Love. Lies. Dying.

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Love. Lies. Dying. Page 13

by Carla Blake

  “Ten minutes you say?”

  Katherine nods. Smiles.

  Amy smiles back. “Your car or mine?”

  Katherine waits for Amy to get up and leave before visiting the ladies and taking off most of her foundation. Returning to her table, she then calls over her waitress, explains that she doesn’t feel so well, apologises for the fact that she was a little ill in one of the cubicles, and asks if she could please have the bill.

  The waitress is sympathetic, comments that she does look rather pale and hurries to complete the transaction. She wishes Katherine a goodnight and hopes she feels better soon.

  Katherine merely nods while congratulating herself on planting the alibi. Now if Amy does open her trap, she can probably rely on the waitress to say that Katherine Johnson was definitely not spending the night with anyone that evening because she was far too ill.

  Then she goes outside to meet Amy.

  After some discussion, they decide to take both cars, neither of them wishing to be stuck without wheels and a convenient way to get home.

  They drive to Amy’s dockland apartment in St.Catherine’s. The harbour is full, the gently creaking of boats and halyards soothing to Katherine’s ear. The moon is full out, casting an ever changing silvery ribbon over the water and a seagull hops around a waste bin pecking at flakes of pastry.

  “Nice.” Katherine says, parking her car well away from Amy’s before walking over to meet her. “Lived here long?”

  “About a year. My father was in the Navy, so I kinda grew up near water and as I couldn’t afford to live by the river, this was the next best thing.”

  “And much nicer.” Katherine adds. “You’ve even got your own pub.”

  “Yes. The food’s not bad either, if you ever fancy a change.”

  “I’ll bear it in mind.”

  Amy shows her in. Through several sets of security coded doors. Katherine keeps her head down as much as possible to avoid the cameras and she is glad her dark coat covers all of her dress. Amy doesn’t seem to notice if she is behaving oddly.

  They take the stairs to the second floor.

  Amy’s apartment is spacious but messy. There are clothes everywhere. On the sofa, over the backs of door, piled on the dining table. There are also a lot of coffee cups perched on top of things and a healthy collection of magazines. Looking around her, Katherine is reminded of a certain piece of modern art. She itches to tidy up a bit. Amy, however, is impervious.

  Until she sees Katherine’s expression.

  “Oh, sorry about the mess.” She says, swooping great swathes of garments from the sofa and gesturing for Katherine to sit. “I never get a chance to tidy.”

  “So I see,” Katherine replies, sitting down on the clear patch Amy has just made available. “Ever thought of getting in some help?” She says, picking up a soft pink sweater and neatly folding it.

  It’s such a shame because the apartment is lovely. The lounge is a through lounge/kitchen and through the window she can see the pub, the ‘Dicken’s Inn’. The flower baskets are particularly lovely.

  Amy, meanwhile, is still prattling on and picking up clothes, telling her she also has a lovely bathroom and two bedrooms, one with en suite and maybe she should get a cleaner but they’re so damn expensive! Everything in London is expensive. She paid nearly five quid for a coffee the other day.

  Katherine tells her she was robbed. And does she have any? Coffee that is?

  “Oh, yeah, sure.” Amy says, depositing her load in what Katherine assumes is one of the bedrooms. “Should be a pot on the go. I put one on before I left.”

  Katherine crosses to the kitchen. At least there are no clothes over here. There are two cups though, beside the espresso machine. She allows herself a small smile, so Amy was confident of picking up someone, she thinks and pours one for both of them.

  “Do you do this often?” Katherine wants to know. She has taken off her coat, at Amy’s bidding and they are busy with their coffee. They have both taken off their shoes. Amy is sitting on the floor, her legs curled up under her. Katherine has offered her a bit of the sofa but Amy has said it’s okay, she’s comfy. Katherine merely thinks it looks painful.

  “Sometimes.” Amy admits, looking shy again. “Depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On how lonely I feel. It’s sad really, but again, everyone thinks models do nothing but walk down catwalks and go to parties. When really..” She shrugs her shoulders.

  “Its’ not like that at all.” Katherine finishes for her. “And I know exactly how you feel. Everyone thinks much the same of me, though not the catwalk obviously. I work on a magazine, I’m a success, therefore I must be living it up every night.”

  Amy sighs. “Yeah. You done with your coffee?”

  Katherine hands her an empty mug.

  Amy leans across and takes it, not easy in her tight fitting dress, then stands up and carries them both to the kitchen. On the way back she reaches behind her and begins to pull down the zip. She stops half way. “I need some help with this.” She says, standing with her back to Katherine. “Would you mind?”

  Katherine unzips her. Amy is naked underneath. No bra, no panties.

  “I can’t stand lines, can you?” She smiles and lets the dress drop to her feet.

  She is as lovely naked as she was dressed. Her skin is pale and smooth. Her tits firm with dark pink nipples already beginning to swell. Her stomach is flat and toned, her pubic mound adorned with just enough fluff to prevent her from looking like an oversized child. And she smells gorgeous.

  “You like?” She asks Katherine, turning full circle. “Will I do?”

  “Oh, yes.” Katherine says, beginning to get to her feet. “You will.”

  Amy presses her down again. “No. Stay sitting.

  Katherine settles back again, her eyes roaming Amy’s body. She wants to take her nipples in her mouth, she wants to suck them. She wants to bite them. She wants to make Amy groan with desire and need.

  Kneeling, Amy gently kisses Katherine’s knee and slides her hands up her thighs until she finds the tops of her hold ups. They are black and lacy and cost a fortune, but right now Katherine doesn’t’ care if she rips them off her legs.

  But Amy is gentle and peels them down slowly, savouring the task. When they are both off, she folds them neatly together and places them on the sofa beside Katherine. Then, just as gently, she pushes up her dress until Katherine is forced to lift her backside so Amy can hitch it further to gather it in her lap.

  “I can take it off if you like?” Katherine suggests.

  “Why not?” Amy smiles and helps Katherine slip it over her head.

  Underneath she is wearing matching black bra and panties. They cost three times as much as the stockings.

  Amy licks her lips. “Those too.” She says. “I want to see all of you.”

  Katherine takes them off. Her knickers are already damp.

  Amy makes her sit back on the sofa and spread her legs.

  “Have I told you how much I love your hair?” Amy says. “I’ve always wanted long hair.”

  “Have you?” Katherine is slightly nonplussed. They are both stark naked, her pussy is well on its way to a nice throb, and Amy is talking about hair! “ You shouldn’t be jealous. It takes ages to wash and dry.”

  “I wouldn’t care.” Amy replies, “it would just be nice for one day. I bet you’re wondering why I’m talking about hair aren’t you?”

  “A little, yes.”

  “Well, its because when I do this, it makes it so much more thrilling.”

  And she shoves her finger into Katherine’s cunt.

  Katherine gasps with surprise and then groans with pleasure. Amy is right. Not knowing it was going to happen really heightens the sensation and it is incredibly sexy. Now Am
y’s finger feels like it has been dipped in ice and she can feel it sliding all the way up her vagina. She sighs her approval as Amy starts to fuck her.

  In moments there is a wet, slippery sound coming from her cunt and Amy exclaims at how very wet she is. She offers her another finger. “Think you need it.” She says. “I don’t think you’re very full at all yet.”

  “I think,” Katherine says, taking hold of the hand between her legs, “that I want to screw you first.” And she pulls Amy’s hand away from her cunt. Amy’s fingers are slippery with cream, but her expression is one of confused surprise.

  “Why? Have I done something wrong?”

  “Not at all.” Katherine replies, relishing the moment. “But I have my reasons.”

  Namely Theresa and the awful Petra, who both took her first. Encounters which, although she enjoyed immensely, she is in no hurry to repeat. With Amy, she wants to be the one in charge.

  “Swap places with me.” She says now, getting up so Amy can sit down.

  Amy sits. Her face is still a little flushed, embarrassed almost and Katherine reckons she probably thinks she’s committed some awful fait pa that means she may never model again.

  “It’s alright.” She says, soothing the girl. “You haven’t done anything wrong, I just can’t wait to touch you.”

  “Oh.” Amy says in a small voice. “That’s ok then.”

  Katherine, now on her knees, reaches up and kisses her.

  Amy’s lips are soft and warm and they part to allow her tongue to dart between her teeth and find Katherine’s.

  The kiss is long, slow and tender as though they are already lovers rather than two comparative strangers looking only for a mutual fuck. Katherine’s hands roam up the side of Amy’s body. Her skin is soft and taut and she cups her breasts in her hands before sliding her thumbs over her nipples. Obediently they stand to attention and leaving Amy’s mouth, Katherine kisses the side of her throat and down her neck.

  Amy buries her fingers in Katherine’s hair and whispers something that sounds like ‘lovely.’

  Katherine’s mouth reaches her breasts and she kisses all around the nipple. Beneath her Amy maneuvers her breasts so that her nipples fall into Katherine’s mouth and Katherine kisses them, a single kiss on each one, before taking Amy’s right nipple in her mouth and sucking hard. The nipple instantly swells and she flicks it quickly with her tongue again and again whilst Amy sighs, holds onto her hair, says ‘ yes’ and arches her back. Reaching up, Katherine squeezes the other nipple between her fingers. It has the desired effect. Amy groans and Katherine smiles, certain the first real pulse of desire has just shot straight down to her pussy.

  Releasing her breasts, Katherine licks her skin. It takes salty, clean and faintly of perfume. Her tongue wanders. Beneath the mounds of her full breasts and over her stomach. She pauses at her belly button and twirls her tongue inside, she can feel the heat rising from Amy’s cunt.

  Further down she goes, brushing against the tiny amount of pubic hair. Her hands caress Amy’s inner thighs, pulling them apart. Her skin is incredibly soft. She breathes in, enjoying the heady aroma of aroused pussy and resists the temptation to thrust her mouth into the welcoming pinkness.

  Instead she kisses her thighs and the skin around her fluff. Amy groans, starts to say something, then thinks better of it. Her hands are gripping the cushions of the sofa and when Katherine steals a look at her face, her eyes are closed, her face tense with sweet anticipation.

  Her pussy is glistening and Katherine licks her lips. She wants to taste her and using her tongue pushes against her labia to part them. She delves deeper, using the flat of her tongue to scoop up a generous amount of scented juices. She swallows and reaches for more, using her fingers to keep Amy’s pussy spread wide, whilst her thrusting, hungry tongue feeds along the deep pink channel. Her thumb plays at the entrance to her cunt, circling the slippery, wet hole and when Amy gasps, then begs her to fuck her she pushes her thumb in just enough for Amy to think she is about to get her wish before pulling it out again. The tease is met with disappointment and Amy thrusts her groin into Katherine’s face until juices coat her chin, her mouth, the tip of her nose.

  Katherine licks it all up.

  But Amy is still begging. “Please. Please fuck me.”

  “Ok.” Katherine says and laces two fingers together before working them into Amy’s cunt. The angle is awkward and there is little room with her own face in the way, but they slide in easily enough, disappearing into the tight hole to be enveloped by warmth.

  She fucks her, slow and easy. There is no hurry. Her fingers slide in, her fingers slide out, each time covered in more cream than when they went in. Amy’s cunt is running with juices, the sofa beneath her damp with them and Katherine kneels back up to fuck her solidly. Her face is moist from the nose down and she can smell nothing but fragrant cunt, but she doesn’t give a damn.

  “Another.” Amy breathes and Katherine pushes a third finger into her cunt. She feels full now and there is barely room to move but she carries on fucking her, giving Amy’s cunt time to accept and expand around this new arrival.

  It doesn’t take long and soon Amy is moving with her, her groin thrusting in time with Katherine’s fingers. “Touch my clit.” She says, looking at Katherine with pleading eyes.

  “Please. Bring me off.”

  Katherine smiles and with her other hand thumbs Amy’s clit. She has no trouble finding it. The swollen nub is standing right to attention. She circles it lazily, letting the pleasure build and watching as Amy’s hands clutch the sofa so tightly her knuckles are white.

  “Yes.” She gasps, “don’t stop.”

  “I won’t. Are you going to come for me?”

  “Yes! Oh God, yes!”

  Katherine fucks her harder. There is plenty of room now, she could probably insert her entire hand if she so wanted. Juices gush. Amy’s pussy is awash with them and Katherine screws her with determination, her thumb pushing hard into her clit whilst her fingers pump in and out, in and out.

  “Coming.” Amy says, sucking in air, and over she goes. Her backside leaving the sofa, her head thrown back. The muscles in her arms straining to keep her steady.

  Katherine fucks her. Faster and harder. Her thumb rammed solidly against her clit as she thrusts her fingers hard into Amy’s cunt, pushing for all she’s worth, wanting Amy to ride every last ounce of her orgasm.

  Amy groans deeply and her hand suddenly clasps the one Katherine has wedged inside her vagina to hold it fast. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She says. “Christ!”

  And she collapses back against the sofa, softly swearing. Eventually her hand lets go of Katherine’s and she wipes her face, breathing through her mouth. She looks flushed and sweaty and well...fucked.

  “Thank you.” She says at last, grimacing as Katherine gently withdraws her fingers. “That was.. wonderful.”

  “Welcome.” Katherine replies, and licks her fingers clean. She loves the taste of clean pussy and her hand is covered with it.

  “May I return the favour?”

  “Of course.” Katherine says, sitting beside her. “In a minute. Get your breath back first.”


  They sit quietly. Katherine searching for and finding rapidly drying come on her fingers to lick off; Amy breathing hard and telling her what an incredible fuck that was.

  “Ok. I’m ready.”

  Amy has turned towards her. She has her hands tucked under her breasts as if they need support. She also has her legs clamped together which Katherine finds sweetly amusing. How can she be so coy now, she thinks, after what they’ve just done?

  She smiles wickedly. “So. How do you want me then? Still sitting on the sofa?”

  Amy bites her lower lip. “Would you mind standing up and leaning over it?”

�� Katherine shrugs. She is playing it cool. Hoping to intimidate Amy just enough that she will endeavor to put on a stellar performance. If would help if her pussy wasn’t aching with want, but she desperately needs a good fuck. A nice round, full screwing, until her cunt cannot take any more. She hopes Amy is up to the job.

  Obediently, Katherine stands up, walks round and leans over the sofa. She can see the damp spot made by Amy’s pleasure. She hopes she has a good fabric cleaner.

  Amy stands behind her, her breath warm on her naked back.

  Carefully, she takes hold her of hair and drapes it over Katherine’s right shoulder.

  Then she kisses the length of her spine. Her lips warm against her skin, a plethora of goose bumps following along in their wake.

  “You’re cold.” Amy says and Katherine shakes her head. “No. It’s nice.” She says. “I’m enjoying it.”

  Amy’s hands caress her rump, squeezing and needing, her fingers coming dangerously close, but never quite touching the warmth between her legs. They stay there a while then swoop up to gather Katherine’s breasts and tease her nipples.

  Katherine resists the urge to sigh.

  Amy doesn’t give up. She squeezes and runs her thumbs over them, she leans over and presses her own tits into Katherine’s back. One of her hands finds Katherine’s mouth and a finger, coated in her own juices, slips between her lips. Katherine sucks it off and tells her she is filthy. Amy laughs softly in return.

  Her hands trail down over Katherine’s stomach and towards her groin. Fingers play with her fluff, cup her mound, stroke the inside of her thighs. She is getting wetter, she can feel it, her pussy impossibly swollen and moist. Her cunt is twitching in anticipation.

  She almost cries out when Amy suddenly cups her pussy in her mound and applies pressure, she does when she squeezes a second time.


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