Tamed by Her Cowboy

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Tamed by Her Cowboy Page 6

by Shanna Handel

  Redmond pats her hand. “Sweetheart you are a princess. You’re my little princess. Queen of this castle.” His attempts to calm the storm are futile.

  She says, “That’s not what he means by it.”

  “What do you think I mean by it?” I ask, amused by the fight in her eyes.

  She sniffs accusingly. “You think I’m spoiled. Admit it.”

  I place my hand on my chest as if I’m taken aback by her allegation. “Me? Think you are spoiled? Never.” I pick up my iced tea, taking a nice long swig.

  Her eyes narrow at me. Redmond’s holding in a chuckle. “At least be honest about it. You think I’m just up there in the city, playing with my trust fund, watching TV and going to parties.”

  I cut her with my gaze. “Aren’t you? I didn’t realize you were spending your days any other way. Have you become a contributing member of society since you’ve left us?”

  She stammers, “I—I…do other things besides shopping and partying.”

  “What’s the last, productive thing you did?” I ask.

  Her face pinches in thought. “Just the other day, I helped my neighbor carry her groceries upstairs.”

  “And?” I ask.

  “And what, big shot?” she shoots back.

  “It’s been years since we’ve seen you. Surely you’ve done more than just help your neighbor—that one time.” I place my elbows on the table, leaning in and waiting for her response. “Well?”

  “When I first moved, I joined a tutoring program for inner city kids. After school. I helped them with their homework. But…I stopped.” Her fingers fold the edge of her cloth napkin, back and forth. Her face is bright red. Her brow creased. “I guess I…haven’t done much since I left.”

  A pang zings through my chest at the shamed look on her face. I feel almost bad for calling her out. But growing pains hurt. Sometimes pain is necessary. I don’t want her thinking she’s going to come back here and just laze about. “Don’t worry. With all I have planned for us, you’ll make up your debt to society very quickly.”

  Her panicked gaze reaches mine. “You and I? Working together?”

  Redmond says, “When we found out you’d be here in Cedar Creek until this storm blows over, Buck and I thought it’d be a good idea to keep you busy during your time.”

  She reaches over the table, patting his hand. “I’ll do anything you ask, Dad. I’m sorry I haven’t been back, and…I just want to make it up to you…make you happy. But surely there are things I can do here, at the Castle, for you?”

  He gives her a smile. “Everything’s under control here, sweetheart. The Castle has a wonderful staff and they see to my every need. It’s the townspeople that need our help.”

  She says, “Whatever you want, Dad. I’ll do it. I’m just not sure it’s a promising idea—me and Buck working together.” She gives me a side-glance.

  He says, “I don’t want you pent up in this house. And after such a long…absence, it would be good for the people of the town to see you.”

  “And for you to serve them,” I add, my eyes never leaving her face.

  “Dad, I wanted to spend time with you, here at the Castle.” Her eyes flutters past me, unable to hold my firm gaze.

  “Sweetheart, I appreciate that but you’d go crazy locked up here. Especially after all your exciting adventures in the city. It will be good for you to have a purpose, to get out of the house.” Redmond and I exchange a glance.

  He’s been ordered to take it easy. To rest. And as his princess has already proven, as much as he loves her, he won’t be able to get the rest he needs with her running amuck in the Castle.

  The conversation needs to end. The tension needs to dissipate for the sake of Redmond’s health. I give her the look—the only one that will shut her up. “I have all kinds of things on the schedule. First things first, be up at six a.m. tomorrow. I’ll be here bright and shiny to pick you up.” She knows what comes after my warning glance and I doubt she wants her father to see her being dragged away from the table for a little trip over my knee.

  “Whatever you think is best.” She’s quiet after that.

  Redmond and I chat over our steaks and potatoes. There’s a huge salad the kitchen staff have prepared, ordered by Ava. She’s shoveling some onto her father’s plate, making it her mission to get some raw veggies into him. I can’t help but smile at her attempts to keep her dad healthy. A hint she’s probably taken from Jules. My best guess, judging by her past habits, is that she’s been living off nothing but takeout and two hundred-dollar bottles of champagne.

  Ava plays with her food while her father and I talk, shuffling around lettuce leaves with the prongs of her forks. Her features look worried, sad. I know she’s anxious about her father. I wonder if I’ve been too hard on her.

  Then, she opens her mouth.

  “Shouldn’t you be going now?” she asks, interrupting my conversation with her father.

  I want to say, watch your tone, young lady. I want to cross the room to where she sits. Pull out the empty chair beside her. Watch her eyes widen in horror as I take her over my knee. Lecture her on respect while I spank her right in front of her father who’s spoiled her so.

  I do neither. I’m a perfect gentleman. I dab my mouth with the corner of my napkin. Rise from my chair, saying, “Will you look at the time? I need to get back.”

  “Such a shame the evenings already over. See you.” She gives me a satisfied smirk, a little wave of her fingers. She’s thinking she’s won. She hasn’t.

  “Six a.m. Bright and shiny. You’d best be ready when I get here.” I give her one last, long gaze.

  She squirms in her seat, letting me know she understands the meaning behind my eyes. She still risks a sassy retort. “A whole day working with Captain Cowboy. Just what I’ve been dreaming of.”

  “Get used to it, little bit. I’m not going anywhere, and now, thanks to forces of nature stronger than you, neither are you. I’ll see myself out.” I bid father and daughter good evening and make my way from the dining room.

  Pierre closes the door behind me. I step out into the dark night, the cooling air swirling around me, taking a deep, frustrated breath.

  And just like that, my peaceful life in Cedar Creek has been turned upside down by one half-pint tornado named Ava Marie.

  I’m standing before the Castle, the sun rising over the horizon.

  It’s six fifteen.

  No sight of Ava.

  Her father sleeps late, now, his body demanding the rest. The workers don’t rise till at least seven.

  I’ll not be kept waiting. I slide my brass key in the lock and see myself in. I make my way up the winding grand staircase and slip into her room—third door on the left.

  She’s sleeping soundly on her stomach, her comforter pulled up around her shoulders. Her cheek is squished into the pillow, facing me. Her mouth is slightly opened as she snores softly. Her blonde hair spreads over her bedding like a fan. She looks almost sweet when she’s sleeping.

  Like a honey badger.

  One that will claw your eyes out if you give it the chance.

  The alarm clock on her nightstand isn’t even plugged in. She had no intention of waking up, of meeting me. What was she thinking? That I’d come to collect her, then just go away when she didn’t appear?

  In her words…fat chance.

  “Rise and shine.” I rip the covers from her. She’s wearing a virginal white nightgown and my heart beats double time. It’s thin, sheer. I can see the outline of the curve of her ass. “Time to get up, princess.”

  She opens a sleepy eye, focusing on me. Her brain finally wakes up, processing the danger she’s in. She sits up, rubbing her face. “What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?”

  Some days are best begun with a hearty breakfast. Others, a good old-fashioned spanking. I take a seat beside her on the bed. “What did I tell you about that mouth of yours, little girl?” I’m dragging her light body over my hard thighs. Her nightgown rises as I d
o, gathering around her thighs.

  Her limbs are flailing. She’s shrieking, “Who do you think you are? Busting up in my house? Breaking into my bedroom—ow!”

  My hand lands on her bottom with a satisfying smack. The sound echoes throughout the room.

  Had she remembered how much my hand feels like a paddle, she might have chosen cleaner language. I give her ass another smack, to subdue her. But she has too much fight in her to give in.

  She kicks her legs.

  I pin them in place by throwing my leg over hers, pinning her legs between mine.

  She throws her hands behind her, clawing at me.

  I make a circle around both her wrists with one of my hands, pinning them to her lower back.

  The only weapon she has left is her sharp tongue. “Oh, big strong man, pinning down a woman half your size. Do you get off on this? Huh?”

  “Just doing my job, princess.” My cock twitches in my trousers but she doesn’t need to know that. I lay another hearty smack down on her bottom. I can’t wait to pull up this nightgown and see those curves I’ve missed so much. But she’d have to give me cause to extend the punishment, to bare her—knowing Ava, she surely will.

  “You think this is your job? Ow! Molesting people in their homes?”

  “I’m not molesting you. I’m spanking you.” To prove my point, I lay a hard smack on her right cheek, then left cheek, repeating the process. “There’s a difference.”

  She looks over her shoulder, the fire of a wild animal burning in her eyes. “What gives you the right?”

  I spank as I talk, placing a nice slap on her jiggling bottom with every few syllables. “Your father has asked me to look after you during your stay. And I’ll do just that. Any way I see fit. The first task is spanking this sassy attitude out of you. During your stay, you’ll watch your tongue. And you’ll be ready to work when I tell you to.”

  “No! Don’t you dare spank me anymore—ow! What the hell! That hurts!”

  “Tsk, tsk. More bad language.” And there’s my just cause. “Since you can’t seem to hold your tongue, I must not be getting through to you. It’s time to raise this gown and pull down your panties. Lessons learned by naughty girls are best learned on the bare.”

  She lets out a low growl. “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”

  In response, I whip up her gown, pulling it high up over her back, tucking it beneath her pinned down hands.

  No panties.

  My breath catches in my throat.

  The lovely bare curve of her bare ass lifts up towards me. Her bottom is blush red from the warm up spanking. I can’t help it—I find myself reaching out and smoothing my hand over her bottom. Bumps rise on her flesh as I do. She lets out a soft moan.

  I reply with a sharp, slap so hard it leaves my palm stinging. She shrieks, lifting her hips in the air. I start paddling her ass hard and fast, leaving her breathless and free of insults. Within moments she’s desperate. Begging. Pleading. Promising she’ll be good.

  So, so good for me.

  My cock hardens. I squeeze her hot flesh, kneading it beneath my palm. “Worried your daddy will hear you being punished? Is that why you’re telling me you’ll be good?” I lay another loud spank.

  “No! I…I know I should have gotten up. I’ll be good. I’ll be ready on time tomorrow. I promise!”

  She sounds close to tears. I lay my hand flat against her red-hot flesh. Smooth it over her curves. Her words cut off as her legs slowly part.

  I can’t help myself. Her beautiful body tempts me to mix pleasure with punishment.

  The sweet scent of her arousal reaches me, throwing me back to our torrid affair. Her scent is like no other to me, intoxicating, addictive. And I’ve not forgotten it.

  I slid my finger between her legs, lightly brushing the silky lips of her bare pussy. She always liked to keep it shaved. My finger slides between her slick folds.

  And she’s purring.

  Her face turns to the side as she lets out a soft sigh. I release her wrists and her arms stretch up by the sides of her head. I brush her hair from her face so I can watch her beautiful smile as I slide my finger within her.

  Her legs spread farther. Her hips rise. Beckoning me to further my exploration.

  I concede. I add a second finger. Plunging within her. She gives a low moan. Her hips buck. I love how out of control she looks, laying over my lap. Her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. Her eyes close, her cheeks flush.

  Her bottom rises for me, her legs parting further. Her wet pussy begging for me to take her—it’s enough to make me come.

  But I’ve not got her in this position for my pleasure.

  I’m here because I have no idea how long this storm will last. It may be days that she’s trapped here at the creek. And I want to make my—and everyone else’s—lives easier.

  I’ve come to lay down the law. To show her within twenty-four hours of her arrival, that her sass and attitude will not be tolerated. That her trust fund does not pay her debts here. That she’ll do her part. Earn her keep.

  I pull my fingers from her sweet honeyed sheath, receiving a whining protest from her as I do. I slide my fingers upwards, moving from one entrance…to another.

  To one that will instantly draw her submission from her soul.

  I press against her tiny rosebud. Her eyes fly open. She looks over her shoulder, her panicked eyes locking on mine. “What are you doing?”

  “This.” I slide the tip of my slick finger past the unwilling entrance of her bottom.

  Her cheeks clench, her muscles tighten, fighting my intrusion. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Nobody goes in my back door.”

  I slide my finger in further. “I just did.”

  “This…isn’t…right.” She panics. Starts to squirm. I spank the tops of her thighs, hard. Causing her to freeze from the shocking pain.

  “This,” I slide my finger in further, making her give a soft whimper that has the blood pounding through my cock, “is me, telling you, how it’s going to be.”

  She says, “no,” but it comes out in a low moan.

  “Now listen up, little girl.” She gives a gasp as I move my finger in further. “I’m in charge. You are not. Disobey and you’ll be punished. Thoroughly.” I thrust again.

  “I understand,” she whispers in a breathy voice.

  I drive my point home by giving her ass a few hard plunges. Stretching her tight bottom. One day, I’d love to take her in that sweet little ass.

  I never got the chance.

  I leave her bottom entrance. Give her one more slap on her ass. There’ll be no orgasm for this naughty girl. I pull her up and onto my lap. Her bare bottom presses against my lap, further hardening my cock.

  To my surprise, she wraps her arms around my neck. Nuzzles her face into my neck.

  Confirming what I’ve suspected all along. My little Ava Marie’s deepest desire is for someone to set some boundaries. Show her the line.

  And punish her when she crosses it.

  I rub her back. Smooth her long hair down over her gown. “Are we clear on how things are going to be around here, young lady?”

  She gives me a little nod. I need to hear the words. We’ve been here before. She knows what I expect her to say. “Ava Marie?”

  It comes in a whisper, but at least it comes. “Yes…sir.”

  “Good girl. Now get yourself dressed so we can get to work.” I lift her from my lap, my hands lingering on her waist as if they’ve got a mind of their own. I stand, leaving her in the center of her room, looking so demure, so innocent.

  I know better.

  I close her door behind me. Make my way down the stairs to fix her breakfast.

  This spanking may have subdued her for now, but I’ve no doubt she’ll be back over my knee before her time here is through.


  Ava Marie

  Well, he’s done it again. Just like that, he’s deemed himself my babysitter, complete with scolding and spanking. Completely justifying my decision
to get the hell out of this town in the first place. I lift my nightgown, looking over my shoulder in the floor length mirror.

  My bottom is bright red. When I think of where his fingers invaded, of how wet his spanking made me, my face turns its own rosy shade.

  I’ve underestimated Buck. When I went to bed last night, I chose to ignore his warning. To sleep in, thinking if I ignored him, he’d just go away.

  He’s made it clear that’s not happening. This morning he’s laid the groundwork for my stay; obey or pay the price.

  I quickly dress, fearful to keep him waiting. I throw on my old uniform: jeans, a tee shirt, leather riding boots. Twist my hair up into a messy bun.

  Head downstairs where I smell frying bacon. I enter the kitchen, feeling shy. He’s standing at the stove, his back to me. Cooking me breakfast.

  “Sit down.” He doesn’t turn to greet me.

  I take a seat at the small round kitchen table, folding my hands in my lap. My bottom smarts as it makes contact with the wooden chair, causing another wave of humiliation to run through me. “Good morning to you, too.”

  He throws me a warning glance over his shoulder. It’s enough to keep me quiet as he fills two heaping plates with scrambled eggs, bacon and buttered toast.

  Suddenly, I’m starving.

  He places a plate before me. A glass of fresh squeeze orange juice. He sets a place across from me with his own plate and glass. He takes a seat. “Dig in.”

  “Thanks.” We eat in silence for a few minutes. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a home-cooked breakfast and I savor every bite. The food is delicious, but I’d expect nothing less from Buck. He seems to be a master of all trades. I know I should be good, not interrupt our peaceful meal together, but I can’t hold back the snarky remark that bubbles to the surface. “I hope you washed your hands before you cooked. Seems like your fingers like to go places they don’t belong.”

  “Are you referring to me having to finger your naughty bottom to show you who’s in charge?” His gaze locks on mine, burning into me.

  Fire rises in my cheeks and I break his gaze, looking at my plate. “Yes.”


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