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———. “Jane Jacobs.” Architectural Review (November 2011).
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material:
Max Allen: Excerpt from Ideas That Matter: The Worlds of Jane Jacobs (Ginger Press, 1997) edited by Max Allen. Reprinted by permission of Max Allen.
Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University: Excerpts from Douglas Haskell’s letters to Jane Jacobs dated July 2, 1959, and April 28, 1958; Haskell’s letter to Perry Prentice dated August 25, 1953; Haskell’s letter to José Luis Sert dated March 19, 1956; and Haskell’s letter to Messrs. Hazen, Lessing, and Grotz dated November 21, 1957. Reprinted by courtesy of Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University.
City Lights Books: Excerpt from “Steps” from Lunch Poems by Frank O’Hara, copyright © 1964 by Frank O’Hara. Reprinted by permission of City Lights Books.
Crown Copyright: Excerpt from the animated film Charley in New Town (1948). Reprinted by permission of Crown Copyright.
Ned Jacobs: Excerpts from “The Bad Trip” by Ned Jacobs and interview with Robert Kanigel. Reprinted by permission of Ned Jacobs.
The Estate of Lewis and Sophia Mumford: Excerpt from Lewis Mumford’s letter to Chadbourne Gilpatric dated August 1, 1958; excerpt from Mumford’s letter to Jane Jacobs dated May 3, 1958; and excerpt from Jim Kunstler’s interview with Jane Jacobs on September 6, 2000, published in Metropolis Magazine (March 2001). Reprinted by permission of the Estate of Lewis and Sophia Mumford.
Carol Gayle, on behalf of the Gayle family: Excerpt from Margot Gayle’s letter to Jane Jacobs, dated April 2, 2000. Reprinted by permission of Carol Gayle, for the Gayle family.
Paul Goldberger: Excerpt from “Tribute to Jane Jacobs” by Paul Goldberger at Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation on October 3, 2006, copyright © 2006 by Paul Goldberger. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Gruen Associates: Excerpt from Victor Gruen’s letter to Douglas Haskell dated April 16, 1956. Reprinted by permission of Gruen Associates.
Gordon Knox, trustee of the Estate of M. Gordon Knox: Excerpt from M. Gordon Knox’s letters to Marion Sanders dated September 30, 1949, March 13, 1960, and April 4, 1950; and M. Gordon Knox’s letter to John Jacobs dated February 11, 1950. Reprinted by permission of Gordon Knox, trustee of the Estate of M. Gordon Knox.
The Lonergan Institute at Boston College: Excerpt from Ethics in Making a Living: The Jane Jacobs Conference (Scholars Press, 1989) edited by Fred Lawrence, copyright © 1989 by Boston College. Reprinted by permission of the editor and The Lonergan Workshop, Boston College.
Timothy G. Patitsas, Ph.D.: Excerpt from Timothy Patitsas’s letter to Jane Jacobs, dated January 26, 2000. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Random House, an imprint and division of Penguin Random House LLC: Excerpt from Cities and the Wealth of Nations by Jane Jacobs, copyright © 1984 by Jane Jacobs. Excerpt from The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs, copyright © 1961, 1989 by Jane Jacobs. Excerpt from The Economy of Cities by Jane Jacobs, copyright © 1969 by Jane Jacobs. Reprinted by permission of Random House, an imprint and division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
The Rockefeller Archive Center (RAC): Excerpt from documents by Chadbourne Gilpatric. Reprinted by permission of the Rockefeller Archive Center (RAC).
Alexandra Whyte and the Albert LaFarge Literary Agency: Writings by William H. Whyte. Reprinted by permission of Alexandra Whyte and the Albert LaFarge Literary Agency. All rights reserved.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for the use of their photographs:
1 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
2 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
3 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
4 Collage of family photographs, undated Map-case 1 Case-Drawer 17, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
5 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
6 Collage of family photographs, undated Map-case 1 Case-Drawer 17, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
7 Collage of family photographs, undated Map-case 1 Case-Drawer 17, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
8 FBI report provided by the Freedom of Information Act, Request No. 12167–000.
9 Jane Jacobs at Diner, 1950s, Box 36, Folder 6, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.” Photo by Kenneth C. Welch.
10 Courtesy of the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library
11 Courtesy of Judy Kirk Fitzsimmons
12 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
13 Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Gottscho-Schleisner Collection [LC-G612–60152]
14 The La Guardia and Wagner Archives, La Guardia Community College/The City University of New York and the New York City Housing Authority
15 Rockefeller Foundation records, photographs, series 100–1000: Series 100: International; Portraits; provided by the Rockefeller Archive Center
16 Courtesy of Peter Peter
17 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
18 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
19 Lewis Mumford Collection, Monmouth University, used with permission
20 Portrait of American public official and city planner Robert Moses (1888—1981) during the CBS Reports news program, October 1962. The segment, entitled ‘The Man Who Built New York,’ originally aired on April 17, 1963. (Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)
21 Collage of family photographs, undated Map-case 1 Case-Drawer 17, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
22 Jane Jacobs at penny sale, 1968 Box 36 Folder 10, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
23 Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection [LC-USZ-62–137838]
24 Jane Jacobs with Mary and Bob at peace march, 1967 Box 36 Folder 9, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
25 Courtesy of Maryann Thomas at The Ginger Press
26 Courtesy of Jan Becker
27 Courtesy of Vincenzo Pietropaolo
28 Photo by Alan Littlewood
29 Courtesy of Annie Butzner
30 Order of Ontario banquet, 2001 Box 36 Folder 36, Jane Jacobs Papers, MS.1995.029, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.
31 Photo by Vincenzo Pietropaolo, courtesy of Alan Littlewood
32 Courtesy of Edward Sorel
Robert Kanigel is the author of seven previous books. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including a Guggenheim fellowship and the Grady-Stack Award for science writing. His book The Man Who Knew Infinity was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Fo
r twelve years he was a professor of science writing at MIT. He and his wife now live in Baltimore, Maryland, where he writes full-time.
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