Enslaved in Africa

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Enslaved in Africa Page 4

by Ian Smith


  Penny squealed once more, writhed again, and then settled down, twitching and trembling. One more; just one more! Whatever she had to do, she must never anger them and have to suffer this again.


  A final shriek from Penny’s now sore throat was muffled by the gag. Tears rolled down her lovely cheeks to drop onto the wooden stump. Every slightest movement aggravated the welts on her bottom, so Penny just slumped there, well beaten.

  Her mind preoccupied with the terrible throbbing in her ass, Penny was only dimly aware of the sound of fetters being unlocked. The chains that connected her legs to Carrie’s were removed, although not the one between her own legs. The staple was levered out of the tree trunk and then one of the Negroes unlocked both of the girls from the wrist cuffs so that the girls could stand up once more. They did so very gingerly, every move aggravating the agony in their bottoms. Penny had never felt anything like this. How Carrie was feeling, having had four or five from the crop as well as the caning, she could hardly imagine. Both girls stood, rubbing their wrists which had been chafed by their struggles. Neither felt much like looking their tormentors in the face, or even each other. Penny became aware that her pussy was expose, and reached down to pull her knickers and shorts up. She had to grit her teeth to very carefully pull even the gentle silk of her undies over her wounds and winced as the delicate material made contact.

  As Carrie half turned, Penny suppressed a gasp as she caught sight of her friend’s bottom. Fierce red tram lines ran horizontally across the youthful flesh. Where two lines crossed, the flesh around them had turned almost purple. The brunette did not doubt that her own rear was in a similar state, but just as she was about to inspect the damage, Norris spoke to them once more.

  He addressed Carrie. “All right, let’s see what you have to offer. Get that bra off.”

  Both girls’ eyes jerked up and stared at him for a moment. Then he made the slightest of motions with the riding crop, still in his hand. Carrie got the message. Hastily, she reached behind her back and undid the clip of her bikini top. Reluctantly, as it opened up on her back, she slid the narrow shoulder straps down her arms, holding the cups to her chest.

  The Negro to the side of her snatched the top away. Taken by surprise, Carrie automatically brought her hands in front of her to protect her modesty.


  The crop buried itself in her very tender rear. Carrie had been hunched forwards to further shield herself, but the stroke made her jerk herself upright and brought her hands away from her body. The message was very clear, but the crop stroke seemed to awaken Carrie’s determination afresh, albeit in a different way. Putting her hands down by her sides, she pulled her shoulders back and thrust her breasts out, almost defiantly showing them off. She didn’t quite have the nerve to put her hands on her hips, but her eyes blazed with a fierceness that almost matched the dreadful fires burning in her bottom.

  Norris regarded her for a moment, then shot a glance at Penny. “You too.”

  Penny went hot and cold, although she had expected this from the moment Carrie had been ordered to undress. She knew at once that she had no choice unless she wanted to feel that crop again - and after that she would still have to do it. Hands shaking, she reached up and undid the buttons one by one, then peeled the halter top off. Underneath she was not wearing a bra, so her firm young breasts were immediately on view. She felt her face go flushed, but managed to complete her task, slipping the top off her shoulders and allowing it to fall down her arms and drop to the floor behind her. She didn’t need to be told to keep her arms away from her front.

  The four men drank in the lovely sight. Penny could not look them in the eye, so kept her gaze lowered, although she glanced at Carrie from time to time, which was almost as bad. She was slightly uncomfortably aware that Carrie’s chest was slightly larger than her own, the blonde’s well-formed mammaries jutting out proudly in front of her. Penny’s own assets weren’t bad at all: they were firm and rounded, the nipples rather embarrassingly prominent right now; but Carrie undoubtedly had the edge. Still, Penny wasn’t too sure at the moment whether she preferred not to be the more sightly of the two of them. She waited in dread for the expected command to remove the shorts she had only recently pulled back up into place and for Carrie to take off her bikini pants, but thankfully it never came.

  “Not bad,” one of the Negroes at last. Their level of English clearly varied: two of them spoke in broken English, the third seemed a bit more fluent.

  Norris was stirred from his thoughts. “Indeed not,” he agreed. “They’ll fetch a good price.”

  Penny shuddered: that sounded very ominous. She was badly frightened now of these men, but she had to know more about this. Screwing up her courage, and trying to be as polite and careful as possible, she said, “sir? May I ask a question?” When he nodded, she went on, “could you tell us what you intend to do with us?”

  “Why, I thought that was obvious: I am going to sell you into slavery. Any objections?” As he asked this, he flicked the crop meaningfully once more.

  There was a stunned silence, and he had to raise the crop again to remind them that he required a reply. Both girls were only too aware of the instrument of torture already. “No, sir,” Penny said in a subdued voice, and Carrie muttered the same.

  “Good. How old are you both?”

  “Just turned twenty, sir,” Penny replied. It was an effort talking so normally and politely with her boobs on view, but she had no choice. He still held that awful crop and her bottom was already hurting like mad. She heard Carrie murmur, “Nineteen, nearly twenty, sir.” Her friend was just a couple of months younger than herself.

  “And according to our colleagues on the boat, neither of you are virgins, is that correct? Don’t dare lie to me, I can check easily enough!”

  Penny didn’t doubt it and the thought of him doing that made her feel sick. “No sir, neither of us,” replied Carrie for both of them, seeing that Penny was finding it hard to reply to such an intimate question. It did however confirm Penny’s uncertainty as to whether or not Carrie had lost her cherry.

  “Pity, virgins fetch such a good price.” Penny remembered the men on the yacht saying more or less the same thing. “Still, I suppose it’s only to be expected in this day and age.” He addressed his men, including the third Negro who had been loading the horse-drawn cart. “Chain them to the back of the wagon and let’s get going.”

  One of the Negroes was already firmly holding Penny’s wrist, another reached out to hold Carrie’s. Her self-control already frayed, Carrie struggled a little. He grinned, showing gleaming white teeth, and his free hand reached out and gave her very vulnerable breast a squeeze.

  “You pig!” As she spoke, Carrie swung her free hand and caught the man a sharp slap across his face. For a moment his features registered surprise, then anger. The third man moved in and grasped both of Carrie’s hands, forcing both of her palms upwards. Her struggles were totally ineffectual. The man she had slapped turned to the leader. “Boss?”

  “Of course,” he replied affably. “One on each hand, I think.” He passed the crop over to the man and then spoke to Carrie. “You will have to learn, young lady, that is not what your hands are for.”

  “What the Hell do you expect ... aaiieeee!” Carrie screamed as the crop came down on her right palm. She sank to her knees, sobbing anew, trying to pull her left hand free, but it was useless. “Aiieoowww!”

  One of the men went behind her and pulled her to her feet, pinning her arms behind her back. The man moved to stand right in front of her. Both his hands went out and grasped her twin mounds firmly. His face moved to within inches of hers as he squeezed and moulded her breasts.

  “I expect obedience ... you may not like it, but you will learn to take it. Self restraint and discipline is what you will be taught, young mada


  He moved aside, and the man who had first touched Carrie’s breast moved in for a good feel.

  The man holding Penny moved in front of her, holding his hands level with her own private treasures. “You want complain?” he sneered.

  “No ... no, sir.” There was nothing else Penny could say. Her bottom still burned with pain from the cane; she did not want any more punishment. She watched, sick to her stomach, as his big black paws reached out towards her. It felt like an electric shock as they closed on her firm young boobs. Again she could only look disconsolately at the ground, drowning in her humiliation and shame.

  The leader became impatient, and snapped his fingers. Abruptly the groping stopped. Carrie and Penny each had her wrists encased in cold metal once more, in each case with just a few inches of chain separating the cuffs. Then they were led to the back of the cart and the chains locked securely to the tailgate. The movement of walking brought fresh anguish to Penny’s welted rear. She happened to be behind Carrie as the blonde was secured and saw the multiple red lines clearly standing out on the girl’s bottom cheeks as they threatened to spill out either side of the tight bikini bottom. She wondered if the red lines across her own more covered ass stood out as much: it certainly felt like it. The men slung a few last things onto the already loaded cart, mounted their horses, and the procession moved out. Penny had time to see her halter top and Carrie’s bikini top thrown into the undergrowth, and wondered how long before she would be able to cover up her youthful chest once more. Then she felt the wagon lurch forward and stumbled forwards behind it, each step a constant reminder of her beaten bottom.

  Chapter Four

  They were forced to half walk, half stagger behind the wagon for what seemed ages.

  Both girls were very shocked, and said nothing to each other for some time. Carrie’s bottom was a mass of blazing pain, and her palms now also throbbed. Her mind seethed with anger and hatred of the men who had assaulted her. Penny, on the other hand, was feeling very cowed and subdued. Her bottom ached intolerably from her punishment, constantly aggravated by the forced walking. It reminded her that these men were not to be defied.

  Eventually, Carrie turned to Penny and sniffed, “you didn’t do much to defend yourself.”

  “What would you suggest?”

  The brunette’s comparative resignation stoked Carrie’s own nervousness. “You could at least have made an effort,” she snapped.

  “Like you did? What did you get for it? A whipped bum and then exactly the same treatment they were going to give you in the first place.”

  “So you’re quite happy to be trudging around with your tits on show?”

  Penny coloured. “No; but yours are out too.”

  “Be quiet back there, you two!” Despite their predicament, Penny could not help but show slight amusement that Carrie hurriedly shut up - just as quickly as Penny herself did.

  They trudged on. Every time either of the two girls slowed down too much, they were just pulled along by the chains leading from their wrists to the wagon and had to either keep walking or fall over and be dragged along. The sun blazed down and with the shrubbery around them falling away there was little shade. Carrie felt the sweat trickling irritatingly down her sides from her armpits. With her hands secured, there was no way to wipe it off. From time to time she glanced at Penny and was reassured to see that the blue-blooded brunette was glowing with perspiration just as much: Penny’s flawless skin shone with it. Carrie admired her topless friend’s superb breasts: although they were of excellent shape, Carrie was pleased to see that she just about had the edge on her companion in chains. With nothing else to think about except worry about where they were going, the blonde had time to reflect that, in her opinion, she always just had the edge on Penny. She was the more determined of the two and her father was brilliantly successful and richer than Penny’s, though she admitted that Penny’s family connections and her own father’s not inconsiderable money made her quite a suitable friend. Physically, although Penny was strikingly attractive, so was she and, well, blondes usually get more of the attention. Having said that, given that they were both now forcibly topless, she would rather not get too much the male attention right now. She resented these pigs getting a free show, especially the blacks.

  Eventually they began to catch glimpses of the sea once more. They could both hear the surf and detect the faint tang of the sea air in her nostrils. As the foliage began to fall away and allow the cooling sea breeze through to them, Carrie and Penny both found it a blessed relief after the oppressive heat of their forced march.

  However, as they emerged onto the sandy beach, they began to change their minds, because they saw the evil pirates who had stolen their boat waiting grinning for them.

  They were uncoupled from the wagon, which it was not sensible to bring onto the soft golden sand and rough hands on the silky skin of their shoulders and backs pushed them forwards until the two groups met. The former servants stood grinning and leering at the two girls who stood before them, each with wrists handcuffed together in front of them and their walking just slightly restricted by the hobble chains connecting the fetters around their ankles. Out of the corner of her eye, Carrie saw the blushing Penny raise her arms to cover her breasts, only to stagger forward and yelp in surprise when one of the men behind her gave her a meaty slap on her beautifully sculpted rump. The sharp sound of his hand smacking her bare flesh seemed to echo around the beach and one or two startled gulls took flight. Getting the message, the brunette reluctantly lowered her arms once more and exposed herself. Carrie had not tried to cover herself up: she had always been a bit less shy than Penny, but more to the point she did not want to get strapped or cropped again on her already well battered backside. However, she was furious that she was being made to stand breast naked before these sods. She tried to look defiant, as if it did not matter in the least to her that her boobs were on show.

  “Nice couple of pairs, aren’t they?” one of their Negro captors, the one with the better English, said crudely.

  “Yeah,” drawled the leader of the boat crew. “We didn’t get a chance to examine them properly before they jumped ship.” The direction of his gaze left no doubt as to which part of the girls’ anatomy the conversation was about. Penny hung her head in humiliated embarrassment; Carrie coped a little better, although she raged inside.

  “Of course,” said Norris smoothly, “since we apprehended them ourselves, we will need to adjust the commission we owe you on them.”

  The leader of the sailors scowled. “You thieving bastard,” he growled; “we had to go to the trouble of taking the boat and run the risk of being known to the owners.”

  “But now you have the boat: you should make a nice profit on that and we are taking two inconvenient witnesses off your hands. Anyway, I didn’t say we wouldn’t give you something for them. Shall we say, four hundred dollars each?”

  The ruffian looked ready to burst. “It was meant to be a thousand for each!” He calmed, slowly, then offered, “seven hundred each.”

  “A thousand for the pair of them, Mr. Saunders, or perhaps I should say Captain Saunders now; and that’s my final offer,” replied the trader.

  A smirk appeared on the man addressed as Saunders. “All right, done,” he said grudgingly, “but now we’ll have to re-negotiate the price for the maid.”

  “Oh, her,” said the other with a marked lack of interest.

  “Ah, don’t go to sleep on me quite so fast: turns out she’s quite a good looker.”

  The sailor snapped his fingers and his two henchmen brought the maid forwards. She had been allowed to put her uniform back on and it was still intact, albeit ruffled. Coarse boat’s hemp had been wound around her slim neck and one of the men held the end of the rope like a lead, by which she was pulled struggling forwards.

  Norris looked her up and down. “You’
re right, she’s not bad at all,” he admitted. “Still, my Arab customers like aristocrats. They’re almost as snobbish as these bitches themselves.”

  “Ah, but this girl’s got something them stuck up ones ain’t: she’s still intact.”

  The trader’s interest perked up further. “A virgin? Well, it gets better and better. Let’s see, we said two hundred for her originally. We’ll make it three hundred.”

  Saunders snapped his fingers at the maid. Shaking, she reached down and grasped the hem of her skirt, then lifted her uniform up until she had brought it completely over her head, revealing her body clad in the same cheap white undies as the previous day. Her face blushed scarlet, but clearly she had learnt that it would be worse for her if she did not obey. The sailor allowed Norris to get a good long look before gesturing to the maid once more. With very obvious relief, the young girl replaced her uniform, shaking with the humiliation of it all.

  “Five, minimum,” Saunders said.

  Norris shook his head. “Four and that’s it.”

  Saunders considered. “Well, tell you what. We’ve obviously left her alone, but the boys ‘n’ me have been getting pretty horny and frustrated, so we’ll agree on four if we can have a spell with the other two.”

  Norris didn’t hesitate. “Certainly,” he said. At a gesture from him, the Negroes pushed Carrie and Penny forwards.

  “A spell with us? What do you mean?” asked Carrie, trembling.

  “God, you upper class bitches are thick. We’re going to use you: have some fun with you: fuck you!”

  There was silence, except for the waves crashing onto the shore and the seagulls. All three girls were shocked and stunned, whilst the men just stood back, watching and enjoying the reactions of horror. Penny felt her bare feet sinking into the hot dry sand as she moved back a pace or so, but she knew that if she turned and ran she would get less than ten metres before they brought her down: the chain between her legs slowed her, and also was getting caught in the sand and dragging along. She found her voice, although it was thin with fear. “You can’t ... surely ... mean that.”


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