Hidden Michael

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Hidden Michael Page 12

by Victoria Pinder

  All part of a plan? She sank in the seat he abandoned. She couldn’t live like him, and not knowing what he planned meant she was the fool for believing him. She massaged her forehead. “Why are you so hell-bent on revenge? What you’re planning is destructive, Michael.”

  He knelt down in front of her. “Edmond, Simon, and Daniel all conspired to frame me and then murdered my family. I have tracked down every piece of evidence I could to put the picture together, but they were heartless with my parents and sister. Sophie, I can’t move on until I avenge their deaths and ensure these men lose everything they ever loved.”

  If this was true, part of her understood. She met his gaze. “Daniel is getting away.”

  Again Michael shook his head and acted like he was in total control when to her mind, they were trapped. “He’ll go with his brother, Simon, to meet Edmond and that’s my next stop.”

  She cupped his face. There was more and she needed him to explain. “I don’t understand. What did they do?”

  He shifted on his knees. “Years ago I worked with Daniel. The fact he was embezzling money fits with his MO.” The world really was small if that was true. Michael took her hand. “He spoke about how he intended to steal from the owner, who I then told. I thought nothing of it until the night of my arrest and discovered that it was Simon who prosecuted me.”

  The Villeforts clearly had no conscience. She leaned closer to him. “How is Edmond involved?”

  “He paid them off.” He released her hands and stood.

  Now was not the time for him to close off. She jumped out of her seat and tugged on his shoulder to get him to turn around. “How? Why?”

  His face was white, but he lowered his head and softened his voice. “He and Simon worked together. Edmond paid to keep me imprisoned.” She reached out and held his waist, like she wanted to hold him fully. “Simon was the one that had me arrested, even if it was false. I pieced together that Edmond and the Villeforts had worked together to kill their fathers to get their inheritances.” Silence filled the air and for a moment she thought he was finished. But then his voice grew even quieter. “I don’t know why Edmond went after me. I thought he was my best friend since we were little.”

  She hugged him. She had no answer for such a betrayal. She couldn’t imagine it. But then she remembered her first stop and that boy she saw—wouldn’t that make a lover crazy? “What if I told you that Mercedes had your son?”

  “Impossible.” His arms held her close.

  She shook her head and glanced up at him. “I’ve met him. He looks just like you. I’m positive a blood test would prove it easily.”

  Michael traced Sophie’s back and shoulders, making her feel wanted. “She’d have never admitted it, even if it’s true. And that couldn’t be his reason. It makes no sense.”

  She rested her head in his chest and listened to his own heartbeat. At least she understood now. “Thank you for finally sharing.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. “The only other person who knows all of this now is Jack.”

  She swallowed. She had no more doubts in her mind now. She glanced up into those dark orbs that hypnotized her, every time. “I came here to help because I love you.”

  A small smile grew as he lowered his head. She closed her eyes and her lips parted, ready for his kiss, though he said, “Then I cannot be mad at you, my sweet. I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”

  After that he claimed her kiss and she forgot everything else. She held him and didn’t let go. Every part of her body felt alive. She rested in his strong embrace. “Michael, I can’t just let you fight my battles and can’t let you go after your own past without wanting to help you.”

  He glanced down. “You will never have to. Jack was right that you were my gift sent to me after years of sorrow.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks. Now was not the time to bestow goodness on her. She let him go and remembered they were trapped. She hugged her waist. “I don’t know about that. Right now, we need to focus. How do you plan to get out of here?”

  He walked to the small window again and unscrewed a nail with the key he’d had in his sock. Once he finished, he pushed the glass out that she heard plop in the waters below. He turned and asked, “Can you swim?”

  “Yes.” He lifted her and she looked out. The drop into the ocean was at least five feet, but she held her nose and jumped. If this was Michael’s plan, she’d have to follow through and not hold him back.

  A second later, her feet hit the cold water and she sank down before bobbing to the surface for air. The water had a slick sheen on it rather than being clear turquoise blue—probably oil or gas mixed in the ocean. Gross.

  She glanced up and waved.

  Michael joined her a moment later.

  She waited for him to bob up and then swam as fast as she could to the dock. Michael’s strong strokes cleared the way and he helped her up a set of slippery stairs. Dripping, Michael waved to a car and pulled her along. “Here’s Jack.” They both hopped in the back seat and she picked up a towel and hand sanitizer. She cleaned her face and hands while Michael told Jack, “Please get Sophie home.”

  She wiped her face but then met his gaze. “I’m finishing this with you, Michael.”

  Michael took the towel from her and held his tongue. Near the gate out of the port, he finally said, “Fine, but stay with Jack the entire time. I can’t let you get hurt.”

  At least he understood. She wasn’t going anywhere. Her place was beside the man she loved and she’d help him. Working together was the only way they’d be truly happy.

  Chapter 19

  Jack stopped the car at a house outside of Miami and halfway to the Florida Keys, well past the point of people living in nice neighborhoods.

  Michael ripped his shirt off and tugged another outfit on, handing her a t-shirt to change into that had seen better days.

  However it smelled clean and wasn’t soaked in ocean mixed with ship run off. She used Michael’s broad shoulders to cover herself while she changed.

  Once she was done, Michael kissed her forehead. “Stay here. You swore you’d stay with Jack.”

  Now her heart beat wildly. He reached for the car door, but she tugged on his arm. “Where are you going?”

  He turned back. “The Villeforts are in a male spa, Sophie. Jack is coming in with the FBI in a few minutes. Wait.”

  She glanced at the estate again. It didn’t seem like business, but Michael would know. She kissed him fast and held him tight. “Don’t get hurt.”

  He gave her that infamous wink of his and hopped out of the car.

  She sat in silence as he walked inside the house. Jack didn’t offer conversation as he swiveled his gaze between the door Michael had just gone through and the road.

  Birds chirping became the only noise for a while. Tension built and she prayed Michael wouldn’t be hurt. At last multiple black cars arrived. This must be the FBI. She leaned forward in her seat. “Jack, let’s get going.”

  Jack turned and met her gaze. “So Mr. Haniel told you everything?”

  Who knew for sure? Michael was a man of eternal mystery, but she hoped this was all over, today. She shrugged and unlocked her door. “I think so. Let’s ensure the brothers aren’t left out of the arrests. I’d rather marry Michael knowing we had a shot at living through the day.”

  “Ah, miss.” Jack walked out with her. “Stay with me, then.”

  Jack seemed to know a few of the officers as he maneuvered through the agents that moved toward the house.

  Suddenly Sophie’s eyes settled on Agent Fleisher, a face she hadn’t seen since the trial. His sneer was embedded on her brain as they approached.

  “We can’t have witnesses working the case now.”

  She winced. None of these men did anything to help her or her family after her testimony so she shouldn’t let anything he said hurt her.

  Jack motioned for Sophie to join them. So she ignored the sense of being small and walked forward as
Jack placed his hand on her back. “This witness wasn’t protected properly and Daniel Villefort sent men to kill her. She has every right to be here now.”

  Good. She lifted her chin. Jack clearly knew how to talk to the agents.

  Agent Fleisher clenched his jaw but nodded. “Stay out of our way.”

  This was it. She was part of the team to help Michael. She walked inside and saw the video monitor and heard the audio tape.

  Michael was inside and in nothing but a white towel while he sat in a steam room. His hands were fisted in front of him while he leaned toward the heat source and said to Simon, “I know you killed your father. I know you sent Dante Delligatti to a prison that wasn’t actually a federal prison. Your brother then killed the Delligatti family for asking too many questions and you knew and did nothing. And I know you were going to help your brother escape from his federal charges of embezzlement.”

  Everything he’d said to her. Her love had suffered so much. She covered her heart with her open palm.

  Simon stood, next to his brother, like he knew he was being watched. “How do you know any of these things? Do you think you’re God or something?”

  Michael stood as well, showing his face like Simon should recognize him. “No, I’m Dante Delligatti.”

  Simon stepped back and visibly paled. “Impossible. Dante is dead.”

  Sophie’s heart raced as she stepped back. Michael confronted both Villeforts together and he acted like he was in complete control. He had no idea how horrible a gun to the neck felt. She was right back there, and could feel the metal on her throat.

  Michael then leaned forward, cool as a cucumber as he spoke to Simon. “How could Dante be dead?”

  Simon leaned forward, like they were negotiating a deal. “I ordered his and his entire family’s execution myself. They had no right to interfere with my brother or my current business.”

  Goosebumps grew on Sophie’s arm. None of this was good. At any second, Michael could be hurt or worse.

  “Any investor would see the risk in your company.” Michael sat straight and had a cocky grin as he crossed his arms. “And you’re right. Dante is dead.”

  She held her breath as, on cue, the FBI officers all rushed inside. She heard the stampede of footsteps as her mind processed what had just happened. She turned to Jack. “Wait, did Simon just confess?”

  “Yes. The FBI has it on video tape?” Jack asked Fleisher.

  The agent nodded and motioned for more of his men to go. “Yes. These men are ours now.”

  Jack brought her in the other direction. Michael came out of the locker room, in a clean pair of pants and FBI shirt. Before she said anything, he handed her a pair of shorts and another t-shirt.

  He looked great and smelled clean, but best of all was the way he stood as if he’d lost years of baggage. They hugged and she never wanted to let him go. He’d freed her today, and stopped two of the three men who’d harmed his family.

  The Villeforts would never hurt them again. She kissed his cheek, but Michael glanced at Jack when he said, “Sophie, let’s go.”

  They walked to the car in silence, and he held her door open for her. She slipped in and once the men took their seats, she asked, “Where to now?”

  Michael’s hand rested on hers and he squeezed her fingers. “We’re going to find Edmond. Before he learns what happened here.”

  Jack stepped on the gas and the car raced back onto the street. Sophie held onto the passenger door. “So, the FBI won’t be involved there?”

  Michael patted her hand and motioned for the pair of shorts. “Other than wishing me dead, I’ve never found evidence of criminal activity with him. We don’t have time. He’ll run if he knows we’re after him.”

  She slipped off her pants and put the shorts on. At least the clothes were clean. Once they were home, she’d take a nice long shower and get the slick of chemicals out of her hair. Right now, she needed to be with Michael.

  This last part was probably the most dangerous. He didn’t have police backup waiting in the wings. He intended an old-fashioned fight as far as she could tell because Michael had no weapons and if the man were a part of his parents’ death, there was no telling what his enemy might do.

  Chapter 20

  Everything about the air seemed still and quiet as they drove onto an open farm at the edge of Homestead, Florida.

  Michael kissed Sophie briefly and stepped out of the car.

  Jack nodded at him, like they had this moment planned to the last detail, but she couldn’t sit on the sidelines. Michael might need her here far more than anywhere else. She threw open the car door and followed Michael through the field.

  Jack drove away.

  They were alone. She stayed right behind him until they made it to an abandoned barn. She blinked and asked, “Michael.”

  He turned and his eyes widened. Then he motioned for her to join him and told her, “You should have stayed in the car.”

  “I never promised that and I can’t let you get hurt.” She answered fast and her heart raced.

  He guided her inside a barn area where horses or animals would have been kept. He whispered, “Keep your head down.”

  She followed directions for a second, but saw a dark-haired woman walking in the barn. Instead of crouching, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered, “It’s Mercedes.”

  Then her teenage gangly son, all arms and knees, followed her inside. This time Sophie’s entire focus went to the boy’s hands. He held a gun.

  Her heart felt like it stopped beating. She swallowed as Michael called out, “Mercedes.”

  Mercedes then turned toward her son and said, “I’ll handle Sophie and this man. You go and talk to your father.”

  The boy ran, like he was off to get help.

  Mercedes completely ignored Sophie as she walked over to Michael and cupped his face. “Why are you doing this to us?”

  Sophie felt like she was in a bad soap opera, when Michael took Mercedes’ hands off his face. “Why did you betray me, Mercedes?”

  Tears went down the woman’s face and she breathed like she had finally heard the truth for the first time in years. “You are my Dante. I knew it.”

  A shot rang out. Sophie heard the split sound of wood shattering and the gun powder and hit the ground, covering her head while still in the stall.

  Mercedes fell too and Sophie realized the choking was the other woman and not Michael. Michael knelt down and held her head. Mercedes’ chest had blood but she clutched Michael’s shoulder. “Edmond is trying to kill us all now. He thinks we ruined his life. I came here to warn you and I didn’t think our son would believe me. I need you to protect our boy. Edmond will kill him too.”

  “Don’t speak.” Michael pushed down on her wound with his hand to stop the bleeding.

  She coughed and said, “Dante, listen to me. I married Edmond because Dane needed a father. I made many mistakes. Protect our son.”

  At least she’d admitted it to Michael. The next shot came out of nowhere. No more words echoed in the barn. The quietness made her uncomfortable, but Sophie said as quietly as she could to get Michael to take action, “She’s dead. Michael, take cover.”

  Footsteps echoed again and Sophie cringed.

  The boy, Dane, rushed in and hugged his mother’s body.

  Michael pressed his hand on the boy’s shoulder, but the boy stood and screamed, “You killed my mother,” as he drew his gun with shaky hands.

  Dane was the only one they saw with a gun, but Mercedes died asking them to protect the boy too. Edmund was nowhere to be seen, but he was the one that sent Michael to prison and killed his family. Sophie could see Michael’s face as he shook his head, but then more footsteps echoed. A second later, all of her sisters rushed inside the barn.

  This wasn’t good. Sophie stood and grabbed Isabelle and Abigail into the stall, where there were short walls.

  Emily grabbed Dane and kissed him.

  Sophie’s mouth dropped, but Emily’s actio
ns ended the potential fight between father and son and she disarmed the boy, handing the gun to Michael.

  Once she was done, she said to Dane, “Michael did not kill your mother. He’d never do that.”

  How her sisters were here was a mystery. Sophie clutched the two younger ones to her side and motioned for Emily to join her.

  However another shot rang in the air.

  Emily jumped into the stall and on top of them.

  For a second, Sophie couldn’t see, but she felt her two youngest sisters beside her and her sister on top of her. She pushed Emily off and checked the girls.

  Everyone was okay.

  Michael called out, “Sophie, stay down.”

  Michael and Dane both stood and faced the door. Michael then pointed the gun at whoever was there as he said, “Enough. You killed Mercedes. You killed me once already. It’s time to stop, Edmond.”

  Oh goodness. Sophie couldn’t breathe. Her sisters and Michael were all in danger. She hugged Abigail and Isabelle closely.

  Emily signaled that Dane should join them.

  Sophie held her breath. It wasn’t a good idea, but Dane stood next to Michael and asked, “Father, did you kill my mother?”

  “Yes, she betrayed me. She betrayed you too, son.”

  “You almost had me kill my real father.” Dane stood next to Michael.

  “You and your mother were always a disappointment.” Edmond’s voice called out, but then he asked, “Who are you?”

  “Dante Delligatti.” Michael gently nudged Dane closer to her.

  Emily reached out and pulled the boy into their stall. Edmond laughed, “Seems my wife was right for once. You are back from the dead.”

  Michael ran toward the door. Dane acted like he’d follow, but Sophie heard a fight. Her pulse quickened and she hugged her sisters to protect them. But she let go and managed to stand and look over the stall as Michael pummeled Edmond and the gun fell to the side. “Why Edmond?”

  Edmond spit at him. “Why what? Why did I hate you and marry Mercedes?”


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