Arctic Sunrise

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Arctic Sunrise Page 8

by Robert G. White

  ''Elvira belongs to Alexander, meaning Vladimir promised him at least half of everything he owns. Alexander is strong in manpower, we can't win a straight up war against him...but you know all this already. You know Alexander was backing up Vladimir and Anatoly, didn't you?'' Dalesio says.

  ''Alexander will drown in his own blood, he thinks that he will win easily. His overconfidence will be his end.'' Dmitri says.

  ''Sounds like you have a plan'' Dalesio says.

  ''I'm not a fool and when this all began I knew Vladimir had planned this for years, waiting for the right moment, and I knew Alexander wouldn't pass up on a chance to rule Moscow and the vory v zakone. It's all he has ever wanted and this is the right move. I would have done the same'' Dmitri says.

  ''Alexander's ambition was always to prove that he was smarter than everyone, especially you Dmitri. He's always been jealous of you. Maybe he is smarter than you, or maybe you and Ivan will win this, as you've always done...but this is the last time you will ever see me.'' Dalesio whispers, looking for a reaction in Dmitri's eyes.

  ''What? What are you talking about?'' Dmitri asks, shaking his head.

  ''I'm leaving Russia, the vory v zakone, I'm leaving everything behind, I'm tired and done, you see Dmitri, some men go and fight in wars for a few years and then come back home to live. I've been fighting my entire life and the war will never end, for me it's enough, enough blood for one life. I'm not that old, turned forty last week. I can still have a son, live a life.'' Dalesio says.

  Dmitri is stunned, speechless...he snaps out into a mad laughter.

  ''Your heart has always beaten like a lion's so it's not fear the reason you would leave me in these hard times. Then why? Tell me or I will kill you where you stand!'' Dmitri shouts as hard as he can, spreading saliva on Dalesio's face.

  ''Dmitri, I've been at your side most of my life. You've always believed in me, in the vory v zakone, in Train, in Ivan, but you were ready to leave it all behind for love, for Anastasia. I've always been straight with you and I'll do the same now. I'm in love and rich. I want to love and spend. I want to be normal, to be afraid. I don't want to lose the little part of my soul I still posses. I don't want to slice throats and shoot other human beings over pride, greed, money or made up rules. If Ana was alive today, you would have been another man entirely but you never had the chance. I do, don't deny me a chance at something more than this wretched life.'' Dalesio says.

  ''Will you still leave if I ask you not to?'' Dmitri asks, looking at the ceiling.

  ''I will stay if you ask me and ride to death with you, beside you as we've always done but I will already be dead.'' Dalesio says.

  Dmitri hugs Dalesio fiercely.

  ''I'm glad it's you that is leaving the life. You are one of the few that has a chance at being normal. I'm glad it's you.'' Dmitri says and stands up. Dalesio kneels in front of him.

  ''By the rules that bind us as men, I, Dmitri release you from the service of the vory v zakone. I wish you all the happiness I dreamt of when Ana was alive. I truly hope that I shall not see you again. Now go!'' Dmitri commands as he gently pushes Dalesio away.

  Dalesio walks towards the door, takes one look back at Dmitri, smiles and then leaves.

  Dmitri would have killed anyone leaving the life, regardless of the reason but Dalesio's eyes remembered him of the happiness he felt knowing he had found love and the life of blood would finally naive he was. That seems centuries ago...Dmitri hopes that Dalesio's happiness will turn to reality. Somehow that gives him great joy, joy he hasn't felt in years. Dalesio deserves happiness, every man deserves something good in this empty life.

  Dmitri's mind goes back to the man that robbed him of five years and Train and threw his heart and soul into an abyss he will never crawl out of. He will never get over Train's death. The war with Alexander is impossible to win but Dmitri has a card to play, a risky one but the only one he has. He grabs a folder containing a stack of about a hundred pieces of paper from the desk, wipes his tears, dusts himself off and looks at Nikolai smiling ''come on kid, it's time to die.'' Nikolai is surprised.

  An hour later Dmitri stares at Alexander's fortress in the center of Moscow. Sitting in the car next to him, a worried Nikolai looks around confused ''why are we here?'' he asks.

  ''You see that building across the street?'' Dmitri asks.

  ''That old, torn out gray one?'' Nikolai asks.

  ''Yes, that is Alexander's headquarters, he lives in that building in the basement and there's at least thirty of his men inside. The spotters on the roof have already seen us.'' as Dmitri says this to Nikolai, a tall, rugged man approaches Dmitri's car and knocks on the driver side window. Dmitri lowers the window.

  ''Good day Dmitri, Alexander was expecting you. Follow me.'' the man says and walks back towards the building.

  ''Are we going to die?'' Nikolai asks mortified.

  ''I expect nothing and yet somehow I will be disappointed.'' Dmitri says, getting out of the car.

  Dmitri and Nikolai follow the man into the building, into the belly of the beast. The building is filled with armed men, Alexander's soldiers, and most of them look at Dmitri with sheer confusion, oozing puzzlement. Most have brothers, cousins, friends that have died in the war in the last weeks. They all hate Dmitri.

  Two men undress Dmitri and Nikolai to make sure they aren't packing any kind of weapons. They also take Dmitri's briefcase. Escorted by four men, Dmitri and Nikolai go into the basement of the building. The underground of the building is heavily modified, it's been mined, turning the basement into over two hundred square meters bunker, cement with steel reinforcements for walls, a fortress. Alexander is at the end of a hall in a room with no windows, a room that feels as sturdy as a bank vault but looks like an office.

  Alexander smiles and invites Dmitri and Nikolai to sit on the chairs in front of his desk. The years have changed Alexander's appearance, his face now reeks of confidence, the facial weak features of his youth and now marble, stone. His eyes appear now as deadly as a snake's.

  ''This is not unexpected Dmitri. Why are you here though?'' Alexander asks.

  ''The war needs to end and it will end today.'' Dmitri answers.

  ''I have more respect for you than I do for anyone in this world so I am willing to compromise. Deliver Ivan to me and I will let you keep your life and your money but not your rank. You will go somewhere far away like Australia or Brazil and live the rest of your life in exile but as a rich man. That is just how much I respect you.'' Alexander says, handing an open box of cigars to Dmitri across the desk.

  ''That is generous but I had something else in mind. I will show you something that will force you to hand over Vladimir so I can butcher him.'' Dmitri says, taking a cigar from the box.

  ''So you've gone mad or do you seek to test my patience?'' Alexander says, grabbing a revolver from a drawer, unloading the six bullets inside and then placing one back into the chamber and spinning the cylinder.

  ''I know you well Dmitri. I know you don't fear me or this gun in my hand, you don't fear death so...'' Alexander says and points the gun at Nikolai's head and gently presses the trigger.

  The hammer hits...nothing happens, no bullet in the chamber. Nikolai jumps out of his chair screaming ''Jesus Christ'' but another man at his back presses his shoulders down, forcing him back on the chair.

  Alexander stares at Dmitri looking for a reaction. Dmitri is smoothly sniffing the cigar in his hand.

  ''So the kid means nothing to you? How disappointing. I don't understand you Dmitri. What can you offer me for Vladimir, you know me, I have no family, I love nothing in this world except power!'' Alexander says.

  ''Enough of this!'' Dmitri says, slamming his fist on the desk.

  ''When I entered this building I was searched and stripped, my clothes and possessions were taken from me, I had a briefcase which contained a document that will make you give me Vladimir!'' Dmitri continues.

  ''Well what are you waiting for?'' Alexander a
sks, looking angrily at his men '' go get this man's documents, I am very curious! make sure there's no bomb in the suitcase before you bring it here''

  ''So Dmitri, you still killing for the KGB?'' Alexander asks. Dmitri nods briefly.

  A few tense moments pass and a henchman arrives back with the folder and hands it to Alexander. He opens it and starts reading closely, captivated.

  Nikolai, from where he is sitting, can see what appear to be old soviet reports, black and white photographs of corpses and inmates, of prisons. Nikolai also notices that Alexander's hands have began shaking, his eyes are opened vide and his upper lip is quivering.

  '' did you get this?'' Alexander asks, wiping the tears from his eyes, still focused on the papers in his hands.

  ''At great expense, years ago...that riot always fascinated me and I knew that he was involved somehow. He always talked about it. I guess his daddy bragged about his deeds. Once you started to come up in the world, I knew I'd need it one day and I wasn't wrong. I recognized the threat you could become before anyone...'' Dmitri says.

  Alexander closes the dossier and looks straight at Dmitri.

  ''Thank you for this, even if your motives are selfish it's still the greatest good anyone has ever done for me. I've been looking for these answers all my life!'' Alexander says.

  ''Now can we talk real business?'' Dmitri asks.

  Nikolai doesn't understand what is happening. What did the folder contain? What made Alexander change his mind so fast?

  ''Alright, here it is, we split everything Vladimir owned in half, half and half and I get to be there when you kill him.'' Alexander says.

  ''I don't care about his businesses, you can have it all, apart from that we are all set.'' Dmitri says.

  ''Send word to your men that the war is over, I will do the same. From today onwards, we are not enemies anymore. what remains of Vladimir's men in Moscow and Petersburg...they will die today. You have my word.'' Alexander says.

  Dmitri nods, both men stand up and shake hands.

  One of Alexander's lieutenants is outraged ''Alex, are you crazy? Let's just kill him and be done with it'' and draws his pistol.

  Alexander throws the revolver on his desk towards his lieutenant, hitting him in the forehead, knocking him down.

  ''This is beyond money or honor, beyond wars!'' Alexander says.

  ''Alright boss,'' the lieutenant says, noticing the fire in Alexander's eyes.

  ''Where is Vladimir?'' Dmitri asks loudly.

  ''He's hiding in Bromley London, I set him up there before this began.'' Alexander says.

  ''So he never planned on fighting. He would have you and his brother win his war. On top of that it had to be fucking London...alright, give me the street address and I'll be on my way.'' Dmitri says.

  ''There's no need for that, like I said, I want to see him die!'' Alexander says.

  Chapter VII New Babylon

  Dmitri, Alexander and Nikolai are traveling by plane to London. They arrive at Heathrow Airport late in the afternoon, quickly rent a car and make their way to Vladimir's address in the borough of Essex, South London. Vladimir is living at the first floor of an apartment block that looks like it was bombed during the second world war.

  ''I really hate this Babylon! All races, all colors, all religions, mixed together, it's like putting every single thing in your fridge into a blender and expecting what comes out to have a pleasant taste.'' Dmitri says disgusted.

  ''Never pegged you for a racist, Dmitri!'' Alexander says, having a chuckle.

  ''Isn't everyone a racist deep down? I'm not a racist, I hate everyone equally.'' Dmitri asks.

  ''Maybe, you never know.'' Alexander answers a clearly rhetorical question.

  ''People are always going to find a reason to hate each other. It's just our nature, we want more, we want what the others have, we want it all and much more. That's why I hate this city, you can smell the hate, the envy and jealousy!'' Dmitri says.

  ''No, that's not all of it, we hate even those that have nothing better than us, we hate even those that are inferior to us in some way.'' Alexander says.

  ''Anatoly has taught you well but that's not a surprise.'' Dmitri says.

  ''Yes and you killed him!'' Alexander murmurs.

  ''Vladimir got him killed, it's a miracle this didn't happen earlier.'' Dmitri answers.

  ''Anatoly was a good man but all men die. I have no problem with you for killing him! I always knew his idiot brother would eventually get him killed.'' Alexander whispers.

  ''That's because you had Train killed, didn't you? That melted your anger away.'' Dmitri asks.

  ''I didn't kill Train but you won't believe that anyway, at least now we can share the pain...!'' Alexander says.

  ''No, I suffer for both deaths, and I regret killing...'' Dmitri tries to speak further but Alexander grabs his shoulder.

  ''It doesn't matter now.'' Alexander says.

  ''Okay, Vladimir is going to sleep'' Dmitri says, pointing at the window ''the light was just turned off.''

  ''How do you want to play this?'' Alexander asks.

  ''I've already arranged for a place to take my time on him. I'll go and get him alone, wait in the car!'' Dmitri says and slams the car's door on his way out.

  Left only with Nikolai in the car, Alexander looks at him intensely. Nikolai notices.

  ''You know boy, I am pretty sure you are the one that shot Train. Don't get scared, I know your orders are to take out Dmitri too and probably even myself. I won't give you away. One thing I don't get. Why is Ivan trying to kill his own men before the war is done? Does he fear Dmitri so much ? '' Alexander asks.

  ''How can you possibly know these things?'' Nikolai shivers, fearing for his life. His facial features turn dark, like a cold blooded killer, and his voice becomes heavier, graver.

  ''It was just a theory that you just confirmed, besides I didn't kill Train but someone did. Someone that had information about him and also owned Elvira, that pink snake! So I knew it was Ivan and made a guess you were involved.'' Alexander says.

  ''I am the voice of Ivan so hear me out, Dmitri killed Anatoly, Sergei, Vladimir's woman Gabriela, people you knew and respected, if you interfere in any way, Ivan will be your enemy too!'' Nikolai threatens.

  ''Sergei beat me like a dog for years when I came up in his crew, Anatoly considered me to be a fool and Vladimir's bitch had nothing to do with me. I kill, Dmitri kills, everyone kills in this life. I won't interfere with your plans but I don't give a shit about Ivan, I know he's very sick, much more than he leads on so soon I will be the king! Watch your tongue boy, soon I will own you too. And never forget, if I caught on to all of this, Dmitri can too, if he hasn't by now. Don't underestimate him. He's probably playing you.'' Alexander says.

  ''Dmitri will die soon!'' Nikolai mutters.

  ''About time this war ended! But Dmitri is not the one to blame for your half sister's death.'' Alexander says.

  ''You know who I really am?'' Nikolai stumbles.

  ''Of course I know, you have the same eyes as she did, it's a wonder Dmitri hasn't noticed. Dmitri did end Anastasia's life but only to spare her, he loved that woman more than you can ever understand.'' Alexander.

  ''I don't believe you, Ivan told me everything.'' Nikolai yells.

  ''Ivan is a fucking snake. I don't know why I'm talking to you, I don't give a shit what you think, boy! I really don't care how your story turns out. No matter what happens, Dmitri will be my enemy again in the future, it is inevitable and interfering with your plans to kill him would be a mistake on my part but at least tell the man why you're killing him.'' Alexander whispers.

  ''Like you said, it doesn't concern you. I do have a curiosity about what happened at your safe house. What document did Dmitri gave you?'' Nikolai asks.

  ''You mean why I turned from the fiercest of enemies to the most loyal ally? I don't see how you knowing would hurt so here it is. Actually I'll tell the story once when we grab Vladimir. Let me smoke, kid.'' Al
exander says, blowing cigarette smoke out of his nostrils.

  ''I wonder what Dmitri is doing!'' Nikolai says to himself, looking toward the window at the first floor.

  Dmitri goes up the stairs and finds the door. He takes two deep breaths and checks his palms. palms were never dry...maybe. Dmitri smashes the door with his shoulder and runs into the bedroom.

  Vladimir is frozen in his bed as Dmitri enters the room and turns on the light.

  ''How ? No, wait, don't do this. We can still...''

  Dmitri places his right hand over Vladimir's mouth and whispers ''I should have killed you years ago, now look what happened'' and then punches him three times until Vladimir is unconscious. He tosses him over his shoulder and walks out to the car, putting him in the back seat next to Nikolai. The drive to the house where Vladimir will be tortured and killed is short and silent. The men barely talk. They all seem concerned with greater things.

  They arrive at the house around midnight. Vladimir is waking up as Dmitri pulls him out of the car by his hair, kicking and screaming. The room where he takes him has plastic covers all over the floor and a metal table just like in the morgues in the middle. Dmitri strips Vladimir and lays him out on the table, strapping his wrists and legs to the cold table.

  ''You fucking piece of shit, you betrayed me! This wasn't the deal!'' Vladimir screams to Alexander as soon as he sees him ''you're going to stand there and watch while he butchers me?!''

  ''Yes, I betrayed you and it's the single good thing I've done in years.'' Alexander replies cold.

  ''I handed him the documents regarding the 1948 massacres in prisons, you know, The Bitch Wars. I proved to Alexander how your father, a piece of shit suka, a whore, was directly involved with killing his father and uncle.'' Dmitri says, setting up some tools on a chair next to the table.

  ''But I had nothing to do with that. I wasn't even born back then!'' Vladimir screams.

  ''And you think I will stand tall with a man whose own father is responsible for the ruination of my family? The sins of the fathers shall be suffered by the children. It's my life's honor to witness your death. To avenge the wrongs done upon my family because family is above it all, no matter what our code says. Now you will die like the bitch you are!'' Alexander screams directly into Vladimir's ear while holding his hair in his fists.


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