A Good Time

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A Good Time Page 8

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “You might want to stop.” He felt her lips curve against his skin.


  “We’re not alone.” When her eyes rose, he pointed. “Security cameras.”

  She looked over her shoulder and winked at the camera. She returned to stroking his body.

  “I have to ride this elevator every day.”


  Ding. The doors slid open and he walked her into the hall. She continued to unbutton his shirt while walking backward.

  He wrapped his left arm around her waist while his right hand unlocked the door. Bodies together, they entered his condo. Griffin barely managed to kick the door shut before tugging her tight shirt off.

  Her skin was hot under his hands. He pushed her shorts down her long legs. She stepped out of them while unhooking his pants. Her mouth, with those incredible lips, hungrily pressed against his. She crouched and pushed his pants down to his ankles.

  Then she promptly lost her balance and brought him down hard to the floor, his pants still wound around his feet.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, worried he might’ve landed on her. He propped himself up on his elbows, their bodies touching from chests to calves.

  She burst into a raucous laugh, and it was such a great sound, he wanted to hear it more.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she said from behind her fingers. “It’s not funny.”

  Something flashed in her eyes telling him she worried about his reaction. He smoothed a hand over her hair. “I’m fine. A little tangled right now, but okay. No worries.”

  A smile eased back onto her face and she pushed at his boxers. “God, I want you so bad.”

  His dick jumped in her hand. She shifted and rubbed herself against him. The expensive, normally comfortable carpet dug into his elbows. “The bedroom’s this way.”

  He kicked the pants off his legs and yanked her to her feet. In nothing more than plain white bra and underwear, she was still incredibly sexy. He led the way into the bedroom and flicked on the light. He wanted to watch every move she made and enjoy her lack of inhibition.

  Indy turned and looked around the room. “Oh, my God. This is amazing.” She dropped his hand and took a running leap onto his bed, finishing in a somersault. Then she bounced up on her knees.

  “What? Are you just going to stand there and stare?”

  “You make quite the image.”

  The laugh returned. A bold statement that was Indy. He rushed at her and tackled her gently to the mattress. Her laugh died as his mouth covered hers and his hand found her wet heat. The moan was at least as powerful as her laugh, and he wasn’t sure how long he’d last.

  He’d had plenty of beautiful women, but none so full of life.

  He stroked her and she came before he had a chance to remove her underwear.

  “Wow,” she whispered, breathing heavily. Her flirty grin returned. “That was a damn good beginning.”

  She flipped him over and her mouth began doing the most amazing things to his body. Yeah, he’d been right about her mouth.

  It should definitely be illegal.

  Chapter 5

  Indy sat up quickly. Griffin snored beside her. She’d fallen asleep in Griffin’s bed.

  She brushed her hair away from her face. One look at Griffin’s naked body and her nerves began to hum. Vivid pictures of what he could do to her slid across her mind. She suppressed the deep pull of desire and ignored the urge to climb on top of him.

  Getting out of bed, she realized she didn’t know where any of her clothes had landed. She scanned the dark room and couldn’t find anything.

  She slipped through the bedroom door and found the trail of clothes. She picked up everything, folding Griffin’s and stacking them on the dark leather couch. Her shorts and shirt were easy to find, but her bra and panties were nowhere in sight. She slunk through the condo to find a bathroom. She freshened up and redressed in the clothes she did find.

  She glanced toward the bedroom and then looked around the living room. Even in the moonlight, she saw the luxury and expense in the room. Leather furniture that made the stuff Richard bought look like it came from a garage sale. Marble counters, chrome finishes, a view of downtown. She didn’t belong here.

  Tiptoeing back to the bedroom, she stole a last peek for her bra and underwear. Nothing. They were probably tangled in something else. She spied a sweatshirt draped over a chair. Since she didn’t have a jacket, she snagged it.

  Indy pulled a slip of paper from her purse and left a quick note telling Griffin she’d taken his sweatshirt.

  Then she snuck out the front door. She didn’t want any awkward morning after.

  The streets were quiet on the drive through the city. Every muscle in her body was relaxed. The chilly night air caused goose bumps to rise on her legs despite the warmth of Griffin’s sweatshirt.

  In her neighborhood, most people were already home for the night, so parking was scarce. She parked around the corner and walked down the block with her keys in hand.

  She went through the front, careful to close the heavy door quietly to keep her neighbors undisturbed. She dropped her keys, kicked off her shoes, and crawled straight into bed. Griffin’s scent coaxed her into sleep.

  Indy jolted awake and looked at the clock. She’d only been asleep a couple of hours. Dawn had barely crept into the sky. Her phone rang. Is that what woke her? “Hello?”

  “Answer your fucking door.”


  He disconnected, so she stumbled out of bed and looked out her front window. No one. She went to the back door and met Griffin’s scowl.

  She opened the door, still groggy. “What are you doing here?”

  He pushed past her into the kitchen. He paced the length of the hall and back.

  “Why are you here?” she asked again.

  “I rolled over in bed, expecting to find a warm, naked body, and found nothing. When you didn’t pop out of the bathroom, I went to look for you and found this.” He tossed her crumpled note on the kitchen table.

  She shook her head to clear it. “You’re pissed because I borrowed a sweatshirt?” How petty was this guy? She stripped it off and threw it at him. He dropped it on the chair.

  Indy moved to push past him, but he caught her arm.

  “I’m pissed because you snuck out of my house. You just left.”

  She yanked her arm back. “I didn’t see the point in waking you. What do you want, a big, fat thank-you?”

  He deserved at least that much. It had been some of the best damn sex she’d ever had. Not that she would admit it right now.

  “I want to know why you left.”

  She didn’t know how to answer. I don’t belong in your world? He wouldn’t buy it, even though it rang true. She took a deep breath, stared at the floor, and lied. “I can’t sleep in a strange place.”

  She’d felt too comfortable in his bed and knew it was a bad thing. Sex was sex, but sleeping together changed things.

  His voice softened. “You fell asleep before I did.”

  She shrugged, hoping he wouldn’t try to bust her on her lie. He moved closer and ran a hand over her hair. She wanted nothing more than to snuggle her face into his hand, but held back.

  “Fine. I thought you might want these back.” From his pocket he produced her panties.

  She looked at the material dangling from his finger. The tense moment passed and she smiled. “No bra?”

  His eyes wandered to her chest and her hard nipples. “I didn’t know you left it.”

  “I couldn’t find my panties or bra.”

  “I’ll look for it.” He took a step closer and she backed into the wall. “Next time, I won’t let you off so easy.”

  She tilted her chin up, her heart already racing. “Who says there will be a next time?”

  “You,” he whispered against her lips, and kissed her.

  Her mind floated back into a haze.
The sleepy, lazy kiss held just enough heat to make her want more. Maybe she should’ve spent the night at his place.

  He pulled back. “I have to get ready for work.”


  “I’ll call you later.”

  “I’m working tonight and I have Quinn’s shower this weekend.” She straightened from the wall.

  “Then call me when you’re free.”


  “Call me, or I’ll show up in the middle of the night.”

  “I will.” A surprise visit might be fun, though. She imagined him sneaking into her bedroom while she slept.

  He grabbed her again and planted a hard kiss on her mouth, then turned to leave.

  “Your sweatshirt.”

  “Keep it,” he tossed over his shoulder as he walked through the door.

  Indy picked up the sweatshirt and wrapped it around herself again. She crawled back into bed, thinking of her schedule and where she could pencil Griffin in.

  He was worth making time for.

  She sighed. Kate’s disappointed voice echoed in her head. Kate had always been her Jiminy Cricket, letting her know when she screwed up. Her business was important. She couldn’t let great sex cloud that.

  But Griffin was more than a client.

  Personal relationships already muddied everything. They couldn’t deny their attraction. They’d have fun for a while, then it would cool down to a casual acquaintance.

  Griffin was the perfect rebound guy.

  Griffin sat at O’Leary’s waiting for Ryan, nursing his beer. Irritation crawled over him because Indy hadn’t called. He never waited for a woman, yet he waited for her. That fueled the irritation more than the lack of communication.

  A slap on the shoulder told him Ryan had arrived.

  He looked at his friend. “How was the girly party?”

  “I couldn’t wait to escape. After spending hours looking at paint chips and samples to keep the party a surprise, the roomful of women cooing over towels made my brain hurt.”

  “You asked for it.” He took a long pull on his beer.

  “No, I asked for Quinn. I got stuck with the rest.” He walked around the bar and opened a beer for himself. “I’m glad you called. I needed to get out of there. They’ve included Moira in whatever girl gossip they’ve got going on while cleaning.”

  Ryan ranted for a while about the useless gifts, and Griffin’s mind wandered back to Indy. The party ended and still no call.

  “You and Indy, huh?” Ryan’s question broke into his thoughts.

  “She’s already talking.”

  “To Kate and Quinn. And Moira.”

  “Great. I’m not responsible for your sister’s corruption.”

  Ryan drank his beer. “You know Indy just got out of a crappy relationship.”

  “Shit. Is this you going all big brother on me?”

  “This is me telling you that if you fuck with her, I’ll pay for it because I’m marrying her sister.”

  “Guilt by association.” Griffin finished his beer. “Indy’s a big girl. She makes her own choices. We’re having a good time. No expectations.”

  “Do you ever have any?”

  “I avoid disappointment.”

  But he had expected her to call.

  “Watch your step.”

  “I always do.” They talked sports and family, but Griffin became restless with the late hour. He stood, said his good-byes, and left.

  Instead of driving deeper into the city, he drove to Indy’s. Unlike her, he followed through with his promises.

  He squeezed into a tight spot a few houses down and looked at her apartment. The lights were off. He pulled his phone from his pocket as he walked up the front steps.

  He rang the bell and waited, prepared to call her like last time. The porch light flicked on and Indy peered past the sheer white curtain. Her face was soft and sleepy.

  She opened the door. “Hello.”

  “You said you’d call.”

  “I planned to . . .” She stepped clear of the door, allowing him to enter.

  He walked into the living room to see an immaculate, almost sterile space. Two clear glass tables flanked a white leather sofa. Beige lamps stood on the tables. Not at all how he expected her living room to look.

  Indy stepped around him and went to the kitchen. He didn’t wait for further invitation. She drank a glass of water while standing at the sink.

  “I’m not in the habit of waiting for a woman.”

  “You made that perfectly clear.” The ice in her voice could’ve chilled the glass she held. She continued to drink as if she made total sense.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Quinn told me you’re bringing a date to the wedding.”

  He stiffened at the implication, understanding her earlier jab.

  Before he could rebut, she plowed on. “I know we only slept together once. It was sex. I’m okay with a casual relationship. I am on the rebound, after all. I don’t expect a lifelong commitment, but I don’t share.”

  He snorted. “Your last lover was married.”

  “Separated, and they weren’t sleeping together.”

  “According to the adulterer, who is such an honest guy you believed him.”

  Her face reddened and her eyes blazed. “He was getting a divorce!”

  His anger bubbled at being put in the same box with her ex. “I am not him. I don’t sleep with a woman one night and look for her replacement the next unless that’s the arrangement.”

  “Yet you’re bringing a date to my sister’s wedding.” Her arms flailed and water sloshed out of her glass.

  Women. Forever jumping to conclusions. “Why didn’t you call me and ask? If you did, you would’ve found out she’s not a real date.”

  Indy inhaled deeply and closed her eyes.

  “Remember Lily from the diner when we had lunch?”

  Her eyes opened wide. “You’re bringing the child waitress to the wedding?”

  He sighed. His anger dissipated as he explained. He knew how this looked. If roles had reversed, his reaction would’ve been worse. “She’s twenty-three, not a child. After you left, I went back and caught up with her.”

  Indy pursed her lips and crossed her arms. Points for her for not asking his history with Lily.

  “I used to babysit her. Turns out she has a thing for Ryan’s brother Liam, so I offered to get her into the wedding.”

  “Fine.” No shame or regret showed on her face.

  “That’s it? What about an apology?”

  “For what?”

  “Jumping to conclusions about me.”

  “I think my conclusions are dead-on about you.” She turned and put her glass in the sink.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I doubt it.”

  “Where does this leave things between us?”

  He stepped closer, staring at her mouth. “Where do you want it?”

  She laughed. “Such a loaded question.” She took a step, their bodies nearly touched. “Casual works for me. I only ask that when you want someone else, you tell me first.”

  “Agreed.” At the moment he couldn’t imagine wanting anyone more than he wanted her. He lowered his head to taste her lips. The slow, lazy kiss stirred his blood more than the anger and yelling. “What time do you have to work tomorrow?”

  “Afternoon. Why?”

  He smiled against her lips. “That might give me enough time.” “You’re pretty arrogant.”

  “Not if I can deliver.” He ran his tongue down the side of her neck, and her pulse pounded.

  They walked back to her bedroom. He looked around. This is Indy. The room was frilly and feminine. Her spicy scent clung to the air.

  “I know it’s not what you’re used to,” she said quietly.

  “It’s perfect. It’s you.”

  She looked up at him and even in the dark, he saw a spark in her eyes.

  Tangled together in her
bed, Indy fought the urge to run her hands over Griffin’s body. They were both still panting and slicked with sweat. She pushed into him, seeking his warmth, his solid presence.

  “You keep rubbing against me like that and you won’t be getting any sleep.”

  She nipped his shoulder. “Promise?”

  When he rolled over and covered her body with his, she sucked in a sharp breath. Richard had never even considered twice in a night. I guess fifteen years makes quite a difference.

  She was doing it again. Comparing Griffin to Richard wasn’t fair. She had to stop.

  She lay spread-eagle on her bed, chilled but satisfied. Her nerves tingled. Griffin returned from the bathroom and slid next to her.

  Goose bumps rose on her flesh. He held a glass of water above her face.

  “Want some?”

  She took the glass, propped herself on an elbow, and gulped greedily. When half the glass was gone, she passed it back and collapsed against the bed. She heard the clink of the glass on the nightstand.

  Griffin’s face filled her vision. “Still think I’m arrogant?”

  “Yeah, but you can definitely deliver.”

  He pulled her close to his body before covering them both with the blanket. He kissed her shoulder and curled his body against hers.

  Indy’s heart kicked. Did he plan to stay?

  “Are you free for lunch Tuesday?”

  She heard the question but was too busy enjoying his arms around her to answer.


  “I heard. I can probably make myself free.”

  “Good. Put me on your schedule.”

  She immediately thought of a nooner, and it warmed her blood. “Meet you here?”

  “I have reservations at RL.”

  “Ralph Lauren’s restaurant? Are you kidding?” She turned in the circle of his arms to see his face.

  “There’s a guy I’m trying to hire, a software engineer from California.”

  “Why would you want me there for a business lunch? I know nothing about what you do. What am I, arm candy?”

  A quiet laugh rumbled in his chest.


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