More Than A Manny: Gay Romance

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More Than A Manny: Gay Romance Page 23

by Trina Solet

  "You got me an engagement letter? Brent, you're kind of amazing," Nate said. He was stunned.

  "That means you like it," Brent said, happy to hear it.

  "It's perfect. Now I have to say yes." Nate looked at him and wanted to give him his heart more than ever.

  "That's what I was going for." Brent's eyes were glowing.

  "I would have said yes over the dirty dishes too," Nate told him.

  "And then never let me forget it."

  "Oh, I'll still be bringing that up on every one of our anniversaries. I'll remind you that you tried to propose to me over a half eaten sandwich."

  For a moment Brent looked overwhelmed by all that time ahead of them, all that happiness. Then he said, "I'm looking forward to it."

  "You didn't just get this today," Nate said. He also knew someone like Brent didn't get it off eBay either.

  "No. I told an antiques dealer to keep an eye out for Revolutionary War stuff. I got it a while ago to give you on Christmas or your birthday. I didn't think of proposing with it though."

  Brent got a look in his eyes.

  "What's that about?" Nate asked as he shifted closer.

  "We are going to be married." Again he looked overwhelmed. It was like what was happening was hitting him in waves.

  Nate took his hand. He ran the tip of his finger over Brent's ring finger.

  "We'll have matching wedding bands and everything," Nate said. "There'll be a ton of guests, a table loaded down with gifts, drunk dancing and corny speeches."

  "Let's elope," Brent said.

  "Sure. We'll go pick up Georgie and Ricky, and John and Quin to be our witnesses, and my mom and my aunt and cousins."

  "That's not eloping," Brent pointed out to him.

  "It's good to have people in your life who would kill you if they missed your wedding."

  "Yes, it is," Brent agreed and they kissed nearly spilling the champagne.

  Setting aside their glasses, Nate climbed on top of Brent and kissed him for a long time. Their tongues slid over each other making them both moan. It was just a taste, a reminder of how much pleasure they had given each other and how much more they would give.

  When Nate pulled back to unbutton his shirt, Brent asked, "Is this outdoors enough for you?"

  "It's perfect, and I love you," Nate told him.

  "Say you'll marry me," Brent demanded.

  "I already did."

  "Say the words."

  "Brent, I want to marry you more than anything. Then I want to love you forever so you can drive me crazy."

  "I love you. Will you marry me?" Brent said like he only now realized he hadn't said the words either.

  "Yes," Nate said and laughed.

  They kissed, entwined, taking off each other's clothes slowly. They pressed their bodies together and never stopped kissing as they made love. The waves splashed gently against the boat and rocked them to sleep in each other's arms.

  Nate woke up to the rocking of the boat, the sounds of seabirds, and Brent's steadily beating heart. He lay still and listened to it, feeling the rise and fall of Brent's chest with his even breathing and the rising and falling of the boat as waves passed under it. The sea seemed less calm than last night, like it too had awakened. The sky was pale and clear with the cool light of dawn. Staying still, Nate waited for Brent to wake up on his own. In a little while, he felt him stirring, his body becoming animated. His hand slid down Nate's back then hooked around his waist. He kissed Nate's hair and said, "Good morning" in a husky voice. Nate raised his head to look at him.

  "Good morning, beautiful," Nate told him. Just engaged and in a boat in the middle of the ocean, he was going to be as corny as he could be.

  By the time they arrived home, it was morning, early but bright. When they went in, the house was quiet. It didn't stay that way for long.

  "I got my man!" Brent yelled really loud as they walked in, trying to wake up the whole house.

  There was no sign of Quin and John, but the kids came running from the direction of the kitchen but still in their pajamas. It was a big house so Quin and John might have slept right through that noise. Brent picked up both Ricky and Georgie and spun them around. Nate greeted them more gently. Looking eager and curious, the kids stared from Brent to Nate, waiting for the big news.

  "I got him. I locked him down," Brent said as he squeezed Nate in a tight hug.

  Since that didn't explain anything, Nate told the kids, "Your dad and I are going to be married. There's going to be a wedding and then..."

  "I want to be the bride!" Georgie said.

  "No. It's a real, grown up wedding," Ricky told her.

  "So?" Georgie said.

  "It's also a gay wedding," Nate threw in.

  That only got him another "So?" from Georgie.

  "There's no bride," Nate explained.

  "I can be the bride," Georgie said.

  "You can be the flower girl," Brent offered.

  "Yey! And the bride!" Georgie insisted.

  "You don't get it," Ricky told her. "The wedding is so Nate will be our dad."

  "I might get something out of it too," Brent said as Georgie said, "Yey!" again and did a twirling little dance to celebrate.

  "Maybe you can be the bride at Quin and John's wedding," Brent told her evilly. John and Quin had mentioned their plans, and now Brent was getting back at them for trying to upstage him.

  "They are getting married too? To be our dads?" Georgie asked.

  "No," Ricky told her. "She doesn't get it," he said to Brent and Nate.

  "She will," Nate assured him.

  "Maybe she has the right idea," Brent said with a smirk at Nate.

  "You are this close to being a married man. Your harem building days are over," Nate told him.

  "You're the only one I need," Brent said and pulled him close while looking into his eyes with love.

  Since he was being so sweet, Nate kissed him.

  "See," Ricky told Georgie. "Dad and Nate love each other."

  Brent and Nate turned when they heard him say that.

  "Did you say Dad?" Brent asked.

  "Yes," Ricky said ducking his head and looking shy.

  "Was it a mistake?" Brent asked.

  "No." Ricky still looked shy, but then he raised his eyes and looked up at Brent. Brent was smiling at him with tears in his eyes.

  "You're the best son in the whole world," Brent told him. He picked him up, hugged him, and kissed him about a million times.

  Waiting until Brent was done showering him with kisses, Ricky asked, "When you and Nate get married, are things going to change, or are they going to be the same?"

  "Both," Brent told him and set him back on the floor.

  As Ricky stood there thinking over his answer, Nate leaned down and kissed him on the forehead and smiled. He decided to give his own answer.

  "From now on, we are going to write our own future, our own story," Nate told him, hoping that would make more sense.

  "Happily ever after?" Ricky asked, his eyes brightening.

  "Happily ever after, "Nate told him.

  "We'll be as happy as clams," Brent confirmed.

  "We'll be happy clams," Georgie said.

  "See, she gets it," Brent said.

  "Georgie, what are clams?" Nate asked just out of curiosity.

  "Clams are fishies. Clams are happy fishies," she said.

  "Not exactly," Nate told her.

  "Yes," she disagreed. "Ricky said so. Clams live in the sea. They are fishies."

  "No. I told you they're like fish that live in little seashell houses," Ricky corrected her. He made clamshells out of his hands then opened and closed them. Georgie did the same.

  "Fishies," she insisted.

  "Come on. I'll show you," Ricky said and led her to the library.

  Brent and Nate watched them walk off, arguing.

  "So this is our family," Nate said.

  Brent only smiled as he gazed at him. Nate leaned in for a kiss just as Qui
n and John came down the stairs.

  "Look at how smug he is!" John said, looking at Brent.

  John's hair was sticking up, and Quin was rubbing his eyes. It was clear that they had both just jumped out of bed.

  "Don't be jealous," Brent told him.

  John rushed at Brent and Nate and wrapped them both in a hug and kissed them on the cheek several times.

  "Oh, be a little jealous," Brent told him, but John just kept hugging them. "I don't care. I got mine."

  They got the same big hug from Quin plus he pulled Nate into a headlock and rubbed his head. When he let him up, he told him, "You did good. You'll have him flying right in no time."

  "Hey!" Brent objected, but that only got him the same treatment. With his hair all messed up, Brent smiled at Quin and said, "I did good."

  What Quin did reminded Brent of what his mother used to do, kind of. He could see both her and his dad smiling at him. Tears came to his eyes, and he hugged Nate. Sharing his mood, Nate held him tight as Quin made fun of them and John scolded them. Brent never wanted to let go of Nate, and he wanted to marry him so much. Everyone he loved wouldn't be there, but his dream was going to come true. His parents weren't going to see him get married to the man he loved, but his kids would and Quin and John. He was going to be Nate's husband, and he couldn't wait for that day to come. Brent felt so alive as Nate kissed him, and love and happiness finally came together in his heart.

  The End

  Also by Trina Solet:

  ~And Manny Makes Three - Mark is a struggling college student who has been working as a nanny for a nice family, but they don’t need him any more. Zack has been raising his son, Al, by himself and needs help. Al is a funny kid, and Zack is a funny dad, but more serious issues lurk under the surface. Will Mark be able to deal with these two? And how will Zack and Mark deal with their mutual attraction?

  ~Unexpected Dad - Tyler finds a big surprise waiting on his doorstep. Ready or not, Tyler is a dad. Tyler didn’t know he had a daughter until she suddenly dropped into his life. Whether he is ready for her or not, little Julie needs a father. Or maybe two. Tyler and Jake have been best friends, inseparable since college. Now they have to adjust to Tyler’s new role as a dad. As Jake helps him cope with being a new father to a little girl, Tyler might be looking at two big changes in his life.

  ~Make It Better - A favor leads to a life changing experience. Ray is willing to do anything for the man he considers his savior. His mission of mercy is Marcus, a young man who can’t overcome his guilt over a tragedy in his past. Is Ray making a terrible mistake giving his heart to him, or will his love for Marcus be strong enough to save him?




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