Consume Me
Page 23
“I wasn’t going to let him take me,” she says softly. I think more out of fear than pain. Police cars and ambulances arrive on the scene. Derek’s car, Dagger, GT and Rhys are gone. Cops stop and draw their weapons, all the guys putting their guns down and raising their hands in surrender.
I carry Blaze to the ambulance before it has fully stopped. The paramedic opens the door, unfolding a stretcher to the ground. “She’s been shot in the shoulder. I think it’s a flesh wound, but I need you to make sure.”
“Lay her down.” I don’t want to release her but do because I know they will help her. Her hand comes out and lightly squeezes me.
“I’ll be okay,” she whispers.
I clutch her hand, pull it to my lips, and kiss the top of it. I never want to see her like this ever again. “I know, sweet lips.”
“Looks like you’re right, but let’s get her to the hospital and checked out,” the paramedic says, poking and prodding her. “You riding?”
“Yes,” I answer as a police officer comes up to the side of me.
“Andrew Tugger?” he questions and I turn to him, wondering how in the hell he knows my name.
“Yeah,” I answer, not letting go of Blaze.
“Step away and come with me,” he orders, his hand resting on the butt of his gun that is still in the holster.
“I need to go to the hospital with my girlfriend,” I argue, which I know isn’t the best thing to do with a cop, but I don’t give a shit.
“Fine, but I will have an officer follow you,” he says, surprising me. I thought for sure he’d give me shit.
“Fine.” I turn to the medics. “Let’s go.”
“Mr. Tugger?” a woman wearing blue scrubs with kittens on them calls from the waiting room door. I rise quickly. When we arrived at the hospital, they carted Blaze away, not letting me go with her. The cop that followed me tried to ask me a bunch of questions, but I just asked for my lawyer. When he said I wasn’t a suspect and that it was only for information, I told him to contact my lawyer. He gave up and left. Pops, Buzz, and Breaker trickled in. Buzz stayed while Pops and Breaker went to the clubhouse to check on shit. They didn’t go into detail with me on what happened, but I’m sure I’ll get that news later.
“That’s me.” I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans.
“Mrs. Tugger has a flesh wound. It grazed her shoulder. She is going to be just fine.” Yes, I lied and said she is my wife. They wouldn’t give me information otherwise, and it won’t be the last time I lie.
“Can I go see her?” I don’t give a shit if she hears the desperation in my voice.
“Yes, follow me.” I turn to Buzz, giving him a chin lift and follow the woman.
Several long white corridors later, we enter a room and Blaze is lying, eyes closed, on a white bed. The nurse turns to me. “It’ll take a bit for her to get her bearings. She was given some pain meds that will make her a bit dizzy and tired. If you want to sit with her, there’s a chair over there.” She points across the room and my eyes follow. Without hesitation, I sit in the chair by her bed.
I reach for her hand and hold it. Fuck. I don’t do scared. I don’t do fear. But damn, it’s coming off me in waves and has been ever since I learned she was taken and saw her get shot. That’s when I knew, really knew she’s the woman for me. I lean down, kissing her hand. I close my eyes.
Hours pass. My head is lying on the bed, eyes closed, and sleep takes me under.
“Tug,” is whispered softly. I open my eyes and turn to the voice.
Blaze. She is focused on me. “Hey, sweet lips. How are you doing?”
“Tired,” she says, trying to keep her eyes open.
“Quiet and rest. It’s all over, Blaze. All finished. You’re free,” I say, and her eyes fill with tears.
I took Blaze home that next day with instructions for her to rest. Currently, she is lying in bed sound asleep, and I have something or someone that I need to get to.
The doorbell rings. Blaze doesn’t stir. I sigh and go to the door, where Princess stands with an unreadable face.
“Thanks for coming. I didn’t want her to wake up and no one be here.” Princess only nods but doesn’t say a word. She comes into the house and sets her bag on the floor.
“I can’t believe I got fucking tasered,” she growls, her eyes growing fierce and mouth in a tight line.
“It happens to the best of us.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “Everyone’s fine, that’s what you gotta remember.”
“I’m still pissed I got knocked out.” She maneuvers away, obviously not in the mood to be coddled.
“She’s asleep and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Go get that motherfucker.” She smirks and I leave, shutting the door behind me.
It’s like déjà vu walking into the cabin. We were all just here. Only difference is this time, the asshole is stripped naked and hanging from the ceiling, spread eagle with his arms and legs tied to the beams. His head is bent down, almost hanging off his neck. Marks and cuts mar his body.
“Did you leave any for me?” I ask, catching Dagger, Rhys, Becs, Breaker and Zeb’s attention. They turn to me.
“He’s not dead, if that’s what ya mean. His heart’s still beating but he’s not conscious,” Dagger says, pulling off his black gloves one finger at a time.
“Shit,” I grumble. Nothing I do now will mean shit. I grab the gun from my jeans, aim it at this asshole’s head and shoot. His body jerks then goes back into the same position as before.
“Well, that was anti-climactic.” Becs lights a cigarette, inhaling deep.
“It’s fucking over.” I sigh, putting my gun in my pants.
“Brother, it’s just getting started. We pissed a lot of people off by offing these dicks.” I think back to the discussion earlier. These assholes ran product for our mutual supplier. Well, shit. Becs is fucking right.
Coming to X for the first time in a week is a bit surreal. Princess had it closed a few days after the bomb scare. She’s been handling everything and I’m ready to get back to business. Last week, Tug made me rest, every damn day. I was bored out of my mind and by day four, I wanted to scream, but when Tug gave me a don’t-fuck-with-me look, I rested.
I have a small wound on my shoulder that is pretty much completely healed. After I woke up from all the drugs they pumped in my body, I was scared. No, terrified was more like it. Tug tried to calm me, but I didn’t think that Santos and Frank were dead. I knew for sure they were coming to take me with them. Hello, freaky panic attack.
Then the cops came to question me and brought me pictures. I recognized goons one through five and Santos, but didn’t spot Frank and my anxiety rose to the point of shaking. Tug was next to me, holding my hand, and he must have felt my panic. He leaned over to my ear and told me, “He’s gone.” It was so quiet no one could hear but me.
After the cops left, Tug told me to trust him that it was all taken care of and I do. He told me that I am safe and he won’t let anything touch me again. I believe him. It was then that I also realized that I didn’t just like Tug; I loved him. Holy shit. Freaked me out quite a bit. I still haven’t told him and don’t plan to for a while.
Tug pretty much moved in with me, though. Slowly but surely, more and more of his things have ended up at my house. I cleaned out a drawer for him and I know in my heart that there will be more drawers eventually. It isn’t official, him living with me, but it may as well be. He has a key, and comes and goes as he pleases. I can’t even remember the last time he went to his apartment.
“Hey, there you are,” Princess says, her eyes coming up from the papers on her desk.
“Hey.” I step into the room and sit in the chair in front of her.
“How are you?” Princess questions.
“Good. Really good.” And I am. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve got a good man, job, friends who are my family. It’s wonderful.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back. These numbers are k
icking my ass.” She throws her pen down on top of the papers and runs her fingers through her hair.
I smirk. “I’ll do them. Have them done in no time.” I shrug.
“I’m sure you will.” She rests her elbows on the desk. “What’s up?”
“I’m done dancing,” I rush out. I didn’t know how she’d feel about it, especially since I fired Stage and we lost poor Luna, she’s still two dancers down. With all the other shit happening, she said she wanted to wait till I got back and for the dust to settle.
“Well, I’m not going to say I’m happy because I sure as shit am not. You bring in some serious cash. But…” She drew out the word but. “I know it’s the right decision for you. And that’s what matters.”
“Thanks.” I’ll miss the money that’s for damn sure, but it’s time to be done with it. I want to move on with my life and let it lead to wherever it’s going.
Princess snatches a wad of papers off her desk. They are turned every which way and are a huge mess. She hands them out to me. “Here.” I take them. “Do whatever it is you do.” She waves her hand as she says it.
Contentment fills me. “You got it.”
Even though that Sandra chick recanted her story, when the cops came to the airport for Blaze, they pulled the guys there in for questioning. They each lawyered up right away, but what we learned is they were asking questions about Rocky, also known as Officer Macafee. Rocky is the son of a bitch cop who prospected for the club so he could feed information to them. He also turned out to be the asshole that raped Princess in jail when she was locked up. Princess found out who he was and it ended up with a very painful death for Rocky.
Even though his body was never found, the cops knew the last place he was, was at our club. They searched a long time ago, which was a much nicer, cleaner search, for evidence to his whereabouts, but came up empty-handed.
In all, we really learned that the Sandra shit was just a reason to come and fuck up our place in retaliation. While really, they wanted information about Rocky’s disappearance. Not gonna get it. Burnzie’s handling it.
They have yet to question Dagger, Cruz, GT or Rhys. Since I lawyered up in the hospital, they’ve left me alone. So, all has been quiet this past week.
We also haven’t heard shit from Santos and Frank’s crew up in Colorado. That one we are keeping a very close eye on.
One thing that is not quiet is Blaze. She screams my name at least once a night, every night. I make damn sure of it. That damn woman is something else. She’s so fucking strong and smart. I’m not sure how in the hell I lucked out in this area but I’m fucking taking it.
I told Buzz and Breaker that I’m moving in with her today. They were fine with it and I figured they would be. That is why I borrowed the big cage from Ravage to haul my shit. It’s not a lot, but I can’t carry it on my bike.
When I make it to Blaze’s house, she’s standing in the doorway wearing snug fit jeans and a t-shirt with a big mouth on it. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. And the fact that she stopped showing everyone what’s mine, got her a lot of fucking orgasms.
I get out and round the cage. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey. You get everything?” she asks, her hand over her eyes to block the sun. Her eyes squinty.
“Yep. I gotta haul all the shit in.” I step in front of her, and kiss her, hard and wet.
I release her lips and Blaze’s eyes are closed. “Open your eyes,” I whisper against her lips. Her eyes slowly open. “Always knew you’d have the sweetest lips around.” A smile spreads across her plump lips. “You know I love you.” Her body stills. I kept that shit to myself for a while. So long, but it’s time.
“You do?” she questions, as if it’s the last thing in the world she would expect from me.
“Yeah, sweet lips.” I bend and give her a light kiss.
“I love you, too,” she whispers so faint that I barely hear her, but I fucking did. I crash my lips against hers and show her just how much I love her.
“Are you ready for this?” Blaze asks me after taking off her lid and handing it to me. Fuck no, I’m not. I haven’t been to my childhood home in years and coming back wasn’t top on my priority list. But when Mom called and asked Blaze and I to come to dinner, I couldn’t say no. My sister is recovering and everything is going as expected. She has a casted leg and has to use crutches for the next couple of weeks, but that was all the damage. The asshole that hit her has a court date in a few weeks. But Buzz, Cruz, Rhys, and I paid him a visit. I really don’t think he’ll ever drive drunk again. If he does, he’s a fucking moron, and I’ll kill the bastard.
“We’ll see.” Blaze grabs my hand after I get off my bike, giving it a squeeze.
“It’ll be fine,” she says, standing on her tiptoes and placing a chaste kiss on my lips. I growl. I fucking love when she does that shit.
“You’re here!” my mother’s voice calls from the house. Both Blaze and I turn to her. Mom’s face is smiling and if I’m not mistaken, a tear is glistening in the corner of her eye.
“Hi, Mom. This is Blaze.”
Mom’s eyes light up at the sight of Blaze. Not gonna lie, thought she’d give her and I a bunch of shit because of her stripping, even though she’s done with it. Not that she knows that. Mom’s eyes light up and it’s a step in the right direction. “Hi, Blaze, welcome.”
“Hi, Mrs. Tugger. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Blaze says politely. Everything in the house is exactly the same. Same brown carpet and tan walls. Same scraggly furniture. Same everything.
“Andrew!” my sister yells. She’s sitting in the armchair in the living room, her leg propped up, and I make my way over to her.
“Hey, Alexis. How are ya feeling?” Her eyes are the same as mine and her hair is a shade lighter. Her small frame makes her look so fragile, exactly like all those years ago. I’d do anything for her then and I’d do anything now. She seems better and not just from the accident. She seems better with me.
Alexis’s beautiful smile greets me and I bend on one knee, coming face to face with her. “So much better.” She pauses and wrings her hands. “I’m so sorry,” she mutters so softly it comes out in a mumble of words. That vise around my heart loosens a bit and relief flows through my body.
“Why?” I ask, needing something more. It’s been years.
Alexis looks down and shakes her head. “When it happened, there was so much blood and it was everywhere. I dreamt of it every night and couldn’t stop. Mom was a basket case. I got on meds and we both took it all out on you. I’m so sorry.”
The words make me feel a little better, but it still hurts. I won’t put that on her. I grab her chin lightly and turn her eyes to mine. “Good to have you back, rug rat.” Her frown turns to a small grin in an instant.
“Rug rat, my ass.” She chuckles.
“I want you to meet my girl, Blaze.” I rise and hold out my hand to my girl, and she comes without question.
“Hi, Alexis. Nice to meet you,” Blaze says.
Alexis’s eyes widen. “You sure are pretty. What the hell are you doing with him?” And just like that, Alexis and I are good. Relief. Happiness.
Blaze laughs loud and I glare at my sister. Not in the I-will-kill-you way, but the big-brother-getting-his-sister-back way. “You’d better watch it,” I warn, getting more chuckles from my sister.
“Come and eat!” my mother calls from the kitchen.
My sister wiggles to the end of her chair. “Can you hand me the crutches?” Fuck that. I pick her up under her knees and behind her back. “What are you doing?” she screeches in my ear, but I ignore it. I sit her down in the chair and push it up to the table. “You didn’t have to carry me,” she grumbles.
“Shut it,” I clip. The table is square. I sit with Blaze and Mom on my sides and Alexis in front of me. Mom passes the food around and we eat in uncomfortable silence. I can’t take this shit. “Mom, are you still pissed at me?” I ask flat out, receiving a gasp from Alexis and wide eyes from Mom. B
laze’s hand finds my thigh and she squeezes, and I rest mine on top of hers, feeling her comfort.
Mom sets her napkin down. “Well, I was going to wait until dinner was over, but this is as good of time as any.” She closes her eyes like she’s gathering what she wants to say. I wait quietly. “I’m sorry, Andrew. It’s taken me many years, but I now understand why you did what you did. You said once that I would have stayed with your father and let him…” She stops and coughs. “You’re right. I would have. I loved your father and always thought it was a rough patch. I am miserably sad that he is gone.” What the fuck? Blaze squeezes my thigh. I appreciate her reassurance. “I am sorry that I took my pain out on you.” A tear rolls down her cheek. “I wish I could go back and do things differently, but I can’t. I can only work on the future.”
I rise from my chair and pull Mom out of hers, wrapping my arms around her tight. Contentment rolls over me. I have everything I’ve ever wanted. I have my girl, my mom, my sister, and my club.
I’m slowly getting into the club life. It’s really no different than before, just now we go on rides as a family and do charity events. This past event we did raised over eleven thousand dollars for autism awareness. Princess even suggested we put one together for breast cancer. I cried over that one. We have it in the works.
The one thing that wasn’t fun at all was riding in Luna’s funeral. That was hard. Most of us went and stayed in the background, paying our respects, but giving her family space. I will never forget the look on her face before the car exploded. It haunts my dreams and those nights aren’t good ones.
Tug has been wonderful. After going to see his mom and sister, who are wonderful people, he is lighter, like some of his heavy weight was removed from him. I don’t bring it up, but we have gone over for dinner twice more. It will take a while for it all to meld together, but they are on a great road.