The Alpha Pack

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The Alpha Pack Page 11

by D J Heart

  “That sounds complicated,” Sam said. He had no idea what industrial ecology was, but environmental law sounded self-explanatory.

  “It’s interesting,” Aiden said, shrugging it off. Sam tilted his head, something about Aiden’s body language a little off.

  “Is that what you want to major in?” he asked, thinking there must be a reason Aiden was taking the class. It didn’t sound like the kind of thing that would be a general requirement, but then again, what did he know.

  “What, major in environmental science? Do you have any idea what David does for a living?” The way Aiden said environmental science made it sound like a joke, but Sam didn’t get the feeling that’s how Aiden saw it.

  “No. What does he do?” It was true. Sam had no idea what kind of business David ran. All he knew was that it allowed him to own expensive apartments and pay two million dollars in cash for an omega without batting an eye.

  Aiden snorted. “He runs a mining conglomerate. He has mines all over South America and in Australia, and if anyone in his pack tried to go into environmental science he’d skin them alive.”

  Now Aiden just sounded downright bitter. Was this why he was still undecided—because the thing he wanted to major in was something David would disapprove of? That didn’t sound right.

  “That’s too bad,” he said, having no idea what Aiden should do. He didn’t want to give out any advice, since Aiden no doubt knew David a lot better than he did.

  “Does anyone else know that you want to major in that?” Sam asked. Aiden gave him a sharp look.

  “I didn’t say I wanted to major in environmental science,” he said, his tone defensive. He looked almost angry.

  “Okay,” Sam said, unable to hide how little he believed that.

  “No one, okay. Except for Logan, and he has his own thing so he won’t tell on me.”

  “I won’t tell,” Sam said. He didn’t want Aiden to worry about him.

  “Thanks.” Aiden sounded tired, and the bulge in his sweats and gone down. He shook his head and pulled into a parking lot. “I can’t believe I told you that.”

  Sam shrugged. Omegas were easy to talk to, especially for their alphas. He was glad that Aiden felt comfortable enough with him to have said anything at all.

  “Okay, enough moping,” Aiden said, shutting off the engine and getting out of the car. He walked around the hood and opened Sam’s door, lifting him right out of his seat and throwing him over his shoulder. “We’ve got twenty minutes and then I have to leave for class. Let’s make it count!”

  Sam laughed as Aiden ran toward the tall building next to the parking lot, getting in the elevator and hitting the button for the fifth floor. The elevator stopped on the second floor, and a pair of girls gave them a wide-eyed stare. Aiden gave them a jaunty little wave and hit the button to close the doors.

  A minute later they were at the door leading into his room.

  “We’re home!” Aiden called out as he stepped inside. He dropped Sam to the floor and spun him around so that he was facing the room, hugging him to his chest and steering him toward the bed. He turned his face to the bed on the other side of the room. “That means get out, Logan.”

  “Shut up and let me sleep!” Logan growled from under his covers, making Aiden laugh.

  “Not a chance,” Aiden said. He pushed Sam back so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed, pushing down his sweats and jock in one smooth motion and letting his cock spring free.

  Sam watched the perfectly formed length stick up in front of his face, drooling at the beautiful sight. He hadn’t noticed just how pretty Aiden’s cock was the last time he saw it. Pink and gently curved, the shaft was just the right thickness, thickening toward the base, the head flaring into a wide mushroom shape.

  “Look at that,” Aiden crowed, jerking Sam out of his worshipful thoughts. “You’re practically gagging for it.”

  Sam looked up at Aiden’s smug face, and feeling brave and a little annoyed, he grabbed the hard length by the base and took the tip into his mouth.

  Aiden gasped, cursing loud enough for Logan to push down the covers to see what was going on.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m right here,” Logan cried. He pulled the covers back over his head and turned toward the wall.

  Sam just kept on sucking. He squeezed Aiden’s knot, massaging it firmly, and used his spit to lube the way for his hand before he started stroking the part of the shaft he couldn’t get into his mouth.

  “Holy fuck!” Aiden growled, his cock throbbing. Just when Sam thought Aiden was going to shoot, the idea of spurt after spurt of hot come blasting into his mouth making his cock spasm, Aiden pushed him away and sat down on the bed next to him.

  Confused, Sam looked down at the cock jutting up from Aiden’s crotch, wanting it back in his mouth.

  “Come on,” Aiden growled, grabbing Sam by the hair with his left hand and pulling him close. Lifting his right arm, Aiden pushed Sam’s face into his pit and lowered his arm, trapping him in the musky crevice.

  Struggling to breathe, Sam was drowning in the heady scent of alpha. He could hear Aiden jerking himself off, and Sam couldn’t help but reach into his own pants and wrap his fingers around his cock.

  “Lick!” Aiden demanded, flexing the arm holding Sam in place and squeezing his head. The pain was negligent, but it pushed Sam over the edge like he was careening off a cliff. He came inside his underwear, jerking himself through his orgasm as he started licking into the space under Aiden’s arm.

  When Aiden finally let him go, Sam was breathless and hot. His face felt sticky, and the scent of alpha clung to him.

  It was delicious.

  “That is so nasty,” Logan said, and Sam jumped. Aiden’s brother was sitting on the bed across from them, watching them with a grossed out look on his face. Aiden leaned back on his elbows, grinning at his brother.

  “Says the guy who wants to piss on him.”

  Logan flushed, and Sam’s head swung around so fast he almost got whiplash.

  “What?” he asked, wondering if he’d heard that right.

  “Shut up, Aiden,” Logan grumbled, blushing furiously as he got off the bed.

  Sam looked between them, a frown creasing his brow.

  “Does he really want to…?” he trailed off, unsure how he felt about being peed on. It should disgust him, shouldn’t it? So why was his stomach feeling tight and hot at the thought of Logan standing over him in the shower, his massive cock raining down the contents of his bladder and marking him with his scent.

  He shuddered, and when he looked up both werewolves were watching him.

  “Kinky little fucker,” Aiden mused, his mouth pulling up in a wide grin. Sam flushed, unable to deny it.

  If the past three days had taught him anything, it was that he had no idea what turned him on. It was a little worrying.

  “Anyway, I’ve got to go. Sam, do you have the phone David gave you?” Aiden pulled up his pants, wiping the come on his chest off with his tank top and grabbing a new shirt from the closet.

  Sam nodded. It was in the outer pocket of his bag—which was still in the car.

  “It’s in my bag in the car,” he said. The next thing he knew Aiden was tossing him a set of keys.

  “Call me if you need anything. If you go out, text me at quarter to eleven and tell me where you are so we can have lunch together. Okay?”

  “I will,” Sam said, feeling happy. The idea of exploring a college campus sounded like a lot of fun, and it would be a relief just to be alone for a few hours. “Have fun in class.”

  “Will do,” Aiden said, grabbing a messenger bag off the floor and heading out. “See you!”

  Sam and Logan were alone.

  “I’m going to go shower,” Logan said. “Did Aiden give you a keycard so that you can get back into the building?”

  Sam shook his head. Aiden had done no such thing. Logan sighed and went to his desk.

  “Here, you can use this. The code is one six fiv
e eight. Can you remember that?”

  Sam nodded.

  “Great. I’ll see you later.”

  Logan grabbed his shower basket and headed out, leaving Sam alone in the dorm. Looking around at the posters of bands he’d never heard of littering the walls, the bong in the corner, and the clothes strewn everywhere, he smiled to himself.

  So far college was exactly what he’d imagined.



  Sam went to Aiden’s car and got his bag, using the keycard Logan had given him to get back into the building and up to the room. He put his bag down on the bed and fished out his phone, turning it on to make sure it was fully charged before slipping it onto his pocket.

  There had been people out in the hall and in the stairs, but though he’d gotten plenty of looks, no one had talked to him. It was weird. People treated him so differently now that he was claimed. It was like they were worried his alphas would jump out of the woodwork and attack them if they so much as said hello.

  Walking over to the bong in the corner of the room, Sam wondered if Aiden or Logan would ever let him get high. He picked the glass contraption up, turning it over in his hands, and wondered how it worked. He’d never tried drugs of any kind before, but it would be interesting to see what all the fuss was about.

  The door started to open, and Sam startled so bad he dropped the bong to the floor and jumped away like a cat that had seen a snake. Feeling incredibly guilty and conspicuous, he sat down on the bed and looked up at the posters decorating the wall.

  He needed to pull himself together. He wasn’t the one keeping a bong in his room for anyone to see, and it wasn’t like he’d used it. There was no reason to feel guilty.

  “You’re still here,” Logan said, a pleased smile on his face. He was dressed in nothing but a towel and flip-flops, droplets of moisture still clinging to his upper arms and shoulders.

  “Oh, yeah. I wasn’t sure if you needed your card back?” Sam reached into his pocket and held up the keycard.

  Logan waved his hand dismissively.

  “No, we had that one made up for you. Are you going out?”

  Logan unwrapped the towel from around his waist, lifting it up and drying off his shoulders and upper back. The move exposed his meaty thighs, ripped abs and the pits under his arms, but it was his cock that had Sam transfixed.

  It hung heavy and thick between the alpha’s legs, veined and beautiful, and Sam couldn’t help the sudden urge to sink down to his knees, crawl across the floor, and lick it. He could almost smell it, musky and intense, just the thought of tasting it making his mouth water.

  Sam wanted to feel it all over his face, rubbing over his nose and cheeks while he licked and sucked to his heart’s content…

  The intensity of his desire didn’t surprise Sam—he was quickly coming to realize that he was something of a cock-hound—but it was embarrassing.

  Would he always be this horny? Sam almost hoped so. It would make dealing with his alphas a lot easier if he was always gagging for their knots.

  “Sam?” Logan said, throwing his towel over the back of his chair and cocking his head. From the way the alpha said his name, it sounded like he’d been trying to get Sam’s attention for a while.

  “Yes?” Sam looked up, blushing furiously. Logan was smirking, and when he saw that Sam’s eyes were no longer glued to his cock he lifted his arms and flexed.

  “See something you like?” he asked. Sam blushed harder, and Logan shook his hips so that his cock swung back and forth like it was waving at him.

  “I… yeah,” Sam answered. He looked Logan right in the eye, biting the inside of his cheek, feeling almost like he was challenging the alpha. Logan’s smirk turned into a genuine grin.

  For a second Sam thought that something was going to happen—his cock cheering the idea on by pushing against the fly of his jeans like it was trying to escape—but then Logan turned around.

  “I’m glad,” Logan said, grabbing a pair of underwear and stepping into them. “But we’ve got to wait until tomorrow. Today is Aiden’s day.”

  Logan slid the boxer briefs up over his hips and reached inside to adjust his cock, making himself comfortable before putting on his jeans and shirt. When he was dressed he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He walked over to Sam and ruffled his hair.

  “I’ve got to go to class. I’ll see you later.”

  “See you…” Sam said, watching as Logan practically ran out of the room.

  He must be late for class, Sam reasoned. Why else would he be in such a hurry?


  Sam spent the morning walking around campus, watching the flow of students and wondering what his life would be like if he were a beta.

  It would be different, that was for sure.

  He sat down on a bench outside a building that looked like it was some kind of cafeteria or food hall, putting his hands under his thighs to keep them warm. He’d forgotten his jacket back at the apartment—Aiden had been so rushed when he picked him up—but the sweater he’d brought was proving more than warm enough for walking around. Now that he was sitting down, however, he was starting to feel a little chilly.

  “Hello, are you lost?”

  Sam looked up, startled to find that the young woman standing in front of him was talking to him.

  “No. Why?” He was confused by the question.

  Did he look lost?

  “Oh, sorry. You just looked a little…” the beta didn’t seem to know how to finish the sentence. She was cute, with thick brown hair pulled back in a loose braid, and the look on her face was embarrassed.

  “Lost?” Sam finished for her. She blushed and nodded.

  Sam shrugged, the corner of his lip turning up in a smile. “I’m not. I’m just walking around for a while, my alpha has class. I’m meeting him for lunch in an hour.”

  “Oh,” the beta looked relieved. “That’s good.”

  Sam wondered if this was the first time the beta had seen an omega. Some people seemed to think that omegas were like pets, with the intelligence to match, and dealing with them could be hilarious or frustrating, depending on his mood.

  “Are you lost?” Sam asked, looking around. Maybe she needed directions and this was her very roundabout way of figuring out if he knew where they were? It didn’t seem at all likely, but it was possible.

  “No. I was just getting some food before my next class. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”

  “You didn’t bother me,” Sam said. He held out his hand. “I’m Sam.”

  The beta took it. “I’m Sarah.”

  “Nice to meet you Sarah.” Sam dropped her hand.

  “You too. I better get going, I don’t have that much time before class starts.” Sarah took a step back and Sam nodded.

  “Okay. Have fun in class?”

  Sarah grinned. “I will.” She turned and walked into the cafeteria, leaving Sam wondering what that was all about.

  Feeling properly cold now, he decided to get up and walk around some more. He headed toward a huge building that turned out to be a library, lingering outside for a few minutes and wishing he could go inside.

  He’d always liked libraries.

  Walking up to the main entrance, Sam hung back as a group of students walked past him and into the building. Then he brightened. The students were using their keycards to get through the turnstile.

  Sam had a keycard.

  Heading inside, heart beating fast, he flashed his card against the side of the gate. Much to his delight the little light turned green. He moved forward, pushing the drop arm away, and stepped into the library.

  This was going to be fun.



  When Aiden left his industrial ecology seminar at eleven he hadn’t received any messages from Sam, so he pulled up his contact info and called him. The phone rang six times before Sam answered.

  “Hello?” The omega’s voice was hushed.

  “Hi, where are you?�
�� Aiden asked. He shifted his bag further up on his shoulder and started walking down the main steps of the biology building. As he walked he sniffed his armpit.

  He really should have showered that morning.

  “I’m at the library,” Sam whispered. “I’m sorry I forgot to text you. I found a book about werewolf history and it’s super interesting.”

  “Yeah? That’s awesome,” Aiden said. He wasn’t annoyed with Sam that he’d forgotten to text him his location, though it was a good reason to punish him. A little light spanking and a blowjob sounded like a great lunch break. If he could fit a shower and a quick bite to eat in there as well, it would be perfect.


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