Jared slowly eased out of her and let her feet slide softly to the ground. “What is it you feel, Asilinn? I would know now.”
“I desire you with a lust that consumes me. Under your skillful hand my own wishes disappear and I can do naught but satisfy the need you nurture.” She pushed back from him and jerked her skirt down feeling her swollen lips with her fingers. “I forget myself so completely there are parts of me that ache later from what we have done… and yet I am weak and cannot deny you. And I am ashamed of this weakness.”
His expression had grown very stern. He had what he wanted—succeeded in making her want it too. What displeased him now? “‘Tis a rare thing, this passion neither of us can control,” he said. “Dinna take its power lightly.”
It had never occurred to her he might not want to feel the sparks ignited when they were together—but why? Weren’t all men only out for their own pleasure?
With one hand, Jared brushed her tangled hair away from her face. He kissed her lightly on the forehead. “If the peace is to work sweetling, your mind and heart must embrace me the way your body does.”
She shook her head. “If that be so let me come to you in my own time as you gave me leave to do on our wedding night.”
“Go and see to your brother. We’ll speak of this when the heat of passion’s flame no longer fogs my head.”
“Aye,” she murmured, feeling the stickiness of his seed clinging to her thighs. She hurried toward the door and paused at the threshold. “Milord, if Ian continues to improve and I feel comfortable leaving him in another's care, I need to go into the mountains to fetch some herbal remedies for his recovery. Would you allow it?”
“I'll take you myself, Asilinn.”
“Thank you.” She gave him a small smile when she left the bathing chamber.
Jared groaned and plunged back into the hot water. The woman was driving him mad. He couldn’t trust her as far as he could see her and yet, more than anything, he wanted her to trust him.
Much to Jared's chagrin, Asilinn spent the night slumped in a chair in her brother's room. He found her there in the morning when he went to check on Ian. When he entered, she did a little cat stretch and rubbed her eyes.
“Ian seems much improved,” Jared commented, running his hand over the soft tendrils of her hair. “You should sleep in bed, not in the chair.”
“I will tonight if his progress continues. Skye has offered to stay with Ian while we go to fetch the herbs. Can you take me today? I'm sure it would speed his recovery.”
Wynne popped in the door before Jared could answer. “Good morning, Laird Jared,” she said. “I hope you’re getting yer dear wife to go down for some food. She wears herself out with her vigilance.”
Turning to Asilinn, she smiled. “I'd be glad to watch Ian while you get something to eat.”
“Come,” Jared urged, taking Asilinn’s hand and pulling her to her feet.
When they had reached the hallway, he draped his arm around her casually. She pulled away. “I understand from Morven not all was peaceful here during my absence. Your quick thinking saved Wynne's life.”
“Aye, I believe henbane was used to poison her.”
“The poison was meant for you.”
Asilinn's brow furrowed. “Mayhaps, but who is behind this?”
“I wish I knew,” Jared replied as they started down the steps.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Wynne didna come to help me dress the morning before you left. Later she showed up and apologized saying it was because she had heard of my father's planned attack on Cock Bridge. Even you did not hear of it until much later in the day. I was there when Morven told you.”
“Do you suspect Wynne of treachery? I see no motive for her actions to be false. She has gained much by being your attendant.”
“I only mention it because it made no sense. I hesitated to call her on it. Is there some way she could have known earlier?”
“It seems unlikely. Mayhaps she had some other reason but used that as her excuse when she came to you. I'll check into it.”
Flanna greeted them when they entered the kitchen and hurried to fetch them some food. Jared sat studying his wife. She had slept all night in her dress and she still looked lovely. Her shining, golden locks fell in disarray across her shoulders and her eyes were the color of wet violets.
The door swung open distracting Jared from his scrutiny of Asilinn. Skye sauntered through the door in her groom's clothing. She jumped when she saw Jared was present in the kitchen. She started to turn and run but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
“Where have you been dressed like that?” Jared fingered the coarse clothes she wore.
Skye swallowed hard and looked to Asilinn for help. “Tell Jared about what you saw in Burnum Woods,” Asilinn said.
“Burnum Woods! You should never venture far a field without an escort.” Jared turned to Asilinn. “You knew and allowed this?”
“I found out and told her not to go again, but she is your sister and I can see she has your stubborn streak.”
“I was going to obey, honest I was, but I….” Skye glanced around the room and lowered her voice. “The other night I rode out to see if I could spot you returning from Cock Bridge. When I got to Burnum Woods, I heard strange moaning and people's voices. I started down the trail towards the sounds and saw a big man on horseback coming. He wore a mask and a bloody tunic. I was terrified. I lit out before he saw me.”
“After such an experience you returned?” His sister had clearly lost her mind.
“Last night after I left Ian's room I saw Osred going to the stable. I put these clothes on and followed him. He met a masked figure in the woods. It was dark. I couldna tell who it was. Some other rider approached and they both became wary. I had to hide in the woods the rest of the night.”
“Osred?” Jared rolled it over in his mind. “I've never cared for the man but I would think he has little to gain from betraying me. Let's keep this between us until I can look into it further, and Skye, no more night expeditions outside the castle. Is that understood?”
Skye grinned. “Aye.”
“Will you be awake enough after your escapade to watch Ian for us this morning? Asilinn and I have an errand.”
“Oh yes,” Skye assured him, beaming. “I would be delighted to be of assistance. I'll hurry and change.”
Jared raised an eyebrow and gazed into his wife's blue eyes. “She's taken with him,” Asilinn explained. “She told me she thinks he's beautiful.”
Jared laughed and shook his head. “Poor Skye, I have neglected her in my preoccupation with this damn war. I'm glad to see you have befriended her. She needs someone to nurture her womanliness. At twelve, she is already as tall as some of my shorter men. She seems all legs and arms.”
Asilinn smiled at him. “Your sister is turning into a beautiful, young lady and you shall be privileged to watch her transformation.”
“The imp is growing up,” he murmured.
“Come, Jared, we must make one last check on Ian before we go.”
“All right,” he agreed.
Ian was resting comfortably but still lingered in a haze of semi-consciousness. Asilinn walked over and stroked his brow. “The medicine will take away this veil from your eyes,” she whispered. She bent and placed a kiss of his cheek.
Skye flew into the room already changed into a more suitable outfit. Asilinn noted it was the gown had been patterned after her favorite. “Doesn't Skye look lovely in that color?” Asilinn gave Jared a quizzical glance.
Jared looked at his sister. With a grin, he brushed her mahogany hair back from her face. “How did you become such a young lady without my permission? I can see I shall soon have to fight off suitors after your hand.” Skye beamed at the suggestion and actually blushed.
“You two go along now,” Skye directed. “I'll make sure nothing happens to Ian.”
Thus dismissed they retrieved their mounts from t
he stable and headed out of Dunbocan. They rode out across the drawbridge and started the gentle climb into the surrounding mountains.
As they moved deeper into the moors, Asilinn drank in a breath of the fresh mountain air. She enjoyed the soft kiss of sunlight on her face and the wind teasing her hair. Looking over at Jared, she saw he was watching her with those luminous, dragon eyes
“Some of what I need grows far up in the moors and other herbs can be found in Burnum Woods.”
“We'll go to the moors first then come back by way of the woods,” he suggested. “You seem to be an accomplished rider. I'll race you to the top of the hill.”
They had just reached a wide-open meadow that sloped upward toward a ridge. Asilinn kneed Faileas in the ribs urging her to a flat out run up the steep incline. Jared and Ailleagian were hot on their heels but the mighty stallion refused his master's commands to pass the delicate filly. Instead, he chose to match her stride for stride until they crested the rise and drew up.
“A dead heat,” Asilinn said, laughing. “I fear Ailleagian is smitten with Faileas. He refuses to leave her.”
“It would be nice to have a wife with those feelings.” His eyes crinkled a little around the edges when he smiled at her. “Alas, that is not my fate.”
“I have given my word I wilna try to escape again, Milord.”
“Aye, so, but was it fear of further punishment or desire to stay that brought the oath to life?”
He had her there. “Mayhaps if my husband would see fit to let me learn to care for him before he made me pliant beneath his fevered touch, I too would want to stay.”
Pulling his horse up close he leaned over and kissed her long and lingering on the mouth.
When he pulled away she stammered breathlessly, “I—I—ask you for time and you attack me with your desires.”
He laughed so loud it echoed off the surrounding mountains. When he had recovered sufficiently he let out a deep sigh and settled back in his saddle. “It was just a kiss. What am I to do to win your favor Asilinn—leave off touching you at all?”
He was watching her with his sparkling, green eyes. She shook her head to clear it. “I must remember what I came here for. I dinna want to leave Ian too long.”
“‘Tis just as well,” he said with groan. “The moors hold little privacy for lovers. Anyone who rode over the hill would see us.” He looked over into Asilinn's slack-jawed expression and burst out laughing again. “Have I offended you sensibilities with my suggestion?”
“You would take me out here—outside?” Asilinn straightened in her saddle shocked but intrigued by his suggestion. “You've made me forget the task at hand," she scolded half-heartedly. “I think we'll have to walk the horses part of the way. It is too steep.”
He fell in beside her while she led the way further up. Dismounting she ran up to see the view from the top of the rocky peak.
Jared came up beside her. “Asilinn, come to me. Not because I can make you want me but because you want to.” He ran his finger seductively across the swell of her breast to make his point.
She flushed and stepped away. He could see the flash of anger in her eyes but he could not fathom what he had done to incense her. “How many times must you take me, my Dragon Lord, to be assured I am yours?” She ran her hands across her stomach. “I forget I am just a brood mare for the stallion of Dunbocan. I suppose I must take you inside me until you fill my womb with your offspring then mayhaps you will leave off this constant ill use.”
“You saw your mother raped. That was ill use. I only asked you to come to me and you accuse me of this. You have but to say no.”
Asilinn felt tears welling in her eyes. She blinked them away. “No,” she murmured. What would he say if she told him she suspected she was with child?
Asilinn could feel his looming presence behind her but she dared not turn to face him. Nothing he had ever done to her was anywhere close to what she had seen happen to her mother. Now he tried to do what she asked and she still could not help the flare of anger it created. Silently she collected her herbs.
At length he came up beside her. “Asilinn let me help you.” She nodded and together they completed her task.
When they finished, they mounted and rode for Burnum Woods. As they approached, Jared slowed their pace. “Have a care, Asilinn,” he warned. “We must conclude our business here quickly. Liam and I found a campsite deep in the woods and I fear the traitors who attacked us use this place for their meetings.”
“Do you think Osred is behind all this? He is the cousin of the bishop of the church in Edinburgh.”
“That's what perplexes me,” Jared admitted. “Osred cannot gain my position by unseating me. He is not a MacLean.”
“Who could?”
“Any of the high council members except Osred could lead the clan. Ross is too young and seems very agreeable. Keith longs for power but I think not so much as to try to take it from me. Liam and I used to be the best of friends. If it had not been for our misunderstanding, he would now hold Morven's place as second in command. Garrick is old and I think he has no ambitions to bear the weight my position brings. Who does one accuse?”
“What are you going to do about Osred?”
“I'll have him watched by someone I trust.”
“Thank you for confiding in me.” She looked him square in the eye. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I have not suffered ill use by your hand.”
“No, you have not. You never will.” He spoke with her as if she was a trusted confidant and surely was not the case. Jared told himself to keep up his guard around her, but still he felt compelled to give her more assurances. “If it was one of my kin who raped and killed your mother, it was not with my father’s knowledge or consent. He was not that kind of man.”
“I pray it is so.”
Together they collected the rest of the cures she sought and headed back towards Dunbocan. As they made their way through the woodland trail, Jared heard hoof beats coming their way. He motioned for Asilinn to be silent and led her quickly off the trail into a small thicket. The clatter of hooves grew closer. Three horsemen came into view. They pulled up only a hundred feet from where Jared and Asilinn watched silently from the thicket.
“He's goin’ to be furious we couldna find them,” the taller man commented. “He wanted to know where they were going and what they were about.”
“I, for one, have no desire to tangle with the Laird of Dunbocan again,” the shorter man said. “He almost killed me the first time. Perhaps we should re-think our alliances. Laird Jared might not be undone by this treachery.”
“You may be right, but would you dare say that to our benefactor?” the other man responded.
“It would surely be my last remark,” the man mused. “Come on, let's keep looking.”
Jared was torn between the desire to unmask these villains and the need to protect his wife. Even with odds of three to one, he felt confidant in his ability but he could not put Asilinn in jeopardy.
When the men disappeared in the dense woods, he led Asilinn out of the thicket and back to the safety of Dunbocan Castle.
Chapter Fourteen
The kitchen staff watched while Asilinn concocted her brew. Jared could see the servants were abuzz about the cure she was making. He didn't like the tone of things and worried for Asilinn's safety since the stoning incident.
It would be easy for them to attack her on the basis of their fear of her magic powers. He determined that in the future he would urge her to set aside a portion of the tower room for her medicines.
At last, she was finished and hurried off to Ian's room with the preparation. Jared stayed behind and had some of the servants move all of her ingredients up to the tower. When the task was done, he went to start his investigation into Osred.
Asilinn found Skye asleep in the chair while her brother tossed restlessly in a sweat. Asilinn didn't like Ian's color. Easing her potion gently between his parched lips she
forced him to swallow it or choke.
Satisfied she had given him a good dose she sank into a chair near the bed to wait. Skye stirred and made her apologies for falling asleep on duty. Asilinn laughed and sent her off to take a nap. Tired from the night before, Asilinn dozed herself.
A haunting vision woke Asilinn with a start. Jared was alone on a trail when three men ambushed him. She saw him fall—his plaid red with his own blood. Was this a foretelling of Jared's death?
She rose to go and find him. Ian stirred, tossing agitatedly. His words halted her in her tracks.
“Traitor!” he cried, looking straight into her sapphire eyes. “You feed your people to the dragon!”
“No, Ian,” she gasped tearfully. “I am not a traitor.”
He sought to continue but his words were lost in the jumble of his muttering. He became combative and it was all she could do to keep him in bed.
Frustrated she ripped up some of the sheeting and tied him down. Ivy walked in with more broth from the kitchen just as Asilinn finished. The housekeeper’s eyes grew wide when she saw Ian struggling against his bonds and cursing his sister. A slick sheen of sweat covered his body. He reached out for Asilinn. With a ragged cry, he fell back to unconsciousness.
Asilinn knew from Ivy's expression she should offer some explanation, but she was too tired to deal with the woman's superstitions.
“Put the broth down and go,” Asilinn directed. The woman said nothing mutely obeying with distrustful glances. As soon as she had done her task, she fled the room.
A short time later, Friar Hoban came to the door. “Lady Asilinn, Ivy has suggested I might wish to purge Ian of his evil spirits by bleeding him.”
“Never,” Asilinn snapped.
The priest stared at Asilinn. “I shall take this up with Laird Jared,” he threatened.
“Please do. My brother has lost too much blood already. I'll not have you take more.”
“My child I think you risk his life with your ignorance,” the man insisted.
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