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The Alpha Pack

Page 22

by D J Heart

  Max saw where he was looking and grinned.

  “Next time you make a mess like that you’ll be cleaning it up with your tongue,” he said, his hand lifting from where it dangled over Sam’s chest to ruffle his hair.

  Sam shuddered. A week ago he would have never thought he’d ever do something so dirty, but now…? Sam knew that there was practically nothing he wouldn’t do if his alphas demanded it of him.

  The surprising part was that he’d almost certainly enjoy it.

  “That remind me,” Max said, leaning back into the couch and putting his legs up on the coffee table. He moved Sam so that he was practically on top of him, arms curling around Sam’s waist. “What do you want for dinner?”

  Sam shifted his body, moving down and lifting his legs so that they were spread out on either side of Max’s thighs.

  “Can we have pizza? Or Chinese food?” Sam asked, his stomach rumbling. It had been a while since breakfast, and he was hungry.

  They had skipped lunch.

  “Chinese sounds good,” Max said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. “Let me just order it now.”

  Sam listened as Max ordered their food, his mouth watering in anticipation. Sam loved Chinese food, but his uncle had never ordered it—and Sam certainly hadn’t been able to afford it by himself.

  “By the way, Jack is joining us for dinner,” Max said, throwing his phone to the side. Sam looked up over his shoulder, up at the alpha.

  “He is?”

  “Yes. He’s worried I’m being mean and awful to you, so I invited him over to show him that you’re fine.” Max looked down at him, his mouth curving into a grin. “You are fine, aren’t you?”

  Sam snorted, nodding his head.

  “Knew it.” Max reached up and gave Sam’s nipple a rough little twist through his shirt, making him buck and whimper.

  “No more,” he said, pushing Max’s hand down. “I’m done, okay?”

  Max laughed, but he didn’t try to pinch Sam’s nipple again.

  “Fine.” He leaned down and kissed the top of Sam’s head. “But I’m knotting your ass again before we go to sleep.”

  Sam shuddered, his hole clenching down in anticipation.

  He could accept that.


  Jack and the food showed up at the same time, and the relief in Jack’s eyes when Sam greeted him in the hallway made Sam’s stomach feel all warm and happy.

  Jack was a good guy.

  “How’s it going?” Jack asked, giving him a quick hug as Max carried the food past them and into the dining room where Sam had set the table.

  “Good,” Sam answered, smiling. “Max is pretty intense, but I’m having fun.”

  Jack looked disbelieving, and Sam smiled ruefully. He could understand how Jack might have trouble believing him. If someone had told him just two weeks ago that being used as a punching bag by an alpha werewolf would get him off, he would have said they were crazy.

  But here he was.

  “So you’re okay?” Jack reached out and grabbed Sam’s shoulder, squeezing like he was checking for injury.

  “I’m okay,” Sam confirmed.

  “Are you guys coming?” Max yelled from the dining room, startling both Sam and Jack.

  “We should go,” Sam said, leading the way. Jack fell into step next to him, and Sam marveled at how small the alpha seemed compared to Max. Jack was a big guy—taller and more muscular than the average alpha—but next to Max he almost looked like a beta.

  The three of them sat down for dinner, Max and Jack sitting across from each other with Sam at the end of the table. He had a great view of both alphas, as well as the gorgeous view from the floor to ceiling window occupying the far wall.

  “Sorry about this morning,” Max said. Sam was confused for a second before he realized that Max was speaking to Jack and not him. “I know you would tell me if there was something I needed to know.”

  “That’s okay,” Jack said. He took a sip of his soda, his face flushed red as he avoided looking Max in the eye.

  It was very suspicious.

  “Good. So how was school—do anything fun?”

  Sam helped himself to a little bit of food from each of the many containers on the table, listening as Jack talked about his day. It was interesting to watch the two alphas interact. They obviously didn’t talk much, if the stilted nature of their conversation was anything to go by.

  It made sense, Sam figured. Jack was much younger than Max, and he was obviously a very different kind of alpha. Where Max satisfied pretty much every alpha stereotype, Jack was sunny and happy and surprisingly easy going.

  When Jack finished telling Max about his day, an awkward pause ensued. Sam didn’t say anything, fascinated by watching the two alphas interact. The awkwardness didn’t bother him at all.

  “How is your brother, by the way?” Max asked after a few minutes. He put down his fork and lifted his beer, taking a sip. “I saw him last night, but we didn’t really get a chance to talk. He said he was heading over to see you.”

  Jack froze, his fork lifted halfway to his mouth, before shrugging with forced nonchalance.

  “He’s good. Nothing new, I think. Why?”

  Sam looked between Jack and Max, wondering if Max knew what an asshole Elliot was. Jack had said that the rest of the pack didn’t know—but looking at Max’s face Sam wondered if that was true.

  Did Max suspect that something was wrong? If so, Sam thought Jack should just tell him. Sam couldn’t imagine that Max would side with Elliot over someone in his pack.

  “No reason. He just seemed like he was in a bad mood.” Max laughed. “Then again, that could just be because I was there. We don’t like each other much.”

  Jack didn’t say anything, looking down at his plate and spearing a piece of chicken on his fork.

  He looked miserable.



  After dinner, Max said goodbye to Jack, giving him a quick hug before sending him out the door.

  He was practically sure that his suspicions regarding Elliot were correct.

  Walking back into the room, he saw Sam clearing the table.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he said. The cleaning crew would be by in the morning after Max headed to work, and there was no point in wasting time with domestic chores.

  Sam put down the stack of plates and cutlery, looking very reluctant. Max grinned, wondering if he was offending Sam’s omega sensibilities by leaving the mess.

  Or maybe Sam was just a neat person.

  “Come on, let’s watch TV or something,” Max said. There was a part of him that wanted to head back into the playroom for some more fun, but he knew that he’d pushed Sam about as far as he could for the day.

  Now he needed to pamper and take care of his omega.

  “Okay,” Sam said, walking toward him. They headed into the living room.

  “You can chose what we watch,” Max said, handing Sam the remote when they sat down. He curled his arm around Sam’s neck, pulling him in under his shoulder.

  Sam took the remote, flipping through the channels on the TV, watching each for a few seconds before moving on, finally stopping on a hockey game.

  Max wasn’t a big fan of hockey, but he could have fun watching a game. Kicking his legs up on the coffee table, he crossed his ankles and pulled Sam even closer.

  “Why don’t you like Jack’s brother?” Sam asked a few minutes into the game. Max looked down at him, stroking his thumb over the boy’s arm as he wondered what to say.

  “I just don’t think that he’s a nice person. He’s good at his job, which is why David likes him, but he’s an asshole. Besides, I don’t think he’s very nice to Jack.”

  Sam was quiet, his expression thoughtful as he stared at the TV.

  “We ran into him on Sunday when I was getting measured at the tailor. I didn’t like him either.”

  Max froze, immediately catching on to the hesitant note in Sam’s voice.
  “Did something happen?” He wondered if Elliot was really stupid enough to do something to Jack out in public, in front of his omega no less.

  “Jack wanted me to just let it go,” Sam said, sounding very conflicted.

  “Did he ask you not to say anything though?” Max asked. He grabbed Sam by the hair and gently pulled his head back so that he could make eye contact.

  “No?” Sam didn’t sound sure.

  “So what happened?” Max knew that Sam would have a hard time not answering a direct question. It was in his nature to obey his alpha, and even though Jack might not want him to tell, Jack wasn’t here right now.

  “He wasn’t very nice,” Sam said. He tried to look away, but Max didn’t let him.


  “I don’t know. He said their dad should have drowned Jack when he had the chance. He was an asshole.”

  Max let go of Sam’s hair, moving his arm back around his neck and giving it a little squeeze.

  He was furious. Even if Elliot wasn’t the one who had hurt Jack, talking to him like that in front of Sam was unacceptable.

  Now Max just had to figure out how he was going to take him down.


  Later that night, Max took Sam to bed and fucked him again. He put Sam down on the mattress, sinking down between his spread thighs and reaching around his hips to hold him in place as he licked into his ass.

  Sam moaned and whimpered, rutting his cock into the sheets as Max ate him out. When Max felt him tense up, ready to shoot his load into the mattress, he lifted the boy up and denied him the friction he needed to get over the edge.

  “Not yet,” he said, flipping Sam onto his back and climbing on top of him. His own cock was rock hard, and he wanted to jerk off while sitting on Sam’s face.

  Sam didn’t disappoint. When Max lowered himself down over his mouth, positioning his tight hole over his lips, Sam licked into his ass like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

  Max rode Sam’s face until he felt his balls pull up, at which point he rolled Sam back onto his belly and fucked into his wet hole. Lowering himself down, Max let his chest land on Sam’s back and head, pressing the omega down into the mattress as he started moving his hips.

  He came in seconds, filling Sam’s ass and knotting his hole again. Sam winced and whimpered, his abused hole at the limit of what it could take.

  By the time Max’s knot was fully engorged, his balls pumping yet another massive load of come into Sam’s ass, Sam was passed out and sleeping. Rolling onto his side, Max tucked the omega into the curve of his body and hugged him tight.

  His first day with Sam had been a resounding success.



  Hunter watched the seconds tick by on his clock, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the last three minutes of Max’s day with Sam to come to an end.

  He couldn’t wait to get Sam to work so that he could put him in his new chair.

  When his watch finally showed seven a.m., he gave Max’s door a cursory knock before stepping inside.

  “Max?” he called out, moving toward the bedroom. “I’m here to pick up Sam.”

  Max’s apartment was a mirror of his own in terms of the layout, though that was where the similarities ended. Unlike Max, Hunter had accepted David’s offer to hire a decorator and had been glad to let them do as they pleased. He couldn’t care less what his apartment looked like. As long as he had a bed, a comfortable couch and a big TV where he could watch the occasional game he was happy.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Max called out, making Hunter turn around and head in the opposite direction. He found Sam and Max sitting at the kitchen table, eating what looked like oatmeal porridge.

  Hunter wrinkled his nose. He hated oatmeal.

  “You want some?” Max asked, holding up his bowl. Hunter shook his head.

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  When Max didn’t tell Sam to put down his spoon and head off, Hunter reluctantly sat down.

  Max was dressed for work in his alpha squad uniform, and Hunter would be lying if he said he didn’t find it intimidating. There was never any forgetting just how big Max was, but he never wore clothes that showed it off in the same way that his uniform did.

  It really drove home the point that Max was a fucking beast.

  Though Hunter had a fetish for leather, he only liked wearing it himself. On Max, the outfit just looked intimidating—like it was supposed to.

  “You sure you don’t want some food?” Max asked. He leaned back in his chair, holding his bowl in the palm of his hand as he ate. He looked like he had all the time in the world.

  “I’m good,” Hunter said. He looked at Sam, willing him to hurry up and finish his meal. Sam didn’t speed up at all, offering up a hesitant smile before shoving another spoonful of porridge into his mouth and chewing slowly.

  It was porridge, Hunter thought with irritation. Why was he chewing it?

  “So what’s the plan?” Max asked, putting down his empty bowl. He crossed his arms over his chest, biceps bulging, sticking his legs out under the table and crossing his ankles.

  Hunter wondered if he could ever get his arms to be as big as Max if he worked out more.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “With Sam,” Max nodded to their shared omega. “Have anything special planned for him?”

  Hunter swallowed, his cock hardening at the thought of what he had planned. Sam looked at him expectantly, and Hunter shrugged.

  “I’ve got some stuff I want to do,” he said. Max tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

  “Kinky stuff?” he almost sounded challenging.

  “Not as kinky as what you got up to, probably,” Hunter said. He wasn’t sure if that was true—objectification and forniphilia were plenty kinky—but at least he wasn’t going to hurt Sam.

  He was just going to sit on him.

  “Is it a secret?” Max asked, grinning. Before Hunter could reply, he shook his head. “Never mind. I won’t pry. You know the rules and what happens if you break them.”

  Hunter recognized the warning hiding behind Max’s easy smile.

  He didn’t say anything. He had no intention of breaking the rules. If Sam used his safeword, he would let him out of the chair.

  Not that he expected Sam to safeword. He was an omega, and his instinct would be to make his alpha happy—however he could.

  “You finished?” Max asked, looking at Sam. Hunter looked at the omega’s bowl, seeing that it was empty.

  Sam nodded.

  “Okay, you better go with Hunter then. He’s looking pretty impatient.” Max smirked, but there was no malice in it.

  “Are you ready to go?” Hunter asked instead of commenting on what Max’s teasing.

  “I am. My bag is in the hall.” Sam stood up, and Hunter followed. His cock was rock hard, tenting the front of his suit, and neither Max nor Sam bothered to be discreet when looking at it.

  Like they had any reason to stare. The front of Max’s uniform had an obscene bulge in it, and Sam was just as hard in his own pants—even if his bulge wasn’t nearly as impressive as those of his alphas.

  “Good, let’s go.”

  Hunter reached out and took Sam by his wrist, leading him out of the room. “See you later, Max,” he called out over his shoulder.

  “Later,” Max said, sounding very amused. “Thanks for being such a good sport, Sam!”

  Hunter walked a little faster, picking up Sam’s bag in the hallway and leading the omega out the front door.

  It was time to go to work.



  Heading into work, Max couldn’t remember the last time he felt so satisfied. Sam had lived up to his every expectation, and Max couldn’t wait until the next time he had him to himself.

  “You’re late,” Max’s partner, Johnson, greeted him as he walked into the bullpen. Max grinned, not caring in the slightest.

  “And in a ver
y good mood,” he said, moving past his desk and toward the assembly room where the day’s tasks would be divvied up. Johnson fell into step next to him.

  Johnson was older than Max by about a decade, his hair greying at the temples and the lines around his eyes getting more and more pronounced as the years passed, though he was in just as good shape as he’d been at thirty. He was also the grumpiest fucker Max had ever worked with. In the two years they’d worked together, Max had learned to just let it roll off his shoulders.


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