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Embracing Him

Page 10

by C. Shell

  "No. I won't and you need to stop telling me what to do," I shout back. "This is a big account for us and I am sorry if you don't like it but Jane and I are going. We leave in three days so you can either get used to the idea and enjoy the rest of the week being with me or continue to sulk and not see me until I get back."

  I knew he would be upset about the Florida job I had agreed to do for Derrick but I obviously underestimated just how upset he would be about it. I am very glad I waited until we got back to my condo to tell him about this weekend. At least here we are on my turf. Sitting down beside me he glares at me and I can tell his mind is working.

  What is he up to?

  "Fine," he says calmer than I anticipated. "I will leave you alone about the trip but I am hiring a body guard to take with you on Friday and I will fly up and join you on Saturday after our Spring fashion show that morning."

  "No. You are insane," I shoot back. "There is no way you are hiring me a body guard. Why the hell would I need that?" I ask flustered.

  "After what happened with that stupid ex of yours in the club you are not leaving the state let along this city without someone there to protect you." Throwing his finger in my face he shouts," End of discussion Jessica. Take it or stay home. "

  I feel like a scolded child and it does not sit well with me. He and his ultimatums can take a hike. Grabbing my purse and bag I jump off my bed and start out towards the living room but am brought up short as he snakes his arm around my waist pulling me flush against his chest.

  Grinding his erection against my backside he mouths," Please stop fighting me. I worry about you and this is the one way I will be able to let you go without losing my mind while you are gone."

  My body melts at his confession even though my mind is still reeling at how crazy the thought of hiring a body guard for me is. Travis might be many things but dangerous has never been one of them. He is too much of a chicken shit to be considered dangerous.

  "If you don't want me meddling without your permission than you have to meet me half way on some things baby." I gasp as his hand dives under my skirt and begins slowly massaging my sensitive clit.

  "Stop!" I beg. "You are not playing fair. I can't think when you do that." I squirm against his fingers seeking more friction but he grips my hip holding me still so only he can control the rhythm and speed and amount of pleasure I receive. Selfish bastard.

  His slow assault soon breaks down every defense I have as I wither against him. Not being able to fight against the pleasure I give in. "Fine I will agree to a body guard but once you join me in Florida I want him gone."

  "That's my baby," he growls in my ear his voice raspy and sexy as sin. Stroking his fingers through my drenched folds he shoves one than two fingers in my wet channel and mercifully finger fucks me into oblivion. I come hard and fast as his mouth covers mine drinking in my moans of pleasure.

  "Do you always get what you want?" I ask.

  He smirks. "Always my love."

  Helping me straighten my shirt and skirt before going back into the living room to have dinner with Jane and Hunter he gives me that beautiful ohmygod smile of his." You look beautifully fucked Ms. Grayson."

  His devilish smile makes me laugh. I can't win with this man.


  When I get to work Tuesday morning I have three urgent messages waiting me from Roger asking me to call him the moment I get in. With everything that happened yesterday I totally forgot to call him back. Fishing his number out of my desk I call him back knowing whatever he has to tell me must be important.

  He answers on the second ring," This is Roger."

  "Hi Roger this is Jessica Grayson calling you back. Your messages sounded quite important. What's going on?" I held my breath not knowing if he was going to tell me something good or that he had hit a dead end and couldn't help me.

  "I am so glad you called. I chased down the lead I had and hit gold," I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. "After digging around I found the person who sent you the watch and after speaking to him can guarantee you that the watch you received was your fathers."

  "Oh my God!" I squeak. My mind is running in a hundred different places as his words sink in. "So than who sent it to me?" I ask excitedly.

  I hear his hesitation and my heart sinks. "That is the really interesting part," he draws out. "It was sent along with the inheritance money by your step brother Daniel Grayson."

  Thank God I am already sitting down otherwise I would be flat on my ass right now. My whole body is shaking and has gone numb from his words. I have a step brother? I feel ill as the realization that not only had my dad abandoned us but he had started another family.

  Did my mother know?

  Hearing Rogers voice draws me out of my thoughts," Ms. Grayson you still there?"

  "Yes, sorry Roger you just took me by surprise." I say quietly. "What is he like?"

  "I have put together a complete background on him. I will have my assistant courier it over to you if that is ok?"

  "Yes of course," I answer eagerly. He pauses and I can hear him shuffling papers around.

  "He also wanted me to ask you if you would be comfortable meeting him. Please understand you are not obligated to do so but in case you do his contact information is also included in the package. He said he had tried calling you a few times but used a private number and did not feel comfortable leaving a message."

  Private number? Well that answers one more unsolved mystery surrounding my life. Even if he had left a message I am not so sure I would have believed him. I cannot believe I have a step-brother. It never crossed my mind that my dad might start over and have another family.

  "Thanks Roger you have done a miraculous job. Please fax over your fee and I will take care of it right away."

  He chuckles and I know before he even speaks what he is about to say. "Alex already paid you didn't he?" I ask shaking my head in frustration.

  "You are learning quick Ms. Grayson. Have a good day." Before I can say more the line goes dead.

  Within an hour the courier arrives and I blindly dive into the paperwork learning everything I can about my step brother. There is nothing too personal included just the basic biography details along with a few photos. He looks a lot like my dad with a tall slender frame, shoulder length sandy colored hair and dark brown eyes. I am thankful to learn that he is five years younger than me. At least my dad waited a few years before starting another family.

  I am still mulling over the papers when Jane comes barreling through the door. "Hey chick-a-de what is new with you? She sings throwing herself across my sofa.

  Rubbing my eyes I push the papers across the desk and watch her eyes widen as she looks them over. "Shocking isn't it?" I ask tired and emotionally drained.

  "Your life just keeps getting better and better," she breathes never looking up.

  "Yep," I sigh. "It is a fucking riot." Frowning I scoop up the papers and deposit them in my drawer. "I need a break and a drink. Care to join me?"

  "Of course. I will drive," she says grabbing her purse and following me out. After everything we have been through together I can always count on her to be there for me when things go south. "Any certain place you want to hit up?"

  "Nope. I just need to be numb for awhile." I say softly.

  It is sad how true those words really are. I have never not wanted to feel anything as much as I do right now. Not wanting to freak Alex out I send him a quick text explaining that Jane and I decided to take the rest of the day off to unwind and that I would call him later. It might not be the whole truth but it is not a complete lie.


  Several drinks and three hours later Jane and I are obliterated and I have gone from numb to feeling sick. Seeing Jane practically passed out in the booth beside me I decide I need to call for reinforcements. Thumbing through the call list on my phone I contemplate who I should call to come get us. I first try Jax but after getting no answer I succumb and dial Alex.

I cringe when I hear his voice knowing he is going to kill me for getting drunk.

  "Hey baby," I say cheerfully. "Jane and I have had a bit too much to drink. Would you mind coming to Mike's Place and picking us up?"

  After an explicate amount of cursing and condemning me for putting myself in this predicament he agrees telling me he is on his way. He must have had Carson break the sound barrier because what should have been a thirty minute drive only took him thirteen.

  God I hope he does not drive like that one the way home.

  I manage to stumble out of the bar and into the limo on my own but Alex ended up having to carry Jane. She is going to feel horrible in the morning. The whole drive home he has given me the silent treatment. I would rather him yell and throw a tantrum instead of just ignoring me. The tension is too much and after the shitty day I have had I want to just crawl up in the safety and warmth of his arms.

  "Did Roger tell you?" I ask trying to draw him out of his horrible mood.

  "Yes and that is the only reason I am not going to spank you for your stupid stunt tonight."

  Oh my...So we are back to that.

  "I am not sure if I should thank you or argue with you for wanting to spank me in the first place," I say honestly. He smiles at me but it does not quite meet his eyes.

  He reaches around unbuckling my seat belt and pulling me across the seat so that I am tucked securely under his arm. I relish in the feel of his body against mine. "I cannot bear the thought of you hurt or in any kind of danger my love. Think about that the next time you decide to do something as stupid as getting drunk without someone there to take care of you." He snaps.

  I wrap my arms around him kissing him long and hard. "I'm sorry," I breathe into his neck.

  "Stay with me tonight?" He asks nipping my earlobe and causing me to cry out. "I need to be with you as much as possible before you leave."

  "Yes," I agree snuggling closer against him wanting nothing more.

  Chapter 10

  The warm air and salty breeze lift my mood and senses as we drive through the crowded streets of Destin, Florida. The beautiful scenery and weather is almost perfect enough to make me forget that the stoic large Italian man driving our little rented convertible has also been appointed to follow me around.

  Antonio is really not that bad it just ticks me off to know that every time he is on the phone it is Alex is on the other end receiving updates on me. I will be happy when he arrives tomorrow and this will all be over with and I can relax and enjoy myself.

  The last few days since my memorable drunk fest with Jane were amazing and thankfully uneventful. After having a hangover from hell and having to endure another lecture by not only Alex but Jax and Hunter, Jane and I promised to never go out with the idea of getting wasted unless one of them was with us. If I had known it was going to get their feathers in such a tizzy I would have invited all three of them to join us before we left the office that day.

  We talked a bit more about my step-brother and after talking it over at length with my friends I plan on contacting him once we get back from Florida. I am curious to learn more about my father and since he is one of the few people who really knew him I am hoping he will shed some light on some of the questions I have.

  Club Z is busy with decorators, models and camera crews running around getting the set finished when we arrive. I push through the double doors excited and ready to find Derrick so we get our gear set up. Production is set to begin in two hours and I don't want to waste a single minute. The entire place reeks of money and elegance between the posh leather furniture, lush curtains, and long wood decorative bars equipped with more varieties of liquor than I have ever seen lining each side of the room. I have never seen anything this fancy in Dallas.

  As I scan the room I spot Derrick huddled against the back wall going over what appears to be lighting options with another much older gentleman. Concentrating on not bumping into anyone or the randomly placed furniture we wind our way toward him. I wait until he is finished talking than casually catch his attention.

  "Hi Derrick," I say lightly shaking his hand. "Thanks again for hiring us. I would like to introduce you to my business partner and best friend Jane Tillson," I say waving my hand in Jane's direction.

  They greet each other warmly than he goes about showing us where he would like for us to set and introducing us to three beautiful long legged blondes that we will be working on today. After a few more instructions he excuses himself and runs off to handle some computer crises out front.

  I am surprised and pleased at how little set-up and actual make-up application we have to do. I swear this job just keeps getting better and better. As I finish laying out the brushes and primers we will be using Jane begins working on our first model, a sweet young girl by the name of Chesley. She is a natural beauty and needs just a little touching up with a few neutral tones of brown and taupe and eye pencil to achieve the natural sex kitten look we are going for.

  I get to work on the second model not long after Jane and try to get lost in my work but am having a hard time with Antonio eyeing my every move. I find his presence very distracting. I was stupid to agree to Alex's stipulation at having a body guard. I understand and respect his erratic notion to keep me safe but I am a nobody. Nobody's do not need bodyguards.

  After all models are primed and ready Jane and I scoot onto a bar stool and watch the magic unfold. Who knew watching a producer and photographer yell commands and directions could be so much fun. As they are wrapping up Derrick joins us at the bar ordering us all a round of watermelon cosmopolitans. The sugary chilled drink is the icing on the cake. I wish of our clients were this great.

  "I would love it if you two beautiful ladies would be my VIP guest of honors tonight at the Club opening," Derrick asks with his southern charm voice.

  Jane and I look at each other using the universal silent girl speak to see how the other one feels and knowing the whole time there is no way we would turn down such a lavish invitation. It is not as if we had anything else planned for tonight.

  "Thank you Derrick. We would love to come back tonight," I say honestly.

  Just as the words leave my mouth I feel Antonio at my side indicating I have a phone call. Flicking my eyes back to my friends I apologize for the intrusion and step aside knowing Alex is on the other end of the phone. Figures Antonio would already rat me out. Traitor

  "Yes honey," I say sweetly.

  "Don't honey me Jessica," he growls. "You are not going to that club tonight." His orders do not sit well with me and my temper flares to life.

  "Alex you need to get over your protective bullshit and trust me. I have your bodyguard following me around like a puppy and updating you every hour on everything I do. What the hell do you thing is going to happen?" I curse under my breath as I sit down and blink back tears of frustration as I try to calm down.

  "Damn it Jessica you are killing me here," he hisses.

  "I am serious Alex. You have to learn to trust me if you want me to do the same for you."

  "Fine," he barks. "I will leave it alone but you are to stay with Jane all night and don't go anywhere without Antoine by your side. I want you to call me the moment you get back to the hotel or I swear baby I will be on the next plane."

  I suppress a giggle imaging how mangled his hair must look about now knowing he runs his hands through it when he gets upset.

  "Thank you baby." I really love this man. I know it is not easy for him to give in to my needs which make it even sweeter when he does.

  Ending the call I hand the phone back to Antonio giving him the stink eye for tattling on me. Figures my bodyguard would also be a nark. Jane and I finish cleaning up our area and pack up our gear before heading back to the hotel with the plan of resting for a while before we have to get ready for night out on the town.


  The club is even more amazing at night than I anticipated. With the help of Jane's extensive wardrobe we are both dressed in vintage designer
cocktail dresses that she brought in hopes we would be able to squeeze in a night out before going home. Luckily for me she knew I would forget to bring anything fancy and threw in a few choices for me to choose from as well.

  Derrick obviously knows how to run a successful business as seeing the line to get in this place is out the door and around the corner. Dropping our names to the scruffy ape sized bouncer at the front we are ushered in and led through the crowds of people to a sectioned off area that has several plush sectional leather couches and its very own bar.

  Jane and I are surprised at the number of celebrities and important people flanked around our area as we check the place out. I am dying of excitement at the lavish treatment we are receiving. I feel like a princess. I look around through the masses wanting to thank Derrick again for everything but don't see him anywhere around.


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