Love Under Two Quarterbacks [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Quarterbacks [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 26

by Cara Covington

  She very much wanted him naked inside her.

  “You’re going to want to stop taking the pill,” Jackson said. His gaze held hers.

  “Yes, all right, I will.”

  “Take my cock inside you, woman. Let me give you my seed.”

  Those words excited her, making her arousal soar. With a hand that trembled she reached down and placed his cock at the opening of her cunt. Then she slid down, took him inside, and groaned in pure delight.

  “God, love, you feel so wonderful.” He held her waist and thrust up into her, his movements slow and steady.

  “So do you, slick.” She shivered, then looked over her shoulder.

  Cord held up the paddle, twirling it in his hand. She’d never seen quite that hungry look on his face before. He’d give this up if she asked? She made a vow to herself right then and there, never to ask.

  “Head down on Jackson’s chest, ass in the air, Ari. Now.” Not a request, not a statement. That was a command, and one she instantly obeyed.

  “You need to talk like that to our woman more often, little brother. Her cunt just gushed her sweet juices all around my cock.” He ran his hands down her back, then anchored them on her.

  “This first time, I’m going to give you five.”

  Swoosh. Smack.

  Ari gasped as heat blossomed on her left ass cheek, heat that ran through her as if the smack had been an electrical current and she the world’s best conductor.

  Swoosh. Smack.

  “Mmm.” Heat exploded on her right ass cheek. Ari flexed her pelvic floor muscles and shivered. She couldn’t help but push her ass just a little higher, needing to coax some more of that incredible arousal her way.

  Swoosh. Smack.

  Her left ass cheek absorbed the impact, the heat more intense. She felt her eyes sting, and didn’t for one moment count it a bad thing at all. Before she could inhale deeply or say a word, her ears picked up that now very erotic sound.

  Swoosh. Smack.

  She tensed, her body jerking to the impact on her right cheek, and Ari made a sound she’d never heard before.

  Swoosh. Smack.

  That final one landed in between her left and right cheeks, straddling her crack, and had been the heaviest one yet. Ari shivered and gasped. And, then, incredibly, she came.

  Her orgasm erupted from out of nowhere, a climax so fierce, so all-encompassing, she had no time to brace, to breathe, to think. She could only lie on Jackson’s chest and sob as the waves of ecstasy pummeled her.

  For a long moment afterward she lay still, absorbing the crooning and the petting her men lavished on her.

  “Well, I guess that answers that question,” Cord said.

  “It sure as hell does. Tinker Bell, you really were made for us.”

  Languor didn’t stay, it just visited for the time it took Ari to catch her breath. Jackson flexed his cock, giving her an internal nudge. She responded by squeezing him in turn. Just that fast, her passion rekindled.

  She moaned, undulated her hips and looked over at her paddler. “Cord, I need your cock inside my ass.”

  “You’re going to have it.” He tossed the paddle aside and reached for the condom. When he had it in place, he lubed it. Then he put some more lube on his fingers and came closer to her.

  “Eyes on me, Ari.”

  Jackson’s commanding tone brought her head and her attention around.

  “You keep those beautiful eyes open, baby. We know you well enough to know that if you’re hurting, you’ll try to hide it.”

  She had already decided that she wanted this particular consummation today no matter what. Her men did know her.

  “I need you both inside me. It’s like…I don’t know what it’s like but everything inside me is screaming for this.”

  “We know, babe. We’ll get there. Our way, remember?”

  Jackson’s words frustrated her and assured her at the same time. These men would give her what she wanted and what she needed, but they would take care of her first. Frustration aside, she was more than happy to let them.

  “Easy, now.” Cord’s whispered words caressed the flesh of her shoulder seconds before his kiss sealed them against her skin. Then he pressed the hot head of his cock against her tiny rosette.

  The burn began as her sphincter started to open. The heat of it, the sting of the stretching, did remarkable things to her arousal. She thought there must be dozens of tiny nerve endings right there, nerve endings that delivered heightened horniness to every part of her body. It didn’t matter that she’d just had a mind-blowing orgasm. Her body wanted more.

  “Tink, open those eyes and look at me.”

  “But it feels so eye-closingly good.” She obeyed him, and she guessed by the way Jackson’s nostrils flared and his cock pulsed within her he understood that there were only good things going on inside of her.

  She felt Cord’s grip on her keeping the cheeks of her ass spread, and she felt the tremors in his arms that meant he was controlling his movements. She shivered as his cockhead entered her ass, and then, yes, he slid all the way inside her.

  “Mmm.” Words were beyond her. The curses both men murmured let her know that they, too, felt the difference, the…the sacredness…of this moment.

  “Hold still, Red. My control is tenuous, at best.”

  Ari shivered and she smiled. “I love you, darling, and control is so overrated.” And then, despite Cord’s directive, she began to move.

  She’d never had two cocks inside her at the same time before, never experienced the wonder of double penetration. But her body knew how to move, and it did. Her hips flexing in and down and out and up, she began, with a slow and deep rhythm, to fuck the men whose cocks were inside her body.

  “Damn it, Tink…”

  “Lord, Red…”

  Neither man could complete his sentence. She knew she might get a spanking for it later, but she didn’t care. This was her claiming, her need to bring them all to a place she only sensed, a moment of simpatico so complete that it would be sacred. This would cleanse her of all that had come before. This would produce the spiritual fire she needed for her soul to be consumed and rise again, new and better and healed.

  “Take it, then,” Jackson said.

  She opened her eyes and saw in his a kind of understanding.

  “That’s right, Ari, take what you need. We’re yours.” Cord’s words underscored his brother’s.

  Love swelled her heart and guided her hips. Love opened all the myriad wounds so the healing balm could enter and soothe and cure.

  Love gave her strength and became her center, her base, her everything.

  Moving faster, her rapture in sight, Ari screamed as she came, as she took and gave and knew that from this moment on, everything—everything—would be new.

  Her men shouted and thrust, and held themselves deep as they, too, rode the waves of rapture.

  Aftershocks of ecstasy washed through her. She felt the wetness where Jackson’s cock entered her and knew it was his seed she felt slowly seeping out. Her hearing returned, and she grinned weakly at the chorus the three of them made, struggling to breathe.

  She’d more or less collapsed on Jackson’s chest, and the steady, if fast, beat of his heart let her know that they were real and here and connected. They were one, and would continue to be one, until they ceased to exist.

  “We keep this up, we’re all gonna be dead.”

  Cord’s words tickled her. “No, babe. Love won’t hurt us.” In fact, love—their love—would only make them stronger and better.

  He kissed her shoulder. “Don’t move, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”


  He eased out of her and she heard him make his way into the bathroom. Jackson’s hands smoothed up and down her back, and she sighed in pleasure.

  Each time they loved, those dark shadows that had dwelled within her for so long became less and less. Now she believed for the first time that they would be vanquished, and
that she could look forward to the future with a full heart.

  Cord returned with a damp washcloth. His touch tender, he cared for her, cleaning the excess lubricant from her.

  He left again and was back just a few minutes later. Lifting her off Jackson, he brought her down within the circle of his arms.

  Jackson turned to face her, pressing close. He cupped her cheek, raising her face and meeting her gaze. “That was sacred,” he said. “It’s always good when we love, but that was special.”

  “I felt it, too,” Cord said. “You think you’re not magical? You took us from being three, to being one.”

  “I only followed my instincts.” Ari sighed as joy, bright, bold, and beautiful, filled her. For the first time in more than a decade she felt light and happy and good—all the way good down to her toes.

  “Nothing wrong with your instincts, Tink.”

  “You know, slick, that ‘pet name’ you’ve given me is kind of growing on me.”

  She felt Jackson’s smile above her head and Cord’s on her back. She snuggled down more comfortably, rubbing herself against them both at the same time.

  “That’s not all that’s going to be growing on you if you don’t settle down.”

  “Hey, I would not turn down an encore performance. Bring it on.”

  The men moved at the same time, and Ari found herself flat on her back and looking up at the two men who were more than her future. They were her world.

  “You know, Red, you keep that up and that paddle is going to get a workout.”

  “Well don’t you think you should maybe buy another one or two? I have a feeling I’m going to earn your attention in that regard a lot. We wouldn’t want to be without if that one wears out.”

  “Planning on getting a lot of spankings are you?”

  “Mmm, after what I just experienced? You’re damn right I am.”

  “God, woman, you are so perfect for us.” Jackson’s tone sounded wonder-filled.

  “Well I certainly know that you’re both perfect for me. And I know that I am going to be so happy living the rest of my life making love under two quarterbacks.”

  They snuggled closer, Jackson kissing her forehead, and Cord her shoulder. A sweet lassitude settled over her. Even as she felt herself drifting off to sleep, she knew her men’s libidos were beginning to stir once more. She sighed, and then grinned. First they would nap. Then they’d start the second quarter of their own personal championship game.

  She thought the football analogy apt. She was going to enjoy testing the limits, making them exercise all their game skills—passing, receiving, scoring. Ari nearly snickered.

  Bring it on. I can handle anything.

  Chapter 24

  No one had ever thrown a party for her, not ever. It was just one more thing she had in common with Carol Ashwood. When Ari thought about it, the fact that she and the gently raised and severely sheltered young woman would have so many things in common seemed a bit absurd.

  On the surface, they appeared to be polar opposites. But in reality, not so much so.

  Carol had arrived with her fiancés and Tasha Garwood. Ari thought that Tasha was the most self-confident woman she’d ever met, and certainly the most exotic looking. And she wondered, just a little, if perhaps it was someone special—or a couple of someones special—that she was looking for when she oh-so-casually scanned the dining room of Lusty Appetites.

  “Congratulations.” Carol hugged her first, and then Tasha. Warren and Edward had given her hugs, as well, but now were chatting with Cord and Jackson.

  “Thank you. I have to eat my words, I think. How many times did I say I wasn’t interested in romance?”

  Carol said, “I don’t know if I can count that high.” Her smile let Ari know she was kidding.

  “You look happy,” Tasha said. “That’s all that matters, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Ari said. “I am happy, and that’s all that matters.”

  Ari raised one eyebrow when the men shifted and she saw the man who’d come in right behind Tasha. Tall with blonde hair, only in his mid-thirties and still single, she knew him by sight but had never met him. Warren turned to see who’d come in when he noticed her reaction. “Hey, Lucas! Good to see you, man!”

  “Hello, Warren. I thought I should make an appearance. Especially since this party is being held in honor of one of my newest staff members.”

  Warren wasn’t the only one who seemed surprised by that. Cord looked over at Jackson, who just smiled.

  “Thanks for coming, Lucas,” Jackson said. “This is Ari, and you’ve met my brother, Cord.”

  “Newest staff member?” Ari asked.

  Jackson smiled. “Yeah. I decided that maybe I could use some of what I’ve learned over the years and help the local football team.”

  “That’s great!” Cord’s smile couldn’t be wider.

  “We appreciate it, too,” Lucas said. “There’s nothing better than someone who’s been there to help the kids get a sense of the real world. Of course the fact that we now have a ringer coach to help us kick some serious football butt is only secondary.”

  All of the men laughed at that. Ari slipped her arm around Jackson. “That is great,” she said. “You’ll be an excellent coach, because you love the sport. And, I think, you like kids, too.” That much had been clear to her on their first official date, when he’d been so forthcoming with those college kids who’d surrounded their table, sopping up his every word.

  “It’s a way to still be close to what I love. My best years were middle school through college,” Jackson said. “Before all the hype and the money got in the way.”

  Ari just hugged him. She could tell, looking at Cord, that he was really pleased, too.

  “You know, I think the only one of these parties I’ve been to is the one they had for Michelle and Joe,” Lucas said. “I just realized this morning, when I ran into them and little Joe Junior, that that was a year ago.”

  “Time flies,” Ari said.

  Lucas nodded. “It does. I should make a point of coming out more often. The food is always good here, and I do know everyone.” Then he looked around. “As long as Grandma Kate doesn’t see me and center me out for her matchmaking shenanigans. I like being single.”

  “Why not come and sit with us,” Warren said. “When Kate comes in, you can duck down. Maybe she won’t notice you.”

  Ari laughed softly as she watched Warren and Ed lead Lucas off toward a large open table by the windows.

  “So, the people of Lusty do this for everyone who gets engaged?” Jackson asked when they had a moment between arriving guests.

  Ari looked over at Jackson’s perplexed expression. “My understanding is that this custom began after Kelsey opened Lusty Appetites. Before then, triads would sometimes plan a party themselves and have it in their homes or over at the community center. Having a party here is meant to keep everything informal. Anyone who wants to can come. Kelsey and Carrie, along with Tracy, whip up a bunch of snacks, the Town Trust picks up the tab, and everyone is happy.”

  “Well I’m happy, that’s for sure.” Cord gave her a huge grin.

  Ari nodded as she turned and met her other fiancé’s gaze. “You’re only that happy because you found out a few hours ago that slimeball photographer, Dwight Gilmore, is up to his ass in trouble.”

  Cord chuckled and put his arm around her. “It’s true. I admit it. Aren’t you?”

  Ari sighed and rested her head on Cord’s shoulder. “I am, yes. I just wish the picture had never been taken in the first place. Don’t you?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Jackson said. “Personally, I liked that picture. It brought back fond memories. I was thinking we might get a special print made of it, have it framed, and hang it in the bedroom. Over the bed, of course.”

  Cord snickered while Ari sputtered and smacked Jackson’s arm. It’s a dangerously delicious thing when we are all on the same wavelength. It meant that from time to time they would end up doi
ng something reckless. At least we won’t be bored. Jackson laughed and wrapped her in his arms.

  “God, you’re so easy to tease, Tink.”

  She gave him what she hoped was an “evil grin” and said, “Darling, I’d be careful about the teasing if I were you. You have to sleep sometime.” Then she grinned. “I had the same thought about that damn picture. Maybe we’ll take some ourselves, for our bedroom.”

  “Okay I’ll behave, at least for the rest of the party.” He kissed her forehead. “And that is a damn fine idea. I don’t really want to elevate what that bastard did. I’m with Cord.” He lifted her face and kissed her, a light, teasing caress. “I have to admit I was impressed with the zeal and the inventiveness with which Jake, on our behalf, certainly, but also on behalf of the Town Trust, went after that asshole.”

  “Me, too,” Cord said. “I had no idea that Chase and Brian’s land was home to rare native wild grasses and that Gilmore, in his slovenly and wholly unauthorized use of said land, damaged irreplaceable examples of same.”

  The photographer had been found guilty of trespassing, and causing irreparable harm to indigenous flora. He’d been fined heavily, and the Town Trust’s civil suit for invasion of privacy against him and the magazine that had published the picture appeared to be headed toward victory.

  The owners of that publication had read the writing on the wall, and turned over all copies of the print. Ari doubted anyone else would dare publish it for fear of invoking the wrath of Lusty as embodied by Jake Kendall.

  That man, when he set his mind to it, could be scary as hell. She was grateful that he was a friend, and not a foe.

  In the meantime Gilmore had fines to pay, likely more judgments on the way, and no job or income to speak of.

  “We take our privacy damned seriously here.” Greg Benedict, along with his partner Cody Harper and their wife Rebecca, had come into the restaurant. He offered his hand and a hearty back slap to her men, and then gave Ari a sweet hug. He winked at her, too, and then addressed the men. “We’re having that house of ours built outside of town by that pretty stream for a particular reason. We like to spend as much free time as possible…observing the native wild grasses, too.”


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