Enchanted Lover

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Enchanted Lover Page 5

by Scharon, Connie C.

  Jared seemed annoyed by the man's presence. "Lady Asilinn, I present Osred, counselor to the MacLean clan. He advised against our upcoming nuptials but he has been overruled." Osred's dark eyes flashed with a brief hint of fire before he bowed to his laird and Asilinn.

  "Milady," he said with a smooth nod. "I hope your stay here will be pleasant.” Addressing Jared, he continued. "Laird, please forgive my doubts. Lady Asilinn is surely the fairest creature in all Christendom. I now see why you had to have her for your wife. Friar Hogan will perform the ceremony as you requested."

  Jared's eyes blazed at Osred's remark. "If Lady Asilinn was the ugliest hag in all of Scotland this marriage would still be taking place. This is not a union of lust, though since I've met my betrothed I must admit to a fierce attraction." There was a brief ripple of laughter. Jared silenced it with a single glance. "This is a union of clans that transcends any one man's desire. Do not belittle it by suggesting it is a fanciful whim!"

  "I apologize, Milord, if I have offended you with my careless tongue." Osred stiffened.

  Jared stood up rather abruptly and offered Asilinn his arm. She rose and took it, still determined not to show her trepidation. When they had cleared the hall, Jared let out his breath in one long sigh. He looked down at her and gave her a smile while his free hand lightly caressed her cheek.

  "I pray I'm doing the right thing. I wish no harm to come to you, yet I have brought you to a pit of vipers." He moved his arm around her back and guided her up a wide staircase to the balcony. An attractive, russet-haired woman came out of a room nearby. She rushed to Jared, threw her arms around him, and kissed him on the mouth.

  "Welcome home, Milord." She pressed herself to his chest. "Will you have need of me this evening after you have initiated your virgin bride?"

  Jared pushed her from him. "Glenna, I have no need of your services."

  Asilinn bristled. "Mayhaps you should keep your whore, Milord. Your bride has no desire to share your bed. Seek your pleasures elsewhere."

  Jared's teeth clenched giving his jaw a tremor that made him look so fierce Asilinn shivered. He jerked her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, insistently seeking entrance to the warm well of her mouth with his tongue—her lips gave way. His entry was swift and sure. He suddenly gentled his kiss, lingering with soft strokes of exploration.

  Asilinn was rocked by the sheer sensation of his assault on her senses. Her struggle ceased as her body reeled in the magic of what he was doing to her. When he eased his tongue out of her mouth and ended the scorching kiss, she leaned heavily against him flushed from head to toe and barely able to catch her breath.

  Jared turned his gaze to Glenna. "I'm sure I will not find my wife lacking in any way. Sometimes innocence is preferable to the well-traveled path." Glenna spun around and strode back into her room.

  Asilinn could hear his heart thundering beneath her ear as he held her and softly stroked her hair. "What spell have you cast over me, sweet Asilinn that I feel so much from so little?"

  "I dinna understand your question, Milord."

  "You will."

  Without another word, he released her and took her up the narrow, winding stairs into the tower. Pushing open the door, he led her inside.

  There was a stone fireplace in the center of the large square chamber. It was open on two sides allowing the heat to warm the space more efficiently. The chamber had been thoroughly cleaned. It had a thick, woven rug on floor. Pine boughs and lavender were placed around the room to freshen the air. In one corner, there was a huge, curtained bed. There was little other furniture save a heavy-looking desk and chair. Colorful tapestries hung on the walls.

  Jared walked over to the bed and carefully inspected it. He turned to her. "I've moved our chamber to the tower in order to feel more assured of your safety." He took her hand and led her to one of the tapestries. Pulling it back, he showed her a secret door hidden in the wall. "This leads down to a series of tunnels beneath the castle. No one else knows of it save Skye and she would never reveal its existence."

  "Why do you show me this, Milord?"

  "The tower is the safest bastion in the entire castle." He studied her expression as she caught his meaning.

  "You expect further attempts on my life?" Her voice quavered involuntarily.

  “If I am not here and you fear for your safety, go through the secret door and hide in the small room on the other side. You can bolt it from within.”

  "Please, Milord. It is not too late to release me from this fate. I beg you reconsider."

  "I did not think things would be this difficult. I'm sorry it will be hard for you, but there is no turning back." He swept his arm to display the room. "Do what you will with our chamber. The furniture here shall remain. Anything you wish to add from other rooms in the castle or have made is welcome." His eyes swept over her hungrily. "This will be our chamber as man and wife," he added in a seductive whisper.

  She dropped her eyes from his burning gaze feeling naked under his perusal. "I know nothing of men," Asilinn said.

  “An asset in a bride.” He brushed an errant curl from her face. “I'll teach you what you need to know."

  Once again, her vivid dream ran before her eyes and she struggled to keep tears from falling. “I cannot….” Her voice broke and she choked back a sob.

  “Dinna be afraid, Asilinn. I wilna hurt you if you cooperate."

  Jared turned to go. "I'll send Wynne to help you prepare. Wear your colors over the gown." With that, he left her alone in the huge chamber.

  Asilinn slumped into the chair and wept.

  Chapter Five

  By the time Wynne appeared at her door, Asilinn had composed herself. Her wedding would occur within the hour and she was determined not to present a fearful, tear-streaked face.

  Despite Asilinn's best efforts to hide her feelings; she knew the servant saw her strained demeanor. To Wynne's credit, she did not comment upon it. Instead, she began working over Asilinn's shining tresses. She covered them with a sheer veil held in place by a jewel-encrusted headdress. The cap fit over the crown of the head in a loose chain arrangement with precious stones dangling from its ends.

  "Skye told me this was her mother's and Laird Jared wishes you to wear it for your weddin'," Wynne explained while she labored to make everything perfect.

  "It would appear Laird Jared gets whatever he wants." The older woman stopped what she was doing and looked at Asilinn.

  "Another man would have raped you on the road to insure his plan. I wonder if you are worthy of his affections."

  "His affections?” Asilinn bolted from her seat and whirled to face the woman. "I am no more than an alliance to him. I sat while he and his men laughed over how easily he succeeded in kidnapping me. They scorn my father with their insults! I'll never go willingly to the Laird of Dunbocan!"

  Wynne went rigid then relaxed her stance with a slow grin. "My lord will tame you like he did the dread black beastie he now rides. Tonight he'll wipe away your innocence. You will be his until he decides he does not want you anymore." She pointed her finger at Asilinn's chest. "Laird Jared will have you for his wife with his babies at yer breasties. Better to be goin' along, Milady."

  "I wilna be his. And if he chooses to force the issue tonight, he'll have a fight on his hands. I cannot win, but he'll be punished in taking his pleasure." Wynne started to laugh. "You find humor in this?"

  Wynne leaned against the desk and tried to recover from her mirth. "Laird Jared has a reputation with the ladies. After one night with my laird, you will be eager to do his biddin', especially in his bed."

  Asilinn’s fists knotted until her knuckles turned white. "Aye," she grated through clenched teeth. "I had the pleasure of meeting one of his paramours this morning. I'll pray he finds me lacking and chooses to seek her out in my stead." Wynne just smiled.

  “I’m afraid that won’t suit my purpose, Lady Asilinn.”

  Asilinn whirled around to find the King of Scotland lounging in
the open doorway. How long had he been listening? She gave a quick curtsey. “Highness.”

  King Robert the Bruce was studying her now, his dark eyes intense in their perusal. “You’ve grown up, Asilinn.”

  “Aye, Milord, it is some time since we have had the pleasure of your company at Cairngorm Castle.”

  “True….” He came closer and walked around her, taking her in from every angle. “So lovely.”

  “Thank you, Milord.” Asilinn hesitated, not knowing where to start. The hour of her wedding was at hand and she had no choice. She must just plunge in. “I beg you to allow me to go back to my father. Please tell Laird MacLean his peace plan will not work. There is too much hatred between our people. I fear this union will only make matters worse.”

  The king faced her and reached over to take her hand. With a grand bow, he brought it to his lips and grazed her knuckles with a soft kiss. “I’m sorry, sweet Asilinn, but I must deny your request. I think Jared’s plan will work and it suits my purpose. If your allegiance lies with me, you will obey your king and go willingly to Laird Jared. Scotland’s fate lies in successfully uniting the Scots. To that end you must give all for Scotland.”

  “So I must spread my thighs for the Dragon of Dunbocan in the hopes of saving my country.” Her sharp retort caused Robert to raise his eyebrow unsympathetically. It seemed to her he struggled to keep from smiling.

  “Jared is a good man, Asilinn. He will not harm you if you do your duty.”

  She started to protest. He held up his hand to silence her. “I’ll wait for you downstairs. We’ll go to the chapel together.” He left the room.

  “You have no choice, Milady,” Wynne said.

  Asilinn had almost forgotten Wynne was in the room. “But he is my enemy, how can I….”

  A light rap on the door interrupted their conversation. Wynne answered it while Asilinn retreated to a corner.

  Skye popped into the room and eyed Asilinn curiously. "Wynne, would you leave us?" Skye requested.

  "My laird was very clear," Wynne said. "I canna leave Lady Asilinn 'til Keith comes to take her to the weddin' chapel."

  "It will only take a moment. You can wait just outside the door." Skye gave Wynne a disarming smile.

  Wynne looked to Asilinn and received her confirming nod so she left the chamber.

  Skye stared holes through Asilinn before she spoke. "Are you really free of trickery and deceit?"

  Asilinn stiffened. "I dinna want this alliance with your brother."

  "That's no answer," Skye snapped. "I spent the last hour trying to talk him out of this, but he wilna be swayed. He says he does this for king and country. So I ask you, do you seek to bring him down with lies and false promises?"

  "I was not raised to be treacherous. I wish I could say the same of your brother."

  The lean, young girl lunged towards her. Asilinn took two steps back. "How dare you accuse my brother of deceit?" Skye's eyes blazed so bright Asilinn expected to be physically attacked.

  Asilinn stepped up until she was toe to toe with the young girl. "What am I to think? He stole me from my home under cover of darkness and brought me to this place, for what? I dinna ken his purpose. To hear his silver tongue one would believe it to be peace, but his true motives may be kept from all of us until he succeeds in some darker purpose."

  Skye's face became more inquisitive as she looked at Asilinn. "Mayhaps he plans to murder you and all your black-hearted kin."

  "More likely than a sincere desire for peace," Asilinn agreed.

  "Evil Witch, he doesna deserve another wayward wife. I must rid him of you before you bring him to ruin."

  "I cannot fault you for believing in your brother, Skye. I too have a brother and I wouldna hear ill of him. I dinna know the MacLean's true purpose and I will attempt escape if the opportunity presents itself. He is well aware of that."

  Asilinn watched Skye's eyes wander to the tapestry covering the secret passage and move to back to meet her own. Would this wisp of a woman-child help her escape?

  The question could not be addressed. Keith and Wynne knocked and entered the room. "The hour of your wedding has arrived, Lady Asilinn," Keith announced. "I've come to take you to the chapel. Skye, if you dinna accompany us you may miss the whole event." Skye nodded to Keith and the group proceeded down the winding, stone stairs.

  They passed through areas of the castle Asilinn had not yet seen. Laird Jared and his clan were obviously much better off than her own people were. Each chamber they traveled through was spacious and in good repair.

  When they reached the outer door, King Robert the Bruce was waiting for them. Wynne affixed Asilinn's plaid in a tight rosette on her shoulder allowing some of its length to drape down over her back forming a train for her simple linen gown.

  Asilinn bit her lip when the doors opened. She saw Jared standing at the front of the chapel. The MacLean colors were bold against his muscular frame. He was a handsome man. She found herself wondering what dark pleasures he had shared with Glenna. The thought was driven from her mind when a hush fell over the assembled crowd.

  The chapel was filled to capacity, overflowing with the entire population of Dunbocan. Somewhere in the background, a flute played a lilting melody. Perhaps the war call of the bagpipes would be more appropriate. Asilinn took a deep breath and let Robert lead her down the long aisle that formed as people stepped back to admit them.

  Jared watched Asilinn come toward him. Her back was ramrod straight. She looked only at him, not glancing sideways at the wondering crowd. Her alabaster skin, her perfectly formed lips, and those magnetic blue-violet eyes made the simple gown plain in comparison. She took his breath away—dangerously beautiful. Perhaps she was even more deadly than his first wife was. Still, he found himself smiling.

  Ever since he'd seen the ripeness of Asilinn's naked flesh, she had scorched his dreams with images of her aflame beneath him. He was consumed by desire for her. But she was his sworn enemy, and if he didn't have a care, she would be his undoing. That thought was banished when she reached his side. He took her small, trembling hand in his and kissed it before leading her to stand in front of Friar Hogan. Tonight she would appease his lust and that act would quench his fire and allow his reason to return—she had no reprieve.

  They spoke the vows quickly. When the good friar finished, a rousing cheer rocked the rafters. In spite of their reservations, Jared's clansmen celebrated his marriage. He was moved by their support.

  Jared pulled Asilinn into his arms and lifted her to his lips in a soft kiss. The sweetness of her mouth made him linger, savoring the tender feel of her.

  Laughter rippled across the assembly. "Would milord like a few hours alone with his bride before the feast?" a man called out.

  "To the wedding feast," Jared directed. Grabbing Asilinn around the waist, he propelled her with him into the crowd receiving congratulations as they went.

  Asilinn was relieved when they finally arrived in the great hall of Dunbocan. Tables and benches had been placed throughout the huge room, including a large banquet table on the raised platform at the far end of the hall. Jared led her to the platform and held up his hand for silence.

  Jared took a length of his plaid and pinned it to Asilinn's colors bringing the two lengths of fabric together and intertwining them. He moved his hands to rest on Asilinn's shoulders and turned her to face the crowd. Slowly he brought his hand across her breast and down to rest on her flat stomach. "My child shall spring from these loins. He shall be half MacLean and half Innes.”

  Asilinn's knees buckled, close to giving way altogether, at his bold announcement. Her breast still felt the heat from his casual touch and she struggled to maintain her balance.

  Seeing her difficulty, Jared pulled her back against him supporting her weight in his arms. The crowd gave another dutiful cheer.

  Robert stood and offered a toast. “To Scotland’s clans united.” He paused and gazed at Jared and Asilinn. “It starts here.” The clansmen respond
ed to their king with cries of support. Robert turned to Asilinn and Jared. “I shall pray for the success of your union. I must be off to Edinburgh in the morning. I count on the two of you to make this work.” He pressed a quick kiss on Asilinn’s hand.

  Jared guided Asilinn to the seat beside his at the head table. The king sat on the other side of her. Drawing a deep breath, Asilinn leaned back in her chair thankful to be seated at last. Her knees still knocked together and she fought to keep the appearance of composure. Jared handed her a goblet of red wine and raised his own to meet hers in a toast. Anxious to recover her strength, Asilinn drank deep from her cup looking for courage in the fiery liquid.

  Soon the trencher Asilinn shared with Jared was filled with Barley Bannocks and Carrageen Jelly. At some other occasion, she might be pleased to find her favorite bread served so generously, but today she had no stomach for food.

  Jared opened his larders to present a feast of uncommon variety. Servants carried in roast venison, mutton, and pork on spits. The carver sharpened his blade in preparation. Heaping platters of onions, beans, and cabbage passed back and forth and Asilinn took nothing. She even refused a selection of meat.

  Her lack of appetite gained Jared's attention. "If you dinna eat, the wine will sour your stomach."

  She threw him a dark scowl. "I have no knife to cut the bread, Milord. Mayhaps you would return my dirk for the feast."

  Pulling the jeweled dagger from his waistband, he stuck it deep in the bread. "Forgive my thoughtlessness. You have but to ask and it is given."

  Asilinn cut herself a slice of bread and took some of the roast pork the carver offered. Jared grinned. She turned her head away. She heard him laugh when he made merry with his men. From time to time, he cast a glance her way.

  For Asilinn the party seemed interminable. She wondered if she would be allowed to retire to the tower, but thought better of asking. He might interpret her request as an invitation to join her there and consummate their vows. The celebration grew more raucous as the afternoon drew into evening.


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