Dear Gage: A Short Story (Love Letters)

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Dear Gage: A Short Story (Love Letters) Page 3

by KL Donn


  He’s the only one they’ve told me about having any problems with. Stepping down from my pickup, I cross the street, ready to tell this son of a bitch to piss off, when her startled eyes meet mine. I hadn’t sent her a picture of me, so I don’t know how she recognizes me, but she does.

  “Gage.” She’s nearly breathless as tears pool in her gold eyes, and she walks away from Jack and down the steps.

  I ignore the other man as she stops in front of me, amazement and wonder shine in the pools of her eyes. An electric pull has me gripping her hip in one hand while the other latches onto the back of her neck, pulling her into my body as I lean down towards her.

  “Paisley,” I murmur against her lips before taking possession of them. They’re soft like silk. She’s delicate like spun glass. When her hands reach for my biceps with a tightening grip, I know we’ll be okay in time.

  Our tongues tangle right there in the street, and a blast of kinetic energy races through me when she moans my name. She steps closer, melding our bodies together, and only the thought of her bastard ex pulls me free from the trance she’s weaved around us.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” He roars, and I hear his steps getting closer.

  I have to tear my lips from hers, only to see a dazed look in her honey eyes. Nipping her bottom lip, I tell her, “Later, Paisley.” I love the sound of her name falling from my mouth.

  She bites the same lip I just did and nods her head, turning to face Jack.

  “Who the hell is this, Paisley?” The other man snarls.

  Before she can answer, I step forward, my body ready to tangle. “I’m her fucking man. What the hell do you want?”

  Amusement replaces his anger. “She ain’t got no man. I’d have known.”

  “That ‘cause you’re stalking her?” For fifteen years, I’ve been in hell on earth, I know how fuckers like him think.

  “No,” he blusters, “she and Tommy never mentioned some has-been soldier in their lives.” His eyes wash over my uniform in disdain.

  “Has-been?” My laughter is harsh in his face. Filled with malice, not amusement. He’s uneasy on his feet now. Good. “If a has-been means protecting my country, then sure I am. Care to tell me why you put your hands on my girl? Ever think they didn’t tell you about me because they knew you’d get meaner, really fill out your pansy-ass shoes, and show your true colors as a woman beater? Did it ever occur to you that they would have a protector? Someone who would come back and beat you into the ground like you deserve?”

  Shock renders him speechless for a moment, and I can see my threat has him thinking through his response. “That’s my kid. You can’t keep me from him.” Pussy.

  “I don’t need to. Tommy can make his own choices. But let me tell you something now. If you ever want to see him from here on out, it’ll go through me. You will never have contact with Paisley again.” This wuss will never touch my woman again.

  “You can’t do that,” he snaps.

  “I can. And I will. You will see, as soon as they say yes, I’ll be adopting Tommy as my own. Which means I get all the say. This is my family, not yours. You gave up any rights you might have ever had the moment you bitched out and ran away. They’re mine now.” I snarl in his face to drive the point home.

  “You can’t do that unless I give up rights.” His voice is uncertain.

  “You’re not on the birth certificate, Jack. Tomas is mine.” Paisley speaks up from beside me, her little hand slipping into mine with a firm grip.

  Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, I kiss her temple before turning my glare back on the asshole. “From this day forward, it will be solely Tommy’s choice to see you. Any and all contact will go through me. If I ever find out you’ve gone behind my back to harass either of them, I will end you, Jack.”

  “Is that a threat?” His chest puffs out like he could do something to me.

  I step forward so we’re nose to nose and murmur, “It’s a fucking promise. I will make you disappear.” Menace laces my voice.

  Shooting us each a glare, he walks away pissed off, but I think I’ve driven the point home. After Paisley informed us that Jack wasn’t on Tommy’s birth certificate, it was one of the few things I hadn’t been able to get off my mind. Of course, I’d meant to talk to her in private before announcing it.


  He’s here. I can’t help the sigh that leaves my lips. Gage came. My bickering with Jack was getting on my nerves, then out of nowhere, he was there. Watching, waiting. My body sang. I don’t know how I knew it was Gage, I just innately did.

  He’s huge, easily a foot taller than me. With dark brown hair and the warmest chocolate brown eyes I’ve ever seen.

  When he kissed me, I nearly melted. I experienced everything he said he’d been feeling in his last few notes. The longing and uncertainty. The relief to be in his arms.

  The way he told Jack off, claimed my son and me without a thought, it made the distance and silence vanish. I was no longer angry at him. I knew he had a reason for losing touch.

  “Are you okay?” His hands on my neck are soft.

  “You’re here,” I whisper in awe.

  His smile, dimples on both cheeks, reaches his eyes to crinkle in the corners. They shine with happiness. “I told you I was coming for you, Paisley.” His smile dims. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to get here.”

  Looking down at the reminder, I resolve myself to ask him, “What happened?” Afraid of the answer. Emotion making my voice crack.

  “Oh, Paisley,” he lifts my chin, “sweet as a fucking Daisy.” Our lips meet in a small kiss. Our foreheads touch as he pulls back slightly. “There was an attack.” My eyes widen in shock. “We barely made it out. I was shot– “

  “Are you alright?” I interrupt before he can finish.

  “It was touch and go for a bit, but I am now. After debriefings and recovery, we were always on the go. I’m truly sorry I couldn’t get in touch. I would never abandon you two, and I know you were both thinking I did.”

  “But you’re okay?” I can’t seem to focus on anything other than he was shot and could have died, and we never would have known what happened to him. My heart is pounding so heavily I can see my shirt rise and fall.

  His arms wrap around me in comfort. He embraces my panic. “I’m not going back, Paisley.” My body freezes at his words. “I realized I could have lost you guys before I ever got to have you, and I won’t risk that again. I’m retired from active duty and saddled to a desk.” He leans back to look me in the eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, ever again, baby.”

  It’s with that reassurance that we go pick Tommy up from his friend’s. Gage intent on fulfilling every promise he made to us both and proving he’s in it for the long haul.


  “Tommy! Your mom’s here.” Cassie’s mom yells for me as we’re playing in her backyard.

  “Oh man. I was supposed to be able to stay all day!” Smacking the dirt off my knees, I sulk as I walk to the front door, Cassie right behind me. “Mom, you said–” I pause when I see a man with her.

  The next thing I know heavy arms are wrapped around me, tears are streaming down my face, and he’s whispering in my ear, “I’m sorry, kid. So damn sorry.”

  “You didn’t write me back! You left us!” I scream, trying to pound my tiny fists against his chest. It just hurts so bad.

  “Hey,” he pulls away to grip my cheeks in both his huge hands, “it won’t ever happen again. I ain’t going nowhere now.”

  “You promised,” I say weakly. I hear Mom sniffle and see she’s crying, too. I’ve said some really mean things to her lately.

  “My promise is my bond, kiddo. I’m here to stay.” I look back at Gage; I want to believe him.

  “What happened?” I ask. I need to know why he abandoned me, too.

  “Let’s go home and talk about it, sweetheart.” Mom looks a mess.

  “See you later, Cassie!” I call as we walk out to Ga
ge’s truck.

  Chapter Nine


  Contentment flows through me as I watch Paisley hustle around the kitchen making Tommy’s favorite, homemade pizza. Apparently, the kid can’t get enough of it.

  “Okay, how ‘bout this one… When's the best time to go to the dentist?” Tommy smiles like he’s got me beat.

  I’ve got this one figured out, however. “Tooth hurty?”

  “Darn it!”

  “I got one for you, master riddler. What do you call a sad strawberry?” I ask.

  “A blueberry!” Paisley answers.

  “Mom!” Tommy groans.

  I can’t help laughing at the glare he shoots her way. This kid is damn adorable. I couldn’t be more satisfied than I am right now when they both burst out laughing.

  “It’s the only one I know.” She grins at us but continues kneading the dough.

  Watching her move around the room and joking with Tommy, it’s all I’ve ever wanted in life. They complete me in a way I never understood until now.

  Tommy may not be my blood, but he was damn sure mine. Just as soon as I could make it happen. Paisley and I have a lot of getting to know each other to do, but we have years to figure that out.

  While the pizza cooks, we sit outside on her small deck and play cards. Simple, yet everything. We seemed to have found an effortless fit with the three of us. I’m sure there’s going to be learning curves. There will be times where I need to back off because they’re so used to their independence, and there are going to be times they need to understand I’ll take the reins. That I’m not going anywhere.


  We’ve just put Tommy down for the night, and I’m still unsure I’m not dreaming. I expect to roll over and wake up to my alarm any minute now.

  Gage exhausted him, playing every game my son wanted to. Not once did it enter his mind he could say no. Better yet, he wanted to spend time with the eager boy. Seemed to really enjoy playing catch, showing him how to properly bait his fishing rod. They even wrestled in the front yard while I cleaned the kitchen after dinner.

  My heart is so full of joy and ready to explode with satisfaction.

  If only I don’t wake up.

  My son has smiled more in the past four hours than he has in the past four years. There’s no fear that Gage will leave him. As far as he’s concerned, the man has fulfilled his promise and will never break it again.

  My reasonable and incredibly foolish heart is terrified I’ll screw this up. Every bad decision in our lives in the past nine years were all my fault. How can I trust this will be our happily ever after?

  “Breathe, Paisley.” His whiskey-smooth voice washes over my nape as he lays a light kiss there while his arms wrap around me from behind.

  “I’m trying.” I breathe out, realizing he is right. I wasn’t breathing.

  “I could practically hear you hyperventilating from the other room.” There’s laughter and a touch of worry in his voice.

  Turning, I look up into his clear gaze, crinkles in the corners of his eyes from his smile that melts my insides. “I’m afraid you’ll leave,” I confess.

  “Seeing is believing, right?”


  “Let me reassure you. My promise to you two is golden, but let me show I’ll stick around. In time, this fear will back off, and you’ll get to fully enjoy the life we’ll have.”

  My own words thrown back at me.


  He seals it with a kiss. Searing. Hot. Intense.

  His strong arms lift me into his embrace as he takes us up to my bedroom. We collapse onto the bed in a heap. His body over mine. His hands gripping my hips as he tries to control the tension I feel rolling through him.

  “Goddamn, do I want you,” he mumbles in my neck. “Since the first picture I saw, I’ve desired you with a ferocity I can’t explain.” He pulls back to look at me. “This connection, tell me it’s not just me.”

  “It’s not,” I murmur, out of breath again, only for a much better reason.

  “Good.” His grin is devilish. He strips his shirt off over his head, and my own spins. Scars litter his chest and abs. The fresh one on his bicep catches my attention immediately.

  “Is this the one?” I ask, tracing it with a finger.


  “And it could have taken you from us?” Our gazes collide again.

  “Almost did.” His honesty scares me and wakes me up from that trance I was in earlier.

  “Make me yours, Gage.” I lean up on my elbows and kiss the middle of his chest as he pulls my shirt up and over my head. Our clothes wind up in a pile to the side of the bed once we’re done.

  Naked bodies, heavy breaths, and exploring fingers have us tangled up in each other. I feel one hand slip between my legs, his fingers petting me lovingly as he gets me ready for his entrance. Wrapping one hand around his cock, I slowly stroke him in the same fashion his fingers are moving inside of me.

  Light kisses, slow touches, soft moans, and he’s got my body ready to blast off like a freaking rocket.


  Christ almighty, this woman. She’s going to destroy me. Her body is the perfect specimen for me to play with. She’s responsive, soft, supple. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of while staring at her pictures across the fucking world. The way she accepts me as if we’re meant to be is humbling.

  “More,” she breathes out against my neck, sending a shiver through me. Her fingers continue working their magic on my hard cock. Pulling and tightening with every stroke.

  If I didn’t want in her body so damn badly, I’d show her just how hard I really like it. “Open for me, baby.” I suck a nipple into my mouth as she does what I ask. Her thighs fall open to make room for my excited body. I can see her want as I position myself against her warm cunt.

  Her arms wrap around my biceps, nails digging into the skin as I slowly push my shaft into her wet pussy. Nothing but bliss with my girl. “So much sweeter than I ever imagined,” I mumble into her neck. My hands are flexing on her hips as I forge my way into her body.

  Her legs slowly graze my thighs as they move up to wrap around my hips, constricting as I bury myself balls deep inside of her. Her tight channel envelops my flesh; I don’t move. I savor the feeling of her warmth, the ripple of her walls as she contracts around my length.

  When she purposely squeezes around me, I bite back the groan dying to break free and grit my teeth. My body wants to take her in the most primal way. I want to leave my mark on her body, anywhere I can, everywhere I can. She’s mine, and I don’t know if she realizes what all that will entail.

  “Gage,” she whispers in my ear, “don’t hold back.”

  I push up on my elbows to look at her. Her face flush from her pleasure, a light sheen of sweat glistening on her brow, and her breathing labors. It’s then that I realize she must feel my taught muscles, the way my skin is rippling to pound into her. To take her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Her hands glide from my back, around my ribcage, and travel up to cradle my face. “I’m yours, Gage, completely. And that means you’re mine as well. Take me, Gage.”

  Spurred on by her words, my fists tangle in her hair. I sit back on my heels with Paisley in my lap and my cock buried to the hilt inside of her.

  “Ohhh.” She moans like a cat in heat.

  Her hips swivel, mine buck up into her, and in that exact moment, the cage around my lust for her is broken. One hand grips onto the base of her spine while the other pulls her head back by her glorious mane, her chest is in my face as I grind the base of my cock against her swollen nub. Her frame undulates with her desire in my hold.

  My thrusts are harsh as she continues to groan, ripping a growl from my throat. I know I sound more beast than man. When I feel her body tense and a gush of liquid floods my cock, I know she’s about to come apart for me.

  Taking her mouth in a savage kiss as she screams my name, I swallow every ounce o
f pleasure that’s running rampant through her body as she writhes beneath me. Once she’s sated, replete of all energy, I wrap my arms around her waist and thrust relentlessly in and out of her luscious cunt, chasing my own release.

  Just as I crest my peak, she shocks me by jutting her hips up into my downward thrust, lodging my cock as deep inside her as I can get. Her nails score down my back as I come. Toes curling, I bite her neck as currents of ecstasy rush through me at lightning speed. Exhausted, I collapse on top of Paisley, our breathing harsh in the silent house as we recover.

  “Sweet mercy,” is followed by a light giggle. “That was far better than I ever imagined.”

  My chest puffs up like a fucking peacock as I trail kisses up her neck to her mouth. We’re lazy, with no rush to push for more. Simply being together is enough for us both.


  Six months later.

  “Dad, watch this!” Gage has the coolest cabin with a lake and dock for fishing, or as it is now, swimming. I hear Mom squeal as the water from my cannonball splashes up and soaks her.

  A whoosh of water covers my head as I hit the surface and see that Gage has jumped in, too, and Mom’s walking away shaking her head, soaking wet.

  “She’s not going to make us those drinks now,” Dad mutters.

  Gage lets me call him dad. He likes it. It happened by accident one day, and I thought I was going to get in trouble, but he smiled and gave me a noogie. Said it was mine and Mom’s choice, but he’d be honored.

  I don’t see or hear from Jack anymore, and right now, I think that’s best for everyone. Mom said he was never as committed to me as she was, but that didn’t mean he loved me any less than she did. Just that, sometimes, people aren’t ready for certain things in life.


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