

  Sarah’s smile was a comfort to her already. “Not at all.”

  She got out of the car and followed Sarah inside the house. It was a small house, but looked extremely comfortable.

  “Can I offer you a drink?”

  Katie nodded. “A nice cup of tea would be lovely.”

  They went into the kitchen. She looked around as Sarah prepared the tea. It was a beautiful little kitchen, modern equipment mixed with old-fashioned furniture. The big window to the side was without curtains to fully enjoy the view of the backyard.

  “This is a lovely place,” Katie said.

  “Thanks. Markus was kind enough to help me financially otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to keep it.”

  “You two should seriously consider working on a relationship.”

  Sarah choked back a laugh. “I don’t think so. We’re too different. I was sick a few years back with a nasty virus and lost my job. Marky was kind enough to keep the payments going. It’s almost all paid back.” She turned and smiled. “He’s just a really great guy. All three of them are.”

  Pain hit Katie behind the eyes. She wasn’t convinced anymore. At least not when it came to Tyson.

  Sarah placed Katie’s tea on the table. “They all are. Want to talk about it?”

  Katie shook her head.

  “Hazel said you were very upset about something. She couldn’t figure it out. You’re supposed to go to the Brownlow stuff tomorrow.”

  Katie couldn’t help it, but started crying again. “Got some tissues?” she sobbed.

  Sarah went into the hall before returning with a box of tissues.

  “Do you know Anita?” Katie asked suddenly.


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