Cocky Baby Daddy (Cock of the Walk Duet Book 2)

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Cocky Baby Daddy (Cock of the Walk Duet Book 2) Page 7

by Rose Harper

  “I think I’m going to go to the doctor tomorrow,” I said on a sigh.

  “I think that’s best. But I have to work in the morning, so I’ll be jetting now,” she said with an air kiss.

  I didn’t get up to let her out of the apartment. I was sure that she would lock the door on her way out. I lie there trying my best not to empty the contents of my stomach. I sipped on my ginger ale, smiling when I started to feel the queasiness drift away. Pulling the covers up to my neck, I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  “Ms. James,” Dr. Stevens greeted when he stepped into the room.

  After tossing and turning all night last night I was in complete bitch mode from having my blood drawn today. The only thing I wanted when I came in was some cleansing tablets. Was that too much to ask for? But after learning that it was now protocol, I reluctantly went with it. In all honesty, I wanted to get out of this cold-ass room more than I wanted the tablets.

  “Hello,” I greeted.

  He stood there looking over his paperwork for a few more minutes, then held up his finger when he stepped back outside. I screwed up my face in confusion. If there was something else causing my sickness, something worse than needing a cleansing, I needed to know. There was no use in beating around the bush on something like this. For all I knew I could need a colonoscopy.

  There was a knock at the door just before Dr. Stevens and the nurse from earlier came through. She was standing there with a look of nervousness in her eyes. “Ms. James, we found some rather distinct information from the blood test,” Dr. Stevens stated.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Fear raced through me at the look on his face. My blood turned to ice in my veins, heart beginning to pick up its pace. At this rate, I’d pass the fuck out before they told me anything. I was never one to wait for information. Especially if that information pertained to my health.

  “Come out with it already. Do I have cancer? Please God, let it be anything else besides that,” I mumbled, the panic beginning to be too much.

  “No, it’s not that … But your body is going to be changing. Ms. James, you’re umm … You’re pregnant.” The doctor finally made eye contact with me.

  I chuckled. “Say what? Because it sounds like you said I was pregnant.”

  The nurse spoke up, “Yes, Claire. That’s exactly what he said. Your HCG levels are concurrent with being a month-and-a-half pregnant.”

  My mouth opened in shock. What the fuck was all this? Was someone playing a prank on me? I bet it’s Alex trying to freak me out or something, because there is no way this can be happening right now. I couldn’t be pregnant. You would have to have sex without a … fuck me…

  The last few times that Brad and I were together everything had been so fast that he never wore a condom, and stupid me, didn’t remind him to. What the hell was I going to do? I couldn’t do this. What the fuck was I going to tell our parents?

  “Did Alex put you all up to this? She’s a prankster like that; I’m sure she did this to freak me out,” I rushed out, panic completely overtaking me.

  They both shook their heads, a stoic mask on their face. There was no laughter in their eyes. That was when I knew they were telling the truth. I was fucking pregnant with Brad’s child. Never ask if something could get any worse, because somehow it always comes back to bite you in the ass. Always.

  I was now alone, pregnant, and didn’t know what the fuck I was going to do. Life had officially fucked me over once again. Cruel bitch.

  Leaving the doctor’s office, I was in a complete daze. There were so many thoughts going through my mind. The main one being how was I going to tell my family. I knew the first question they’d ask would be ‘who’s the father?’ That was something that I didn’t need to go into right now. Nothing would come out right.

  I thought that we had skipped out on telling our parents that we had been together. But it seemed that I would have to come out of the closet now, whether I wanted to or not. People say that things happen for a reason. I would so love to know the reason for this. Not only would I be carrying my stepbrother’s child, but said stepbrother was with another woman because she said she was pregnant with his child also. I’m sorry, but my life has officially turned into some Jerry Springer shit.

  The only thing we were missing was actually being on the show. I chuckled at the thought. The thought of Cherish and myself heavily pregnant cat scratching it out, fucking priceless.

  Now that I knew it wasn’t my stomach at all, but a baby that was causing my problems, I felt a little better. I was going to take it one day at a time, never biting more off than I could chew. I had no doubt that the knowledge of my child would come out in due time. But that was the great thing about it being my child. I could choose when and where the information came out.

  I was petrified when they told me that I was with child. But the more I sat and thought about it, the more excited I became. I still had no idea what I was going to do, but that wouldn’t stop me from being excited about a little blessing. I still wasn’t over the hurt that Brad caused, but at least I came out of that fucked-up relationship with something. His child.

  I made my way home, feeling the sun shining a little brighter in my future. I felt tremendously better after the nausea medicine they gave me at the doctor’s office. Until now I hadn’t realized I’d gotten the prescription filled while I was there. I must have been more out of it then I thought I was.

  It had taken most of the day to get me worked in at the doctor’s office, then even more time doing the blood work. It was almost time for Alex to get off work, and I was going to have some interesting news for her when she got here. I knew that she would come over here afterwards; that’s just how she was. She was freaked out that I was sick, even if she didn’t show it. I knew that my sickness was getting in the way of her being with Bo, her new boyfriend, but that’s why I loved her. She never let anything get between us, not even a man.

  I sipped from a glass of water just as my front door opened. I still had the paperwork from the doctor’s office so that’s the way I was going to break the news. I heard her steps echoing throughout the apartment getting closer toward me. I stood and waited for her to walk in, trying to hide the small smile that was creeping on my lips.

  “Claire, you here?” she called out seconds before seeing me.

  “Yeah, right here,” I replied.

  We sat down at the table, staring at each other. I knew she was trying to see if I would break first. But no such luck. I was going to be ironclad with this information until she broke and asked me first. That was how she worked. She would be able to tell within the first few minutes if I was going to break or not. When she sighed, I knew I had her.

  “What did the doctor say?” She looked down at the table and began fiddling with a part that was cracked.

  I feigned sadness, tucking my bottom lip between my teeth. “You don’t want to know, trust me.”

  The tears gathered in her eyes when she took my hands in hers. “Claire, we will get you the best doctors. I’m sure it’ll be okay; just give it some time.”

  Fuck! I couldn’t do it anymore. Her face was absolutely ripping me apart. “Yeah, it will be taken care of, in about seven-and-a-half months.”

  Her brows furrowed as she sat back in the chair, releasing my hands. “Seven-and-a-half months? You have the time set pretty locked down, don’t ya.”

  I giggled. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

  She was shocked by my light mood. “How can you be giggly at a time like this? You’re confusing the shit out of me. Spill it, Claire.”

  I got up and started pacing the kitchen, seemingly deep in thought. “Well you have to promise to always be by my side. That you will never let me go through this alone. There’s going to be a lot of doctor’s visits, checkups, screenings, all of that. Promise me first.”

  “Claire, fucking out with it already,” she scolded, giving me the evil eye.

  I stopped pacing, looking her in the eye.
“I’m pregnant,” I whispered.

  She sat in absolute shock trying to take in my news. Hell, I’d been the same way. I even asked if she was the one that put them up to this. However, that hadn’t been the case. I watched as she began putting everything together. All the information from the doctors about how many months I tested to be, to the multiple of doctor visits in the future. When she pieced it together, it showed. I should say her complete unadulterated happiness showed.

  “No fucking way!” she gasped, still unbelieving.

  I nodded. “Yes, I’m about a month-and-a-half. I need some advice about what I should do. You’re the first person that I told. To tell you the truth, you’re probably going to be the only one I tell.”

  “But why?”

  “No one else will get it the way you do. You knew he and I were in love, you won’t dispute it.”

  She chuckled. “You have to tell your mom, Claire. You just have to. A girl in this situation, no matter who they have by their side, will need their mother.”

  If only it were that easy. If she found out, then Brad would find out. I didn’t want him finding out, at least not yet. I wanted to be greedy and keep the baby all to myself for a little while. However, I knew that sooner or later I would have to give in and tell them. I just didn’t know when would be such a good time. They were just now starting to get used to the idea of Cherish having Brad’s baby, or so I guessed.

  I didn’t necessarily keep up with Brad, but my mother did fill me in on what was going on. So, I did know a little something. But I guess Alex was right, I would need my mother. Since she’s been in this state before, she would have the best advice. I told Alex my thoughts, and she agreed, but told me not to do it tonight. But to make sure that I had a good night of sleep so nothing would be fogging my brain. So, I took her advice and we sat down, watching a little television, and let the night wind down that way. Thoughts were still plaguing me, but now I had some direction.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I can’t believe I let her talk me into this. The thought of calling my mom wasn’t bad at all, but doing it, however, terrified the fuck out of me. What the hell was I going to say to her? ‘Yo, Mom, I got a bun in the oven. Oh, and its Brad’s.’ Yeah, that wasn’t going to frigging work. She’d kill me through the damn phone.

  “Just do it already. Damn, you’d think you were going to the electric chair instead of calling your mom,” Alex joked.

  How right she was, and she didn’t even know it. My mother would personally tell me to come visit her just so she could murder me. Have you ever seen where those people just snap at the flip of a switch, murdering hundreds of people? Yeah, that would be my mom. I could lie and tell her it was Brett’s, but she would figure it out anyway. That’s how my mom was; she was like a fucking drug dog, and she could sniff a lie out of anything.

  “Oh, how little you know.” I sighed, reaching for the phone. “My mother would make the electric chair the best alternate out of the two.”

  “She can’t be that bad,” she scoffed.

  I turned wide eyes on her. “You have no idea. My mother is the epitome of a crazy bitch.”

  Rolling her eyes, she waved to the phone. “Then just get it over with and hang up. Even if she were going to kill you, she couldn’t do it over the phone.”

  “You seriously underestimate my mother’s ability,” I chuckled, dialing the number.

  I put my finger to my lips when the ringing started. I hated Alex for making me do this. But today was her only day off and she wanted to be here for moral support. I could understand that, because I would do the same thing for her. However, the one thing I couldn’t understand was why she was laughing at me.

  “I’ll throat punch you if you don’t cut it out,” I scolded.

  She stuck her tongue out at me and continued to laugh. I could always count on her being the life of the party. While I was over here having a heart attack, she was over there laughing so hard she was turning red. I so couldn’t wait until I got to pay her back for this. Payback will be such a bitch. I glared at her, just as mom picked up the phone.

  “Hey sweetie,” she greeted, happiness very evident in her tone.

  Fuck. I was about to ruin her day; she was going to fucking murder me for sure.

  I breathed deeply. “Hey Mom, how are you doing?”

  “I’m doing great.” She exhaled into the phone.

  “That’s awesome. How’s married life?”

  That got her going. She squealed happily into the phone, causing my ears to ring from the pitch. “Oh, it’s so wonderful. Henry is so great. He is the best husband any woman could ask for. He’s been even happier nowadays, though”

  I knew that I couldn’t put it off anymore. I had to tell her and get it over with. There was no way that I could beat around the bush anymore. I steeled my resolve, swallowed the lump that was slowly growing in my throat, and I just went for it.

  “Mom, there’s something I need to tell you.” I said that the same time she said. “Claire, I have wonderful news.”

  I figured my news could wait a bit longer, so I let her tell her news first. “I know you don’t like her, but Cherish is five-and-a-half-months pregnant. With a baby boy I told you, or at least I think I did. Anyway, guess what she and Brad are naming the little tyke? Shawn Dewayne Titan. Isn’t that so cute? There’s going to be three generations of Titan men now. That’s not even the best part. She wants me to be in the delivery room with her and Brad when she delivers. I’m so excited. My first grandbaby.” Her complete happiness made me inwardly gag.

  Her words literally took the air from my lungs. She was excited because of Cherish. She wasn’t excited that I called or excited that I had news. No. She was excited because that little bitch was taking the one thing from me that I had left. My mother. It was like she was trying to turn everyone against me. I may be in New York, but I do live on the same fucking planet.

  “Mom, that’s great,” I bit out between clinched teeth.

  She sighed. “You don’t sound so happy about it. I know you and Cherish have your problems, but she is going to be your sister-in-law sometime soon.”

  Sister-in-law? I bit my lip until blood welled. “Sister-in-law,” I seethed through the phone. “You cannot be fucking serious. The baby probably isn’t even his, Mom. Have you stopped to think why in the fuck she would come to him four months after getting pregnant? She was fucking showing mother. She wasn’t newly pregnant. Not like m…not like other moms are when they tell their husbands or boyfriends. I am telling you this now, she is fucking lying.”

  I was thankful that she hadn’t caught my slip in the middle of my tirade. That would have been a lot worse, because then she would be thrown for another loop. If she wanted to be a traitor and get buddy-buddy with Cherish, then that was her prerogative. But I wouldn’t be back home if that happened. Hell to the no, I was not going to put myself through that fucking torture. Never in a million years.

  “I know the way she told Brad is not conventional, but at least she told him. She even said the reason she hadn’t was because she wanted to make sure the baby was okay. With what happened last time, I get where she’s coming from. Claire, why are you so mad? I know you can’t stand her, but sweetheart, she is having Brad’s baby. The sooner you accept that, the better,” she ended on a frustrated sigh.

  I growled. “You know why I hate that bitch. You. Fucking. Know. Why. But if you can’t see that through your new role as a grandmother, then maybe you need to go play house with your soon-to-be daughter-in-law some more. You are my mother; can you not see the only reason she wants you in that room is to take another stab at me? You are my fucking mother! The only delivery room you’re supposed to be in, is mine! This is bullshit, good-bye!” I yelled hanging up the phone, throwing it across the apartment, shattering the screen.

  Alex broke the silence, speaking in a warm, comforting tone. “Is your mom really going to do that to you? Just because Brad is with a woman screaming it’s his child.”

  I nodded, tears brimming my eyes. “Yes. Yes, she is.”

  “That’s not even right,” she stated, walking over to wrap me in her arms.

  “It’s not fair, Alex. I was supposed to tell her my good news. I was expecting her to be ecstatic and want to be in my room with me. But no, she’s completely turning against me because of Cherish. It’s always because of Cherish. That bitch stole everything from me, and now she’s trying to take more.” I sobbed.

  “Well honey, I’m still here for you. I’ll be in that room if you want me to. Ha, scratch that. You just try keeping me out of that room. Unless Brad is in there with your mother, my spot is going to be right beside your head.”

  I barked out a laugh through my tears. “You are not going to be in there, hon. I may love you like a sister, but you’re not seeing my twat.”

  She chuckled. “Fine, you meanie.”

  We sat there for several minutes just holding each other. I really needed the comfort of someone right now. I had been a really big bitch to my mom on the phone, something that I never did. But I was acting out of defense, or so it felt like it. Cherish was stealing everyone around me. Next she would take Henry, since she already had my mom and Brad snagged. It wasn’t fair. She was my mother; she was supposed to hate the people I hated, right along with me.

  She wasn’t supposed to like my arch nemesis. She was supposed to laugh with me and ask where we should hide the body. At least that’s what it had been like until I left the last time. Maybe it was my fault. That she was turning to Cherish because she felt I had abandoned her. It made sense, but then again that just broke my heart even more. That my mother needed me as much as I needed her, and I ran away. Again.

  I didn’t know Cherish or Brad’s view on all of this. As much as it pained me, I wanted to. I wanted to know what she was getting out of this. I also wanted to know how Brad could be so fucking stupid to believe her. I mean, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that Cherish is a lying bitch.


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