Autumn Moon

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by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Autumn Moon

  Karen Michelle Nutt

  Federal copyright law prohibits this work from being copied, scanned, mechanically, or digitally produced for sale or for sharing except for brief passages to be used in reviews and related articles. For permissions or requests for other uses please contact the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Autumn Moon

  Copyright © 2008 Karen Michelle Nutt

  2 Edition 2012

  Cover Artist: Karen Michelle Nutt

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  “Do you know anything about vampires, the chiang-shih as the Chinese call them?”

  “What? Are you going to tell me another story?”

  “Bloody hell, just answer the question.”

  “Of course I know what a chiang-shih is. I had slumber parties, but I outgrew believing in them when I turned twelve.”

  “Enlighten me.”

  She took an exasperated breath. “The Chinese believe that a person has two souls. One soul can leave the body and roam the earth.”

  “Go on.”

  “If the two souls aren’t reunited the body dies and the soul will roam the earth forgetting the human aspects, turning toward a more animalistic way of life, craving the essence of the living.”

  “Blood, the essence of life.”

  “Sure. Whatever.” Her shoulder lifted in a shrug. “What does this have to do with my uncle or me for that matter?”

  His gaze lingered over her. She squirmed, but didn’t look away. “Everything. I’m afraid you’re in danger now. I’ve tasted you.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “The kiss.”

  “One kiss doesn’t—”

  “I know how your heart beats.” He placed his hand on his chest, tapping. “Thump-thump—thump-thump. I’m a vampire, a chiang-shih and I have two days to reunite my souls.”

  She stared at him for a blink of second before she turned and headed for the front door while mumbling under her breath. “You are a lunatic. Too bad, too, because you’re a good-looking guy, not to mention a great kisser, but having a screw loose is where I draw the line. I’ve listened to what you had to say. Now I think you better leave.”

  He moved fast, faster than a human. He stood, leaning against the front door as if he’d been standing there all along.

  She stopped in her tracks, turned around to make sure her eyes hadn’t deceived her and that he truly had materialized in front of the door. He knew his movements would spook her, but he didn’t have time for delicacy. He needed her to believe him.

  “Holy, holy—how did you do that?” She looked at him again. “Are you some kind of magician?”

  “I told you—vampire.”

  She backed up a step. “Okay, say you are. The chiang-shih of legend is known to have a hideous green phosphorescent glow about it, serrated teeth and long talons. You don’t have any of that. Where are your fangs? Huh?” She whirled around to flee, but he was there in front of her, blocking her way.

  She opened her mouth to scream but he was quicker. He kissed her—again. He was a vampire and most of the time he craved blood, but with her he craved her mouth—among other things. He plundered, taking and damn if the woman didn’t respond. She may be afraid of him but there was a connection between them, something that bonded them. She had to be the answer to his prayers.

  Praises for Autumn Moon

  “Autumn Moon” starts with action and doesn’t stop. The romance is perfectly entwined with myth and suspense. A one night read.”

  ~Reviewed by Shona, Bitten By Books~

  “If you have a craving for a good vampire story, you don’t want to miss out on ‘Autumn Moon.’ Read through the pages of this delightful ‘love’ story, as this unlikely pair attempt to conquer Jariec’s curse before his time runs out, leading them into a sinful interlude.” ~Reviewed by Deanna, Ghost Writers Literary Review

  “Ancient Chinese Vampires”

  “Autumn Moon is a completely new take on the vampire genre, or rather I should say it’s an ancient Asian version retold in a refreshing new light. Autumn Moon is one of those stories that comes at you unexpectedly and takes the vampire legend to an entirely different level.” ~Reviewed by Clover Autrey, PNR Romance Reviews

  This is a very fast-paced piece, but it keeps the reader in the midst of the action. Ms. Nutt does a wonderful job of weaving a legend into the heart this romance.

  ~Reviewed by Kimberly, Coffee Time Romance & More~

  “This books is great. I had a blast. We have an ancient evil, a tormented family, a hunky hero and his lovely lady, and plucky grandparents that are not afraid to kick some paranormal arse. Lovely work!”

  ~Brenda Thatcher, Co-Owner Mystique Books~

  Dedicated to Jairec Baker, the little boy with a very cool name.

  Soul mate

  “A man is a bird with one wing and he searches for his mate, the other wing.”

  ~Chinese Proverb

  Chapter One

  San Francisco, California is known for its mild temperatures all year round and for its blessed fog during the summer months. In the morning, the mist acted as a magic cloak protecting Jairec Connelly, but now the enchantment wore off leaving the sun’s rays sizzling the pavement like laser beams. Jairec pulled the hood of his sweatshirt down over his head, shading as much skin as deemed possible. Even with this effort, he could feel his skin burn. It wouldn’t do if he burst into flames especially since he needed to keep a low profile.

  From across the street, Jairec set up his stake out, watching the comings and goings of people entering Moon’s Acupuncture, but still no sign of the man who could help him. He pursed his lips together. Help him? He’d have to convince him not to kill him first.

  At 9:30, a woman with long dark hair dressed in a black suit and comfortable shoes opened the acupuncture shop, unlocking the doors from the inside. He glanced at the two windows above the shop. She must live in the apartment above like so many others did. Two other employees, one male, one female arrived a half an hour later, both in their early twenties. All three were of Asian descent, not surprising since this was Chinatown and the businesses were probably family-owned. By noon, there was still no sign of Dr. Jin Lei.

  Dr. Lei had what Jairec needed. He was willing to pay for his services, but if the good doctor wouldn’t help him, he’d take it by force. He wasn’t a violent man by nature, but this was a matter of life and death, his to be exact.

  He’d wanted no part in this supernatural bullshit, but his wanker of a brother had dragged him into it anyway. Now Tristan was missing and he had been turned into the undead. “Some holiday,” he grumbled. He did what any preternatural freak would do. He listened. He waited and learned whom he needed to see. The other freaks—shapeshifters, demons, any who slinked out of their hidey-holes at night called her, “The Seer.” She turned out to be a crotchety old woman named Gladys Seymour, living in the suburbs of downtown San Francisco. He thought back to what Gladys told him, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss something.


  Gladys allowed Jairec to enter her house and follow her to the kitchen. She wore a blue shift, sandals and her gray hair pulled back in a bun. The effects of his new life were taking its toll. He could hear her heart beating—bum-bump, bum-bump like a beacon calling him. He could smell the coppery tang of her blood flowing through her veins. The
delicate skin at the base of her neck would prove no protection once he sunk his teeth into the flesh. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  Her gaze snapped to his. “You take a bite out of me big boy and I’ll—”

  Against his will, his new acquired instincts took over and he lunged. She waved her hand, propelling him back with a magic blast from her fingertips. He slammed into the wall and slid to the floor. If he’d been human, she’d have killed him or at the very least rendered him unconscious. There were some perks to being one of the undead. He could take a beating and keep on ticking.

  She pointed a finger at him and he cringed, expecting another blast from her. “I’ll forgive you this one slight because you’re newly made. Make a second attempt, chiang-shih and you’re toast. Do you got it?” Her dark eyes narrowed, warning him to behave. She stood maybe five-two, but the power radiating from her convinced him she meant every word.

  “I apologize.” He leaned against the wall for support as he came to his feet.

  She nodded. She walked over to her refrigerator and took out a bottle containing a dark reddish liquid too thick to be red wine. He had a sickening feeling of what it was and recoiled when she jabbed it at him.

  “Don’t be a fool. If you don’t drink it, you’ll kill someone and all will be lost then. Keeping a pure soul will be your salvation.”

  He took the bottle from her. He closed his eyes as he took a swig and hated that he liked the taste.

  “Pig’s blood,” she answered his unasked question.

  He drank every last drop, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

  “Now sit.” She pointed to the table. She went to her cabinet, took out a wooden bowl and filled it with water. She mumbled a chant or prayer of some sort before she gazed at the liquid.

  He saw tap water.

  The Seer obviously witnessed something else. “You will find the cure in Chinatown. Dr. Jin Lei’s place.”

  “This doctor will know how to help me? He’ll be able to turn me back to the way I was?”

  “I only know the elixir of life will be found there.” She hummed and weaved back and forth as if receiving some kind of psychic advice from the other side. “Autumn moon is your destiny. You must accept the elixir before the festival’s end. If you do not, you’ll remain cursed and walk among the undead for all eternity.”

  “Dr. Lei will hand over the cure. Just like that.”

  Her dark eyes riveted to him. “I never said it would be easy. He will most likely want to kill you.”

  “I’m already dead, a vampire. Or what did you call me—a chiang-shih?”

  She chuckled with no mirth. “I do hate the newly dead,” she mumbled. “No moron. He will perform a ritual, sending your sorry ass to hell.” She rose from her seat and walked over to her bookcase. She moved books aside and shuffled through the magazines, finally pulling an issue out. She opened it up and ripped out a page. “Here,” she said handing it to him. “This is a picture of Dr. Lei. A few years ago a magazine did an article about his herbal remedies.”


  Two days ago, Jairec would have laughed at The Seer’s eerie premonition and her ill-gotten advice. Now he was living proof that creatures of the night existed, walking among the living in wait of an opportunity to strike.

  Chinatown held an annual Autumn Moon Festival, which so happened to be this weekend. If he went by what The Seer told him, this gave him three days to convince Dr. Lei to help him. He would use any means he could. He wouldn’t succumb to his fate so readily.

  When Dr. Lei never showed up to work, he began to give up hope. He jogged across the street. Since his unnatural demise, his hearing had improved, so much so that he had the urge to put earplugs in his ears. Today it would come in handy to eavesdrop and hopefully find out when the employees expected Dr. Lei.

  “Don’t forget to deliver the package your grandmother left you,” the young female employee told the woman who had opened the shop. “She said it’s a matter of life and death.”

  The woman who opened the shop shook her head. “Yes, of course it is.”

  Her voice was smooth, silky like a caress. She wore her straight, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, letting the long strands cascade down her back. She looked worried as she chewed on her lower lip. Then she sighed. “I might as well take care of the delivery now. Get it off my hands before it’s too late.”

  Jairec smiled. This could be it. Maybe he wouldn’t need Dr. Lei after all. He turned away as the woman left the shop. Life and death, a need to get it off her hands—he’d follow her and see where she led him. Maybe he should just steal the package. One small woman wouldn’t be a challenge to subdue.

  Chapter Two

  Autumn headed for Sying’s Tea Shop. The package her grandmother entrusted to her was in the white bag she carried. Chinatown buzzed with activity as the shop owners prepared for the annual Autumn Moon Festival, the festival she’d been named for since she’d been born during the festivities twenty-four years ago. She smiled with anticipation for what the weekend would bring.

  She looked forward to hearing The Tamaka Golden Sun Chinese Opera Group play. They were scheduled to perform on Saturday at the Commercial Alley stage. Grant Ave. held another stage and would host Chinese Music throughout the day. Vendors lined the streets for the tourists to sample authentic Chinese food and bubble tea drinks, while they enjoyed the dances, parades and the dim sum demonstrations. With all the small family owned businesses, Chinatown relied on tourism to make ends meet. The Autumn Moon Festival drew in large crowds. She would have her own booth where she offered her art of acupuncture. For a small fee, the tourists would be amazed how quickly a few well-placed needles would soothe their tired feet. Her grandparents had set up a booth, too.

  They ran Sinfully Sweet Bakery, known for their custard-filled creations and sugary lotus seed moon cakes. They had a booth not far from where hers was set up. Autumn learned how to bake at her grandmother’s side while being immersed into the Chinese world of history and tradition. She loved her grandparents, but missed her parents.

  Her mother, Lillian Lei hated the strict rules of her life. She’d wanted more than to work day in and day out in Chinatown. She ran away from home at seventeen and married Quinn Moon, a singer in a mediocre band visiting from Ireland. Nine months later, Autumn had been born. She inherited her mother’s thick straight hair, and her father’s Irish green eyes. For all her mother’s rashness, she and her father had been happy for the seven years they were married. They stayed a family, traveling where her father’s band played. They were never apart. Except for that night, the night her parents were taken from her.

  Autumn had a bad cold and her parents left her with a babysitter. A car accident took them away and Autumn came to live with her mother’s parents since her father’s family was long gone.

  In those first horrible years without them, Autumn used to pretend her father was one of the immortals and he’d been summoned back to the heavens and her mother had followed him there. Autumn knew it was a silly story, but as a child it made her feel better believing her parents were still alive and looking after her.

  Autumn crossed the street, avoiding the trolley that was probably on its way to one of the other scenic neighborhoods of San Francisco.

  She headed down the alleyway, planning to enter through the back door of the teashop. She raised her hand to knock, but someone grabbed her from behind and slammed her into the wall, knocking the wind out of her. Her attacker locked the thickness of his arm against her neck while his muscular body leaned against her, pinning her against the hard stone.

  “Give me the package and we won’t have any problems.”

  Autumn’s eyes widened as she stared into two sea-smoked colored eyes. She lifted the package that she was to deliver to Mr. Sying.

  He yanked it out of her hand. “Now don’t follow me or I’ll be forced to do something you’ll regret.”

  Autumn could only manage to nod her head.

nbsp; “Hey, are you okay down there?” someone yelled from the street, probably a tourist since she didn’t recognize him. He was tall and blond definitely not from Chinatown.

  It was nice to know that there were people who’d stop to help. Before she could choke out her plea, the man holding her hostage covered her mouth with his lips. She should have stopped him, bit him, did something other than let the bastard kiss her. Man, could he kiss, ravishing her lips, teeth and tongue as unapologetic as it was seductive. Logic fled and she moaned into his mouth stunned by the force, the need to have more. She kissed him back.

  When he released her, they stared into each other’s heavily lidded eyes. The air shimmered around them taunt, waiting to pull them under again. The intensity of the immediate attraction mystified her and yet she felt as if she’d been waiting for him all her life. Obviously, the sensation, the connection hadn’t gone unnoticed by him. He raked his fingers through his hair; uncertainty lit his eyes as his gaze held hers. She teetered on her feet ready to step toward him, but she drew in a rugged breath and sanity slapped her in the face. She didn’t know what crazy notion had come over her, but whatever it was, she had no intentions of repeating it. She glanced to see if her would-be-rescuer was still at the end of the alleyway. No such luck. The guy obviously thought they were lovers, sneaking away for a late afternoon tryst.

  Her attacker backed away from her further. She thought he’d say something. Threaten her more or kiss her. She’d much rather he’d kiss her. She shook her head. What in the world was she thinking? She should scream, but before she could react, he turned on his heels, fled down the shadowed alleyway and disappeared around the corner.

  Autumn stood there wondering what had just happened, but what mystified her even more was why had the stranger been so bent on stealing her grandmother’s moon cakes?


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