Deviance Becomes Her

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Deviance Becomes Her Page 5

by Mallory West

  “No!” Conrad placed his hand on her arm. She looked down at his hand and he quickly took it back. His eyes tried to convey an apology. “I mean, no, no need to wake him. It can wait. So did you enjoy yourself on the boat?” He asked casually and relaxed back on the lounge. This may take a bit of time, he thought with slight concern.

  “I did. It was…well, different. I’ve been thinking about it a lot since we got back.” She shifted her butt a little on the lounge. This man had been inside of her, licking her pussy, doing things to her she had never imagined. She should not be feeling uncomfortable, but Conrad did that to her, made her feel uneasy being alone with him. She reached for her glass and took a sip.

  “So when are you and your friend heading back home?” he feigned interest.

  Conrad lounged beside her, listening to her talk about L.A. as if he gave a shit. He nodded his head at the appropriate times, letting her ramble on about her job and such. What a good-looking cunt, he thought to himself. I need the opportunity to slip this into her glass. Dammit! Do something!

  “Hey! I don’t mean to be a pain, but would you mind getting me a glass of water? Is that what you're having, or is it spiked?” He indicated with sly grin and a nod of his head towards her frosty glass.

  “Oh sure, it’s just water. Give me a sec.” She rose to go into the house. Once she disappeared through the glass door, he made his move, furtively pulling the packet of prepared powder from his pocket and pouring it into her glass. He lay back innocently on the lounge waiting for his water.

  “Here ya go,” said Pam, handing the tall glass over to Conrad. She kept her cover up gathered in the front so he wouldn’t get a peek at her body.

  “Thank you so much.” He raised his glass to her. “Toast? To the next party? If by chance you and Barbie make it back sometime for another visit.”

  “Yes.” She raised her glass to his. “I think we’d like that a lot.” They both took a healthy sip.

  Conrad lay next to her snatching glances at the second floor of the mansion. He wondered how much time he had left. She had taken a few more sips of her water. Maybe he should just go for it…get her out to the driveway.

  “Say, I just bought a new car, would you like to see it? Let me know what you think of the color? I think I may have gone a bit overboard on the red.”

  “Um…I don’t know…um, sure....”

  Conrad was on alert. Were her words slurred? “Let’s go.” He stood up close to her. She rose and started to fall back, but he caught her arm tightly. “Whoa there, too much sun?” He asked quietly, determined not to let go.

  She did not say a word, just looked at him with slightly fuzzy eyes.

  “Come on.” Conrad quickly led her across the yard to the gate, and she did not resist. It can’t be this easy, he thought to himself with glee.

  He got her around to the passenger side, opened the door, and shoved her in. She crumpled over onto her side. It was done! He shut the door and dashed around to the driver’s side, hopped in, and off they went!

  Conrad was sweating bullets as he drove nervously to his house. His plan was taking shape quickly. No turning back!

  * * *


  Barbie woke and stretched. What time was it? She was hungry. James was still snoring softly on his back. Pam was gone. She looked for a clock and saw one on the mantel of the stone fireplace. It was past six! She had slept for more than two hours!

  She decided to let James sleep and would go ahead and rummage through the refrigerator for a bite to tide her over. Pam was probably watching TV. She found some sliced cheese and went in search for some crackers or chips in the pantry. It’s very quiet in here, she thought as she spotted a box of Multi-grain crackers.

  She took her snack on a small plate into the living room and found it empty. No Pam. She sat on the sofa and ate her cheese and crackers wondering what to do next. James had promised dinner. Then what? Do they stay here the rest of their trip? They were scheduled to go home in a few days. Maybe it would be all right to just stay here; after all, he had invited them. She was sure there would be more sex and she could definitely go for that! Now where in the hell was Pam? It was too quiet!

  She heard the sound of footsteps on the curved stairway. Looking towards the foyer she expected to see Pam, but it was James, rubbing his eyes, looking disheveled in the same shorts and polo he had been wearing.

  “I’m still beat, guess I am feeling my age,” he laughed and looked around. “Where’s Pam?”

  “That’s what I was going to ask you! I’ve been down here for over twenty minutes and haven’t seen her. I did peek out the window to see if she was at the pool.”

  “Hmmmm, I wonder if she took a walk or something? I’m hungry and I’m going to call out for dinner. I don’t feel like going out.”

  “Okay,” replied Barbie, as a twinge of concern flashed through her. Maybe something was wrong?

  * * *

  It was a struggle to stay awake. Pam had tried to fight Conrad as he half carried her onto the yacht, but she was still too weak from the effects of whatever it was he had given her. She was slightly disturbed, thinking, why was he doing this? But all she wanted to do was sleep.

  Once he had her on board his yacht, he picked her up, carrying her unresisting body into one of the bedrooms where he restrained her wrists with leather cuffs, chained to the rosewood bedposts.

  Pam tried to figure out what was going on, but her mind went from blank to clarity every few moments. She rattled the chains, but found it futile for escape. Conrad looked down upon her as she sighed, giving up. She just wanted to close her eyes and drift.

  He did not speak as he leaned over her, noticing she was cognizant. Lewdly, he dragged his flat, wet tongue up from her jaw line to the cheekbone, back down, and then across her parted pink lips.

  “You and I are going to get to know one another very well by the time I am through with you,” he said in a menacing tone. He began to unbutton her sheer swimsuit cover up with quivering, thick fingers.

  Pam slowly turned her head away from him and gave up on trying to keep her eyes open. She did not have a care in the world.

  * * *

  James was pacing around the living room, running his hands through his hair every so often. Hours had passed; it was after ten in the evening. They knew something had happened to Pam. Her iPhone and handbag were upstairs. Nothing was missing, just her!

  James thought hard. What could have happened to her…if she had woke early where would she have gone? She did not know the area; she would have stayed close to home. No, something had happened. Someone met her, or knows her…someone.

  He made calls to his ‘group’. No one had seen her. They had all left together; at least that is what they claimed. The one person he could not reach was Conrad.

  A flicker of concern danced in his gut. Something about Conrad…what was it? They’d had a conversation weeks ago about his finances and he had not seemed that depressed, just said he would be able to handle everything in good time.

  James knew about his proclivities with sadism and that tended to worry him about Conrad’s being in the group. However, he never crossed the line. Still…the gnawing grew in his belly.

  “Let’s take a ride,” he told Barbie, who was still in her bikini, sitting stiffly on the sofa.

  “Can I change clothes?” she asked.

  “No. Let’s go!” he retorted sharply, searching for his keys.

  * * *


  James pulled up in front of Conrad’s home. The iron gates were shut. The front lights burned in the night lighting up the expansive porch area. The rest of the house appeared dark.

  “Who lives here?” asked Barbie softly, looking out the car window.

  “Conrad Wooten…you know him as Dick.” He craned his neck as he tried to figure out a way to get onto the property. “Let’s get out and go around the back.”

  The side of the property was lush with tropica
l plants as were most of the homes on this street. They reached the backyard, which had an iron fence similar to James’s. However, there was an expanse of empty property between Conrad and his neighbor.

  Perfect! He thought as he grabbed Barbie’s hand and they trekked down to the water’s edge. No need to try and get onto Conrad’s property; they could see the private dock was empty, save for a couple of pieces of what looked like men’s clothing possibly left behind in a hurry. The Paper Tiger was out to sea.

  * * *

  Back at home, James finally figured out what must have gone down. He knew Pam was with Conrad on that yacht. For what reason?

  Playing back the times he had conversations with Conrad, he realized the man was planning to disappear! Thought of as a wild imagination or a dream, James had never taken Conrad’s musings seriously. He felt hugely responsible and decided he must bring Pam back; his problem was he just had to figure out where they were headed.

  “Barb, please sit down and have a stiff drink or something, you’re making me nervous with your pacing,” James said sharply.

  “Sorry, I just feel helpless.” She replied running a shaky hand through her long hair, twisting it into a side ponytail nervously. This can’t be happening! We’re due to go home in a few days. Now what?

  She went to the bar and poured herself a shot of vodka. James would fix this. He was in control and she had to hold that thought or go crazy. She needed to call her boss in the morning and inform him of what was going on.

  James had heard Conrad speak of Cartagena a few times and that was where he said he would go to live if his dream came true. He said he was really thinking about it seriously if he could not get the Feds off his back for tax reasons. He would go there and start over. Cartagena and other coastal towns were havens for sex trafficking and quite popular as a sex tourism destination.

  James never knew what Conrad meant by ‘if his dream came true’ exactly, for why would he want to involve himself in something illegal and dangerous? Organized criminal networks and gangs were known to even force their own relatives into involuntary prostitution and illegal drug trade.

  Perhaps he meant just to visit these places…but from what James knew about Conrad, which was not that much, he knew he had some strange proclivities and also sensed him to be dangerous. However, he did not think Conrad used drugs, at least not regularly.

  James knew all about the drug trade, as he had done a few drug runs from the Keys to Panama for a guy he’d met in a bar some years ago. The swarthy Columbian, Eduardo, sought him out due to his ownership of Pleasure, and became quite good friends. Eduardo finally convinced him, under the guise of a ‘luxury cruising vacation’ on his beautiful yacht, that smuggling a large cache of cocaine would be a piece of cake.

  James, who thrived on living on the edge, thought this would be an exciting addition to the growing chapters in his life. He had always liked to explore the dangerous side of life, and this certainly topped the cake at this point. However, he figured any more than three runs; he was more than likely to be nabbed by the Coast Guard, so he stopped the illegal activity.

  That’s when Michael, Juan, and Manny came into the picture, hired on to crew his yacht. No one knew they were well-trained bodyguards, adept in martial arts and crack shots as well.

  Growing older, James found himself slowing down on taking such unwise risks. As for the sex trade, he had indulged many times over the years, even into the vile depths of sexual depravity.

  Columbia had many underground sex clubs where boundaries were prohibited. You could do what you liked to anyone you paid for, as long as you did not eradicate them in the process. But that was not for James’s particular tastes.

  However, the secreted dungeons he had visited, sometimes with Cashmere at his side, provided a hotbed of sadism and masochism, where one could ply their skills in extreme pleasures and pain. He would never forget those extraordinary experiences.

  * * *


  Sitting at the large cherry wood dining room table, James set about making plans of what needed to be done, while Barbie nursed another stiff drink.

  He sat there running scenarios through his head trying to make sense of the pieces, talking and mumbling to himself. “Cartagena, sex, vacations, trouble with IRS, he was willing to live his dream and leave everything behind...Pam.” He looked up at Barbie and announced, “They have to be headed for Columbia. I just know it.” She just looked at him with hopeless eyes.

  “I’ll never see her again,” Barbie said sadly, finally letting this entire craziness sink in. Why, oh why, did they ever come here? She took another long sip of her drink hoping to increase her buzz quickly.

  “Don’t be pessimistic…I think we can get her back, nothing’s over until we’ve tried every angle. I’m going to go after Conrad. I know the route to take…Pleasure is a much faster vessel and I just may be able to catch them,” he said more to himself than to Barbie as he rose to get his nautical charts out to plan his route.

  His next move was to call in his crew.

  * * *

  Barbie made the call to her boss around late morning California time. She told him about the disappearance, and what James suspected. He was going to do all he could to bring her back, should that be the situation. They really did not know for sure; anyone could have taken her.

  Bob Tremont was shocked to hear this news and since there was really nothing he could do at his end, he wished them all the best in James’s endeavors and to please keep him posted. He would let the other employees know the situation.

  Barbie hated hanging up the phone; it seemed like her only lifeline to sanity. She was wishing like mad they could turn back time. They never would have come here.

  “Would you like some lunch, Señorita?” asked Marta, the Cuban housekeeper. She was a sweet, middle-aged woman, who had been with James for over ten years. Barbie found her comforting since she was basically alone in this huge home.

  “Alright, I'll have whatever it is you’ve got prepared…I’m not all that hungry, Marta, thank you,” Barbie replied, looking longingly out the window at the sea.

  * * *

  Michael, Juan, and Manny showed up at the mansion around eight the next morning. These fine men drop everything they are doing when James puts out the call to band together. Either it’s to operate the Pleasure for another extreme sex party, or it could be James needed their artful skills for something more ominous.

  They never asked questions, for they were paid quite handsomely. They liked the job for its perks as well, because often times, they were able to secretly indulge in observing the deviant behavior of these crazy rich people. Therefore, they were always more than happy to crew for James whenever he beckoned them.

  * * *


  Conrad was fixing himself a filling breakfast with one of the instant meals of which he had a whole cabinet full. He would take some food in to Pam in a bit, as she was probably still out like a light.

  He smiled to himself as he thought about last night…the delicious things he did to that luscious body…he shivered in evil delight and licked his lips again in that lizard-like fashion that people who noticed, disliked. He indulged himself with the memory:

  Pam had been out since he had drugged her earlier that day. Conrad had released her bonds and stripped her bare; exposing her lovely tanned litheness to his lustful gaze. Then he put the leather cuffs back on.

  With her arms raised above her head, her tits appeared to thrust out…as though anticipating his touch. He reached out and pinched a nipple eliciting from her a small yelp of pain. He spread her limp legs apart and lifted her knees, letting them fall open revealing her succulent cunt.

  His breathing became harsh as he dragged his manicured fingertips up one leg to her soft thigh, getting closer to that gaping, unconscious pussy.

  With his other hand, he separated her lower lips even wider and pulled up the skin revealing her clit, stretching the tissu
es for even more exposure. Her clit bud was poking out. Even in her semi-conscious state, her body was reacting.

  He rubbed his finger up and down the slit, making it moist so he could slip a middle finger inside. Pam’s hips thrust up a little bit…wanting more. He finger fucked her for several minutes, grunting and groaning, as he watched her cunt tissues flower out.

  He fucked her harder with his digit, keeping her pussy held open wide. Pam’s body began to gently hunch up to meet his strokes. He circled all around her clit, avoiding it, just circling; firmer and firmer, he massaged all the sensitive nerve endings. Pam moaned once, but never opened her eyes.

  He suddenly left her. He went to the large armoire and opened the doors. Inside was a warehouse full of various sex toys and odd-looking tools, lubricants and lotions. He turned to look at Pam with her eyes still closed; gently thrusting her pussy as though searching for his missing digit.

  Conrad decided on the item of the hour.

  He climbed onto the bed and pushed Pam’s thighs wider. She moaned and her eyes opened and looked at him. He let her watch. He took the nine-inch black dildo and ran it around her opening for a few seconds, followed by shoving it in all the way.

  Pam’s mouth flew open in a silent scream. Conrad appeared before her as a fat, pink and white whale of a man, sweating, and grunting, as he watched the fake phallus fill her. She watched his arm piston the dick in and out mercilessly as she pulled hard on her bonds.

  Conrad was not a good Dom; he was a vicious man. He did not care about ‘safe words’ or trust. He took what he wanted, and after participating in the snuffing out of that woman’s life a few years ago, something had shifted in his brain.

  He thought back to that insanely lustful night.


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