Sebastian: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 4)

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Sebastian: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 4) Page 7

by Chelsea Handcock

  After spending several hours going over the data, Bas decided it was time to give his brother a call and let him know he would be in the area. He also wanted to see if he knew anything about this Shelby chick. Not much happened in Defiance, Kentucky without the Ruthless Bastards MC knowing about it. They owned the town. If a stranger was there then they would have already checked them out for any possible threats.

  Sitting down on his bed, Bas dial his brother. The phone only rang one time before he heard, "Holy Shit, as I live and breathe. Big brother has finally decided to grace me with a call.”

  Bas liked to think that he was close to his brothers, but the truth was, they were acquaintances merely related by blood. Growing up, their old man decided it was better to keep them away from Bas and his Shifter genetics. The three younger brothers were all one hundred percent human. Bas had never told them about his bear and never planned on it. They were safer that way. But he still liked to hang out with them from time to time and relive the few pleasant childhood memories he had of the times they spent with each other.

  Chuckling Bas said, "Give it up, Link. You know you love hearing from me."

  "Sure do, cuz that means your tight ass has decided it’s time to cut loose and live on the wild side for a little while. When should we be expecting you?"

  Typical Link, cutting straight to the chase, Bas thought to himself.

  "Oh man, come on. I don’t only call when I’m planning a visit. Shit, didn’t I just call you on Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day?" Bas laughed.

  The day mentioned was Link’s birthday, but none of them ever called and said “Happy Birthday” to each other. No, what they did was find the weirdest holiday for the day they were born and wished them a happy that day. It was lame but also funny as hell.

  "Yeah, I almost forgot about that. So, what’s up, you coming down?"

  "Yeah, I have a case I’m working that is going to put me smack dab in the middle of your area."

  "Anything me or the Club should be worried about?"

  “No man, just some chick NAC is checking out. She may have ties to something we are working on, but nothing that should bring you any trouble."

  "If you have a name, I could check into it for you, even have the guys do a little digging," Link suggested.

  "I’d appreciate it. The chick’s name is Shelby Thomas, but no need to look further. If you don’t know her, I’ll be there sometime tomorrow to check it out for myself. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

  "Sorry man, don’t know a Shelby Thomas. There is a chick here working for Tuck right now that goes by the name Pixie, and I think she has a cousin with her. But I just got back into town after a long job, and I haven’t gotten all the ins and outs yet. I can ask around, though."

  "Yeah, let me know what you find out. I should be there around noon tomorrow sometime. Maybe you can save me some leg work. After all, I think you still owe me for that information I spotted you on that cartel that was thinking about doing runs through your area."

  "Cartel my ass! Those fuckers consisted of five junkies looking to put up a meth lab. Fuckers didn’t even know what they were doing. Almost got my ass blown up breaking that shit up."

  "Doesn’t matter you still owe me,” Bas joked. “Gotta say though, watching those fuckers scatter like cockroaches, tweaking, running around your ass like you were light bulb was some funny shit. Didn’t plan on them forgetting to turn off the stove when they made a run for it. I freeze framed the look on your face and have it right next to my bed. It makes me laugh every night. Never knew big bad Lincoln Frost would be afraid of touching some scrawny tweakers. I’m surprised that you didn’t go there in full battle rattle. Maybe Tuck should start supplying you guys with HazMat suits instead of leathers."

  "Whatever, asshole. Tweakers are no joke; you never know what you're gonna catch if one gets a hold of your ass. Some shit just doesn't wash off."

  "Yeah, I get that,” Bas said still laughing but trying to hold it back. “Are Collin and Zander in town too?"

  "Yep, it will be a complete family reunion. Why don’t you bring Peyton and her man down with you and then the whole family can be together.”?

  "No can do this time, bro. You’re just going to have to deal with me this time. Maybe next time I can bring Peyton and Wyatt down."

  "Sounds good see you tomorrow, Bas."

  "Yep, see you then."

  Hanging up, Bas laid back on his bed. It was really late or really early depending on what you were thinking. He had a little over two hours to get his shit packed and meet up with Cash and Ryleigh for the flight. Bas was surprised that Jacks was letting Ryleigh out of his sight, even just for a day or two and he hadn’t been in on the whys of this trip. He knew she was going to meet up with Mia for some medical testing that could not be performed at Alpha’s base, but hadn’t been privy to what that testing involved.

  Everyone had been walking around on eggshells waiting for Ryleigh to go into labor. But when first five and half months passed and then six, they were all pretty confident the baby she was carrying was human. Maybe that was why Jacks was okay with her leaving to get these tests run at this stage of her pregnancy, because she still had several more months to go.

  Bas wasn't sure how he would handle all that, especially when and if he had to stay behind while his mate left. But Bas was pretty sure he wouldn’t be handling it as well as Jacks seemed to be. At least Cash would be with her at all times, and now Bas wouldn’t be that far away either if shit hit the fan. There were still too many people interested in Ryleigh and the women of The Holly Group. Bas hated to think about what would happen if something did go wrong with this trip.

  Letting his eyes drift shut, one question was still on his mind: who was Skylar Thomas and what did she have to do with all of this? Her name appeared in the file, and it was apparent that she supported Shelby Thomas. Link had mentioned that Tuck was working with a girl named Pixie. Where they the same person? The file did say that she built bikes, so it was a distinct possibility. He wondered what she looked like, imagining a big, sturdy, manly girl. Bas hadn’t met many female mechanics, but he couldn’t imagine them as being attractive in any way

  He couldn’t see the Shelby chick ever getting dirty and working on bikes. She exuded princess like no other. He also wondered why this Sky person was taking care of her and had been for so long. Family was family. He would do anything for his blooded or chosen, but they would never take advantage like the chick in the file seemed to do. Then again, why did he even care or want to know? Pixie wasn’t his target, so what she looked like didn’t matter. Letting it go he decided he would soon find out.

  He didn’t have time to think about useless shit or the odd woman in the file. Skylar wasn’t his target and didn’t play into any of what was going on with NAC or The Holly Group. Deciding sitting around wasn't getting him anywhere, Bas rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, sat up, and got out of bed. He didn’t have time to sleep right now. He needed to make sure his go-bag was prepped and ready for his assignment. It contained everything he would need for the upcoming mission.

  Bas went to his closet and pulled out some things to take on the trip. He also pulled out his go-bag. It held everything he would ever need; a first aid kit, weapons, clothing, GPS, money, and identification and credentials. All good soldiers had go-bags, and this one had saved him more times than Bas could count. He hadn't used it since the last mission. Bas knew the contents were sound but he still added a couple of t-shirts and a few pairs of socks and some clean underwear just to be safe. No one wanted to run around in dirty drawers and smelly socks. Then he sat down and once again got to work looking into one Shelby Thomas.

  Chapter 6

  After a couple of hours, Bas left his room and met up with Cash and Ryleigh. Both of them were waiting in the kitchen. Ryleigh with her jumbo mug of coffee and Cash working at the stove. It was still early, but Bas knew other members of the Team would soon be filing in, ready to get the day started.
r />   “Hey, little sister, you ready for this adventure?” Bas asked.

  Usually, he wouldn’t have bugged her until she had finished her coffee, but Bas as excited and wanted to get this mission on the road as soon as possible. Or at least before Wyatt and Peyton made their usual morning appearance. He wanted to leave on a good note and having to hold back his bear would hamper that.

  Ryleigh didn’t answer so he turned his attention to Cash. "Hey man, what time are we going to be heading out?"

  "Soon,” Cash replied. “I already put mine and Rye’s stuff by the door. I wanted her to eat before we took off. Jacks is on the phone with Mia right now firming up our plans. Once he gets back, we can be on our way. You have your stuff ready or do you need to do that now?"

  "No, I’m good, did it last night after the meeting. I left it in my room and it will only take me a second to grab it and go once you two are ready. Are we using the airstrip here or driving down to Travers?"

  "Here, the weather is holding, and the tarmac is clear."

  Bas was happy to hear that. The weather in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was iffy at best in February. The fact that they were experiencing warmer than normal temperature and a lack of snow was a miracle for this time of the year. Bas made his own cup of coffee and stole a couple of the pieces of bacon Cash had just fried before sitting down at the table.

  Jacks came in, grabbed Ryleigh, and planted a hotter than hell kiss on her lips. Bas got up from the table and decided the wallpaper was a better place to look. Those two went at it often and in front of everyone, but it still sometimes shocked Bas. He thought those moments were meant to be private. Cash must have felt the same way because he was once again in front of the stove with his back to the room. Bas was just about to excuse himself when he heard Jacks say, "You guys are all set."

  He didn’t wait for any type of acknowledgment from any of them and started a sit-rep right in the kitchen.

  "Weather is good all the way down to Kentucky. Mia and Carter will meet all of you at the airstrip once you have landed. I’ve instructed them to bring a vehicle for Bas. Once you arrive in Kentucky, Cash, Ryleigh, Mia, and Carter will depart and move on to Urban Oaks. It is one of the Holly Group’s private medical facilities, if inquiring minds are interested. Bas will take the vehicle provided by Carter and head on out to Defiance, Kentucky."

  "Mia said that the testing will start upon arrival at the medical facility, but should conclude by evening. She wants Ryleigh to stay for observation for 24 hours. She also asked if Ryleigh would be willing to remain a couple of days longer to help with the tranquilizer analysis. I told her it was up to you, babe,” Jacks said looking at Ryleigh.

  "I don’t like the idea, but I will leave that decision up to you,” he continued. “I would feel more comfortable if your ass was safely planted here at Alpha, but I can’t deny the urgency in identifying the drug in those darts. Whatever Pandora put in those tranquilizers needs to be discovered, and a countermeasure developed immediately."

  "If we are going to keep on storming their bases, our guys can’t be put out for the count. I for one never want to experience the loss of my beast. The fucker might be prickly, but he is mine. Having that part ripped away for even a little while means that they could develop something in the future to permanently remove our abilities. That can’t ever happen."

  Ryleigh nodded and said, "I will let you know. I don’t want to make any decisions until I see what they have. I might be able to help, but then again, I might not. I don’t want to be away longer than a day or two, so I will call you later and let you know what is going on."

  "Sounds like a plan, baby. Cash, you okay if this turns into more than a one day trip?"

  "Yeah, my reports are up to date, and I need to have a meeting with Carter anyways,” Cash responded. “Rumor has it that there is an unknown Shifter out there claiming to be my family. I’m not putting any stock into it, but I want to hear what Carter has to say and get a description and a general whereabouts of the guy if possible."

  "That is news to me," Jacks said" but keep me up to date. Wyatt can provide tech support if needed, just let us know."

  "Will do," Cash said as he placed a plate of food down in front of the now sitting Ryleigh.

  "Bas, your job is simple; observe Shelby Thomas and report back,” Jacks stated. “If she is a plant, I don’t expect them to be putting up a neon sign to advertise the fact. I want to know her movements, the people she hangs out with, and whatever else you can dig up. If you get a chance, a hair follicle for testing won't go unappreciated, if you know what I mean. But I want contact to remain limited."

  Bas nodded his head in acknowledgment.

  "All right people. As much as I would like to delay this mission further, you need to get a move on, at least while the weather is holding. I only want clear skies ahead for this trip. Come on, babe, eat up, and I will help you get your coat and shit."

  Ryleigh didn’t eat, only taking the toast and filling a travel mug with more coffee. She then followed Jacks out of the kitchen. Cash was shaking his head at Ryleigh’s antics. Bas took her barely touched plate and started to shovel the food into his mouth.

  Bas was thinking about the conversation that had just happened. Cash had been keeping things from all of them. There wasn’t any reason to, but what surprised him the most was that he had kept that information about a possible relative from Jacks. They had been best friends since birth. Once Bas cleared Ryleigh’s plate, he took it to the sink rinsing it off and putting it in the dishwasher. He turned to Cash and asked, “Man, you doing okay?”

  The problem with being a Shifter was that your senses were enhanced and you could smell things like sickness or basic emotions. Right now, Cash was putting off vibes of both. None of them did the emotional shit. They were men. But if a brother was in trouble, they all had each other’s backs. It seemed Cash was possibly in the same state as Bas was right now.

  "I’m fine, man, just dealing with some shit, same as you,” Cash admitted. “How about we blow this popsicle stand and fly to greener pastures? Or at least less snow covered ones. I for one am looking forward to a little sunshine."

  "Sounds good. Lead the way, brother," Bas suggested.

  Bas and Cash made their way to the front door to find Ryleigh standing there alone.

  "Hey Rye, where did Jacks take off to?" Cash asked.

  "The safe room," she said with a defeated expression on her face.

  "Ah, why did he go to the safe room, honey?" Cash asked.

  Bas was already reaching for the hidden compartment in the wall to retrieve a weapon. Ryleigh put her hand on his before he could open the compartment.

  "It’s not like that, Bas,” she assured. “He just said it was better this way. His bear doesn’t want me to go," Ryleigh said with tears in her eyes.

  "Aw shit, honey," Bas said, hugging her close, "it's going to be okay. You know that, right?"

  "Yeah, he took Ethan with him, and he is using some of his “stuff” to keep him restrained."

  Bas pushed Ryleigh back out of his arms and quickly looked to Cash. Ethan was heavily into the BDSM scene. They both got shit-eating grins on their faces and started storming towards Jacks office that held the safe room. If Jacks was strung up like some kind of sacrifice, they both wanted to see it, maybe even take pictures.

  Dalton was standing at the entrance to the hall and stopped them by holding out his hand. " I know you both want to see this," he said smiling," but I am under strict orders to make you follow through with the plan as stated. Ryleigh needs to be on her way and in the air in less than an hour. Otherwise all three of you are grounded for the foreseeable future."

  Bas and Cash stood there for a second weighing their options. Bas needed to get away from Alpha but seeing this might just be worth the crap his bear pulled for staying. Cash seemed to have the same indecision on his mind. Ryleigh cured that by crying, "Please, I don’t want to hurt him. Can we please just go?"

  Bas and Cash di
d the only thing they could; they followed Ryleigh out of the lodge and into the awaiting SUV. She was still crying softly to herself when Cash got in the driver side, started the SUV, and put the vehicle in drive. The measures Jacks took so that Ryleigh could have something she needed proved how much he truly cared for her. Bas was kind of in awe of the man at that moment.

  The trip to the airstrip was fast because it was only about thirty miles away from the Alpha base. Jacks had hired a friend of Ryleigh’s, Ollie, to manage and maintain the building and vehicles. He also took care of the grounds and the airstrip. He was retired from the military and his wife had wanted a pretty place to spend the rest of their lives, her words, not Bas’. The Upper Peninsula was surely all that, at least most of the year. That was, if you liked snow, then all the year.

  Jacks and Rye had bought the couple a lake house as part of the compensation package. Ollie had served for twenty-five years and the Army repaid him by booting his ass due to age, which they all felt was a bunch of crap. The guy could run circles around them any day of the week. He reminded Bas of the energizer bunny.

  Ollie was the best mechanic, or jack-of-all-trades, any of them had seen in a while. The military was stupid to have let go such a talent for something as stupid as age. The other thing in Ollie's favor was that he knew how to keep his mouth shut, never questioning them about missions they were coming back for or leaving to go to from the airstrip. The only exceptions had to do with the maintenance of the airstrip, vehicles. or grounds. Then the man could talk your ear off. He either talked about the weather, fishing, boating, or football. If they came in from a mission and forgot themselves, which didn’t happen often but occasionally, shit just happened. Then Ollie was nowhere to be found.


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