Cocky Baby Daddy (Cock of the Walk Duet Book 2)

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Cocky Baby Daddy (Cock of the Walk Duet Book 2) Page 10

by Rose Harper

  I snickered. “Hell yes, motherfucker. Cocoa Puffs are my favorite.” I knew the hidden innuendo wouldn’t be lost on him, and I was right. Just as soon as cocoa came from my mouth, his eyes narrowed. I about lost my shit right there.

  “Low blow, Claire; low blow,” he said, shaking his head.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth, chuckling. “We better go check on Cherish, she’ll wonder why her fiancé isn’t there to coddle her.”

  We left the chapel together, both lost in thought. He had to figure out his life with Cherish, and I had to figure out if coming back here was to my advantage. At least he didn’t croak like I thought he was going to. That was a good sign, right? I figured the moment I told our parents about the baby, he’d fall over dead. But he didn’t.

  If anything, his eyes betrayed his excitement for the new baby. The only thing that had me rolling was the fact that Brad’s supposedly new baby was of African American descent. There would be no way that Cherish could lie out of this. I’d say that I felt sorry for her, but that would be a lie. It would be hella hard not to laugh in her face when I went up to her room.

  However, I did feel sorry for Brad. He’d spent the past few months with a woman that was deceiving him the whole time. A woman that never really loved him. I would say that was enough punishment and I didn’t have to be mad at him any longer; but dammit, I’d been scorned, and I wanted that bastard to hurt.

  The more I thought about it, the more everything came to light. He’d spent the last few months with a woman he didn’t love because he thought the child was his. He thought the child was his second shot at a family. The first child was miscarried, and I knew it ate him up inside. Maybe I didn’t have to give him too much hell for the choices he made; he was only trying to make things right. However, that didn’t mean I couldn’t have a little fun with this.

  Paybacks are a bitch…

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After leaving the chapel we came back upstairs to find that Cherish had been wheeled into her new room. I didn’t want to be around her, but I couldn’t make myself leave. I wanted to see that snippy bitch’s face when Brad broke the news to her. She didn’t know the real daddy to her baby actually came to the hospital. But she would soon … very soon.

  Before going to her room, we’d stopped by the nursery. From the look on Brad’s face he was absolutely certain that child was not his. Little Shawn looked just like his daddy—who we now know as Jerome—all the way from his hair down to his little bitty feet. I had expected Brad to be mad in some way, but it was just the opposite. He was happier than I’d seen him in quite some time. I guess being with Cherish really had been hell on him.

  We’d seen Jerome rounding the corner from the nursery, his head trained on the floor. That was when Brad ran to catch up to him and explain everything to him. Jerome’s sullen expression turned into a mighty smile. He loved the plan that Brad came up with and agreed to help us out. Especially after Brad explained to him that I was indeed carrying his child. That I needed him more than that lying bitch, Cherish. With that, we discussed our plan to reveal her lie.

  The vindictive part of me wanted to take over, to see that Cherish got everything that was coming to her. She was stuck with Jerome now; her plan to trap Brad had worked for the whole pregnancy. She would no longer have him, his time, or his money.

  As we spoke, there were people moving her things out of Brad’s apartment at his request. He didn’t want anything of hers to be there when we left the hospital, and with good reason. She not only tricked him into believing this child was his, but she almost destroyed his life and having a life with his actual child. Brad was pissed that he’d let her do such a thing, but it had happened once, so why not again. I couldn’t fault him for trying to do the right thing.

  Could I?

  Did I want to?

  Those were the questions running through my mind as we pushed open the door to Cherish’s room. Her smile was bright when she saw Brad enter. However, when she spotted me, her smile turned sour.

  “Ugh …Why is she here?” Cherish groaned from the bed.

  I tried to hide the evil grin on my face. “None of your damn business, Cherish,” I stated with a glare.

  “Dammit, where’s my boy,” Brad growled from next to the window.

  I knew he was playing along so she wouldn’t think anything was up, but it still struck a nerve. My eyes narrowed as I pinned him to his spot with a look that could kill. His eyes met mine and he winked. That man frustrates the shit out of me. I wish my body would be like my mind and consider him a cocky asshole, demanding that he was off limits.

  I rolled my eyes, before moving my sight somewhere else. Henry, Mom, Brad, and I were all in the room waiting for Shawn to be brought in. What Cherish didn’t know was that Jerome was standing outside the door. It was planned that he’d come in right as the baby was being wheeled through the door. I was sure the look on her face was going to be frigging priceless.

  She still thought she had everyone fooled. If it hadn’t been for Jerome coming to the hospital, we would have been. Cherish was more than likely planning on leaving Brad just as soon as the baby was born, but with his name of the birth certificate, he’d be obligated to pay her child support. Thankfully, Jerome saved us. She would get nothing from our family now.

  “It’s okay, dear. I’m sure they’ll bring him in here in a moment,” she stated in a loving tone.

  The only thing I heard was what sounded like knives on a chalkboard. You would think that someone like her would have at least one redeeming quality about her, and maybe she did … Oh, who was I kidding? The woman would make the devil bow on his knees. She was pure evil, and I couldn’t understand how such an innocent little baby was going to survive with a mother like Cherish.

  Poor child didn’t even know what hell it was just thrust into.

  Brad stood next to Cherish, fawning over her, lovingly stroking her hand, and cooing about how she did a wonderful job. I, on the other hand, was gritting my teeth and staying away from sharp objects the whole time. If he says one more word to her in that tone, I was going to de-ball him in front of everyone.

  When he leaned over to kiss her on the forehead, I about lost my shit. My mother started shaking her head profusely, warning me away. Henry made eye contact with me, silently pleading for me to leave his son alone. They didn’t know how mean this bitch and her pregnant hormones could be, but I would sure as shit show them. Quick. I’d have him castrated and rolling around on the ground before anyone would be able to move. I was a fast-little shit like that.

  When a sound as sweet as the heavenly gates opening, came wheeling down the hallway, a Cheshire grin spread across my face. My mother gave me a worried look and came to stand next to me, gripping my arm painfully. She knew I would jump over that bed, pregnant belly and all. I didn’t give a shit; I’d rip that bitch’s face off.

  She leaned close to my ear, whispering. “Claire, whatever you do, let the child live.”

  I chuckled, batting her comment away. She was funny if she thought I would hurt the baby. No, I just wanted its mother. I moved as the door opened, catching the sight of Jerome’s proud smile. I winked before looking back over to where Brad and Cherish were. The time of reckoning had come.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Ms. Sharp, here is little Shawn,” the nursed cooed as she wheeled the baby next to her.

  “Well, don’t mind if I do,” Jerome’s baritone voice spoke into the quiet room.

  He walked over to the carrier, picking Shawn up. He began walking around the room, cooing and kissing on the baby’s face. Cherish’s eyes widened as her face paled. Her jaw hung open, seeming to have lost the ability to speak. Brad looked at me, smiled, and then did something that almost made me piss myself.

  “Congratulations! You must be a proud papa,” he said, shaking Jerome’s hand.

  “Why thank ya, I do believe this little booger is a handsome lad.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore, I b
usted out laughing. The scene was just how I pictured it. Cherish looking like she was the canary caught by the cat. Henry and my mom followed suit. Our laughter echoed throughout the hospital room. I was more than glad I didn’t miss this shit. You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.

  Cherish cleared her throat. “Give me my baby. Just who do you think you are?”

  Jerome gave her a deadly stare. “I do believe I am this little boy’s proud papa.”

  “I’ve never seen you before. Get the hell away from my baby,” she said, beginning to panic.

  I looked at her, smile as bright as the sun. “Cut the shit, Cherish. We know he is the rightful father of that child. Not Brad.”

  I came to stand next to Brad, his hand wrapping around my waist. I rubbed my protruding stomach, with a calm smile on my face. “Now this, Cherish, is Brad’s baby.”

  The sound of a heavy bag hitting the floor caught our attention. I looked over to see Alex standing there with a smile on her face. She spread her arms out as wide as they could go, pinning Cherish with her eyes.

  “BOOM! That just happened!” She began laughing hysterically, holding onto her knees for support. Everyone else quickly joined in on her fun.

  My eyes widened in surprise. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  She flipped me off, a teasing smile on her face. Sitting down in the only chair available, she raised her legs to rest on Cherish’s bed, crossing them at the ankle. “If you think I was going to let you travel all by your little lonesome, you’re seriously fucked up in the head, my friend.”

  Alex was a go-getter. She was never the one to sit and wait for an invite. She always invited herself, and she was always the life of the party. I loved that about her. She knew I needed her here for moral support and left everything back in New York to be with me. She was everything to me; she was my sister no matter what.

  “Everyone get the hell out of my room!” Cherish yelled, giving everyone the evil eye. “I don’t want to see any of you here again, especially you,” she pinned Brad with an angry glare.

  “Fine by me,” he stated, steering me away from her bed.

  He shook hands with Jerome, who was still cooing at his little boy. Henry, Alex, and my mom left the room before we did. But Brad wasn’t quite finished with Cherish yet. He kissed my forehead, then turned toward her.

  “Oh, don’t worry about coming to the apartment to get your stuff. It’s all been donated to the Goodwill. Who knew you were such a thoughtful person.” He chuckled when she started screaming at him. Tightening his grip on my waist, I shivered from the contact as he led me from the room.

  When the door closed behind us, I felt light as air. There was no more Cherish to steal Brad away. No more shit that I had to put up with. But most of all, Brad was finally free from that evil whore’s clutches. She’d been successful in stealing him away from me all those months ago; however, Brad was now a single man, free to do as he pleased.

  I inhaled a long breath then released it, letting the pain and the hurt go right along with it. Brad and I were in this together. We may not be in a relationship, but our child would have both of its parents. I was giddy as fuck at the thought. My family was broken, but our child’s wouldn’t be. I would make damn sure of that.

  I didn’t know what I was going to do about Brad. I wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be with me. Even though I knew it would be a terrible idea, I couldn’t escape the fact I wanted him with every fiber of my being. My body felt like it was on fire from just the simplest touch. He had hurt me three times now in my life. But two of those I couldn’t blame him for. The only thing we could do was grow from our mistakes.

  Which was exactly what I planned on doing.

  Before coming here, I had planned it in my head that Brad and I would never be together, but now I wasn’t so sure. He would be a terrific father to our child, I was sure of that. But would he be able to hold my heart without crushing it? That I didn’t know for sure. The only thing I could do was wait and see what the future held for us.

  There was no doubt I was going to allow him in our child’s life. I was not a bitch like most of these other women that kept the father away from their child. I wasn’t heartless. Even though my heart had been broken repeatedly by this man, everyone should have a chance at redemption.

  Stepping into the elevator, I glanced through my lashes to see a carefree smile on his face. He looked so handsome in that moment. It was like all the gloom and doom of his life had melted away within the five minutes we’d been out of Cherish’s hospital room. It was a beautiful sight to see him like this.

  “You look happy,” I whispered.

  He glanced down at me with a cocky smirk. “That’s because you’re letting me hold you without ripping my dick off.”

  I giggled. “I would never rip your dick off. Peel it maybe, but never rip it off.”

  “Shit. If we could forego the peeling, I would be eternally grateful,” he chortled, pulling me harder against him.

  If this man knew what he was doing to me, he wouldn’t be laughing. The harder he pressed me against him, the harder it was to fight the need to ravage him. Damn hormones. With every cheeky grin, wink, and touch I find my resolve cracking just a little more. There was no way I was going to keep things between us strictly platonic.

  After leaving the hospital we set off for Henry and Mom’s house. Since no one had dinner, my mom let me choose. She said that what the baby wanted, the baby was going to get. I laughed when she said that. She was taking the news of the baby a lot better than I thought she was going to. Hell, everyone was taking the news a lot better. It was like I stepped into a twilight zone.

  My mom, Alex, and I sat down in the sitting room while the men went off to get dinner. I was so tired from my flight and everything that happened after that I felt myself beginning to doze. The dreams immediately assaulted me. These were not your average PG-13 dreams either; they were hardcore wet-your-panties dreams with the one and only Brad. Him thrusting into me, grabbing my breasts, pushing me up against the wall, and kissing all over my body. I was panting within seconds.

  I was on the verge of coming in my dream when I felt myself being jostled around. I slowly opened my eyes to see that someone was carrying me. Looking up, I saw Brad looking down at me with a warm smile on his face, but naughtiness in his twinkling blues. It felt so good to be in his arms that a moan slipped between my lips.

  “What are you doing?” I say, sleepiness evident in my voice.

  He chuckled, “I’m taking you upstairs, love.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Why? Where is everyone?”

  His laughter bellowed out of him. “They were giving you some privacy, Claire.” He leaned closer to my ear, his breath hitting the side of my neck. I trembled, my body already strung tight from my dream. “And I’m taking you upstairs so you can finish your dream.”

  Son of a bitch.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I turned my face into his chest and groaned. My reaction to his words caused him to laugh harder. “Please tell me I didn’t… Please.”

  “Well, I will say the Brad in your dream was giving me a run for my money,” he says between laughs. “What were you dreaming of, love?”

  I forced my face deeper into his chest, which was a bad idea. The smell of his cologne assaulted my senses. The blooming ache that was settling in my core, was now a blazing inferno of want and need. Being pregnant and having no sex takes a toll on a person’s body. Especially when the object of your fantasies now has you cradled in his arms like you were the most precious gift he could ever receive. I was totally and completely fucked.

  “I am so not telling you, Brad. Seriously? God, this is so embarrassing,” I whined.

  His sinfully erotic voice whispered into my ear. “Don’t worry, love. If you won’t tell me, I’m sure I can have a little fun figuring it out. I take care of what’s mine, and at the moment my woman is in need of some lovin’.”

  I shyly giggled. �
��Promises … Promises …”

  He groaned low in his throat. Licking the shell of my ear, he whispers, “Challenge accepted.”

  My heart was already pumping from the dream I just woke from, but hearing his deep voice laced with desire was my undoing. My pussy was already aching from just the thought of Brad filling me again. It had been so long since the last time I had him. Every minute that went by without him inside me, was a minute I was closer to dying.

  He pushed my door open with his back. As he entered the room, he kicked it shut with his foot. I expected at any moment that he was going to tell me that I was too big to be carrying around like this, but that moment never came. He carried me with ease over to my bed, laying me down. I looked into his eyes, falling just a little more by what I saw there. His pupils were dilated to where his eyes were almost pure black. His breathing now came in fast huffs, and his muscles were twitching from restraining himself back for so long.

  He slowly unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them down my legs. Liquid began to bloom in my core, watching him handle me with ease and grace. He leaned forward, seemingly to remove my shirt. Only to press his face into the lace of my panties, inhaling deeply. His deep moan reverberated through the silent room. The only sounds were our pants and the sound of our hearts sure to beat out of our chests at any moment.

  At the first contact of his tongue, I threw my head back, a soft curse leaving my dry lips. Ripping my own shirt over my head, I was now clad in only a lacy bra and thong. His eyes met mine before he glanced over the rest of my body, moaning his approval into my drenched sex.

  “Brad,” I whispered his name like a prayer. Bringing my hand up to run my fingers through his inky strands.

  “Hmm?” The vibrations leveling my entire body.

  I pulled on his hair, emitting a groan from him. I shakily replied. “I want to fuck. That other stuff we can do later. But what I want right now is your cock, deep inside me.”


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