Scandal of Love

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Scandal of Love Page 5

by Janelle Daniels

  “I am more than happy to answer any of your questions, but may I ask one first? Where is this coming from?”

  “I would like to know about the man I am marrying.”

  He shook his head. “I know you are curious about me, but there is something else going on here, I can feel it. What I can’t figure out is why you won’t tell me.”

  How could he know there was an additional reason for her questions? She had been speaking to him like she had last night. How would he react if she told him she suspected he was behind the gossip? Well, she was curious about what kind of man he is, wouldn’t his reaction tell her much about his character?

  “Obviously, I’ve been unable to think of anything besides our engagement and the gossip that led to it.” She took a deep breath. “Considering that you never compromised me, the gossip isn’t true. I have been curious why our names are linked together. What was the purpose of it?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve wondered the same myself.”

  “Really?” she asked, skepticism tingeing her voice.

  His eyebrow arched again, but he remained silent.

  “I’ve been wondering why someone would start the rumor. Who would gain something by it?” She looked at him pointedly.

  He laughed out loud. “You can’t possibly believe I would start it. I didn’t even know you, or have you already forgotten that? Why would I force a marriage between us when you could have been old, fat, or ugly? No, you need not look in my direction. I had nothing to do with this.”

  “So, there was no possible motive for you to start this? Am I mistaken that you need a wealthy bride?” she asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice. She didn’t like to be laughed at, and she felt she was justified in her suspicions.

  Holding out his hands, he looked as if he had nothing to hide. “I’ve never made a secret that I needed to marry for money. My father’s debts were well known, and therefore everyone else in the ton knew of them and my situation once I took the title. I do need a wealthy bride, but I could have had my pick of other women. There are many other debutants with respectable dowries.”

  “But none have connections with a duke. I can see many men manipulating someone to get that kind of money and connection.”

  He nodded. “I can as well, but I assure you, I would never do such as thing,” he said calmly, rationally. “I would have much preferred to have the choice of my own bride. While I am in bad financial straits, I could have survived several more months without making a choice. On top of all that, I would never be so desperate as to ruin someone else’s chances in life.”

  “If not you, then who? I know of no other person who would benefit from something like this.” Frustration colored her voice.

  There had to be something she was missing. Was he lying? Glancing up, she studied his face, his body language. He seemed sincere, but she knew she would never know for certain. He could be a very gifted liar.

  “You may not trust me now but you will in time,” he said, effectively reading her thoughts. “Whether you believe this or not, I will never lie to you. I will always be honest with you, even if it might hurt your feelings. You’ve suffered enough from lies and manipulation, I will not add to it.”

  His words comforted her, but not enough to open her heart to him. In time, she might be able to trust him, but she didn’t think she could ever believe him in this instance. It was so easy to spread one small lie, and then never lie again once you got what you wanted.

  No, this might always be between them.

  She thought of the ball last night and frowned. “Why did you make such a scene last night? Even you must know that three dances isn’t acceptable.”

  His lips flattened into a tight line. “Yes, I am aware of that rule. However, if you insist on making a spectacle of us, then I will do what is necessary.”

  “What?” she said, almost shrieking. “I did no such thing.”

  “You certainly did. What were you thinking dancing with an old suitor when we are supposed to be coming out as a newly engaged couple, happily in love? You should have been gazing at me most of the night, paying little attention to other men.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Well if you haven’t noticed, we aren’t a couple that is happily in love. I care very much for Lord Bromley, and he for me. I intend to remain friends with him long after we are married.”

  His body seemed to turn to stone. “No wife of mine will run behind my back, creating scandals and having affairs with other men. I will not tolerate such a thing.”

  Her mouth hung open, unable to produce sound. He thought she intended to have an affair with Lord Bromley?

  He was quiet for a moment. “You need to let him go. We may not be married yet, but you belong with me.”

  Looking up at him, her eyes rounded. “I’m not holding on. I know any future I may have had with him is long gone.”

  “Do you? It didn’t seem so last night when you were in his arms,” he said, something dark coloring his voice.

  “That’s not true. He is my friend and he will be remaining as such regardless of our marriage.”

  His head inclined. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, it’s so. I have no intention of being involved in an affair with him, or with anyone else for that matter. I will take my marriage vows seriously.”

  He considered her for a moment, finally nodding. “I believe you.”

  She shook her head, not sure she had heard him correctly. “You do? Why?”

  “Why not? As I said before, I will trust you until you give me reason not to.”

  It was said so simply, like it was the easiest thing to do. Why couldn’t she feel the same way? Why couldn’t she give him the trust he so freely offered her?

  He finished the rest of his tea before placing his cup back down. “Is there anything else you would like to discuss?” He pulled out his watch to check the time. “I have to leave for a meeting, but I could come back later this evening.”

  She shook her head. “No. There isn’t anything left to talk about.” She still had many questions about his character, but she knew she would only find those answers by watching him, seeing his reactions. She wasn’t certain she would believe anything that he told her.

  With a nod, he stood, bending low at his waist in a deep bow. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She watched him walk out the door, more confused about his character than before.

  A letter arrived a few hours later, addressed to Lady Sera.

  Retiring to her sitting room, Sera opened the note and was a bit surprised to see an invitation from Lord Devericks.

  Dear Sera,

  I hope that we are at a point where we can drop our titles and call each other by our given names. I prefer you call me Quinton instead of Devericks or Surrant, but I’ll leave that up to you. I am writing to see if you would accompany me to the opera tomorrow night. I can’t guarantee that it will be any good, but I can guarantee you a good time. I have extended the invitation to Lady Aubrey and your father as well. I thought we could go as a group.


  Quinton. His name rang in her mind. “Quinton,” she said aloud, trying his name on her lips. It seemed so intimate, using his given name.

  No one outside of her family and closest friends called her Sera. The thought of him using her name gave her shivers, but in a good way. It seemed friendly, almost as if they truly cared for one another.

  But that wasn’t the case. This was a forced union.

  She liked him though. He had a soothing personality, and he didn’t seem to have an uncontrollable temper. She had learned that from their conversation earlier.

  Seeming a bit jealous at the thought of her and Lord Bromley together, he still hadn’t yelled or made threats.

  She appreciated that. She liked knowing that she could speak her mind and that he wouldn’t reprimand her for doing so. It gave her a feeling of freedom to be able to speak her mind to him, even if it was only in private.

  He wanted to esco
rt her to the opera tomorrow night? It was thoughtful of him to include Aubrey and her father.

  Picking up the letter, she went in search of her father to extend the invitation.

  Finding him in his study, she entered after knocking. “I am sorry to disrupt you, but I have just received a letter from Lord Devericks. He wishes to escort me to the opera tomorrow and has included you and Lady Aubrey in the invitation as well.”

  Her father let out a short laugh. “It was thoughtful of him indeed, but when was the last time you saw me at the opera?”

  A smile cracked her face. “Never, but I still wanted to pass the invitation along.”

  “It is much appreciated, but I will not be going with you. Whom will you have as your chaperone? Lady Aubrey’s mother perhaps?”

  Sera shook her head. “Both of her parents have returned to the country for two weeks. She is staying with her aunt for the next few weeks and I thought she could accompany us. I seem to recall her liking opera.”

  Taking her father’s nod as an agreement, she left him alone to his work. She had a letter to write to Quinton.

  The time seemed to fly by from when she received the letter to when she needed to get ready.

  “Lydia, what do you think? The rose or the teal for this evening?” Sera asked, holding up both dresses in front of her.

  “The teal, miss. It compliments your eyes. I could also fetch a matching ribbon and weave it in your hair with pink rosebuds,” her maid offered.

  A smile spread on Sera’s lips. “Perfect! What would I do without you?”

  Lydia smiled at her mistress’ praise. “I’ll go fetch those things.”

  Sera stepped into the smooth, cool material, raising it up her arms. While she couldn’t secure all the buttons up her back, she made quick work of what she could.

  She was a bit pale from the strain of the last few days, but the teal only made her skin look creamy. The white tea lace around the neckline and sleeves made the dress look more dreamy, more romantic. The rosebuds would help with that image.

  She heard Lydia enter the room again. “Would you mind buttoning me up, Lydia? I can’t reach the top few buttons.”

  Rich, feminine laughter flowed into the room. “While I may not be your lady’s maid, I’m more than happy to help you.”

  “Aubrey! Please tell me you’re early and that I’m not late. Lydia still needs to dress my hair.”

  “Don’t worry. I got ready a bit early so that we could spend time together before Lord Devericks arrives.”

  “Where’s your aunt?”

  “In the library reading. Although, I’m sure she’s poking around your father’s beverages. She has an affinity for brandy and seems to drink it at all hours of the day,” Aubrey said, securing the last few buttons on Sera’s dress with a laugh.

  Sera chuckled at that. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had snuck a drink or two from her father’s stash.

  “Are you nervous about tonight?”

  Sera shook her head. “Not really.” Pausing, she considered telling Aubrey about her confrontation with Quinton, but decided against it. There really wasn’t a point.

  “Do you still think he was the one that started the rumor?” Aubrey pushed.

  “I’m not certain. I don’t know what to think. He doesn’t seem like he would do something so underhanded, but I don’t really know him. And he had the most to gain. If it was not him, I’m not sure who else it would be,” she answered honestly.

  Aubrey’s eyebrows narrowed, concentrating on the problem. “There has to be someone else. I don’t want to believe that Lord Devericks is capable of something so despicable.”

  “Well, if you come up with an alternative, please share. I would like to be able to think my future husband a good man.”

  “I think he is, Sera.”

  Sera nodded. “Well, hopefully we will find out soon, and not have to wonder the rest of our lives.”

  Lydia came in, bringing the roses and ribbon to Sera for inspection before arranging her golden curls on top of her head. Twenty minutes later she was dressed, ready to see Quinton.

  “Lord Devericks’ carriage just arrived,” Aubrey said, still looking out the window.

  Tugging on her left glove, Sera smiled. “Perfect timing. Let’s go meet him downstairs.”

  Nodding, Aubrey smoothing the wrinkles in her lavender silk dress. Her dark gold hair had been plaited, secured by tiny pearl pins that seemed to glow in the candlelight.

  A knock sounded at the front door as they entered the main parlor. Quinton’s deep voice filtered into the room as he announced himself to the butler.

  Butterflies began to dance in her stomach. Their last meeting hadn’t been the most friendly, and she wasn’t certain how he would behave after their confrontation. Things had ended friendly, but she didn’t know if he would hold her opinions against her, be offended that she couldn’t trust him completely.

  Quinton walked into the room in evening attire, causing her heart to thud loudly. He looked every inch an earl in his inky evening coat and snowy white neckcloth. The smell of his heavily starched cravat mixed with his spicy soap caused her to take a deep breath of the masculine scent once it reached her.

  It wasn’t anything different from what she had smelled from her father her whole life, but with Quinton’s unique scent mingled in the mix it was a powerful combination.

  “Good evening to you both,” Quinton bowed slightly in greeting.

  Sera and Aubrey both curtsied in return, smiling.

  “Thank you for including me in your invitation, my lord,” Aubrey said.

  Quinton smiled at her. “The pleasure is all mine. I am happy that you and your aunt will be accompanying us. I must say, I am surprised you are both so prompt. It has been my belief that all ladies are to keep gentlemen waiting at least fifteen minutes.”

  Sera smiled while Aubrey chuckled. “I see no reason why we should keep you waiting. It is a game most women play to make the men feel like they need to work for the lady’s attention,” Sera said. “Since we are already engaged, I felt there was little reason for the impoliteness.”

  He grinned. “I appreciate it. Shall we collect Lady Aubrey’s aunt and be on our way then?”

  “Yes, I will go fetch her,” Aubrey offered, leaving the room to retrieve her aunt.

  It was silent for a moment as the two looked at each other. Tension seemed to radiate between them. Was he feeling awkward from their previous conversation?

  “You look very well this evening,” he said, a glint of appreciation in his eye as he took in her attire.

  His compliment threw her off a bit. “Thank you. You look handsome as well.”

  “So, I shall not embarrass you then?” he asked, teasing her.

  Another smile crept to her lips. “Not at all. In fact, I fear many ladies will have a hard time looking away from you.” And it was true. She herself was having a hard time pulling her eyes away from him. His black hair had been combed back loosely, leaving a slight wave. His green eyes twinkled against his white shirt, looking like the clearest emeralds she had ever seen. His pants were tight, tucked into shiny black boots that reflected the candlelight.

  “A compliment?” he asked in mock surprise. “And here I thought you couldn’t stand the sight of me.”

  “Of course not. If that were the case, we would not be getting married.”

  “True.” His voice had dimmed as Aubrey’s and her aunt’s steps filled the hallway. “Looks like it’s time to go. Shall we?” He offered his arm.

  Sera nodded, gearing up for the next show they would be putting on for society. She wondered how long she would need to pretend to be in love with him before she could relax. She slid her arm through his before he led her out to meet the other two women.

  It wasn’t the first time they had touched, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But there was something that happened when she touched him. Her skin seemed to heat up, her temperature rose. There was no rhyme or reason t
o it, it just happened.

  “Is everything all right?” he whispered.

  She shivered as his breath caressed her ear. “Yes. Just thinking.”

  “Anything you would like to share?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t want to tell him what she had been thinking. He would think her a silly female, and she didn’t want to be thought of as silly. How he made her feel, the effect he seemed to have on her when they touched, would fade soon. It had to be a side effect of their engagement. He was going to be her husband. Of course he would affect her.

  It wouldn’t last though. It couldn’t. They weren’t in love and everything else faded in time.

  The carriage ride to the opera house was swift all things considered. The roads were surprisingly clear for this time of night, allowing them to make it there in good time.

  As their carriage rolled to a stop, they noticed a crowd gathered in the theatre’s entrance. Everyone must have experienced the same lack of traffic, because while they were early, they had still arrived after everyone else.

  “Are we ready?” he asked the three women in the carriage.

  Sera and Aubrey both nodded as they looked to their chaperone, then began laughing. Lady Trumbridge had fallen asleep during the ride, her mouth lolling open.

  “You’d best wake her,” Quinton said, trying to hide his grin. “It wouldn’t do to have your chaperone sleeping.”

  They all chuckled while Aubrey poked her aunt to wake her.

  “What? Are we there?” Lady Trumbridge asked, looking between the other three passengers. “I wasn’t asleep. I was just resting my eyes.”

  “Of course, Aunt.” Aubrey smiled. “Yes, we’ve arrived.”

  “Excellent.” The older woman paused, looking at Quinton. “Well are we going to sit here all evening or are we going to go see the opera?”

  “My apologies, my lady.” He dipped his head in a bow, effectively hiding his grin from Lady Trumbridge but not from Sera or Aubrey. “Let us be off.”



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