by P. S. Power
The man blushed and ducked his head.
She told him that she needed to do some grocery shopping, but that she didn't really know where to start, which made him chuckle a bit. James didn't seem like he meant to ridicule her, it actually felt genial and good-natured. That, ridicule, she had an intimate knowledge of from her previous life, which had been nearly twelve years longer than what Katherine had in this body.
“Sorry again, miss. Just, I can see as how you wouldn't have an intimate knowledge of the grocers, being who you are. I can take you to a few places and carry the bags for you. You didn't bring any bags with though, right? So, do we go buy some or do you have them at your new place?”
The errands took longer than she'd thought, they had to buy the bags first, of course, which cost a bit of extra time. Even after that...a shopping trip that would have taken an hour and a half at home took nearly three times that long here. Everything had a different store, canned goods in one place, bread from an actual bakery, meat from a butcher's shop, and vegetables from a green grocers. Milk, cheese, and eggs turned out to be something you had delivered directly to your door each day. When James found out she didn't know how to do this, he didn't laugh at her but had to bite down on his lips hard to do it. After he composed himself, he showed her how to leave a note for the delivery man and explained how to pay him at the end of the week.
“He'll slide a bill in an envelope into your delivery crate. It varies when, depending on the company doing the deliveries, but usually on Friday or Wednesday. When you put out your bottles for return in the evening next, you just slide the cash into the envelope and put it out for him to pick up. Course, if you see him in the morning you can just hand the money to him to directly, avoiding theft. Usually comes to about five decs a week at home, with me, the missus, and our three. So I can't imagine you and Miss Westmorland would be up to any more than that.”
She wrote a note, leaving her apartment's address and what she thought she'd need delivered each day in the lobby on the board, which James assured her would be good enough, telling her it would probably take a day before the man started to deliver. She could also use the same board if she needed any work done on the apartment, knowing that the idea of hiring repairs wasn't strange to her, but how to do it might be.
“When in doubt, just put up a notice that says what's broken and about how much you're willing to pay to have it fixed. Don't offer too much money. If it's not enough, someone will put up a counter offer.”
He carried her bags up for her, seeming surprised when she grabbed the last two herself instead of making him come back down for another trip. It only made her chest twinge a little. Once there, he stood in the open door while she put things away rather than coming in to wait, speaking to her occasionally when she asked questions. Given the way everyone else had acted here, Gwen assumed this to be normal behavior, meant to let any passerby know that nothing untoward would be going on. Of course if he came in and they closed the door, no one would know he was even there.
Gwen wondered at their system, but decided to just go with it. After all, she couldn't change their whole society, so she had to be the one to grow and change instead. The more she adapted now, the easier it would be later when the real problems came into play, she figured. She didn't know what those things would be, but they'd come, she knew. Probably just in time to knock her legs out from under her.
Back at the station, it being almost time to search out Mathews' friends and family, Gwen looked up in the sky and saw a large blimp, or maybe a dirigible. James saw where she looked and pointed.
“Yeah, that's one of your Father's, you can tell by the insignia, the red falcon on the nose there. Been a while since you've been up in one right? You not being fond of flying and all?”
She almost answered honestly then remembered that James may not know that the switch had taken place. There was no way to find out from him without hinting so broadly that he might figure it all out. After a moment she nodded.
“Yes, but after... everything of late, I think I'm getting closer to being able to enjoy it than I was before. After some things, well, you know, you either bounce back and become stronger or curl up and die. I don't feel much like doing that last one, so...” This just hung in the air.
To her surprise, the big man looked at her strangely, not laughing or acting amazed. His head slowly began to bob as he looked at her.
“I saw that happen in the last war. Men would get hurt bad, then come back to the line, some shaking at every pop and crackle, others going fey and almost daring death to take 'em. Best way's between the two, if you don't mind me giving my opinion. Don't cower from life of course, but don't throw it away either. Not that flying in an airship is dangerous. Safer than walking they say.”
When Gwen got back to the district house, it only took ten minutes to get everyone into the carriage and head toward the university. Bethany thought for a few minutes while they drove, then laid out her basic plan of attack.
Detective Chuan would take the lead with the men, Gwen with the women, after each casual interview she'd get Beth to come out of her telepathic work state and they'd collect the information gathered that way. Wilbur would act as guard for them all, making sure that no one could sneak up on them as well as being ready to lend a hand in case of frontal attack or attempt to mesmerize any of them.
“I can't be mesmerized by any normal agency,” Bethany told them. She didn't sound proud of it, just matter of fact. Neither of the other men seemed to doubt her word, Gwen noticed. Apparently if a Westmorland said something like that, you just accepted it. Of course, someone could freeze her in place by just asking her to go into analytical mode, if they knew to do it, which would have about the same effect. Then they could order her around like a puppet. Gwen didn't mention it in front of the men. No need to put the idea out there if no one else had it already
Detective Chuan bowed slightly and told them that his personal training also made it very difficult to take over his mind, not impossible, but he would remain on his guard for the day. He looked around the interior of the tiny carriage before speaking again.
“So this leaves you, Detective Wilbur, who will be well proofed against this soon, I'm certain, but as the events of yesterday have shown, may need distance from such things for now. So if anyone attempts or even seems like they might be attempting to mesmerize any of us, simply attack as fast and hard as you can, even if it's a woman.” The Chinese looking detective observed Gwen closely.
“I... don't know of your training in this area, Miss Farris. Can you resist such, do you think?”
Gwen shook her head.
“Doubt it. No one in my world has the power to do what I saw Mathews do the other day. Not that I know of at least. I don't know how I'm even supposed to react, other than to try and copy your instructions to Wilbur. The only thing I'd add here is that if it looks like I'm going to fold, knock me out fast and hard. I'm not saying I could take either of you in a fair fight,” she addressed this mainly to Wilbur, guessing that Chuan's ego wouldn't be hurt from what she hinted at, “but I can guarantee you that if I'm ordered to fight and can't control myself, I won't do it in a polite and fair fashion, so don't give me a chance. When it comes to fighting, I do have training, a lot... and I've had to train to take on bigger, stronger people my entire life and most times I've fought it's been against multiple men at one time. I know that everything in your life has told you that women can't, or won't, fight well. Probably true as far as everything you've seen over the years. Just don't think of me in that way... Remember, I'm not from here. The rules are different.”
From the way Wilbur tried to look politely interested it was clear he just didn't believe her. She shrugged, ready to let it go and just hope that Chuan would cover that part if it came to it. The senior detective didn't let it go at all, barking at the younger man instead.
“Wilbur, pay attention!” He growled abruptly. “In magic we can't let politeness control our actions. If a woma
n comes at you this way, you have to stop her to protect others, even if you feel bad about it later. Anyone can be a threat to your life once magic is involved. Anyone can be dangerous man or woman... ancient or youthful, if they're armed with magic and prepared to fight. Forget that and people get hurt, possibly die. If it seems like Miss Farris is being mesmerized, do as she instructed and knock her out as well as you are able. If you can't do it and she's ordered to attack you... run away... that's an order. Run away and don't let her catch you, understood?”
Maybe youth did it, or just the culture he grew up in, but Wilbur just couldn't seem to grasp the idea at all. He did understand orders and while it sounded silly to him, no doubt, he agreed with the senior detective, if only to get the man to shut up.
Their first stop would be, of course, the dean of the school, a stately man with a ready smile, and an oily, politician like feel about him. He wore an expensive looking suit that didn't have that shiny silk look at all, instead it looked slightly dull, a dark blue so deep that Gwen felt surprised she could even tell it wasn't black. The buttons were polished brass, giving the whole thing a military feel. Or at least a pseudo-military feel, like the dictators of tiny third world countries that go way overboard in their outfits trying to impress people with how important they are.
“So happy to meet you all, I could only wish for better circumstances. What may we and our humble institution do for you?”
It took a few seconds, nearly ten, for Gwen to realize that he'd actually been using a “royal we” as if he was the college itself. It took work to keep everything inside, laughter wanting to bubble out at the man. His rosy face, spider veins around the nose and the alcohol coming off of him hinted that he regularly saw the bottom of his drinking glass, so he should be easy enough to get going in the right direction.
Chuan handled the interview so smoothly that it didn't even seem like one, just asking advice and hypothetical solutions, as if from a wise and knowledgeable councilor. He even asked the man carefully if he could come up with a way to prove that he personally wasn't involved in the whole affair. He didn't ask if he had been, just got him thinking about the whole thing so Bethany could collect what he thought about.
The dean claimed he didn't really know much about whom Baron Mathews would have been friends with at the university, he suggested they check with the other historically based instructors since they'd have the most reason to talk with the man. Some of his students, his graduate students, could also possibly help, he told them, ego dripping from his words so strongly that Gwen swore she could feel it, even without telepathic abilities. She felt sorry for Bethany, who had to experience it all firsthand.
As they turned to leave the dean spoke to her directly.
“Excuse me, miss, but... aren't you Robert and Ethyl Vernor's daughter?”
This took her by surprise, setting her back for a second. First, she didn't know how to answer, having been introduced by another name already. Second, Ethyl? The poor woman. No wonder she'd never told Gwen her first name. Mother it was then, related or not. At least she hadn't passed the name on to Katherine.
“That's right. Farris is my working name. I'm... trying to make sure my family name isn't what opens doors for me anymore. I'm sure, working here, that you understand the need for a person to stand, or even fall, on their own merit?”
He affected a scholarly look, one that said he understood exactly what she'd just said. Who knew? Maybe he did. Any prestigious university had to have one or two students like that at some point, right? The kids of the rich or famous for instance, or scientists, maybe it would be mages here, but the idea probably translated. She hoped.
When they got outside, well out of ear shot, she got Bethany back to her normal state.
“Well! First, he only played at being drunk for us. He hasn't touched a drop in years. Splashes it on before important meetings to throw people off. He really doesn't know who Mathews' friends are and really meant his suggestions. He also... well, he's had improper thoughts about Katherine for a number of years now. Apparently he once thought he had feelings for her. He didn't have anything to do with the attack however.”
Turning to Gwen she continued.
“Don't be shocked if he tries to get in touch with you personally however. Seeing you rather set off some fantasies in the man as we left. “Let me show you the ways of the world, lass”, you know the game.” Beth grinned at her, looking more than a little mischievous. She righted her face perfectly then, turning back to face the other detectives, so that all they saw was polite information sharing.
They decided to hit the religions department next, since they'd have been the people around Mathews most often. Even if they didn't have anything to do with his crimes, they may know where he'd visited when he hadn't been on the run, or at least when he wasn't around, things like that.
Wilbur looked at her playfully, a sly grin on his face.
“So, what do you think? He's a dean after all, of a major university too, one of the top one-hundred in the Americas. A girl could do worse.” He held his mirth in, but Gwen just shook her head.
“He's good enough looking I guess, but I don't think I could take his ego for long. You know... Everything would always be about him, no matter what the subject was. It wears on a person after a while. Other than that, he seemed like a nice enough guy. Already knows the parents and all, so no worries about the introduction.”
Bethany's eyes lit up as they pulled slightly ahead of the two men.
“But..” Wilbur started to say, only to stop when Detective Chuan whispered something to him.
A small elbow from Bethany reminded her of something.
“Oh, right, Wilbur... are you single?” Gwen asked, waiting for him to answer she saw Bethany's face go blank.
“Yes, of course I am. I work sixty plus hours a week. Love the job, but most of the women I meet are criminals, or crying... makes it hard to pay proper court, you know?”
She filled him in on the party on Friday, at the Vernor estate.
“Detective Chuan's already agreed to... escort me to the party, would you be interested in taking Miss Westmorland?”
To his credit, Wilbur didn't hesitate, lethal abomination or not, simply nodding and after a moment adding,“Miss Westmorland... would you do me the honor?”
Bethany smiled and accepted. She nudged Gwen with her shoulder subtly as they walked, but kept looking straight ahead. Since this move didn't involve a sharp elbow to the sternum, or crippling stomp to the instep, Gwen guessed that Beth was tolerably pleased by her selection of partners for her.
They went to the head of the religions department's office, which, to no one's surprise, turned out to be empty, since it had been Mathews' position. Still was, come to that. The university hadn't had time to fire him and the man had tenure, so getting rid of him at work might take longer than the criminal trial itself, if they ever caught him. At a temporary loss as to what to do, Gwen simply walked to the next door and knocked on it. When in doubt, ask, right?
The door looked shabby, dings and nicks covered it on the bottom half, from nearly a century or more of carts, shoes, and other things banging into it as it got wedged open by people with their hands full. Nothing happened for a long enough time that she almost moved on to the next door, fearing she'd knocked on a storage closet or something, when the tarnished brass handle finally turned.
“What?” A young, but gruff, male voice barked at them. He took in who stood there blearily, his eyes taking in the women a little too avidly to be professional, but he managed to turn his attention to Chuan, who looked like he could be a professor, being both male and old enough.
“Oh... sorry. Didn't know it would be actual people. Expected undergrads. How may I help you?” The man looked rumpled, hair messed up as if he'd been dozing and his body odor a little sour as if he'd slept in his clothes at least twice.
Chuan moved forward, to repeat the interview questions that he'd asked the dean, Gwen got him to stop
with an urgent look over her shoulder at him and a quick head shake. Beth had already gone back into her telepathic state, on her own, so Gwen tried to contact her mentally, not having a clue if it would work. This young man obviously would be less on guard around women. He saw them, but he let his attraction lead, almost to the point of being rude for this culture. Maybe they could use that.
“Beth, I need you to read this man, but signal me if he lies, out loud, can you do that?”
“Yes. I can do that.” She said, which, if it surprised anyone they hid it well.
“Great! Yes, I think you can help us. First, do you know where we could find Professor Baron Mathews?”
The young man snorted, looking distracted. His eyes had drifted downward, she noticed, it took her a moment to understand that he wasn't acting shy and refusing eye contact, just looking at Katherine's breasts. Gwen could see it, they were good breasts, she just kept forgetting that they were attached to her right now, except when they got in the way.
Then she'd remember.
“No, sorry. He doesn't tell me where he's going. Which isn't grand of him, because I ended up going over all the papers that have to go back tomorrow and covering all his classes. He didn't even leave a note as to what he wanted done. I was in Religions 204 making up the reading and homework assignments off the top of my head.”