The Alpha Pack

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The Alpha Pack Page 2

by D J Heart

  Jack was staring intently at Sam as he explained, four fingers in the air like he was preparing to fist someone. Hunter looked a mix of embarrassed and disinterested.

  “Hunter and I are in an alpha pack. There’s us two, our leader, and three other members. I joined because I was second alpha.” Jack looked to Hunter. “Anything else I should tell him before we tell him…” Jack made an unsubtle gesture with his eyebrows. Hunter looked pained, but he turned his head towards Sam.

  “What Jack said is right, mostly.”

  “Aren’t you going to tell him why you joined an alpha pack?” Jack nudged, and while Sam was interested to learn Hunter’s history, what he really wanted was for Jack to tell him that he was not in fact going to be the omega for a pack of six alphas.

  “I was a first alpha, but my pack went bankrupt when I was a teenager.” Hunter looked like he was deeply ashamed and trying to hide it, and Sam wasn’t sure what to say.

  “So what’s my part in this?” he asked when the silence stretched just a little too long to be comfortable. Jack looked like he was both nervous and excited.

  “Okay, so even though we all submit to our leader as our alpha, we don’t have sex with him. And though we now have a territory and money, we can’t get beta or omega wolves to join our pack because they wouldn’t fit into our hierarchy. This is where you come in.”

  Sam was upset. Sam was more than upset; he was terrified. Nothing Jack was saying so far were the words: You will only be Hunter’s omega.

  “How?” he asked, trying to keep the horror out of his voice.

  “Your paternal grandfather was a werewolf, and from the genetic analysis we did on your blood samples you have almost as good of a chance at successfully carrying cubs to term as an omega werewolf.”

  Sam didn’t know what to say. His blood samples? They wanted to use him to breed werebabies for their pack?

  What the fuck?

  “So I’m going to be your pack’s baby oven?” he finally asked, terror making him glib. Jack and Hunter looked at him with expressions of equal befuddlement.

  “You’re going to be our pack’s omega. Legally, when you married Hunter, you married our pack. This was all in the paperwork your guardian signed.” Jack looked to Hunter for confirmation.

  “It was, his uncle just didn’t read it.”

  “So how many other part werewolf people are in your pack?” Sam asked, hoping the answer was five or above.

  “It’s just you. Normally when a human and a were have a baby, which is in itself extremely rare, the child is a wolf. David has been looking for someone like you since he and Max first started the pack.”

  Sam wasn’t quite sure what to do. He was going to be the omega. The single omega. For six alphas. Six. How did they expect him to… clean up after, cook for, have sex with six alphas? Six tempers. Six knots.

  The number just wouldn’t leave his head, occupying so much space that it was getting harder and harder to think around it.

  “Why don’t you just get regular human omegas, even if they can’t get pregnant?” Sam managed to ask, hoping that now that they had him, the babymaker, that they would get a bunch of non babymakers to take some of the pressure off.

  “Werewolves aren’t allowed to have humans in their packs. Alpha packs are the only exception, and we’re only allowed to have one at a time.” Jack looked to Hunter for the older wolf to validate the information.

  “You’ll adjust,” Hunter said, having caught on to the source of Sam’s discomfort slash terror in a way Jack hadn’t.

  Sure, Sam thought. One at a time. So the alpha packs did what? Take a human, wear them out and then get a new one, one after the other? How long would Sam last with six alphas?

  The thought made him shudder.

  “We’re going to take good care of you,” Jack said with conviction, laying a heavy hand on Sam’s shoulder to comfort him. “But don’t worry about that now. Would you like to watch a movie? Take your mind off things?”

  Why not?

  Sam nodded a subdued yes, and spent the rest of the flight pressed between Hunter and Jack on the comfy leather sofa, the noise of the plane barely registering. The two alpha’s seemed even bigger now that he was sitting between them, their thighs and arms pressing into him on either side of his body, and Sam couldn’t help the hot ember of arousal burning in his stomach.

  He’d gone from never having met an alpha to sitting squished between two of them, and his body’s biological response was inevitable.

  About ten minutes into the movie, Jack shifted his body by lifting slightly off the couch. Sam glanced over, eyes traveling down his body, and almost choked on his spit when he saw the bulge in his jeans. Jack moved his palm down and adjusted himself, eyes on the TV, and Sam followed the movement with drool pooling in his mouth. He discretely turned his head and cast his eyes on Hunter’s lap.

  The bulge in his suit was just as pronounced.

  Looking back on the screen, Sam felt like he was going to hyperventilate. The two bulges were scary as fuck, but there was a part of him that wanted to get on his knees and press his face against them. He could almost feel the warm hardness against his cheek, and he bet the musky scent of alpha was even stronger down there.

  He wanted to sit on his knees between their thighs while they used him. The instinct was strange and unfamiliar, and Sam almost couldn’t breathe with how overpowering it was.

  He’d never had so much trouble paying attention to a movie before.



  Sam woke up as the plane hit the runway. He was startled as he couldn’t remember falling asleep, but he figured he had just given in to exhaustion. He was still squished between the two muscular alphas, though Jack had slipped an arm across his shoulder and Hunter was resting a discreet hand on his thigh.

  The scent of alpha was so thick it felt like he was going to choke.

  The plane came to a stop and for a minute they just sat there, close together and breathing.

  Then Hunter lifted his hand off Sam’s thigh and stood up, and Jack followed.

  “Come on, Sam. Let’s go,” Jack said, herding him out of the plane. They walked down the stairs and into the back of a waiting town car, Jack’s hand never leaving his back.

  Once again Sam was pressed tight between the two alphas, though this time neither one hesitated before resting their hands on his thighs. The touch was possessive and sexual, and when Hunter started rubbing his thumb in little circles on the inside of Sam’s thigh, he gasped.

  Jack shot him a look, but Sam just looked straight ahead. Hunter was still doing it, and it was making his cock harden and leak into his underwear. He’d never felt so turned on.

  But then he remembered what this was a prelude to and a spike of anxiety killed his hard-on.

  He had gotten married. To a pack of alphas.

  It was his wedding night and Sam had no idea what would happen. Usually, once the legalities were in order, an alpha would take their omega home and claim them by knotting them and giving them the mating bite. From what Sam had learned in sex-ed and on the internet the process was brutal, with the alpha at their most feral and possessive.

  How that was supposed to work with six alphas he had no idea. Finally, he just couldn’t take the uncertainty any more.

  “So how is this going to work, claiming wise?” he asked, his mouth almost too dry to form the words properly.

  Both Jack and Hunter seemed shocked by the question, and though it was hard to tell, Sam was pretty sure they were blushing. The sight made him furious. Here he was, scared out of his mind at the prospect of being claimed by a group of feral alpha werewolves, and they were embarrassed?

  Fuck them.

  “Well, we’ll all claim you. Tonight. As a pack,” Jack said, looking anywhere but at Sam. He pulled his hand away and put it in his lap.

  So there it was. All of Sam’s worst-case scenarios rolled into one. He closed his eyes and wondered how the fuck he was supposed t
o survive this.


  They drove for almost an hour, and Sam was surprised when they headed towards the skyscrapers instead of away from them. He would have expected werewolves to want to live away from the city, as close to nature as possible, but it seemed his impression of Hunter as a city slicker was correct.

  The car pulled to a stop on the curb outside a towering skyscraper. Jack and Hunter exited the car and herded Sam inside the building. Their grips on his arms were firm and inescapable, but not bruising. They took him to an elevator, the doors opening silently, but when they tried to move him inside Sam couldn’t get his legs to work.

  He felt a slight push on his lower back, Hunter nudging him forward, but when he tried to lift his leg to step forward he felt himself falling and the world went black.


  Blinking groggily, Sam came to in a softly lit room that looked like something out of an interior-decorating magazine.

  Sitting up, he tried to get his bearings.

  At first he wondered if he had hit his head, because he was pretty sure he was seeing double, but then he realized that he was looking at a pair of twins. The two alphas were about the same height as Jack, one of them standing a little taller than the other, and both dressed in tight dark jeans and clingy t-shirts that could barely contain their muscles. Sam had thought Jack was pretty big, but these two made him look lanky by comparison. To their left stood Jack and Hunter, both with worried expressions, and then further to the right stood a mountain of a man that was taller and wider than anything Sam had believed possible, even for an alpha.

  The giant was dressed in a pair of comfy looking sweats, the big bulge snaking its way down his thigh letting Sam know just how big his knot was.

  Standing right in front of him, almost between his legs, stood the sixth alpha. He was dressed in a slick suit, shiny wool pulled tight over firm muscle, and he was smiling down at Sam like a wolf watching a lamb that had been separated from its flock.

  “Ah, you’re awake. I must say we have all been anticipating your arrival,” the tall alpha said, grin widening. He crouched down between Sam’s knees, looking at him intently.

  “Well, here I am,” Sam said, spreading his palms, not sure how to act when a room full of alphas were giving him their undivided, hungry attention.

  The alpha in front of him grabbed his knees, sliding his big hands up Sam’s thighs while maintaining eye contact. The touch sent shivers up Sam’s body, and he couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped his lips.

  His belly felt tight and hot.

  “Sure, you can touch,” Sam said, blurting out the first thing that came to mind and regretting it the minute the words were out of his mouth. The alpha’s hands stilled, fingers pushing into Sam’s thighs just slightly harder than before.

  “I think you’ll find Jack and the twins more amenable to jokes than myself, I’m afraid,” he said with a wry smile. His hands resumed their journey up Sam’s thighs, not stopping until his large hands were framing Sam’s crotch.

  He held his hands there, pushing his palms into Sam’s thighs as he looked into his eyes with a cruel smile. He moved his face closer toward Sam’s, and Sam held his breath as the alpha pressed his face into his neck.

  Breathing in deep through his nose, the alpha dragged his mouth up Sam’s throat, hands resting heavily on Sam’s thighs. When he pulled back he had a smug expression on his face, and his pupils were notably bigger than before.

  “You’ll do,” he said, standing up in a smooth motion. Sam just looked at him, confused and off kilter, feeling incredibly vulnerable. His instincts were screaming at him to submit, to make the alpha want him, but he didn’t know how.

  The alpha’s grin widened, like he knew exactly what Sam was feeling and it was turning him on.

  “While I’m sure Hunter and Jack have managed to fill you in already, let me introduce my pack,” he said, gesturing at the five alphas standing by his side. Sam’s gaze shifted and his belly tightened in fear and arousal.

  The room was saturated with Alpha pheromones, and it was making Sam dizzy.

  “Hunter and Jack you’ve already met. Hunter is our pack’s legal representative and a partner at Wiseman and Whitt, while young Jack is our pack’s resident high school senior.”

  Both Jack and Hunter looked completely at ease with the intimidating alpha, and Jack gave him a cheery wave after his introduction.

  Sam was surprised. He had thought Jack was older than him, but if he was still in high school he had to be at least a year younger.

  The intimidating alpha kept talking, gesturing toward the twins.

  “These two strapping alphas are Logan and Aiden respectively. They’re college students, currently attending City College in their third year. Major undeclared.” The last bit was delivered with a reproachful shake of the head, but neither of the twins seemed to mind, both staring at Sam like he was the last cookie in the jar.

  “And last, but certainly not least, our pack’s disciplinarian and proud member of the force. Max. You would be wise to mind your manners with this one, Sam.”

  Max, the giant, narrowed his eyes in a way that made him look practically terrifying and Sam decided that he was not going to do anything that would require the hulking man to step into his role as disciplinarian.

  “I am David, head of our merry little group.” Turning towards his pack, David gestured towards Sam. “Pack, this is your omega. Sam, these are your alphas.”

  Sam had no idea what he was supposed to do, so he just waited.

  “I know we are all very anxious to start claiming our new omega, but it’s been a long day and our boy needs to eat and hydrate in preparation for tonight's ordeal.”

  Sam didn’t know how he like being called boy, but he decided he would appreciate the slight reprieve, even if there was a part of him that just wanted to get things over with.

  “Jack, why don’t you go get our omega some food,” David said, sitting down next to Sam with his hand coming to rest on his thigh, brushing Sam’s crotch firmly. Sam willed himself not to come in his pants at the unexpected touch.

  “Do you like that?” David asked, grinding his palm down on Sam’s bulge. Sam clenched his eyes together and nodded.

  “Good. You’re very responsive. And here’s Jack with your dinner.”

  Jack brought out a huge bowl of some sort of thick, delicious smelling soup and a large bottle of water, placing them on the coffee table in front of him. David picked up the bowl and handed it to him, along with a spoon.

  Sam dipped the spoon in the bowl and brought it to his mouth. It tasted strange and a little bland, but still Sam loved it. He eagerly dipped his spoon in for a second helping and brought it up to his mouth.

  David and the other alphas watched him eating, and Sam did his best to ignore their scrutiny. When the bowl was empty, Sam felt full and almost a little drunk. David handed him the bottle of water, and Sam drank it down in one go.

  The soup had been salty.

  Once he was finished eating and drinking, David lifted his hand and carded his fingers through Sam’s hair. Sam froze, the alpha’s large hand feeling amazing on his scalp. He shuddered, acutely aware of the five alphas watching him trying to contain his reaction to being touched by an alpha.

  “Let me tell you a little bit about how we’re going to do this.” Sam forced himself to concentrate on David’s voice. He opened his eyes and turned his face to look at the alpha. He was handsome, with aristocratic features and cold, blue eyes, and Sam didn’t trust the way he smiled for a second.

  “You won’t be expected to clean or cook for us. Your only job is to be available to us. We’ve each chosen a day of the week on which we get you all to ourselves, leaving one day off. That day is yours to recuperate and relax, and no sex will be required of you. Since today is a Saturday, we’ll let Sunday be your day off and then we’ll start up the schedule on Monday.”


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