Dr. Feelgood

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Dr. Feelgood Page 14

by Marissa Monteilh

  “Screw him. I know the best way to get over one is to get into another one.” I reached for his belt buckle, undoing it. “So what do you say you help me get over that prisoner?”

  I glanced toward his zipper, pulling it down, falling to my knees while he sat on the bed.

  “Salina, aren’t you hungry? Let’s eat dinner first.”

  “That’s just what I want to do, Papi. Feed me.” I reached in and took it into my cave of a mouth.


  “You love the way I do this and you know it.

  That’s why you can’t leave me alone and I know it. Now tell me I’m wrong.” I kept my grip on his wide shaft and inserted him in and out of my mouth, making sure to keep it juicy, taking him all the way back, deep into my throat. My wide mouth had always been able to accommodate the good doctor, and he knew it. No gagging, no teeth, and no one-handed action.

  All he could say was, “We’ve got to get some sleep before tomorrow morning.”

  Knowing he’d surrender, I simply watched him as he slowly lay back on the king bed and closed his eyes. His words turned into sounds of pleasure. I then pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles, and he grinded along with my technique. I licked his underside and slid my hand up and down his length.

  “Salina, you are the best.”

  He pumped himself deeper down my throat, and I felt him strengthen. A pulsating burst expelled his fluid into my mouth within seconds. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him, and he watched me swallow every last drop of him.

  “Take it all.”

  I gulped and licked the side of his shaft. “Yummy, baby. Dr. Worthy tastes so good.”

  “Now come up and kiss me.” The boy was a freak. He stuck his tongue all inside my mouth and sucked my tongue the way I’d sucked him. “Now sit on my face,” he said with authority.

  Makkai had a way of seeming as though he was the only man who had mastered the secret of what it took to make me cum in a split second as well. As soon as he centered his mouth, it was on. And as I lowered my full lips onto his face, he immediately found my spot.

  His hands squeezed my backside. I looked down at him go to work. He made it look succulent, the way he was pulling on my meat and licking my wetness. It sounded like he was enjoying a feast. It felt like he was writing graffiti down there. “Damn, that feels good. You like this plump pussy, don’t you? Spell my name like you did last time.”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “There it is, S, A, L, I, N, A. Do the S again.”

  “Uh, huh.” He did just as he was told. That tongue had a life of its own. “I’m looking at the best, prettiest pussy I’ve ever had.” He spoke all up against me. I could feel his hot breath. And I believed him. That sentence sent me to Latin mania.

  “Eso se siente tan bueno, el bebé, so good, like, like, ooooh, Papi, you do me like you love me.” I jerked and hit the wall with my fist, flinging my hair wildly while propelling my rush from every muscle of my body down to my swollen opening and to my pink tip.

  He spoke from underneath me. All I could see were his fine brown eyes. “I can feel it throbbing. Yeah, that’s it. Let it go for daddy.”

  It felt like I released enough fluid to fill up a shot glass. I pushed forward and then back, looking down at his wet face.

  He smiled. “That’s my crazy ass-girl. You’re the best I’ve ever had.”

  The next morning at the courthouse, Makkai and I actually sat on opposite sides of the room. Didn’t want to be too tacky, even though we were devouring each other’s asses the night before.

  “Please rise,” the bailiff said as the older, conservative-looking judge came in.

  “First case,” the judge said as he took a seat, as well as everyone else, and he began stating the names of the first defendants.

  Tom ended up being third, which was good. I hadn’t seen him in weeks. When they called his name, the side door opened near the jury box, and out he came. Unshaven and looking a tad bit less muscular from not lifting weights regularly or eating my home-cooked Latin meals, he wore his prison blues, and his hands were shackled behind him. His ankles were chained as well. He looked kind of rugged and tough and handsome, almost thuggish. In an odd way I found it to be kind of sexy, even though he was very pale. Obviously he’d missed the sun he used to get while running every day. It was sad in a way to see him like that. My husband was in custody because of me.

  He took slow steps as the guard assisted him in sitting down. He never looked over at me, or at Makkai for that matter, even though I tried to garner eye contact from him. Instead, he smiled at a dark-skinned woman seated in the front row as she talked to an attorney who leaned over her.

  She smiled back at him, and I’ll be damn if she didn’t wink and then blow him a subtle-ass kiss. My mouth opened involuntarily. I guess Miss Ghetto Queen herself decided to play this thing out and act like she really gave a damn.

  “Please advise the defendant to not communicate visually or otherwise with those in the courtroom,” the judge told my husband’s attorney.

  “Yes, Your Honor.” The middle-aged black attorney went over and spoke to Tom. And then Tom stood.

  The judge spoke. “Mr. Tom Woodard, you have been charged with one felony count of attempt to inflict bodily harm and one count of making a terrorist threat to a Dr. Makkai Worthy. Is Dr. Worthy in the courtroom?”

  Makkai stood. “Yes, I am, Your Honor.”

  The judge nodded. “You may be seated. Attorney Martin, how does Mr. Woodard plead?”

  “We have worked out a plea bargain with the district attorney, Your Honor.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Mr. Woodard will plead guilty to a misdemeanor, and the sentence will be time served, plus any other restrictions the court wishes to institute.”

  “Is this correct, Ms. Pitt?”

  The young blond lady D.A. replied, “Yes, Your Honor. We agreed that the defendant be released to the custody of his family.”

  The judge asked, “Is his family here?”

  “Yes, Your Honor,” I said as I stood up like a Girl Scout, tall and at full attention.

  “Yes, Your Honor,” Ghetto Queen said as she stood up, chewing gum.

  “Ma’am, you will remove the gum from your mouth before addressing the court.”

  “Yes, Your Honor,” she said, balling up the wad into a tissue.

  I shook my head.

  “Who are you?” the judge asked me.

  “I’m his wife. Salina Alonzo Woodard.”

  “And you?”

  “I’m his girlfriend. Shanaynay Jackson.”

  The judge looked over at the bailiff with question marked eyes. “Well, whoever he is released to, we need to get a signed agreement from Dr. Worthy, stipulating that this plea is acceptable to him. And I am placing an automatic restraint order, instructing that the defendant stay at least three hundred yards away from the plaintiff for one year, and no contact for three years. Mr. Woodard, do you understand that?”

  “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “Who are you to be released to?”

  “Ms. Jackson, Your Honor.”

  Ain’t that a blip? Ghetto Queen turned back toward me with a snarling smirk, as we both took our seats in slow unison.

  “Well, I guess that settles that. Now, let me make it clear that if you violate this order, you’ll be right back in here. Your fine is twenty-five hundred dollars and one hundred hours of community service, along with ninety days of anger management counseling. And I suggest that you work out your little situation here. Next case.”

  Makkai stepped up to the bailiff and talked to the D.A., signing the paperwork, and shaking hands while Tom was escorted back through the prisoner door. He still never even looked my way.

  Ghetto Queen eyed me as she walked out, after keeping an eye on my husband until he turned the corner and was out of sight. I stepped out right behind her, within two inches of her back. I’m sure she could feel the heat of my breath on her furr
y neck.

  “You’d better be glad we’re in court and that there are police all round. The nerve you showed today could have gotten you in big trouble. And by the way.” I looked down at her lower body. “You don’t have enough ass to keep a freak like Tom.”

  “Sounds like you just made a terrorist threat to me. All you need to do is get home so you don’t miss the delivery of the divorce papers. And here … this is my address. Feel free to come by anytime. I’m not scared of you, shorty. But, you might want to use this address when you send all of Tom’s things to his new home.”

  I took the card without even realizing it. “Where’s this, in the alley where you prostitute?” I dropped it at her claws.

  She barked. “Very funny. We used to screw at my apartment while you thought you were the slick one, out there screwing that doctor. And we’ve talked on the phone every night since his arrest for hours, just laughing about your pathetic ass. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and make arrangements for my man’s, oh, I’m sorry, my future husband’s, release.” She started to walk away on all fours. “Oh, and by the way, you know what I heard? I heard that you’re a hoe who wishes she were black. I heard that this has happened to you before because of your love of big black dick. But, this time, spicy lady, you really fucked up. And you even had the nerve to arrive with the very man whom Tom was trying to defend your honor from. I saw you two when he parked his Porsche. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t want you full-time either. The way I see it, Tom can’t go anywhere but up from here.” She managed to muzzle herself for one quick second and then just had to get in one more jab. “And the reason Tom knew you were at that hotel that night, was because we were both just leaving ourselves when he saw your tired-ass Maxima. Small world, huh?”

  That Nigga-ass white man. “You can both go to hell. Cállese,” I said with flushed cheeks, pressing my index finger to my lips for her to cease her chatter. I turned away with a forceful pivot, walking outside, exhaling into the fresh air, looking back at the courthouse where my husband was. “Dammit, Tom. You were slicker than me,” I said to the wind.

  “Are you okay?” Makkai asked as if he really could give a damn, walking at breakneck speed.

  “No. I can’t believe you agreed to that deal.” I stayed one step behind him.

  “You should be happy.”

  “You punked out. And slow down,” I demanded while putting on my amber shades.

  He fooled with his Sidekick. “No, you keep up. And calm down. Let me get you back to your car before you snap and end up locked up yourself. You need to take some time and think about your life, Salina.”

  “Not that you’d possibly care enough to play a role in where my life is going?”

  “Salina, this is what it is. I’m not interested in settling down. We got in some mess, and we should be happy that it turned out as well as it did.” He dangled his keys as he walked.

  “Well, it looks to me like you need to work on your life, too. Don’t come at me like I’m the one who’s fucked up. You’re so caught up in the sexuality of women that you seem to forget that we have feelings, and a heart, and that we bond. What happened to you in your lifetime to make you such a damn Casanova, Makkai?”

  “Good question, Salina. Good question.” He got in the car, snatched on his DG sunglasses, and started the car without even opening my door. As soon as I sat in the passenger seat, he took off, burning rubber.

  Chapter 28


  “Baby, what is going on out there?” my mama asked while I lay alone in a bed made for two, feeling as though depression is setting in. “Tom called today saying you wouldn’t bail him out of jail and he’s staying somewhere else. Are you okay?”

  My voice moved slowly. “Mama, Tom is staying with his mistress. Did he tell you that?”

  “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell us, baby?”

  “Because I started all of this, or at least I thought I started all of this, and now my marriage is over.”

  “Salina, what happened? I thought maybe it was over disagreements about wanting kids, but Tom said he went after some doctor who you were seeing. You didn’t do that, did you? You weren’t seeing someone else, right?”

  “He’s one to talk. And did you ask him why he’s out there going after people, inflicting bodily harm on strangers?”

  “Salina, I asked him a lot of questions. In particular, your dad asked him. Here. Hold on.” They did their usual handoff routine.

  “Bambina? Que pasa? Have you two lost your minds out there? Did Tom lay a hand on you?”

  I lay flat on my back, looking straight up. “No, Papa.”

  “Then what happened? Why do you sound like that? Were you sleeping?”

  “Papa, we’re just having marital problems. The way it looks, it’s over.”

  “You don’t end a marriage, Salina. We told you years ago that unless a man is abusive to you or has some financial dealings, you work it out. And even then sometimes you stay together because of your vows. You work through it. It takes work, but you live up to your marriage. Now, I want you to call him and you two get some counseling, or some type of therapy. Together.”

  “Papa, you also told me that if infidelity was involved, that you don’t negotiate through that.”

  “I told you not to fool around. That’s what I said. But, if it happens, and it does sometimes when a couple is together for years and years, you try your best to stay together. Sounds to me like you two haven’t even talked about it.”

  “He doesn’t want to talk.”

  “Why do you think he called here then? Men are complicated, Salina. He wants us to talk some sense into you, I’m sure. It’s not over.”

  “Papa, don’t let him fool you. Tom is living with a young woman who has no class whatsoever. He’s right where he needs to be.”

  “Don’t be so sure. You call that man on his new cell number he gave us and talk about it.”

  “I don’t want to. I’ve met someone else just like he has.”

  “And who is that?”

  “He’s a doctor.”

  “Not the one Tom went after.”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  “Salina, any man who would fool around with a married woman is not husband material, I’m telling you. He has no respect for the sanctity of marriage.”

  “You don’t even know him, Papa.”

  “You are right about that. But, you need to really think about this one and figure out what need you’re trying to fulfill by straying from your marriage. Because from what Tom tells me, that’s exactly what happened.”

  “Papa, Tom was straying right along with me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “His new girlfriend showed up in the courtroom to claim him. She called me at my own home and gave me the gory details, play-by-play, not leaving me much to guess about.”

  I heard him sigh. “Salina, a woman like that will say anything to hurt you. I mean think about it, she’s out there dating a married man without any regard for his family. And I still can’t believe you didn’t tell us what you were going through. We would have taken the first flight out from Daytona Beach, and been there right beside you. Were Tom’s parents there in the courtroom?”


  “See, you’re both letting the embarrassment weigh more than the strength that family can bring. When was the court date?”

  “It just happened yesterday.”

  “Then how can you say it’s over already?”

  “Because, I honestly feel nothing for him any longer.”

  “I don’t believe you. I know my baby girl. I can hear it in your voice. You can’t fool me. If you’re married and in love, you don’t fall out of love that fast.”

  I rolled over on my side and pulled the covers over my shoulders. “Well, I have. You act like I’m not thinking clearly. The point is, I want to be with someone else. Or maybe I just want to be single. But, the way his skank, excuse me, new woman treated me at that courtroom
, and the way he refused to even look at me, I never want to see him again in my life.”

  “Like your mother said, you are angry, but the heat of all that will cool down soon enough. Here, talk to your mother and I’ll check on you later. And, baby girl, think about what I said.”

  “Yes, Papa. Goodbye.” The muffle of the handoff was obvious.

  “Baby, your dad is right. Fight for your marriage. Fight for your husband. He still loves you. This much I know.”

  “Mom, I’m done.”

  “Think about it, Salina. Just take some time.”

  “Mama, I want Makkai. I want to be single so I can see him on a more regular basis.”

  “Whoever he is, it may look like that’s where you want to be, but close one door first before opening another, Salina. What’s the rush?”

  “I have closed it. I’m done with Tom. Can’t you see that? She can have him.”

  “Salina, what are you going to do about money? Tom was the sole breadwinner.”

  “Mama, I’m not worried about that. And just so you know, I have some money saved up. I’ll probably go back to finding a clerk job at the courts one day. I’m fine.”

  “You don’t want to look up and your money runs out.”

  “I think he’ll be giving up the cash soon enough once I get through with him.”

  “Salina, don’t. Please. Look, I’m going to let you go but I’ll check on you later. You take care of yourself now. I’m worried about you. And maybe you should think about going to see a doctor if this all gets too heavy to handle. We love you.”

  She doesn’t friggin’ believe me. I’m fine without Tom.

  “I will, Mamma. I love you both, too. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Again, I lay flay on my back, this time on top of the covers in my huge purple bed, wearing the sexy nightgown Tom bought me on Valentine’s Day last year. Looking down at my ankle I spied the two purple hearts I had tattooed when we first got engaged to represent us, together. Purple was our color. Around the room, Tom’s jazz artwork hung everywhere. I perused the walls that surrounded me, and portraits of us together, traveling and posing, seemed to bear witness to my every single move. I still had our smiling, framed wedding photo staring at me from across the room. I jumped up, taking weighted steps, and slammed it flat against the dresser. I walked back to the bed, got back under the lilac woven sheets, and again picked up the phone.


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